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Is there anything wrong with the following items?

- Where are you from?
- What are the problems associated with the KSSR system?
- How many times did you revise your thesis?
i. Many ii. Few iii. Very few
- I have a high level of self-esteem when studying Chemistry.
- I enjoy Chemistry because the teachers are competent

1. Qnaire
- Guna yang ada
- Ubah suai
- Bina sendiri
Qnaire adalah instrumen untuk mengukur tingkah laku responden. Qnaire mengandungi item
Respon kepada item hasilkan data. Item qnaire ukur tingkah laku yang dipraktiskan (bukan nilai
yang dipegang)

2. Kriteria qnaire
i. Keobjektifan / unidimensional
ii. Kesahan - uji apa yang hendak diuji (JPU)
- Kesahan kandungan
- Kesahan konstruk
- Kesahan kriteria (predictive @ concurrent)
iii. Kebolehpercayaan – konsistensi respon
- Split-half
- Test retest
- Internal consistency - Chronbach’s alpha
Kesahan + kebolehpercayaan supaya setiap responden:
- Memahami item dgn cara yang sama
- Memahami item spt yang dikehendaki
iv. Kepenggunaan
- Kumpulan sasar
- Terlalu banyak item
- Masa yang lama kerana item yang sukar

3. Establish the construct

Read the theory/ies related to the construct
Review previous studies

4. How each variable should be measured?
Study the way a variable was measured in other studies. If the instrument that was used in other
research studies cannot be adopted exactly, it will at least provide a general idea of how you
should attempt to measure the variable.

5. Pembinaan item
i. Definisi konstruk – pecah kepada beberapa konsep lebih mudah dalam bentuk perlakuan
supaya boleh diberi status oleh responden.
Eg: Kejayaan – Kejayaan akademik (skor dalam dlm SPM) + Kejayaan rohani (amalan wajib)
ii. Penulisan item
iii. Kesahan – pakar + psikometrik
iv. Kajian rintis – kumpulan sasar, minta komen
v. Analisis item – Factor analysis, indeks kesukaran item, indeks diskriminasi item,
vi. Analisis data - analisis faktor (EFA), item polarity, unidimensionality, kesahan dan

6. Penulisan item
definisi isu
guna perkataan biasa / elak jargon
elak perkataan kurang jelas (usually, kerap, normally dll)
- Berapa kerapkan selalunya anda menggunakan internet?
elak perkataan “leading”
- Perlukan Malaysia membantu Singapura yang sering memperkecilkan kemampuan Malaysia?
elak double negatif
elak multiple meaning / interpretation
- Pihak Polis perlu berlaku “adil” ketika menyoal siasat suspek.
guna 4W (if possible)
Adakah menonton program realiti tv mendatangkan kebaikkan kepada anda?
Who – tak semua responden menonton program realiti
What – program realiti mana satu?
When – bila… time frame?
Where – di asrama….di rumah ?
- Adakah menonton program Malaysia Idol siri 2014 semasa berada dirumah mendatangkan
kebaikkan kepada anda?
Elak soalan hipotetikal – “If”
- Apakah yang anda lakukan jika dilantik pengurus bola sepak negara ?

7. Jenis item

a. Open single answer

How long have you been in your present position?

b. Pre-coded single choice

What department are you in?

c. Open answer
What is the main thing you would like to see changed at your department?

d. Dichotomous
Have your department had an MOU with any university from UK? Yes No

e. Rank order
Rank-order the three most important characteristics you want in the job.
(1 - the most important; 2 - the second most important; 3 - the next most important)
High salary ____
Security ____
Interest ____
Power ____
Prestige ____

f. Likert type
Promotion is a satisfactory reward.
Strongly disagree 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly agree
(Responses to several Likert items may be summed and that the scale is a defensible
approximation to an interval scale. If the summed responses fulfill some assumptions,
parametric statistical tests can be applied)

g. Pre-test the questionnaire

- Ask for feedback / comment on the questionnaire

h. Pilot study
Send questionnaire to a small sample of respondents and check reliability

Konstruk : Teori Pengajaran Berkesan (A, 2001)
Konstruk Pengajaran berkesan:
1. Pengetahuan
2. Penampilan
3. Teknik pengajaran
4. Alat bantu mengajar (B,2003)

Skala Likert: Sgt tak setuju – Sgt Setuju

Bina sekurang-kurang 5 item mewakili permbolehubah diatas.

1. Guru saya memberi pelbagai contoh yang terkini semasa mengajar

1. Guru perlu berpakaian mengikut fesyen semasa

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