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$ .\ St-Pierre-
les Etats-Unis /etMiqueton (D0M)

la Nouvelle-
.i. LOCeAn



- :
r filflM\
(00M) lll !fifi

- il1r

,?' t1 -." (00M)

-a?.*_ Martinique

- -'-.'--r
t -4.--- )'-/

Clipperton (T0M) r. r,
.( ,
( ]'--: . Ia Guvane- Q--''-
ft3",1." (' / lranqaise(DoM)

Vanuatu -_Wallis-et-Futuna(T0M).
'', '-\-.- L'AMERIQUE

-J\ t\.
la Polyn6sie
lranqaise (T0M)
i\-;: t, 1{ouvelle-Cal6donie (T0M)

,^}^,* )

)Y Tahiti

I Rays ou r6gion ou le lrangais est langue officielle eUou maternelle

I fays ou r6gion oi le frangais est langue officielle ou administrative

I eays oi le frangais est langue d'enseignement

iles ou le franqais est fangue officielle eVou maternelle - -

Minorit6s francophones ,,/G.
DoM = flsp2rtsment d'outre-mer T()M = territoire d,outre-mer
,:{ :
,-.*-l.---,---.- *\
s a€,e,$'ed d,**wweg #'pw{}w #?
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a-i i
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se;1aqci(ag sa1 -;r1,,
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ltsu,t +j,


q -{\-</-\

f ri .1.{.,, ,
"' IES pAyS_BA,&;,,,'

''.,,;-..," ['ALLEMAE
calais i.:; ..-.1 -
Bruxelles '':....:'-'..,..
,,:..,. BOnn

Lirid.r. LA BEtGI0UE ,;.-

N0R0-PAS ,
l-r-g,lir:r;rjlr DE CAIAIS '',,,


.Rouen PICARDIE n=
/d" heims
r<,^o ',* 'Metz
rtunrrrA^srl cH.l[p-l,g,riE- -:r;;
'-'i,r-nr_ L0RRAINE-
.Brest ARDENNE €.-
i'*Tn"ii ur*
BRETAGilE Rrnn.r. .Chaumont s-:'
Le Mans . .0rt6ans .fwi =* I
DEPAYS Mulhouse''
LA t0lRE ,i,
Angers Tours '"% ,*o*.ErTIr;r,
'ENIRE Dijon.
- Nantes ' BttuRGltGNE coilTt"t{ "

.) ,
. -.u,

S iaRochereP0llou- ' vichy.

jnrnc* ir'--
0HARENTES Lim,ses ,-^-*o Annecy ,9'la'q*;
t.t' tt\ | .ttii., ,;;;,,- ''i'#,},,; .
.\tlrttt{irtttt. AUVERGNE 'St-Etienne

' orenoble
--.rI I t
.8ordeaux,.,r--.:, LE_Ytlll.F ou
biya+,h CENTRAL d
MIDI- . Avlgnon M0lt!

C0te d'Azur .i
' .Aix-en-Provence Ca
Marseille ' Toulon

t"l Perpignan
L'AN DORR E:,,,,''... --. t#;}fs,"
c 0 Rs:
La Fr*nce Aiaccio '

0 50 r00 150 200

WfilE* $$il$ liiliillt !r'ri.:&lil i:i?"€Iil 'iliEr..,ii ii:i'l+!1. lii

Prdsentons-nous !
iilil r

leqon "'iJ Je me pr6sente

i i,i, ::'| p&gfdT$ $g figFAffiT Moi, je parle frangais
- F$ft$dfrS ET F*ruSTC*F{S


Les modes articulatoires du

fianEais: Ie rythrne

Identification: voili, il y a
Le genre et les articles au singulier
C'est bient6t la rentr6e
I r""t
).^Lqoil, ,"\ C'eslle gqntbien?
a!*!NTS *g [3$fse€f euelle esr la date?
SY E=ilTT,atgS L alphabet et les accents
ilT r*N:*YE* ruS
1. Le nombre; les articles au pluriel
2. Les pronoms disjoints
E**ur*feS Des francophones bien connus
1 -r{[
..-"+ - J-*qK4il{d$fl i$$*
' \ jo,n"tx ckex r,toils ( . Greeting people
. Describing the cla:sroom
Le franqaillans Ie monde . Giving and receiving instructions in the
f&EL*l*S Qui parle frangais?
LESSHS Titres de joumaux . Counting from 0 to 31 and teuing the date
li$**f*rus Je me pr6sente
€effitg*ruS Voyages en francophonie fr,

*/"_\ _ ef,h
. cD-RoM: Chapitre I
. Student audio CD: Chapitre
. Video: Chapitre 1
. Website: http://www.prenhall.com/cheznous
t r'7
t s!,ort elues?rd eu af o I N0511

'Iessno5 urc1y'lessnog :NIV]V

6snoA 1g :coud fl
'tuoJe'I plueqJ elledde,ur e1 :TVJNVTIf

isno.t -zeladde snol lueuruoJ :doud fl

'eruspuur Inoluog :NIVTV JI
Jnersuoru'ellesrouroperu tnofuog :coud fl

ap slns e['lour 'uog :NIY'IV

isrmd ep se nI :.IVJNVHJ
'ure1y elledde,ur e1 :NIV'IV

lueuruoc 'Io1 l[J 'Ielueq]
sn0uzorlc/rll0c'llequ0Jd'/'l/irr|r//:durl e11eddu,u eI itnps :.IVINVHJ
:a]lsqaM pue
hlou-0c aql uo papt^ord
orP uorlcos uedgp 0p slutod
Llceo i0+ sorlr^rlc? aillcpjd leuorlrppv

!-r a
E$d v f/ )X, t'll\-,,
I jl\
affiwd ffi ffi Hffi Seffiil0, d

oluesgld eu a1 vtol=?1

I "{*
CHANTAL: Salut, Guy! Comment qava?
GI,IY: Qa va. Et toi? ?,
CHANTAL: Pas mal.
GUY: Bonjour, madame. Comment allez-vous?
LE PROF: Trds bien, merci. Et vous?
GUY: Bien aussi, merci.

C}IANIAL: Madame, je vous pr6sente Guy Davy. Guy,

Madame Duponl
GUY Enchant6, madame.
LE PROF: Bonjour, Guy.
CHANTAL: Alain, voici mon ami, Guy. Guy, je te pr6sente
mon camarade de classe, Alain.
ALAIN: Salut, Guy.
GUY: Salut.

cuY Bon, au revoir, Chantal, Alain.

cHANTAL: Salut, Guy.
ALArN: Abient6t. . . .Aurevoir, madame.
LE PRoF: Au revoir, Alain. A demain.


Comment ga va? How are you?

Trds bien, merci. Very well, thanks.
Qa va. Fine.
Pas mal. Not bad.
Comme gi, comme ga. So-so.
Qa ne va pas. Things aren't going well.


g bmc eluesgrd eur e[ r I NOf]I

teJuln3 qJuau '.. "

- -
IEcrs,(qd osolJ -+o ecuEUodl'xr eqt lnoqe nof 114 eslq BI arpJ puE spuuq SuDIeqs Jo secrtoerd aL| ;

prntlnr ereql orv ixeu eqt

", ^rr*:]"]J;'ffi ilarpl
oroql erv'seterusselc mo-(go god e e4el
,(1rueg ro pueuJ esolJ e elle.,*r.
]ou op ,(eqraum f
sserppe pue 1eer3,(gucrd,fi ryroul no,( eldoed ry lry |
I?uoqasJeluoc puuou rrreltnetu ol nedtr{
Jo eq s€ ,(e,tre 8m.a,our fo1 no,(y pepueJJo eq plnom uosrad q
v'op suecueulvwrlt reqlo qJue q resolc lrs Jo prrEls {r{
eq1 teqpSol Sumur uoe\\'aqq BI erpJ pelpc sr slq1naryp{
1lB3!11!$u uo ,(1fq3l ret1lo qc€e ssDI sJoqueru dpue; pue spuelg pooC g t I '?LU'
xflv N0tiv BI rerres es) puuq q8u eqt Sqsn'spueq qeqs s,(uzvrp lsoqe.ql
)|SSIJ0Ur,rnll qcm oqm eldoed qcuaJd'e(q-poo8 ,(es ro leeu feq q
eslq q erru; 'ureur Bl JJuJ. ;u
'afieslourapBru'r1o.rar n1
'eruupuru tlosuog
xnelsuoru tnofuog
:3uno,( ,(re,t sr oqs ssopn aluepflur
ss pessaJppu sr uuruo^\ u ,{1pns-1 ::- '
lou sr aruEu lsEI eq] puE'allp eteud.::::-
ue sepnlJur Suqee;3 eq1 Fu' ' . -.
uaquvr e,(q-poo8 .(es pue Sur,tlur - '- -
uosred luql lee,r8 s(emp (eqt '(1auu.-.::,-
lIrBJnBlseJ Jo 'ecrJJo 'se1es 'a1dru., :
.ro;) re8uerls E qlr,l.r lc€luoJ a{uur Jo ",'. - - .
.(eql auoeuos leotu eldoed qJueJC u:, "",
otueperu 'rnofuog
'uosred ouo usql eJoru ssoJpp€ 01 osIB snoa esn sdeznly'sJeqa
;nod se qcns ',fiuoq1ne go uorlrsod B ur esoql WI^\ prre 'eldoed Jeplo rprl\ 'le,l. mou1 l,uop nor( aldoed p1r
snoa esn 'eldruexe rog 'pedser ol qsr,r no,( uroq,$ o1 ro drqsuoquleJ IeruJoJ eJoru u eleq nor( ruoq4
IDrA{ euooluos sseJppu ol snoa esn Joqloue ro 'pueuy esolo e tequreur,(puuy e sseJppu 01 n1 ssfl
'no{ueeut qloq qcrq.,lr 'sno,r pue nl uoo,luoq osooq, 1sruu nod 'qcuerg ur uosred Jorlloue Sursserppe uaqlq
snoo la tlf

,.1- ,t f
P-\ ltllrit
,/ \_
i.{'\ F?dV'fll#
{",{/\ ,b
"r\lL/.r_\ l-
liilm * -
$. l-+ -:+t j*st*. Give an appropriate response.
M0DEtE: Comment vous appelez-vous? ffilllllllllffi..",,.;I

,,.'Roussel, Marc Roussel.

1. Bonjour, mademoiselle. 6. Comment gava?

2. Comment tu t'appelles? 7. Voici mon ami David.
3. Tu es de Montr6al? 8. Je vous pr6sente mon amie Claire.
4. Qava? 9. Au revoir, monsieur.
5. Comment allez-vous? 10. Bon, d demain!
IfiU1lil1)U:,.. I
AA3 B. Pr6sentez-vous. Get acquainted with some of your classmates and
your instructol following these suggestions.

M0DELE: Greet your instructor.

-)Bonjour, monsieur.
ou -)Bonjour, madame.
(your instructor responds) -*Bonjour, mademoiselle.
1. Greet and introduce yourself to a person sitting near you.
z. Ask a classmate what his or her name is, then introduce yourself.
3. Ask a classmate whether he or she is from your city.
4. Greet a classmate and ask how he or she is today.
5. Introduce two people whom you have met in class.
6. Greet your instructor and ask how he or she is today.
7. Introduce a classmate to your instructor.
8. Say good-bye to several classmates.
9. Say good-bye to your instructor.

AAI C. Le savoir-faire. Do you know what to do in rhe situations

described? Act out each one with classmates.

M0DE[E: You meet a very good friend.

E 1 Salut, Anne! Qa va? (faire la bise)
f,z Qa va, et toi?
Et Pas mal.

1. You and a friend run into your instructor on campus.

2. You sit down in class next to someone you do not know.
3. You are with your rooflrmate when a new friend joins you.
4. You run into your friend's mother while doing errands.
5. You are standing nea.r a new teacher who does not yet know your name.
0. Class is over and you are saying good-bye to a close friend.
z. Class is over and you are saying good-bye to your teacher.


L ldas a1uas9,rd ou of o t N05Il

'pauuory utott s,aq 'op- 'lE.oJluoru ep ts3 u 'eLu: -

isUDd u,ro$ st utoyy LslrEd ep r
u;o lcelqns erp su unou e;o eceld ur pesn eq uB, unouand
'qra^ rDlnbar"/? uB pe[[uJ sl eJlg -u:amd.qf,
e 1ou op srrrJoJ eserp osnucefl '1ce[qns qcee o] spuodserroJ."gp{
cr;rceds B tuqt ecrtoN 'qre^ eql ro; 8ur1sq ,{ruuo4crp eql Jo WeI{ aql re HU -
uuoJ eql sSr iaunuyfur eql pollec sl ruJoJ sIq,L'aq ol suuerr] a4g qJei {,L

sa11a SI AUS
an {aqt luos / lse

alo no^ selg

SNOA ant
s! aq
no{. sa
aJD Artt saruruos snou ulD I slns

Tgrun'Id xgi'Inc_\ts

#-ss$} sw"ss{$.#s $# $$#fus se€d,s€*oJd
:allsqaM pue
6165-63 eq1 uo papnord
arP u0rlcas suotlcuol l0 seulol
sffiffiffiaffiffiffi$ &ffi $ffiffiu0c
qcea sarlr^rlce acrlcetd leuorlrppy

G," W VW"}W

'e11e,(e;u1 op srns el'royq Zg pu8 s:r.f .

elot tg'o8ecrq3 ep slns ef Iq :3.ll[[Ifi

'tuoJJ eJe ,(eql ereqm {se ueq}'ulot} ere no,( e"req,tr .ie. ---: "

'tuo4 aJE soletusselJ rno,( ereq,Lr lno purJ ol lue,^a no n1ry**p ss ft& '= r,rrt

';noluog : gg
'lnud 1nps : Ig
'[nud 'rtue uoru rcro1 'euuy elledde ,at eI :Zg
alot tg'pl^uq elledde.ut el'rnoluog :19 :]'rJoE ri
'Jeqlo qcue ,{aotr>I lou op slsen8 Jeq}o uer{,4A suorlcnpoJlul el:*
'oslv 'elqrssod se slsen8 .(uuru su o1 Slesrno( ecnpolur pue laoJC 'Solerus:r :
;no( qtu,r,{ued e te e.re no.( luqt eul8eul "s*uffisstg{;a.is* sili*s}#* "ff

As you have learrred, use tu with a person you know very well; otherwise use
vous. Use vous also when speaking to more than one person, even if they are
your friends. Pronounce the final -s of vous as lzl if the word following it
begins with a vowel sound, and link it to that word:
Guy, tu es de Paris? Guy, are youfrom Paris?
Madame, voulOtes de Lyon? Madame, are youfrom Lyon? Hmllf,l]l,,ili:l

Chantal et Guy, voulOtes de Paris? Chantal and Guy, are you from Paris?

Elles refers to more than one female person or to a group of feminine nouns. Ils
refers to more than one male person, to a group of masculine nouns, or to a group
that includes both males and females or both masculine and feminine nouns.
Anne et Sylvie, elles sont en forme. Anne and Sylvie are fine.
Jean-Luc et Robert, ils sont stress6s. Jean-Luc and Robert are stressed out.
Martine et David, ils sont occup6s. Martine and David are busy.
t Use a form of the verb 6tre in descriptions or to indicate a state of being.
Elle est occup6e. She's busy.
Tu es malade? Are you sick?
Je suis stress6. I'm stressed out. ]!{
s The final -t of est and sont is usuallv pronounced before a word beginning i5
with a vowel sound.
II es! en forme. He's /ine.
11 es/ malade. He'.y .sick.
Elles sont en forme. Thel,'re Jine.
Elles sonl stress6es. Thel" vg stres,se d rtut.

Je suis en forme. I am fine.

... fatigu6/e. ... tired.
... stress6/e. ... stressed oti.
... trds occup6/e. ... t,erl- hu$'.
... malade. ... sick.

f Use c'est and ce sont to identify people and things:

C'est Madame Dupont? That's Madame Dupont?
C'est mon ami Guy. This is my friend Guy.
Ce sont M. et Mme Lafarges. This is Mx and Mr* Lafarges.



6 {nau eluesgrd eu ef o t N05I1

ecueJd ue / mrIV le eurlsugJ '8

eu8Edsg ua / rolu .L anb;es.tt-ffH,Hl
srull-slulg xnB / ro1 '9
erl?ll ue / sno^ '9

csLred 3p sel? snon+

uo13urqse16 OCIN Ie9rluohtr ocrxetrAl pFpshl e^QueD ocuoJold

epmord ro '1sq eql uro4 ,firc e esooqc ,(uur no1 'uror; euoc (aq
ssen8 'ur elrl eldoed ,filunoc eq1 Jo eru€u or11 uo pewg ."'+= sa} i
esno^ aIqE|I}I
'sgn?qug '1,
asnoN 'gdncco *qr1;uqy f
'gsso4s i,(ng 's 'gn8peg ipi. il
'erruoJ ug elo1le ph€(I 'g 'orrrJoJ ug ;tuodng rq
',(upol Sugee; sr euo,irele.4aoq IIoI ;*n e5 lueutuatil


&& ffi &6 3utu,-


fl* 'lt'to P)'

@& u dnolS

SII ..

'leluutlJ lse,J :]'l::: irl

oloq pe:n|:rd ; - ,


6 ft ,, 1

qa"t'va w} sroo ) 3SI1 ;

AAA D. ldentit6 rnystdrieuse. Take on a new identity! Tell your
classmates your name, and have them guess your city of origin.

MoDEtE: El Je m'appelle Frangoise.

f,z Tu es de Paris?
6l Non.
E: Tu es de Qu6bec?
Et Oui, je suis de Qu6bec.

$ $ex nc,frs$$$$ €rs? $'r€'3ee,$ff &$'$*,$#

A. Avant de lire. As you start to read in French, you will certainly not understand
every word. However, do not let this discourage you. One important sfra0egy is to
pay attention to the kind of reading you are doing and make use of what you
already know. For example, this reading asks you to look at envelopes and
postcards addressed to various places in the Franeophone world. Before looking at
them, make a list of the information you expect to find on an addressed envelope.
How does this compare with what you see on the envelopes and postcards?

B. En lisant. As you look more closely at the envelopes and postcards at the top
: of p. 11, you will find that you understand a number of words because their form
and meaning are so similar in French and English. These words are called cognates
(mots apparent6s). Examples in the addresses include avenue and R6publique.
Make a list of all the cognates that you find in the addresses and provide the
English equivalent for each.

C. En regardarlt de plus prEs.

1. Given the context and its similarity to English, what do yori think the phrase
Boite Postale means?
z. Given the context, what do you think the word rue means?
g. Provide the full forms in French for the following abbreviations:
M. Mlle Mme B.P.
+. Although you do not see the word code postal in the above addresses, most
lr of them have one. What do you think a code postal is? What is the code
postal for Abidjan, for Tours, for Vieux-Qu6bec? What is different about
the code postal for this last city?
5. Some of the envelopes include the words destinataire and exp6diteur.
What do you think those terms mean?


II azuo aluasgrd ou 3f o t N051]


lnoqu lual
asEd e3-1se.u 'assrns ue tso r'.: -
apoJ eu
zoAES sno^'I e^Quec uzl-lPl) 1s3.c 'plsod epos e-I 'z0gl rli-' ,
1se.3'essorpe uow'e^QueD ep srns oI'cuulqe'I ,(ng elledde.Lu :a --
'rUS uerg o8uoJ nu lse Es€qsul) 'plsod epoJ ep sud u ,(,u [ 'Lgt :lr]: i
lse.c'esseJpe uol I'Bseqsury ep sms eI'elrc?J oUEIN elleddr.LL :
:eldoed o^\l a\tqt -
uu ssoJppu'sesseJppu e^oqe aql perprus e^.no.( leq],^AoN '::: ii!,,: asu.rqd aqt

,,"rri!]1ff'1;;;; sagauSotl
.vc rtID dot eqttr
-^ouei) ','
""-' 'n'
"""* gs
p Suqq
ot sl rt*

""'LEn"{SEs*;*"- e*>-

,!n r r 111*l' w
* - r' i n' r' l$' I

,t,: "rry,r1}

*vin rt

Dans la salle de classe

PffiBffiE$ HBffi ffiffiP&ffiY

&ss sss$$w S* *$exsss

un tableau

une fenOtre une porte

un ordinateur

Ll- | ''l
| ,

une cassette

des devoirs


gI azxar? assel, op alles El sueo . Z Noa]l

asIB5ueU vo prDoq)pDlq uo-tlp tueuruoJ

iUoJ snld zolred
ilIEId sno^ II.s 'zol9dgd
'sed spuerdruor eu e[

sJro^op sal roru-zepuad eUod

ielrul tr q ere], BI zeuuoc

isre5uB{ ue zepuodgu
inBelqel el zeceJJ3
inBelqel nE slolu sel zesrl
iruougJd eIoA le urou eJlo^ ze^uf,3
iol&s un zeuerd
ieuus el Jns srJud zeJluotr\
eJArI eJlo^ roru-zarluol\
ier^rl el zeurrec
ieJ}gueJ el zer^no
legod e1q z?llv
inBelqul ne zollv
i snoA-zeAe'I

inuelqu1 e1 zeple8eg
6uerq zelnoca
;]p1d sno,r Ir.s as!
:.il : r..i ii it ::i ::.i i-i:J {: ;i,,i ':




In English, if someone says Thank you we freqtently reply with You're
welcome.In French it is much less common to reply to Merci. Sometimes,
however, in formal contexts you may hear the reply Je vous en prie. In (-
less formal contexts, a French speaker might say De rien or II n'y a pas de
quoi. In Canadian French the response to Merci is Bienvenue.

llll l

A uous [a parole n
* IftfllfllItrm

::, : I;,':-.l:..-'--..::= i,l:_lit .1t1.,1,.1 ,: Can yOU

identify these common classroom
objects, viewed from an unusual angle?

MoDELE: C'est un cahier.


itllfrIlrE -


1, \"^\ H


3. 4. 5.

L4 quatorze GHAPITRE 1 . PRESENTot{S-l{OUS!

gI azuryb ossep ep elles et sueq . z Ngil'l

'no.( ol i1cre6 s : , i" ,Iilt,

'qcuaJd ur asoald,(us o1 moq .\\ou\ -.

'pms Suleq s.luq,^d JE:L' .
'euoeulos {uEtI} of IIIE i
'qcueJd ul toop,(es o1 ,roq lpr'l !tr,

'puulsJaprm l.mPl '::t

1eeder ol Jeqceq eW uzrr r

'JoqJue1 orp ldrurelur ol trrar I
i1geld sno^ U.s 'uoJ snld zepe4g

. ' .zeuaJd .0I " -;._ ..

"'ze[lJxg'6 "'lou.t-l.:-.
. . 'zeIIY .8 " l()l-U-'/: -

''zepuodgA 'z " z;. 'l

' ' ' ze)ellff'g ".--^.-i-/rl'-'.-:

'eJ^rl el zeJ^no
'eJ]guoJ ul zeJ^no

pcr8o1 w prreruruoo qcee elslduroc oreulred ql1& .anbt3sl lse,3 .
eruuo8 eun 1e uo,(urc un 'o1(1s un Torqec un 'e.r,Lq un :1.: ; I r,
',(upo1 no,( qtyzrr tq8norq no,( 1uq,tr reuged rn.-
'ssBI3 ol Sulqlaruos Suuq sluepnls perederd-1le,4A lsol tr ji:.rilrj+.jr.i 1j*::-j rr!

JerqEJ ufl'gpffi(o \'
'euod eun gguqf€u-n 'emrc eun 'nee1qe1 ufi'llgarfiqf.n ZA

un 'eqcrJJu evn 'gJvea(n'eJArI un '
'ryAmqfln tg :3 t
J o; r$

islurod lsotu eql serl or{l& 'erueu l.uprp reuuud rno,( leql 1sq rno,( uo rL;_
qJEe JoJ lurod u ylesrno.( e.tt8 ueql sslsrl qloq 01 uouruoc oJu leql sue]r eqt ;.
ssoJJ 'oleIussBlr E Jo lEql qlr./Y\ lsq rnor( erudruoc ,roN 'ees uec no.( su sl;eic
TUooJSSEIJ tueJeJJrp (uuur su u,r\op elu 11
.+E*t:itj i.:i= i=:E:{tii il.1 !+*i:l1; .= r!

gI azu?nb osspp ep elles el sueo . Z Nol]'l

'no,( ol ilJJeW s ir. -, : , , ,lilu

'qsuoJd ur asDald ,(us o1 moq ,{\ouri -. ,

'prcs Suroq s.1uq,lt JEoq l.rpr t!

'euosruos {ueql ol uur -l

'rlcueJd vt toop (us o1 moq 1s n!l

'puelsJopun I uon
'leeder o1 Jeqo€e1 eql rrur
Jeqceet eql ldrurelur ot rrur
1}p1d snol il.s 'UoJ snld zepu4q-
'dn lueds ol Jeqouel oql IrEt\ notr

euoqEnlrs qoea uI,(us nod pFoqs leq^[ ess]gp sm*e *ffib e3-]sa,nD -: lll

. . .zeueJd .0I
' ' ' zeLucll'6
.. .zolv .8
' ' ' zerelJg.g
'oJ^rl el zeJ^no
'eJ]guoJ EI zer^no
' ' 'ZeJr\I1Q : -: x :]lfl

pcl3o1 ur puerurrro3 qcue elalduroc teuged u Wllyyi=*i=:ii-ei".i j=.-= -.


eururo8 eun le uo.(urc un 'o1(1s un 'Jerr{uc un 'er,lr1 un ::

'(upo1 no,( qlllvr lq8norq no,{ 1eq,r,r reuilrd .rn -
'ssul, ol Surqleuros Sutrq sluepnls peruderd-1le,4a lsotr J r+.Ji"-+i:_i.li_i i::l:=

s1d7= Zq.'slde= lq
Jarqec un'plea-arI-:n
'eUod aun '9qerlr;t!:e(n 'arsJc eun'n€elqet un .ggeJftqfn ZA
un'oqJIJJB eun'eupleu-n'aJAr[ un'94g;efeffi 'ggpmffrr rq

islurod lsoru eql suq or{l[ 'etueu l.uprp reuuud rno,( luql 1s4 rno,{ uL]
rlJee JoJ lurod u ylesrno.( e,rr8 ueql 'slsrl qloq 01 uotu{uoc aJu }ur{l sruelr ou-
ssoJJ 'olerussul, E Jo leql qlr^\ tsrT rno( emdtuoc ,roN 'oes uec no.( su st--; :,
ruooJssul, lueJeJJrp ,tuuru se uA\op elul(\ .ijt;r!,iiij; +i_: .=iiiji i:l :=Ltr:{: ._= rtt

li,t !,
./ v \{.#rti1 ;,s :.,

The Sons et leitres section,

including the practice activities, is
Les modes articulatoires du le rr.,thme
recorded on the Student audio CD.
French speech is organized in terms ofrhythmic groups, short phrases usually
two to six syllables long. In English, some syllables within words are stronger
than others. Compare (the strongest syllable appears in boldface):
rcpeet listen Chicago Minneopolis
In French, all of the syllables have the same strength, that is, they receive the
same degree of stress. The last syllable tends to be longer but is not much
stronger than the others. Listen as your teacher pronounces corresponding
English and French words. In English, the syllables that are not stressed are
usually short, and their vowel is the blurry, short vowel found, for example, in
the last syllable of words llke bogus, furnace, sofa. When you pronounce the
French word, you will find it useful to count out the rhythm or tap it out with
your finger.
r-2 l-2-3 t-2-3-4
English French English FrenchEnglish French
Phillip Philippe Canada Canada Alabama l'Alabama
machine machine alphabet l'alphabet francophony francophonie F,.I F
madam madame Isabel Isabelle introduction l'introduction

l\f \.- i:,JIl"t
J tC
i?',\l uiL.'

;i'',. i*+:r :",..:i.i::'l:t:'. Listen to the sentences that your instructor will read. For each,
tap out the rhythm and write the number of syllables.

M0DELE: 11 est de Marseille.

1. Elle s'appelle H6ldne.
2. C'est mon ami David.
a. Chantal est malade.
+. Alain est trbs occup6.
5. Guy est de Qu6bec.


Ll Tdas-x1p essetf, ep alles el sueo . z Nojrl

'a.tat1 talsod iuo 1,ust atat11 'IcI eQJllllr.p rE1 r r I

'ss'Dlr 'ossulr :i .: "


issDp q)ua"U aqt ur doru D araqt sI

essulJ ul suup euBJ etn

*,r]11'ill,:#:;:Tl,II":'""ffi ,'#fi
'ryodnq 'srry puz tW aro araqL/araH 'luodnq erury lo'ra 5ail
'acuotg {o dotu o s,aaqLls,alaH "i,Ji,;JiJ?TH5fl
'ecrreJd op aue, ,5;l

's8urql ro eldoed tno turod 'qJee :t'-

pue rup8urs qloq qll.,* pesn sr 11
'uad o ,ang 'ycuad ou .uo,(erc rp *d"lt,:;djl
23oq mo{ ut ycuad o 'aralil'oN-
ara_qt q if
6cES uo} suep uo.{erc un u
* A N$ *$$$sss $r$$$g$ss*lrrrpl {

I uorlcrp

$ffiffiffieffiruffi$ &ffi $Blru0J I e-oqd


',ituq errr1,(g / aFrre uoru lse.J v-E Z-r v-E-c-

qlI.\\ --

'{rlrled 7 a11addu.s y1
Z-I E-2.
eql ::

'surped / Irlo^
t-z-r z-
7 Z-l ;- a,
'sJelcuJuqJ orp,lploq ur pelurrd sr dno,r8 rrL..-.
rloee Jo e1qu11,(s ]sel eqJ 'dnor8 crurq1{qr qcue Jo ruqilqr eqt tno .'.-
eql .
'urqilq; uo,\o r{lr,{\ secuolues 3ur,tro11o; aq1 Surcunouord ecrlce"r4 .lii;=r _..

iJe4qJ senbcel no neelsnoJ senbcul 1se,c 'lueprserd 11 roiu..-

'es,fte14 enuu uoru eluesgrd sno,\ ef 1
'luodnq era,1,(g eleddu.s sreSuur; ep JnessoJoJd uo11 :
'at-.tre14 ep uo-,{urc e[ ]so.J :.- :3''l!0: ]\
'sJorlto eql ueql re8uo,rls ,(pq8qs pue re8uo1 sr :requoueg 'dn.-:
qJee Jo e1qu11,(s lsel aql aurTJepu1 'sdnor8 cruq1,{q; olur 1 Surpr,trp .sJJuJtr-;.
8ur,tto11og eql Jo qouo pueJ IIr,tA JolJntlsur mo1 ':-+ril-:t1i"iqp; t-=t-i:={r.rx-i +-
A uous [a parote t-

A, lfoil&! As your instructor asks for various classroom objects, hand them

MogEtE, LE PRoFESSEUR DIT: Donnez-moi un stylo!

VOUS DITES: Yoild (and you hand over a pen).

ri ::ii, !,::-.:rr:' ,-ii:.r: :..:i:: ,-.]i:ir,:ir: Take turns with a classmate asking whether
certain objects are found in your classroom. If so, he or she will point them out.
If not, he or she will say so.
M0DEtE: une fendtre
11 y a une fenotre ici?
gz Oui, voilh une fen6tre.
une affiche
E I Il y a une afliche ici?
E2 Non, il n'y a pas d'affiche.
1. un tableau
2. un bureau
3. une affiche
4. une carte
5. un magndtophone
6. un ordinateur
z. une rbgle
8. une cassette

m t:.r:::.
;-1, i,.rl':::.. i:.. Draw a picture of a classroom
containing five or six objects. Then find a paftner and ask each other questions
to find out what's pictured in your drawings.
MoDELE: E1 Il y a un bureau?
6.2 Oti, il y a un bureau.
ou Non, il n'y a pas de bureau.

,-,-,- i=', :..i.',:,-:f :,.:: ..::,r.= Put three objects into a bag; your classmates will try
to guess what's inside.
MoDELE: El Ilyaun stylo?
Ez Non, il n'y a pas de stylo.
ou Oui, il y a un stylo. Voild un stylo.

18 dix-hult cHAptTRE 1 . pRESENT0NS-N0usl

6T {nau-xp ossel3 ap allEs el sue6 . Z NOSI1

eqcrJJe.l JnelEurpJo6l
ey8gr e1 Jorqec el
eqcrJJB oun JneluurpJS-un .fu1 grt
e13qr aun JerquJ un i- : "i

uIuItu-aJ ullnJseru

')\snlu saa,o1 nlns (.77y 'enbrsnur BI eJope mrxq suollsan

Ia)Jos a41l I 'fl€qlooJ aI ru-E
'qsq8ug ur pesn sr elcrue ou'sesEJ qcns uI esu;i -::-
Jo IEJeueB e ur pesn unou e seleu8rsep osp elJruu alrurJep eql q....:-- -

:ra$od aql au afiD eqJrJJe.l rolll-zeuq

'.tossa{otd aqt s,ruqJ :nesse;ord eI rsaJ
'dou.t aql s,alaH 'elrBr BI El.rof,
'unou parJrJeds ro peuorlueru ,(ysnora,erd e elecrpur (rt ::..-
sI olJIuE allulJep eqt 'qsg8ug ut sV 'punos Ie,4d.ol u qlr,Lr SuruurSeQ SUnr- -
qlll(,1 puu 'sunou eurlnssur[ q1l.4a aI'sunou ourulueJ q]r.4A pesn sr eI :q<:-: - -
u aqt ot SutpuodseuoJ 'elcruu elrurJep rep8urs eql Jo stuJoJ eeJr{t oJE :r: - '
aIrlUB elluuap aql *

'rneluurprciTrn 'rudtrn :pJo,^a lxeu eql 3o ued :::

ll JI se pecunouo;d sr luql punos /u/ uu qlr,r spue un 'punos Ie,4aol E er.l-=:: :1

'essulJ ap ellE( l

'ruoo$solJ aql ul A4opu11t4 zuo s,aDqJ nl suup eJlJuil eun c i '1 l

'auassD) D aM afiD 'ellassEc aun rou-zsuuoc

.ta{o1d al1assDJ D s.aDH 'euoqdolgu8uu un !lro.\ l

'lno uaL
:auo ut:,?1--
oSIB uuJ eun Jo uO 'sunou eullncselu qlIA\ un puu Sunou eulullueJ {1!rt pa::
sr aufl 'qsq8ug ur uD Jo a o1 puodseuoJ aun pue un selJtge alrurJepur aql

alJIlrE alrugapur aqf

'se.r.qcelpe p--
solcrue 'elduuxe JoJ-ll ,(ueduocce luqt spJo,^A Jeqto Jo ruJoJ eql seurluJat;:
unou u;o repue8 eq1 'repue8 ut auryn)sDtu to auturuta!eJu sunou qcuoJd Il\
Predicting the gender of nouns
Since the gender of a noun is not always predictable, it is a good idea to
tthr . ,i

memorize the gender of each new word that you learn. For example, learn
une affiche rather than affiche or l'affiche. The following guidelines will rHliluul$|lL,[^

help you identify the gender of many nouns.

Nouns designating females are usually feminine and nouns designating -
males are usually masculine:

l'6tudiante the (female) student / l'6tudiant the (male) student il

la dame the lady / le monsieur the man

The names of languages are masculine:

-le frangais French le cr6ole Creole I
Words recently borrowed from other languages are generally masculine:
-le marketins le yoga le rap le tennis

Some endings are good predictors of the gender of nouns:

MASCULTNE ENDINGS: -eau, -o, -isme

le tableau, le stylo, le socialisme
la nation, la t6l6vision, la libert6, la quantit6

Although you may have heard that nouns ending in -e are feminine. this is not
the case. About half the nouns ending in -e are feminine and the other half are

- llll]t{lili,.:



TZ un p t?u?a essetc ap elles el sueO . Z N05ll

eluslunuluroJ '8
(euoqd)orcrurz llil i

oI9^ '9
glneaq '9
aspJoly\ JerlrrrrcJun eseql Jo repuaS eql ssenS nof uu3 ia

eururo8 oun '8

e13qr eun '4,
neeJnq un '9
o1,(1s un '9

'pI^u(I ep euoqdolgu8uru e1 1se.c ieuoqdoleu8eu ur elrL..,

euoqdotguiru,i -- :- rruflmilHt

'3uo1eq,(eql ruoqrn ol Suoucrpur.leuped e q..,. * : r,flilil||,

'os ;1 lruoorsselc rno.( ur slcelqo Surzrrollo; eql purJ nor( ue3 : : , :.E i,

em -I{r

-'h I
f, I



"' 'neoJnq un u r( 1q* :3'll$f, II] \\

eruoorsselc sIIl q eureu no,( uuc slcelqo lEql[ 'asgpEs sp #ElBs tr] Suso 1l (rl :

#. jjj ,, a

il 'rflluu

lllllliliilrilrlllh. 'l :r


j.i= .eir,**t **
iil+:. The following advertisement features items for Ia rentr6e 'rlllfItr, r

scolaire, back to school. Before looking at the text, think about what kind of tti
items usually go on sale right before the school year starts. Make a list, in illll

French. ol lour or five items. ':llll ,

#, St= ii.t.+i:t. As you read, make a list of the cognates, mots apparent6s, thr ' :,ili

you find and provide an English equivalent for each one. ll

Dimensions: 34 x l8 x 42 cm, Sans bois, Dimensions: 41 x l8 x 33 cm,
nylon 420 deniers, le paquet de 1 8 nylon 600 deniers,
3 poches, plusieurs coloris 1,95 euros 2 compartiments, 2 poches frontales,
I'unit6 l'unit6
I 6,95 euros 25,95 euros


le paquet de 24 dont 3 fluos le paquet de I 0
3,25 euros I 0,50 euros
Soit I'unit6 1,50 euros

22 aingt-deux GHAPITRE 1 . PRESENToNS-NoUS!

€Z sxo4-u7u?a essplo ap alles el sueo . Z Nooll

'seleuorl !
'ru3 tt

i(e1u.r eSueqcxe luerrnJ eqt {Jer{c) satlt{

pellun eql ur stuelr Jultturs .ro; se:ud qlr.& effdr.uoc secud eqt op .\\rrij
a. itl r'

.souo qrrqlt asruolr eseql Jo ,(ue Sursuqc;nd ur pelse.te1ur eq no,{ plno.\\.


asuueru seqeod lurql no,( op leq,^ 's8uq looqcs 1noq.

,uou1 no.( tuq,4a pue lxeluoc eqt ue^rg 'tueql Jo Joqunu e seq 8uq qcr: leql 's?l
pue saqrod pJo,4d, eql sureluof, s8eq looqcs eqt.]o qloq;o uollducsep eq1
gllun6l eql 1urql no'( op 11?q^\ 'uorlururo]ur srql ue^rD 'soJne 0s' I JO-I
pJo,^A UI
gllun.l sE ro sorne 0g'01 roJ 91 ap lanbud u se req]le peseqcJnd eq plnor Jo pu
sutelr esoql Jo euo teql eJrtoN ieseql eJu stuelt qcg,^ . .eoud eql oJo3aq e?rlu,
lq8rr 91run,1 pJo,^l oql sepnlour stuelr oql Jo IBJe,\os ;o uorldr,rcsep eq1 z
aol sJeJeJ sonu pJo,\\ eql Iuql
no,( op ro{Jeur Jo pul{ leq,Lr 'ernlcrd eql le 3ur1oo[ pue lxoluoJ eql uo^rg :

'sQJd snld ap lusprB3ei uf '3

lffi fl:n
)-LQot/L ,:.% C'est le combien? lith

PffiHrugS HEffi HEE€P&ffiY

$esw$$w ws$ $srr NssewS

mfllmr!.r '


C'est le quatorze juillet. C'est le vingt-cinq d6cembre. C'est le premier mai. C'est le onze novembre.

Les mois de I'ann6e

janvier avril juillet lllllllllllrir

f6vrier mai aottr (ool)

InAIS juin septembre
]fllililutll]r .. "

.) 4 56789
l0 11 12 13 t4 15 16
t7 18 19 20 2t 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30

C'est le 4 septembre. h's September 4th.

24 ai,ngt-quatre CHAptTRE I. pRESENT0NS-N0US!

gZ butc-1Bur,o auelquoc al lsa.o .t N05ll

I?oN '8 I
ecuupuedgpur.l 'z I
eJrreqcuI .9 :I

eTIJ9qIur un 'g

uoqlrsrafr ' I iilIilIlllfilf,r,

63ur.lrro11o; eqt qtl.4a elurcosse no,( op Joqrunu 1erl I 'sll

'ezumb 1uo; burc surour 13mj
(ibutc surour 13ur,L 1uoy uerqruo3) L = g - 07.
'eznop luoJ xnep la 4(I
(ixnep te xrp tuoJ uarqruo3) L = Z + 0l : r*-ilnnf,]ilffi
SJqtua \o1
I ',--*- , riilll l
rno.( tsel o1 surelqord qluru elearJ .g*mbt*Bffil+ti&8ffi ap srno3

"''62'oE'rt'L P
"''sI '0I's 's "f,a ''

trnq'xrs 'e4unb 'xnep
"'xrs 'erlunb'xnap
"' '9 'f ':
'serJes r{cua eleldruoc ol Jeqrunu u Surppu pue sJeqrunL
qJue pnolB Surpue; suJru e{el'reulred E qll,U 'i:.:..\! ; - f .lii---*Jl r&

*el.. I .,
qa:.vd v)


elueJl 0€ l3ur,r, 0Z xp 0I
;neu-13ur,r, 6Z Jnou-xrp 6I Jneu 6
tlnq-t8ut.r. BZ llnq-xlp 8I llnq 8
tdes-t8ur,t LZ ldes-xrp LI tdes L
xrs-18ur,t 9Z ezres 9l xls 9
burc-13ur,l gZ ezurnb SI burc E
erlenb-l3ur,t VZ ezrolenb VI alr:nb n
srorl-13ur.,r. EZ aztetT gI SIOT €
xnep-l8ur,L ZZ eznop zl xnep z
un le elueJl I€ un 1e 13ur.r. IZ ezuo II unl OJEZ

It q 0 aP xnBurPr€J sarqrrou sa-I

Le calendrier: Bon anniversaire et Bonne
f6te! ]

to Sunday' The calendar is heavily l

The French week runs from Monday

Catholicism' A saint's name is listed
influenced by the traOitlonaf retigion'
people celebrate two special days a
for each day of the year. In fact,-French
thek saint's day (Bonne
,"* rn"it Lirthday @on anniversaire!) and saint
fCIte!), which is celebrated on the
day of the year corresponding to the
period between March and June:
legal holidays in France, during the
piqo", (Eister),1'Ascension iwtren Christ rose to heaven)' and la
occur in May: la frOte du Tfavail
(Labor Day'May 1) and le jour de la
victory over Nazi Germany in ilm
Victoire 19a5 (commemorating the Allies'
occurs on a Tuesday or a
World War II, May 8). When a legal holiday le
and government offices opt to faire
Thursday, many schools, businesses'
pont (make a bridge),taking the extra day
off to make a long weekend'

Jem'apPelle... for the saint on

for a relative or
tl- In France, children are sometimes named
be named for a celebrity' Naming
whose day they are born; they may also

names are Michel' Jean' Fierre'
France today, the most common men's
women's names are Marie'
Andr6, and Philippe. The most cornmon
The most fashionable boys'
Monique, Frangoise, i'uf"ff", and Catherine'
names at the moment are Maxime,
Thomas' Alexandre' and Florian' The
Laura, camille, and Justine. It
most fashionart" girtr; ,u*"s are Marine,
nalnes such as Kevin or
is also quite trendy to give children American
James ftr boys and Leslie ot Jenniftr
for girls'

to each holiday?
D. *'est quell{ d*te? Wfrat date corresponds
*C'est le 25 d6cembre'
1. le jour de l'An 5' la f0te nationale am6ricaine
z. la Saint-Valentin 6' la fOte nationale franEaise

3. la Saint-Patrice 7 ' l'Armistice

+. la f6te du Travail

25 oingt-si,x cHAPITRE 1. PRESENTONS.NOUS!

LZ ldas-fiuy,a iuarquoc et lserJ . E No5t'l

orlseA tt uru0n0 tli ( opllsu\ tt

t000 00
?rPuv ,\ 0[ 0nualua!8 v'l 0t 0ul9r9[ 0t 0r)D!- 0t
u!ulnlDs I 6t .I
P!^00 6t 0ssDt0N 6i P{',lri 6Z 0urqD( 67,
'y,l q 0P'r lll 87, uusn6nl
0pnrurs 0 8i
sDls0)u0 8t 8t
u00[ tl'l LZ
lnod ap )u! IZ enbruoy ::-il
n7 eurqdle6 I 91,
au!taul s ti 'luDo'0ru9]
9Z 0rll0t0N
!rl!ur!0 ,\ 9i 9Z
\L I ouuorltuJ sz uu0uraH c7
U urdgrl I 9i srn0l 97,
bl, Dr0ll s t7, 0p?ql
urlu0r0ll ll'l ti TZ ,(uolorllrDg fl,
r0r^0x rl
'J 3P u00r y{ 0i luolsu0' tz I 0P asou il
0u0w 0p 59rd
0rp0l1 I ti 1t,lvioln\ u 0)uq0l ZZ P0h r-: r
I\l IZ natq$l/l eqdorrrql
xlltH I ll, 0u!l9l 0 ti E ll,
rxDq0rqv I 0z Puorxpl l1l 07,
,ho1 01
:.- :l
,h$uo1 I 6I s 0i .Irr
ur0qrfl $ 6t gu0x 0iltu: 6t sopnl uDo[
;-.t- " .
/t 6 6t
ualuc 8t aPnv 0 8r )nl aDqpol 8t : .::i -

t I pn0u0)
0u?l9H 8t
:-:,:.-- 1I'aullsr
IODq LI s LI urn0pn08 l1l L
LI aquno,(;1 LI
0)!lY 0 9t
epen0roy,l l 9t a6mpl I\l 9 tlupl 9r IAUIV 0t laur0J'.t : !
u0urN s st u0qlv t 5t 0ilAV 0 ut I q
st : :-':'
qlp() l it aurop!S vll it xror) ols ol ,t i0rli llYH0rif-l : ii .s.(oq :1.
0lug tt oFnI 0 ,t 1t
0lrnl I tl v'l
il 9urlv tt tddr;, tt g0l.-r- 'at
'J'l ouuDor W u uD[sur]) I 7,t Pn0r99
/t 7,t
arrourt;ody u assu0l) t,t
l0tuD0 ll,l It Ui tt u[xru 0qdPPv il
.,:,_:: .EJJA
I t1 0rolJ s tt
)!J0l!0 I 0t u0gl 0t ur0lsrqc lli 0t
s?ul 0t uarn0l l 0t
ralnol d u 6 0r0p09rl1
/\ sru00 tli ulDlv rn0uv au P-:
-. ul
6 6 6 r 6
tda)uo] I r(o41oag t
I '( 'N o onbrulruo0 I rf:.-
| 8 er6otq,t 9l!^!l0N I y,l
_:: Surttit-.
asr0rqurY l I 0ulr0J v,t L 00r05 L
0u!0x I u0l9D9 W L I
sDl0lrN I I oll!uaI y.l
9 ounrI I PU0ru08 I uo[un6llsuorl I I ala -:s uo lul:
plD'r99 arr;,(5 I 0ss!0u I a-:-_-
}!l s 5 rnaH I Fqv I
DrDqi0[ lll t sa!Dql U I ssrssv,P'.rl b
0!l0s0x b ,(auuorl'1r1 1
ra!^0x I t uaqnH s t pJor?c t atto6atrt f 0!p,! c 5C-: --
!ei: -lr
0uDlArI 0 7, slunlon 7 r691 t Plrl,u 7,
i(1-uartnJ I 'pu;l
tua^Y s t tu!ossn0l t t Tl,l+'rll t sall!! t asuoqd;y ll t l--: -_

al arlEJ
1Ugl,1l13J0 rusltIA0t{ 1U80r: E fiuetltrram m0u It'nlnr 1l l,
u0[0t6]/\ t tt xnDau0u s t0 olla).ot i ur .iui
l0lr0lll s 0t 00
u0q0x 1 0t egPgutv l 00 SUll-:[ i
Pu0urpr0l v,l

;no;'emr; /t 67, ptoutr{y }ll 6Z 0uua$0) 0 57, s,(popr,g t 6t sPi 8l a{

'inos np rnof

Pu0ur0l W
r 87,
u!0ura9 I 87,
8Z unbY,P !I :
q?mry os[? s i
l'l 97, l \ t 9t, 0sslrDI I lolsaN 1 97. t:.
radsor; I s7,
oryo u5
)Joul l!| 9t, u0ltDDu0uuY

.^L:- oql olEli
n s7, U SZ 0 s7, ln0d s
100[ u00[ 0 t7, u0[Du )0 t fl 0l?pu
II.I h7,
'ns ap qp)
s t7, 0ls0p0yi s bz solDs aP .: r
r(erpny s tz 6!l !0
eilt ul
lY u0u0pr/l l LL 0.1020.1 l 87, Plt]ur:i i
uDqlV /\ IZ vi 7,t, 0+u0x0lY 0 ZZ D0l r zt 0llaq0sl f 7,7, lUa)L-'
os.rplv t LZ ulu0lsu 0J I 0lxlosuv 5 tz 0)u0rx9lJ W LI sorPua) u'l IZ sari; : o!':
tq w 0t urProur08 0 OZ
l 0z sdv'lltNtud
v'l OZ sor6 rproyrl tli
0z uorttDt{ .

PlDnu0x vi 6t s0 I 5 6t r 6t I 6t urqDq 6t sn[0fi lures aL'

0)u09.l I 8t r!rl ,\ 8t IDJrDd v'l 8t all!r^l 0 8t ouap0ura8 0 8t ox -a
9^rdH il t0)!uv
LI alupd s ll srx0lY s LL ourloscl I
sor?d sop'l 9t 9t aptp9u98 l 9t 0uu0lnI /t 9t lanoh I u s,(ep --
0ur0lxroc 9t $!udtl YI !t 0ur0l0d 0 9t 'I'l 0p 0$n0l t 9t opnDll t 9t ju?l
'd op ouroluv
,t s0riIDl,1l I ,t 0urlxol'l| s it oplqpw y'l ,t utual0 W ,t outfl :
pel-sI{ :
0t dliuolud ut
oPl /t tt enBupoX l\l 0t axrp?g }I 0t ala//
{no u ail!pv
salnI t Lt aultsnr 'I
7,t xlt0l I ZI DU0rlDi
i1r r:
s 7,t
a0Dut0q tt 0llolsl l tt
lll It
0urs0u 0 tt saPrnq'0 'N ( tt urln 0i
lrpuDl 0 xY,p't 0t9l t 0t I\l u0rir^ s OI pnoury s 0t aurnollln9 r
nar0-0t91 s AUDU W A I 6 osmiuorl l 6 eurt;ody /I 6 xlY r
prop9tr,l l nar0 ap uDa[ t I eul;enbroJ f 0 uaDil
usqltc f )s!c slt|l L glptl9l y'l I eru96n1 vi L
uaqr0N W 0ru0pn]d 0 I ,, oual0) W I uolsDc vi I outolgyl
ro0; tt'l ql!pnt s 5
au?rl t I eA[0 1 I eqp0v I 5 0ur0luv
0pIt0t') I utollr(5 ,\ i oloplsl y{ t 0nD!u0r9 0 t on0ru0r9l 0 t uoltp0
.b)ot pr0q)ru
ur^a)l 0 i "llqd r 0
9l0u9n0 s t osrDlI s L 0l?!laua3
s I SIJOq ut 7 7.
soF0rll l Z u0!l0uas9rd l L ollsog
/t t )^DrI ilP I l,ll ssnDnH 0 t u!qnv t t 0lll r I uv,l 0P t

iltnf tuH IIUAV suulil ulru,rlJ uil^ilur

,-=. t:,i,:.r:..,,. .,,i::li+i:ri:ir+i:':l:t +t't +'=:':'+
,ii::+:" Find a partner and ask each other
when your birthday is and when your saint's day is.
MODETE: Ton anniversafue, c'est queljour?
f.z C'est Ie 30 ao0t. Et toi?
f,r C'est le 9 mai.
Ez Et ta f6te, Charles?
Er C'est le 2 mars. Et toi, Mandy?
Ez Il n'y a pas de <<Sainte Mandy>.

lfllllll]]I1il l

Iialphabet et les accents

Here are the letters of the alphabet together with thefu pronunciation in

a (a) h (ach) o (o) u (u)

b (b6) i (i) p (p6) v (v6)
c (s6) i CIi) q (ku) w (double v6)
d (d6) k (ka) r (Er) x (iks)
e (eu) l (br) s (ds) y (i grec)
f (b0 m (dm) t (t6) z (zdd)
c (6) n (bn)

Accents and other diacritics are an integral part ofFrench spelling.

. Llaccent aigu is used with e to represent the vowel /e/ off6vrier:

Andr6 Val6rie une 6tudiante r6p6tez fril{i
. L'accent grave is used with e to represent the vowel /e/ of la rbgle:
la rbgle H6lEne
It is also used with a and u to differentiate words:
la the vs. ld there ov or vs. oit where
. L'accent circonflexe can be used with all five vowel letters. It often
marks the loss of the sound /s/ at an earlier stage of French. The s is still
present in English words borrowed from French before that loss occurred:
lapite paste labilte beast le maitre master
lacdte coast cotter to cost l'h6pital hospital
. Le tr6ma indicates that vowel letters in a group are pronounced
toi vs. Loic /lo-ik/ s'il vous plait vs. Hditi la-i-tl
. La c6dille indicates that c is to be pronounced as /s/ rather than /k/ before
the vowel letters a, o, or u:
qa frangais Frangoise

28 aingt-huit 0HAP|TRE 1 . PRESENToNS,NoUS!

6Z {nau-q?uzo euarquor at lsar3 .t NSOI'1

'Julnfuls Jo [EJnld sr unou E Jer1lsq-f, nI{

uB Jo Jequrnu u dIIBnsn 'pro,lrr Surpecerd e ro; ualsq lsnru no1 T*d
sr 1r'Jernld eql elBJrpu ol spJo,{A. uoltrJ,r\ ol pappu sr x- ro s- -;-.-: -
aroJeq A
s>1sap "mo{ xnueJnq e4unb 4sap aw
sastnoJ o44l sJnoc xnep ASJNO:

:x- Jslle "-n mfllnil,

ur Surpue sunou iprnld eql ur eruus eql urerueJ s- uellrJ,r e tn pu; rmry@ lDti-:
s/wopullw aatql se4?uoJ sloJl llopUl,tt )ir :- : . iiil ]
-t.)j ) l

ryooq oil,1 seJ^rl xnep Y,,, : .lt
:s- JeiloI uegrl.& e 8urypu ,(q prnld eperu em sunou rF . I iii rillfr]l
IIIIS sl s

smx'l' {f{,*lmfllllu

s -
seps $s$#$.$"$Rp $#$ s#rqrflo

SNffiHflffiNffid [H SS MM$

lnou* 'g zepuoder* '9 euoqdoleu8uru un* '?

JoIJAoJ* '1, e4e eqJo^ eI* '9 e43ueJ BIx .t

pelleds eJp esoql luql selucrpur {srJelsu erIJ'sJrlrJJerp -riLlttr ^ --

spJo,4a fl
(g,r :lq
Surssrur eql Surppe ,(q sese,rqd Jo spJo,,lr 3ur,u,o11o; e{l lcerroJ :, , i


gJiIUNnYC '/ AdOUJ's agnvIV-I 's I '.: :l

'uo,(erc 'N-O-I-V-d-J
'olrls 'O-'I-,\-J-s
oJS.\l s.-
eqt ur purJ noi ,3urqt $puepy 01 sreuel eqt roproeu A&s*6* 6*b *:-ls
prop enbrluupv.l ep gtler1 np uo4esrue8rg.l 'J VS-l .. ;
suruorJgruv sleliJ sep uorlusrue8rg.l \ cl>
srnbce oJrelrcrJgpounururr eruoJpur(g e1 'p l- :
srun-suo4eN sep uorlusrue8rg,l 'c NYI'
enbugruy.p srun-stutg sol 'q \fL :
euuegdorng uorull.l 'e n-\t
'luole,ttnbe qsrl;i- -

eprrro;d ueql puu ruJoJ IInJ sll qll^\ ul(uo-rcu qcueJd qtue qclEw ":i+ i:= : j:-

Plurals of articles
The plural form of the definite article is always les, which is pronounced
le livre the book les livres the books
la chaise the chair les chaises the chairs

The plural form of the indefinite article is always des, which is pronounced -e
un cahier a notebook des cahiers notebooks. some notel, ,

une affiche q poster des affiches posters, sotne poster,

In English, plural nouns often appear without any article; in French, an ar -

almost always accompanies the noun:

Il y a des livres ici. There are books here.
J'aime les affiches. I like posters.
Before a vowel sound, the -s of les and des is pronotnced as lzl:
les chaises vs. les images des bureaux vs. des ordinateurs
lzl lz'l

l'article d6fini l'article ind6fini

singulier pluriel singulier pluriel
masculin le cahier les cahiers un cahier des cahiers
l'ami leq;rmis un ami delamis
f6minin l'amie les amies une amie delamies
la gomme les gommes une gomme des gommes

K uo{/s [a repdro[e s

:A A. Dans la salle de elasse. Ask a classmate whether each of the

objects listed can be found in your classroom. He or she can respond by
indicating to whom they belong. 'rllu r ;lr
lllll'l- ru\, J'x
MODELE: cassettes
Et It y a des cassettes? tlmur

Ez Oui, voil) les cassettes de Robert. @tD

1. cahiers 4. cartes 7. cassettes rh

2. livres 5. rdgles 8. gommes
s, stylos 6. devoirs g. affiches ulS

rr ,,,. r, r:,, :, ., .,,,:..,::: ASk a ClaSSmate queStiOnS tO find OUt What

objects are in his or her room.

MoDELE: El I1 y ades affiches?

E2 Non, mais (Dur) il y a des photos.


Ig un ?a aluar? euatquoc al lsorS .t N05l.l

]uq \1

salle seila iqfimr

SII xna |f,lf,

SNOA snoa n_ [m|]

snou snou lmt

-- rru$ltll

lcelqns Surpuodse.uoc oql qlr,lo, u,^d.oqs .sunouord pessolts :- :-- ",Jliillllh

aql .
'{aqt st fl 'xniJuos o'r
iruodnq 'srry puv 'rW ruqx sI
iluodnq eruntr la'h[ p
'aq s! x! .sa 'InI $3.J'l
iaddryq4 ruqt sI eeddrrrq"l
:luos aJ puE $a6r -E

zlrls s.aH 'augfu,r,1 'epul"ru 1se p'rn1 'u,r u5 Seultltr:
:suosr;edruoc 3ur1uu uorl,tA eJuelues e Jo lcelqns eql ezrseqdu; serutf
'pa.tu atD puo {ng .sgn84e; seruruos snou .rotu stutj
l .;
sJelqr -'
:unouord E sr rlorq,r Jo euo ,eJuolues u ur slcelqns o,ttl eJB oJeqt a:; _- , -

lno{. yoEt MoH ouuuo) ut,I elol 1g'euulJol : -- ; IUI

:qJoA ou e^eq luql suorlsanb uoqs _' -

:pesn sr 'sunouo.td passa"l7.! ,sunouord;o 1es ]uaJ;!* r

'lB94uow ep lse SJN;

lD?ttuory u,ro.tt s,aq 'o71- II'uoN-
isuod u,rotI sr untly eslrBd ap 1s3 rrrulv
:qrat e qlr,tr medde nm
natqng 'ocueluos u ;o lcelqns eq1 su (lJefqo ue Jo uosred u ,e1d,rexe ro5y {
e;o eceyd ur posn eq uBJ sunouord lcelqns leql perueel f,peeqe e^eq qfl

sp€s'ss&$,$s ssddsess-ss$ sq I eIcIuB Ir3

'.'E f, II .nuaJnq uo{u rns Eg ilev vfl
"'p I II .neeJnq uou Jns ]A zg
'oloqd oun le seJlrl sop .JneluurpJo un ,( p ,nuernq uorrr JnS
E I g :
I I:I rilt

'lr uo oJu leql stuelr eeJql lseel lu Sunueu r(q lsep rnor( uo sr ]Er{A\ eJr;_ :/el/ par
'ee"rqt Jo sdnor8 q ieuoq lu E eAEq no,( oq .!:*.+.i*+ tii_}L=
{sep "= !e! lF::=

A u,ous l.a farote uu**
&. *l'*:;i. q:.i. Confirm to your partner who these people are'
tvtooELts' gt C'est toi?
E2 Oui, c'esl moi.
E 1 Ce sont Marie et H61dne?
6z Oui. ce sont elles.
t. C'est Guy? 5. Ce sont Anne et Nicole?
2. C'est Janine? 5. C'est vous?
3. C'est toi? 7. Ce sont Georges et Michel?
4. C'est Alain? 8. Ce sont B6atrice et Laurent? \{lll u[

B. ga va? Using stressed pronouns' tell how everyone is feeling'

IvroDELE, Moi? Fatigu6.

*Moi, je suis fatigu6.
t. forme.
Kevin et moi? En 6' M. Lefranc? Stress6'
z. Toi? Fatigu6. 7. Marc et Christine? Occup6s'
s. occup6.
Rachid? Trbs 8. Janine et Sarah? Trds fatigu6es.
4, Nous? Malade. 9. Vous?
5. David et toi? En forme.

AAA C" A tOur de r6le, Your instructor is very forgetful! Take turns
reminding him or her of your name and your classmates' names'

MoDELET -)Moi, je m'appelle Annie; et lui, il s'appelle David'

T{}f*S Slss &es$es$S&,{}$$ss $sdsw s$s&s$,ss'$

You can listen to the ticoutons
section on the Student audio CD.

1. Listen as Carole describes four famous French-speaking people. The first time
you listen, fill in the first column of the chart with the city where they were born'
The next time, fill in the second column with their birthday, written in French'

Nom Ville d'origine Anniversaire Profession

Jacques CHIRAC

Gabrielle ROY
Emmanuelle BEART

2. Now listen again and try to determine why these people are famous. Write
their profession in English in the last column'

32 trente-dzux GHAPITRE 1 ' PRESENToNS'Nous!

gg srorl-alua4 epuoru ol suep steiuerl al o iS00N ZIHJ ZINIA

adnolapPn0 el

alllA\ >

o,{\t JIesJno.( a^r0 ',(ep ,fte,ne q:uerg esn -.,-:,

eql Jo lsolu eJeq,r ssrJ]unos ur sJulnJru-: --
Jeqlo oruos pue r.l3ueJd {eeds oqa. eldo;)d aE {
lnoqe :(puulrezlr.&S'epeuuJ'runr8leg) aSun8q{ 'qJutlj
u su qJueJd slueds uorlelndod eql Jo llxc :,-: - JOq ale \1
uI e,\II uolllru gI lnoqe lecuerg ur e,\rl aldo:; :. -. ilurl :-ntl lsIlI :'
09 lnoqy 'lsexoc oJE no iuorl[ru 00 I q j: ]lililrirll"'

'eldoed Suqeeds-qcuerg;o ,ftlsre^rp

luJnllno oql Suzrusocer roJ qcml
'e8en8uul E uo pesuq uorluzrue8ro Iuuorluruetru fireq!
Jo pupt u 'uorlerepe; clluouoJe pue pcgldl
'qllee1!1.uoululo3 rlcueJg
' ' ' sr (uoqdoruerd roy f:ffi{
esrul'q -u.I
Iuuorleruel.,, pue .(curuoldrp 3o e8un8uul eq1 se,4a r.lcueJd 'drnluec rrg;=I
eslud'q eruIt
'setels pel1un eqt ur e8en8uul IsrcrJJo ue sr qJrrql .\:

eslBd'q eruIt
'qJueJd sleeds euo,(Je^o',(rlunoc euoqdocur:g

uolrutu Ogt'p uorllru 092 'r uorllru 00I 'q uorllLrr

' ' ' ,(lelururxorddu sp1ol plJo,& eql ;o uoqelndod Suqueds-qJue.rl :--
isesodrnd luq,lrr JoJ puu 'ereq,ro, 'qcueJd sleeds oq^\ tnoqu moul noi i,l .-" ^\r

ceqgnl) el

d s$'$$s,e.'$$"sjf s$"$sld $$?S Sru&Tffid

apuoru al suBp sleSuetlE F=

isHt#H H?lgf H?w$B 1Pr'/)

The answer is False; give yourself two points if you answerecl
corectly. In a Francophone country, not necessarily everyone
speaks French. In some countries, French is hoth an oflicial
language (used in government and education) and a vernacular
language (used in everyday communication). Belgium is an
example of a country in which French is both an otficial and a
vernacular language. In Haiti, on the other hand, French serves as
one of two official languages, but is spoken by only about 157o
of the population. The vernacular language of the majority of
Haitians is Haitian Creole.

The answer is True; two points if you answered correctly. Since
1968, French and English have been declared official languages
in Louisiana. Somewhere between a quarter million and a half
million Cajun speakers live in the bayou region of southwest
Louisiana. llllllh


le S6n6gal Number 4
Two points if you answered True. Philosophers such
as Montesquieu, Voltaire, and Rousseau, had a
profound effect on the politics of the era. Both
Benjamin Franklin and Thomas JefTerson spoke
French and lived for a time in Paris, meeting many of
the great French thinkers of the day. The int-luence of
French philosophers is seen in our own United States
$ Constitution: the notion of separation of executive,
legislative, andjudicial powers is an idea developed
by Montesquieu in his work L'Esprit des lois (The
Spirit of laws).

for either, four points if you answered both! In 1970

several African nations joined to form an economic
entity that would promote technology and culture
across French-speaking countries. The current
Agency for Francophony was founded after a series
of developments: France disentangled itself from its
last colony and became a champion of the Third
la Polyn6sie World in the West; reactions grew to the
predominance of American entertainment on the world's airwaves; Canada struggled with
how to accommodate Quebec's reaffirmation of its French cultural roots without tearing the
country apart. The first meeting of the organization took place in 1986, and recent meetings
have seen more than fifty delegations present.

34 trente-luatre
gE butc-a1ua-t1 opuou el suep sreiuer; a'l . iSfl0N zlHc zlNlA

iesuJ gcBe ur uorsrcep JnoF eluul no i :;'-

,(ceruoldrp FuorluuJalut '/ :- .
aql Suui:
luauruoJr^ue 3q1 'g lllrn P;
s,reu Iusrpeu '9 'lI
qll.^a s/lEop s/eullpEeq qJIq^\ apr-':a
sll Luol-
(strc4) -uta1n,ttasqo larnlN a'I tu,
uo94 sues spsatee 'sa1ue7d l:te s.::.': -
esnrr^ eruQrslorl un :Bpls sburoodweqg 'o[o3g e]neql p,:--. -. . cluloua'
utopt a $tltv, p dqluoq 0'l orilnsorororlE@, 016l uI
'9 SIUIOd tr'r'.
(1e9.quo6) .tn^aq aj (irulrlI\
Nil0vuw waoDil| -: "
lWltSlS n0 MA0fiA Vt I srrNn'sNorrvN xnu rssvd r,r.rl{H utrxs,lolo mi
'9 aLlJl st
(lelgqcnag) ssatdxg,7 pedol: \
':.r; r:. i ..r.r.rr-rr: ..r...,....
'e,rtln -'
l[lu luo/l sollarro, lo lun 'sar;drr6opr;d sauno! op og^n) alua[a)xa aun Ia ffi-t;rm selels P:
006!l eqlwotd/llryto{seg a^p0drorlgr oun aluos?rd !orol&q) p oHdDr6oty-1 .?-y
a:*::': "l
'iillll&frf JO Oouan
'n Jo ,{uEru


qCnS :l;

*fffi *g;u*,ffi ;**utl'J#illi,:*

,,,,x'""1'#ffi :#ffi #,ffiTl#,?l#i,'-,:L::'Jli,:?f .]il"rfl lSOll

t!.m lrdi n u*r*fl 4G1 0t , jiA

a.* H'
6ts&trtddd&qr* d{
8&j 'td/6t Si

.+o i
ob )
's;eldeqc Suruocdn oql ur sJelueds qcue;g lnoqu eJoru ureel no i -- - SU SE,\JA.
ia8uunuoq slurod 9 uP{1 s:;- E
',(epo1 s8urql ,^Aeu eruos peuJBel e^.no
iualq qg Slrrrt - -
'e1qee8pe1.a,rou1 elrnb ar.no JEIIl--'
isuollullJllgd Slurr'- .
IIo,4A e"r.no ioAuJfl slurod 11-
'plJo,4d. euoqdocuurg aql lnoqe peruJoJur lx
potuue no( g 'slurod mor(
vu'Y c*cuS' rrreT 3

l-. :t:-: i::.r]r.. j'ii.:irt: j:..: i-::!.::rr :::, NOW that yOU haVe fead thfOUgh the
headlines, look more closely at these features.

t. Find at least one cognate in each headline. llllll1llll|llllillllllrr

z. Based on the context, tell what the following words or expressions mean.
a. Le mus6e de la Photographie (#1)
u. Uni et Corcelles vont mal (#4)
c. R6solution OEA (#2)
d. Systdme 6lectoral canadien (#5)
e. Ecolo cosm6to; crbmes aux plantes, a6rosols sans fr6on (#3)
f. troisibme virus (#6)

i:,;.11:.,. j.:'::' i:
For each headline, the source has been indicated. What

does this tell you about where French is used in the world today? Can you
explain why French is used all over the world?

what information do people generally give when they introduce themselves?

Listen as the five people shown introduce themselves, telling where they are
from and what language they speak. Match their photos with the places they
come from and find those places on the map.


",u- S ,'I ,.

Brigitte Piron 0avid Nokan Pierre Trembley LouisJean Dor6lus Annie [)oucet
rl llllil ;," ":\ i

A. V*us evez cortiprfrs? Who lives in

1. Belgium?
2. Ivory Coast?
3. Quebec?
4. Louisiana?
5. Haiti?


Lt Tdas-aptatl epuou el suep sreluer; e'l . iSfl0N zlHo zlNlA


ol o{ll p.no,{,(q,tt lnoqu )luJ'suolSeJ/seulunoc euoqdo--L:-- .,. riiiiiiillIllllll

suq oq,t\ eos ol ssuls eql uI sluepnls laqloJo esoql r{}I\\ .-' --

'Jle .:
soJEW eI iTta - -

ecuBJd BI
:Jelrsr^ srBJpno^ eI ::lt:tt. :- -

'('''ra11st.r sIEJ Pr, ,

eql ur lrsr^ ol oIII plno,l.r no,( 1eql seulunoc euoqdocuerg ; , :

IB.f) pelISI^ r(pee;p e,tuq no,{ leql suot8e;TselJlunoc euoqdoru'.-'

eluu 'reded Jo leeqs ele.redes e uO 'plJo,^A eql;o suot8eJ/seutui. - : -
eql Jo IIE slsrl luql dutu plron u sI eJeql Iooqlxel ;no,( ;o Ja \,-'r ::

#$ $d$$$dsscsp;rrd e$s s#S'$$$$A Sru*&l5 3l ,I

,(eqr s*
e.ru ,(eq


qsq8ug (uerueruv)

-I 'uuelu i

eq] o] uelsq,(eur no1,r"'"r'lljtJ"j#;fi ;Xll"ffi ffi H

agcuerd ueql reqro e8en8uel u 4eeds eldoed .(ueru no11 'senBuel sfl
Lt ldas-a1uat1 apuou el suep sreiuerl el . iSfloN zlHo zlNlA

'peIUEU flO.r 'l l -

ol e{tt p.no,(,(q,tr lnoqB IIEJ 'suor8eJ/serJ}unoc euoqdo-luiij
sEq oq,^A ees ol ssElc aql uI sluepnls Jaqlo.+o esoql qll.\\ \r: -

somw eI auf:. -

esuuJd eI ,li. __

Jelrsr^ sruJpnoA of :9]rsr \ : ::

'("',ra11st.r stEJpI- ;lx "' lecn00 e

eql ur lrsr^ o1 e{ll plno,AA no,( tuqt solJlunoJ euoqdoJuEu {: :

!B{f) petrsr^ ,(puerle e,teq no( IEI{I suolSeJ/setJlunoJ euoqdoru.-:

e{etu 'Jeded;o teeqs eleJudes e uO 'plJo,^A eqt Jo suolSeryseutu. -
eq1 Jo lle slsrT ler{] deu ppo,ro. B sr ereql {ooqlxet rno,{ Jo .I: \i :

,(eqt s:--
i se,\l;:',1


ueluJeD -
qsruelJ -
qsl8ug (uecueiuy) -
eloeJJ -
un!'u3 -
slnoBg - 'uuelu
'qsr,l nof Jr -
ecuo ueql eJoru suorlJnp
eql no1 epeuoEueru ere se8en8uEl 3ut.a,ro11o3 oqt Jo q-'
01 uelslT ,(uur
.seffi#utrE sa'
eqouerd uuql reqlo e8un8uel u leeds eldoed,{ueur mo11

X*Y B T @

&/f,}###€,$$#f; 'g#
LE$$Fr $ quelques expressions a few expressions with
p0ur vous pr6senter to introduce yourself avec Ie verbe effe lhe vetb to be
Comment tu t'appelles? 6tre en forme to be fine
What is your name?
Comment vous Otre fatigu6/e to be tired
What is your name?
appelez-vous? 6tre malade to be sick
Je m'appelle Chantal. 6tre occup6/e to be busy
My name is Chantal.
6tre stress6/e to be stressed
Je telvous pr6sente Guy. I introduc e/p re s ent Guy
to you.
c'est/ce sont. . . thisis...theseare... l

Voici . . . Hereis/are...
Enchant6/e. autres mots utiles
Je suis de Montr6a1. non no
I amfrom Montreal.
oui yes
p0ur saluer to greet
Bonjour. Hello. Lffi$#ffi tr
Bonsoir. Good evening.

dans Ia salle de classe in the classroom

Comment allez-vous? How are you? une affiche poster ltfflr i ' -.E.r
Trds bien. merci. Very well, thank you.
un bureau desk
Bien aussi. Fine, also. un cahier notebook
Salut. Hi. une carte map
Comment ga va? How's it going?
une cassette cassette tape
Qa va, et toi? Fine, and you?
une chaise chair
Pas mal. Not bod.
une craie stick of chalk
Comme ci, comme ga. So-so.
un crayon pencil
Qa ne va pas. Things aren't going well.
des devoirs (m) homework
une fenOtre window
pour prendre cong6 to take leave
une gomme eraser
Au revoir. Goocl-bye.
un livre book
A bient6t. See you soon.
un magn6tophone tape player
A demain. See you tomorow.
un ordinateur computer Jnir f
Salut. 'Byr.
une pofte door
des personnes une rdgle ruler
Madame (Mme) un stylo pen
un tableau blackboard
Mademoiselle (M11e) Miss
Monsieur (M.) Mr pour donner des ordres to give orders
un/e ami/e friend Allez i la porte! Go to the door!
un/e camarade de classe classmate
Allez au tableaul Go to the blackboard!
Asseyez-vous ! Sit down!


38 trenteJtuit CHApITRE t. pRESENT0Ns-N0us!

OE Jitau-apaL1 tUtV'tnsvo0A


'Aluo)Pttr At,nO 'ia'.'.' '. r lll

'llD lD XoN 'lllll

'1! uouuau Luoo

I 'no,( 4uoq1 ,,,iiilllllllilf'

fpoqauos lueql ol un,nblanb ta,:],aur*,

(' ' 'l.uato4usr


a"taql)' ' 'alD/sl araql sede .,.- ,,rlllll

' ' ' ?J11/s! araql /aJzH "lt,,,lr lu llillllr

I 'asoald'paday 'lge1dsn.,'.' ' :l;irulllliiqltil

lapnol 4oadg ;11. -

-- .- rlr,,ilIlrtilli{

iau asfi)xfl " r,,,iIIIUj1in

- - ;lrrr',
'puwslapun l,uop I 'sud sPu;:: ,;ifllrr

. '- -'"4**
((rypqu!q OJIUSJEAIUUU UN ul ,,prooqpDlq,, U3 !-'' 116
l futs no{. op A\aH uo-ll: --r-;r
'2 .raqrualdag q4 'erqueldes ertenb el tse.J
l .taqwa)aQ eJqluec9p lu00Isselc essels ep e IE O
raqwaAoN eJqluoAou aql Jol suorssoldxo lnod suolssaJf,ts flW
taqol)o eJqolco ul
lste5ue4 u: .-r:; -r u,lxxru
.taqu.ratdag erqureldes iqzuaq ul talLsuv
rcnBnY luoe i4toA\auoq no{. ur puo11 isJIoAep sal Io''.;- -- :r'$"1[

Qnt lerunf iw0oqw0lq ?q||D )loo7 inBelqel a1 z:- -*;;'rp

I aunf utnf pad o a1n1 iolils u: . r:",;l'o
iA opurl\ ary uad6 ;aJlauJ.l
t'. :- .-.
toru Ietu
IUdV IIr^e i4ooq mo[.2u1 Moqs ioJAII OJJOA loLlI-Z I -- -: I 'L

l qrrDn SJEIU iw0oqpolq -r*
. , ,AJD
fuontqaT J3u^9J aql uo splo(fi aql poa[ nB SIOUI ': - "

[-mnuoS rera.ueI idn puolsldn 1ag i\llt''"-:"

ree/( eql lo srlluou aql eguue,l ep srolu sol i4ooq aql asol) ieJ^Il al 7; *; "

*& uxeu&ery iwDoqlcDlq aqt zsDrq inualqel J[ ./:-'. ,

iEU#* E
6nt mo{ puo a1u0u ltuoug;d::-
UDM Jnersuotu un 6o1 not uwop ail"qll la uou JIJoA ,/: --:
[prrt eluBp eun tlllrtl SU
1l1e 1d ':
taqJ0al messeg:ord un iasoa1d'ua$17 lr.s'uJIq ltr:
luaprus enuurprug elrn iauDI4 iauir;rr
eldoed souuosrod sep ol ryoqt {o )pt$ ?qt a^tg q 3lf,lJ lll 7iu - ,-


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