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T151 Music Theory and Literature I

Exam III Review

B. Harmonize the following melody,

# 6 ## 4
A. Complete the progression in 4 voices. providing roman numerals.

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8 4
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C. Add suspensions according to the

given figured bass. Analyze.

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Part II Figured Bass


Realize the given figured bass in four voices. Analyze.

# 4
& 4

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Part III Analysis
Bach’s “Des heil’gen Geistes reiche Gnad”

&b 4 œ œ œœ ˙œ .. œ œ œœ œ œœ. # œ œj ˙˙ .
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? 3 œœ œ œœ # œ œœ œ œ œ œ. œ #˙.
b 4 œ # œ n œ œœ œ œœ
œ ˙.

1. Identify the key and provide a roman numeral analysis.

2. Find and label the three stages (preparation, suspension, and resolution) of at least one
3. What kind of figuration is used in the soprano on the second and third beats of m. 3?

a) retardation b) anticipation c) suspension d) deviation

4. Find and label three other non-chord tones.

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