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Summary of Effective Teaching Strategies

in Primary Science


Changes to our understanding of how students learn has seen a major shift in

pedagogical approaches in the field of science. Knowing has developed from the

traditionally didactic regime of being able to memorise and repeat scientific facts

and principles, to having experience of scientific principles and being able utilise

them (National Research Council 2007). Developing emphases on what it means

to be scientifically literate, has seen values broaden to encompass critical thinking

and inquiry, requiring educators to nurture pupils’ desire to explore and

“understand their world and how it works” (Fitzgerald & Smith 2016).

An array of recent academic papers identifies that educators’ knowledge and

understanding of effective strategies for teaching science are limited (Magnusson

et al. 1999; Roth 2014; Walan et al. 2017). Prerequisite for the effective

implementation of strategies that cater to the needs of all pupils, is a deep

understanding of both subject matter and pedagogy. Walan et al. (2017) posit that

engaging in reflection (both in and on action) provide educators with the means

to develop and refine such knowledge. Deep pedagogical content knowledge can

therefore act as a facilitator in the selection of appropriate strategies that scaffold

and guide pupils’ thinking and discovery in the science classroom.

The importance of an inquiry-based approach to learning science is emphasised

by its notation in multiple primary science curricula across the globe (NZC 2014;

NCE 2015; ACARA 2018). This could account for educators’ motivation toward

constructing highly activity driven science learning and hands-on experiences.

However, Abell and McDonald (2006) caution that this has the potential to lead

to their over-use, without any guarantee of meaningful learning. To

circumnavigate this pitfall, educators should be sure their inquiry-based teaching

strategies necessitate pupils’ use of active, persistent and contextually relevant

skills (Suduc et al. 2015).

A study comparing inquiry-based science activities (hereafter, IBSA) and regular

methods of instruction in the primary setting revealed a difference of 18% in

outcomes for student understanding, in favour of IBSA. The greatest dissonance

between the two instructional methods lies in the “enjoyability” of the experience,

with 49% of students identifying IBSA as extremely enjoyable, compared to 21%

for regular instruction methods. Suduc et al. (2015) also note the profound

importance of the enjoyability of science lessons for students, positing that 86%

of their participants ranked it as between important and extremely important.

The affective aspect of science is highlighted in academic publications as being a

key indicator for students’ engagement with and success in future scientific

endeavours (Walan et al. 2017). Consequently, educators should diversify their

teaching styles within the field of inquiry-based learning, aiming to incorporate

variation in how content is delivered, as well as in ways to process it. Abell and
McDonald (2006) unpack that inquiry learning can do this by incorporating open

discussion, individual and collaborative guided research.


Vygotskian socio-cultural theory stresses the fundamental role of social

interaction in the development of cognition, positing that “learning is a social

activity” from which knowledge is yielded (Vygotsky 1978). In accordance with

this assumption, pupils who engage in peer discussion and guidance, tend to

display greater outcomes in their conceptual scientific knowledge (Fitzgerald &

Smith 2016). In order for pupils to extend science understanding beyond their

experiences of hands-on activity, it is essential they are provided with

opportunities to engage with peers actively, socially and reflectively.

While educators in the primary setting tend to nurture interactive learning

behaviours and critical thinking skills, these can sometimes be overlooked in the

field of science (Fitzgerald 2013). Special attention should be paid to how these

can be integrated effectively into the context of the science lesson. Collaborative

learning should involve pupils working together toward a common goal, such as

in the design or creation of a product or the solving of real-world problems.

Collaborative tasks should encourage the active participation of all group

members, instilling a collective sense of responsibility for learning, both

personally and collectively (Abell & Macdonald 2006).

Successful implementation of IBSA is contingent upon how effectively the

educator manages the class. Pupils are required to work cooperatively and with a
great deal of agency, sharing equipment, resources and engaging in respectful

discussion (Fitzgerald & Smith 2016). At the outset, educators can work to

develop their pupils’ social skills by using pair groupings for tasks until skills

have developed sufficiently for functional cooperative learning. Appointing roles

within groups, can be a way for pupils to foster positive interdependence among

larger groups.


Metacognitive strategies promote students to contribute and develop their ideas,

learn to constructively question, as well as investigate autonomously. Otto (2010)

posits that in order to promote metacognition in students educators can either

teach these strategies explicitly or by creating conditions that foster students’ use

of them, while they engage in learning (such as cooperative environments).

Research identifies that students report to use metacognitive strategies more

frequently while working on complex tasks that require them to coordinate several

steps to succeed (Otto 2010; Rieser et al. 2016). Where possible, pupils should be

guided toward using reflective practices, through peer discussion, through

constructive feedback or by asking questions to prompt metacognitive thinking,

such as “what could I have done differently? What worked well? Can I apply this

to other situations?”


As we arrive into an age of major technological advancements, the sciences and

science education has never been of greater value. To ensure we spark pupils’

wonderment, interest, and understanding of the sciences, teaching strategies

should have variety, and at all times encourage critical thinking, agency and social

learning. It is effective science education that will ensure future successes in

scientific endeavours.

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