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6 August 2009

Dear Partners and Friends,

Greetings in the name of Jesus! We trust the Lord that you are blessed in every way.
Allen and I continue to believe with you for all that you bring before the Father. Always,
remember, prayer is the most powerful act, and faith is the most formidable force there is!
When we look to the Lord, He answers us in might.

Thank you for your prayers for Allen during his US trip. He was blessed with
opportunities to minister both to groups and to individuals. He has been in ministry now
for over thirty years and is increasingly turning to mentor, coach and help young
ministers. This brings him great joy and helps fast-track young men and women in their

August will see us ministering in Teri Community Church. There are a lot of changes
taking place right now, and a lot of things needed to be put in place. In September and
October we will be making trips out to minister. At this time of the year we are also
setting our schedule for the months ahead.

In this Update we continue with our series HOW TO PROSPER – GOD’S WAY. We
have said from the outset of these articles that we prosper from the inside out, and that we
must be positioned to walk in the blessing of God. Proverbs 22:9 tells us that “he who
has a bountiful eye shall be blessed” or as one version of the Bible says, “the one with a
bountiful eye will be empowered to prosper”. A bountiful eye is an eye that sees the
blessing of the Lord in abundance. It sees opportunities. It sees favour. It sees plenty. A
bountiful eye is a reflection of a person’s heart. When a man’s heart is filled with love,
peace and joy, his eye sees bountifully. When a man’s heart is filled with strife and
offence, his eye sees poverty and limitation. In short, we SEE with our hearts.

Proverbs Chapter 4 tells us that the “issues” or “boundaries” of life flow from the heart.
Whether or not we enter into the superabundance God has for us is a heart matter. It is
decided in the heart. When we plant the Word concerning prosperity in our hearts, we
will prosper. When the Word takes root and is established, it changes us, and it positions
us. We move into God’s flow of provision, abundance and plenty; and many times
experience debt cancellation, miracle supply, and unexpected blessing

PO Box 258, Banyo. Q. Australia
Allen and I pray for you that you would prosper even as your souls prosper. We believe
with you that you would receive revelation in the areas in which it is needed; that you
would see breakthrough in these areas; and that you would experience restoration where
required, provision where needed and unexpected blessing to lift you to another level!
We pray that the Father would give you a new anointing to manage and steward that
which He has given you; and that you would have strategies that would cause you
increase supernaturally.

We pray for those believing for a home, that the Father would make a way for you to
purchase a home. We pray for those in business that you would know a new anointing
that carries wisdom, management and entrepeneurialship. We pray for those in ministry
that you would know extraordinary provision for the call.

…………..in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Jesus is Lord,
Allen and Noela


Tieri Community Church

10th, 11th, 12th - Prophetic Conference, Open Heaven Church, Gold Coast (Noela)
12th - Day Workshop, Open Heaven Church, Gold Coast (Noela)

19th to 20th - Attending Breakthrough Conference, Brisbane (Allen and Noela)


• That 2009 see the ministry established powerfully.

• That the Anointed One guide us in building the ministry.

• That our partners and their families advance mightily in

Christ in 2009.

Remember, prayer moves the hand of God………….

Throughout this series we have been seeking the Lord in His Word regarding HOW TO
PROSPER. We have established it is God’s good pleasure to enlarge and increase our
lives with superabundance; we have placed Him as Lord over all that we possess; and we
have begun to seek Him for personal strategies of increase. In this UPDATE we will

The Old Testament character Joseph is a picture to us of both the prophetic call and
anointing, and the apostolic call and anointing. A “Joseph” mantle rests upon many men
and women in this day. I write to you today of this high call, because either you are a
Joseph or you know someone that is a Joseph (whom you are called to support, walk
with, or serve). If you are a Joseph I pray that this message brings greater understanding
of your call. If you are walking beside a Joseph, I pray that by association you receive an
impartation of INCREASE OF VISION; a FLOW OF PROVISION to fund your vision;
and ENLARGEMENT of vision.

So many people Allen and I talk to are frustrated, and some are disappointed. These ones
have big calls, big visions, a willingness to serve and take responsibility, and yet, there
seems to be NO WAY to finance the call. Some have “settled” to see their vision
partially fulfilled in the arena of the world, whilst others have compromised and joined
themselves to ones they know God never called them to, in the hope that just maybe this
person will finance the work.

There can be no doubt that there needs to be breakthrough in funds for harvest, and there
is no doubt, there has been a great attack upon the finances of those who would give, go
and do the work of the Gospel. YET, God is still in charge! He is still our Source and
Provider, and as we come before Him to look at THE JOSEPH ANOINTING, I believe
we will be greatly encouraged AND receive a fresh JOSEPH anointing to look at the
blueprint of the vision again and seek the Lord all over again regarding the call. As I
write, the Holy Spirit tells me that some of you will start from scratch. The old
blueprint will be discarded and a new one will be written on the table of your hearts.
It will be different, and the Lord says, that some of you will be amazed at what you
include in the blueprint (that you have never thought of before). There is coming
such a shaking within the body regarding relationships - a moving away of some you
have felt close to in the past, and a joining to new ones. Do not be disturbed about
this. For some it will seem that many leave their lives. It is time to walk closely with
the Spirit and hear Him and obey. Align with those whom He directs. Some of you
will feel that the Lord has taken you and turned you to look in a different direction.

Considering Joseph: He was called to greatness, and he entered into that greatness, YET,
he had to be made ready for the call; he had to be made ready to manage the
responsibility God gave him; he needed to prove faithful where he was placed; and, he
needed to maintain a clean and pure heart no matter what circumstances he encountered.
Joseph had a call that would touch the nations of the earth in a powerful and strategic
way, yet, he had to walk a path of humility before he was raised up to feed and minister
to multitudes.

To walk in the fullness of THE JOSEPH ANOINTING there must be training, and there
must be a complete confidence that God Himself is overseeing the training to bring us to
the place where we can fully walk in what He has shown us. I remember my mentor in
ministry repeatedly saying to people, “When you think you are ready, you are not”. You
see, the call is really not enough. It is the character that carries the anointing. The
anointing is sustained by what we have on the inside – the traits of Jesus and the
understanding we have of the Father’s heart.

Joseph gained maturity, wisdom and character through all that he walked through in the
period between his declaration of what God had shown him and the time in which he
fulfilled his call. He was sold and placed in a well. The well was bad enough. It was
small, dark and damp. But, when he was lifted out, he was taken to Egypt! He was
placed amongst an idolatrous and heathen people and made a slave. In the course of time
his master saw the hand of the Lord upon him and gave him the position of manager of
his household. The master’s wife made a false accusation against Joseph, and, suddenly,
all that he had attained was lost. He was sent to prison.

Many of us have felt that at some point in our lives we have been imprisoned – by what is
taking place around us or coming against us. Prisons represent the DARK, TIGHT
PLACES we sometimes find ourselves in. They represent the places we feel others have
put us in that there seems to be no way out of (in the natural realm). They represent the
places where there is not a lot of room to move. They represent places where there seems
to be little light or revelation. If we keep our hearts right and turn to the Lord during
prisons seasons, we become totally dependent upon Him. When it seems that we finally
surrender all to the Lord in a greater way than ever before, a way of release opens up.

Joseph was forgotten by the cupbearer and the baker whose dreams he interpreted.
Sometimes we are “forgotten” by those who could make a way for us. Surely, the prison
time for JOSEPH was a time of walking in grace and forgiving others. Suddenly, out of
the blue, in an unexpected way, God presents us (as He did with Joseph) with an
opportunity, an open door to bring something from him to another. This time it is the one
whom God will use to set us into our ministry, business or profession. Recognition will
come, and respect will come.

If we read the life story of Joseph recorded in Genesis, we see that in Chapter 21 verse
41, he was placed over a nation – a nation that did not even worship his God! He was
given Pharaoh’s personal ring. He had the king’s authority. He was dressed in the finest
of robes and travelled in a chariot. In verse 44 we read that Pharaoh told Joseph that
“without his word no one would lift hand or foot in all Egypt”. He was second in
command after the king.

Joseph enjoyed PROSPERITY – GOD’S WAY. He allowed the Lord to prepare him for
his call. He honoured God even in the most difficult times of his life and kept the dream
in his heart. This man was truly blessed, yet God had even more for him. He was raised
up to steward food for the nations. He was given the task by God to manage provision.
He worked a Divine strategy and men travelled from far off lands to receive from him.
His name was known wide and far, and so was that of his God.

YOUR PROSPERITY IS IN YOUR CALL. This is a true statement for all of us, but
profoundly true for the one with the JOSEPH ANOINTING. He or she needs to see
millions and even billions of dollars manifest to fulfill the call.

The one with the JOSEPH ANOINTING is often misunderstood by those with small
vision. He or she is oftentimes perceived as a “dreamer” who just wants position or
money. The JOSEPHS’ are many times drawn toward excellence and place upon
themselves a standard of excellence. They look for the best in material possessions – the
best that money can buy. This is all part of who God made them to be. In the depths of
their hearts, they are looking outward to the needs of others, and want others also to have
the best. They want to help meet the needs of others.

If you have a JOSEPH ANOINTING you must hold the dream in your heart no matter
what. Meditate upon the vision you have been given until it is rooted in your heart.
Walk closely with the Lord and be alert to His timings and His ways. Don’t focus on the
questions of HOW this vision will be fulfilled, WHO it will be fulfilled through, and
WHEN it will take place. Let the biggest word inside you be ‘YES’. Keep thanking the
Lord for the Divine appointments He has planned with strategic people. Believe for
favour. Be faithful where you are right now, even if it is stewarding the little.
Remember, your opportunity will come by being in the right place at the right time.

Prepare your heart. Become more like Jesus and press in for a prophetic anointing that
will enable you to see what can be in God, as well as, an apostolic anointing to
encompass the needs of others as your own. I would say to those who are waiting,
“Please do not throw away your dream and please don’t allow it to be stolen by
discouragement. Wait upon the Lord and walk with Him, right into your call.
JOSEPHS’ ARISE! (By Rev. Noela Collis).

* * * *

COLLIS MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL website is being overhauled and

redesigned! Dhaniel Lukman will be working on the site in the coming
days, and managing it when it is up and running. GET READY for an
exciting new website! We wish to thank Dhaniel for his service to the Lord
in this ministry. Please remember to pray for him that he is led of the Spirit
to create a dynamic and anointed site.

Why not join us in partnership today!

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