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Sabbath' School Lesson

Fourth' Quarter, 1946

Lessons from the Lives

of Great Men
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3031 f A. "LvI). - PH. n l ,),,~


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Lesson No. I-Sabbath, October 5, l!M6


1. What earnflSt exhortation does Jesus give His fol-
lowers regarding the Scriptures? John 5 :39.
NOTE: "The Bible is our rule of faith and doctrine.
There is nothing more calculated to energize the mind and
strengthen the. intellect than the study of the word of
God. No other book is so potent to elevate the thoughts
or give vigor to the faculties, as the broad, ennobling
truths of the Bible. If God's word were studied as it
should be, men would have a breadth of mind, a nobility
of character, and a stability of purpose that are rarely
seen in these ti~es."-G.W., p, 249.
2. In what sPirit should the Scriptures be searched'?
Provo ~:3·5.
3. How were the Scriptures given? 1,Tim. 3:16.
4. For what purpose were the Scriptures written? Rom.
5. For what are the Scriptures profitlj,ble? 2 Tim.
NOTE: "God desires man to exercise his reasoning
powers; and' the study of the Bible will strengthen and
elevate the mind as no other study can do. It is the
best mental, as well as spiritual, exercise for the human
mind."-VoI. 5, p. 703.
6. How are we to receive and treat God's Word? I. Thess.
7. How is the child of God guided :in the study of the
Word? John 16:13, 1 Cor. 2:11-13.
NOTE: "Never should the Bible be studied without
prayer. Before opening its pages we should ask for the
enlightenment of the Holy Spirit, and it u'Il e cgiven.'~-
S.C., p. 96. •~
8. Above what has God magnified His word? Ps. 138:2.
9. What has God promJsed those who meditate upon and
obey His word? Ps. 1 :1-3.
10. What is the word of God able to do for us?
Acts •
11. Why did David hide the Word in his heart? Ps.
12. How did the Saviour illustrate in His life the power
of the Word to keep one from sinning? Matt. 4:3-11.
NOTE: "None but those who have fortified the mind
with the truths of the Bible will stand through the last
great conflict. To every soul will come the searching test,
Shall I obey God rather than men? The decisive hour is
even now at hand. Are our feet planted on the rock of
God's immutable word? Are we prepared to stand firm
in defence of the commandments of God and the faith of
Jesus ?"-G.C., pp. 593. 594.
13. 'What dang-8r do those who do not know the Scrip-
tures for themselves face? Matt. 22:29; Amos 8:11-12.
NOTE: "God has given us His word that we may be-
come acquainted with its teachings. and know for our-
selves what He requires of us. . . . It is not enough
to have good intentions; it is not enough to do what a
man thinks is right. or what the minister tells him is
right. His soul's salvation is at stake, and he should
search the Scriptures for. himself."-G.C., p. 598.

Lesson No.2-Sabbath, October 12, 1946

On what definite condition was Isra'el of old to be re-
cognized of God as His tru'8 people? Jer. 7:23.
2. What great benefits' are promised to those who obey
the will of God? Dent. 28 :1-6.
NOTE: "God is the source of life and light and joy
to the universe. Like rays of light from the sun. like
the streams of water bursting from a living spring. bless-
ings flow out from Him ,to all His creatures. And wher-

ever the life of God is in the hearts of men, it will flow

out to others in love and blessing."-S.C., p. 81.
3. What has resulted from Adam's disobedience? Rom.
5:12, 19.
4. Why was Abel's offering acceptable to God, and why
was Caia's rejected? Gen. 4 :3-7; Heb. 11 :4.
5. What course which brought the displeasure of God
upon him, did King Saul follow? 1 Sam. 15:3, 20~23.
NOTE: "It is a perilous step ·to slight the reproofs
and warnings of God's word 0·1' of His Spirit. Many,
like Saul, yield to emptation until they become blind to
the true character of sin. They flatter themselves that
they have had some good object in view, and have done
no wrong in departing from the Lord's requirements.
Thus they do despite to the Spirit of grace, until its
voice is no longer. heard, and they are kft to the delu-
sions which they have chosen."-P.P., p. 635.
6. What sad experienC'e occurred when the ark of the
covenant was at one tim,e being trans'ported from one
place to another? 2 Sam. 6 :3.7.
7. Through what means did God instruct men of old?
How does He instruct His people to·day? Heb. 1:1, 2.
NOTE: "In ancient times God spoke to men by the
mouth of prophets and apostles. In these days He speaks
to them by the Testimonies of His Spirit. There was never
a time whe'u God instructed His people more earnestly
than He instructs them now concerning His will, and the
course that He would have them pursue. . . . God will
accept of no partial obedience. He will sanction no com-
promise w s If." Vol. 4, p. 148.
8. What is the moral standard of obedience as presented
in the word of God? James 2:8.14; 1 John 3:4; Eccl.
9. How does Jesus express the disappointment of those
who in their lives professed to be servants of God,
but were disobedient? Matt. 7 :21.23.
10. Who only will enter in through the gates of the New
Jerusalem? Rev. 22 :14.

Lesson No.3-Sabbath, October 19, 1946



1. What two qualities were working in the life of Abra-

ham and made him acceptable before God? James
2. What noble s>entiments revealed themselves particu-
larly in the life of Abraham? G'en. 13:1-9; Rom. 12:10;
Phil. 2:4.
3. Was the faith of Abraham perfect before his last
test? Gen. 12:10·20.
NO'TE: "God had called Abraham to be the father of
the faithful, and his l'fe was to stand as an example of
faith to succeeding generations, . But .bjB ~jtb had-not
bee l;: t, He had shown distrust of Go in conceal-
ing e fact that Sarah was IS wIfe, and again in his
marriage with Hagar."-P.P., p. 147.

4. To what position was Abraham called? Gen. 12:3;

Rom. 4:11; Gal. 3:6-8.
5. In order for Abraham to reach the hig-hest d,egree in
faith, to what great test was he submitted by God?
Gen. 22 :1, 2.
NOTE: "Because Abraham had shown a lack of faith
in God's promises, Satan had accused him before the
angels and before God of having failed to comply with
the ccnditions of t nt, and as unworthy of its
blessings. God desJre 0 prove the loyalty of his se~'vant
fore all heaven, to demonstrate that nothing less than
er ec 0 ~ Ience can bp accepted, and to open more fully
...~~re them the plan of salvation."-P.P., pp. 154,

6. In what was this ordeal especially marked? Gen.

21 :12. (Last part.)
7. Did he hesitate to accomplish the will of God? Gen.
8. In what did Abraham find r'efuge and comfort at thl!
time of his seV'ere trial? Heb. 11 :19; John 8 :56.

/ 10. What question did Isaac raise to his father upon Mount
Moriah? Gen. 22:7. What answer did Abraham give?
11. How completely did the Lord test Abraham's faith?
Gen. 22:9-13.
12. What promise did the Lord confirm to Abraham after
the act of faith? Gen. 22:15-18., ...." v t:.
13. Through w at does real faith reveal itself? James
2:17-22. v
14. When only are we children of Abraham? Gal. 3:9;
Hom. 4:16; Gen. 26:5; John 8:39.... ", 1 'L.. l ••

Lesson No.4-Sabbath, October 26, 1946



1. Who was Joseph? Gen. 37:1, 2. J ) ~ .~

2. What enol' did Jacob commit i the training of his
children? Gen. 37 :3. 4. ' /-
NOTE: "He 'loved Joseph mOl'e tharr' all his child-
Ten.' But even this affection was to become a cause of
trouble and S9rrow. Jaco·b unwisely manifested his pre-
ference for Joseph, and this excited the jealousy of his
other sons. As Joseph witnessed the evil conduct of his
brothers, he was greatly troubled. He ventured gently to
Temonstrate with them. but only aroused still further -their
batred and resentment."-P.P., p. 209.
3. What commission did Joseph receive from his father? _
I ~ What occurred? Gen. 37 :12·36. <-
4. W.hat purpose did this experience 0 oseph's finally
serve? Gen. 50:15-21; Rom. 8:28. , . ( •
5. What influ~nce did the loyalty and steadfast char c-
tel' of Joseph have upon others? Gen. 39:2-6.
~. Wherein lay the secret of his success? Ecc. 12:1;
Provo 4 :23. • I ( .r

.I. v

7. What fearful temptation was brought to JO&e{)h? Gen.

NOTE: "But Joseph's faith and integrity w~re to be
tested by fiery trials. His master's wife endeavoured to-
entice the young man to transgress the law of God: Here-
tofOl'e he had remained untainted by corruption teeming
in that heathen land; but this temptation, so sudden, so
strong, so seduc,tive-how should it be met? Joseph knew
well what would be the consequence of resistance. On
the one hand were concealment, favor and rewards; on
the other hand, disgrace. imprisonment, perhaps death.
His whole future life depended upo the decision of the
moment. tWould principle trfumph? W,'ould Joseph still
be true to ? With inexpressible anxietYl ~eJ~looked
upon the see Joseph's answer reveals the ower of re-
ligious l'inci Ie HOe would not betray e con ence of
his master on earth. and, whatever the consequences, he
woul,d be true his master in heaven."-P.P., p. 217.
8. Through whg Rev. 3:10.
Rom. 8:37. 7.
9. endure because of his

10, What reward di Joseph finally receive? Gen. 41:14'-

16. What princ Ie was revealed in the entire life of
Joseph? Luke 6:10. (First part.) . '-'" ...J>v:

NOTE: "There are few who realize t e influence of

the litt! things of ife upon the development of charac-
ter. 0 mg with wh}ch we have to do is really small.
The varied circumstances that we meet day by day are
designed to test oUII faithfulness and to qualify us for
greater trusts. By ~dherance to principle in the trans-
actions of ordinary life. the mind becomes accustomed to-
hold the claims of duty above those of pleasure and incli-
nation. Minds thus disciplined are not wavering between
right and wrong like the reed trembling in the wind;
they are loyal to duty because they have trained them-
selves to habits of fidelity and truth. By faithfulness in that
which is least. they acquire strength to be faithful in
greater matters."-P.P., pp. 222. 223.
~. ~:w:

) ':\. j '..QUESTIONS
1. In" what way' did the people of Israel be~e ~tive ~ ~
in the land of Egypt? Ex. 1:8-10. \ -..I •• , C";. ('If
, VA..
2. Whom did the Lord raise up as th'e deliverer 01 His'
people? Acts 7:20-29; Ex. 3:1-14."', ~~. , ~ 'II
·,,3., Where and through whom did Moses recei~ the lay.
ing of the foundatio of his faith? Ex. 2:7-10.
I ~, I
N "l'E : "Young l' than oseph or Daniel was Moses
when '!removed from the sheltering care of his child-
' hood's home; yet already the same agencies that shaped
their lives had already moulded his. Only twelve years
did he spend with his Hebrew kindred; but during these
years was laid the foundation of his greatness; it was
laid by the han of'"otte Itt e "known to fame, Jochebed
was a woman and a slave, Her lot in life was urn e,
her burden heavy. But through no other w<J;man, save
Mary of Nazareth, has the world l'eceived greater bless-
ing. Knowing that her child must soon pass beyond her
care, to the guardianship of those who kne~ not God,
she the more earnestly endeavoured to link his soul with
heaven. She sought to implant in his heart .love and
loyalty to God. And faithfully was the work accom-
-plished."-Ed., p. 61.
\. ' \ 1I'4'\.-During his later years in Egypt, did Moses remain
, ~ ot. ttithful to the belief of his fathers? Beb. 11 :24, 25. -e
5. In order to be qualified as the leader of Israel, what
was. absolutely necessary for Moses' training? Ex,.
3:1. .
6. What special characteristics were revealed in the life
of MoS<ls, as the leader of Israel? Beb. 11 :24-29.

7. What hindered Moses ,in the' execution of his duty?

Num. 16:1-3; 12:1, 2; 17:6, 7./'Ilw( ,,~~!" J#"r,,~ ~,..,/OO.

8, Who first misjudgedl him? Ex. 15:24; 17:3; 16:21;

Num. 14:2. '!NO'I-' ~~.
9. Wh'en the Lord desired to exterminate Israel on ac-
count of their murmuring, what did Moses do? Ps.
106 :23. .;,4.;-
10. What lesson does the im patience of the peop,le 0~4!L _" " I
~(,~ Israel contain for us? 1 Cor. 10:10; Phil. 2:14, 15. ffPO'
:" I 11. What can we learn from the patienoe of Moses? Ex.
32 :32, 33 ; James 5 :20; 1 Peter 4 :8.
12, What kind of testimony does the Lord give of Moses?
Heb, 3:5. .
13. What warnings does the Lord sound in regard to dis-
ANSWER: 'The spirit of self-exaltation,. the disposi-
tion to censure our brethren, is displeasing to God. Those
who indulge in these evils cast doubt upon the work of
God, and give the skeptical an excuse for their unbelief.
The more important one's position, and the greater his
influence, the greater is the necessity that he should cul-
tivate patience and humility."-P.P., p. 420.

Lesson No.6-Sabbath, November 9, 1946



1. In what age did Elijah live? 1 Kings 18 :21.

2. How did the power 'of prayer manifest itself' 'in the
life of Elijah? 1 Kings 17:1; James 5:14-18.
3. How powerful was the prayer of Elijah? 1 Kings
17:5, 6. To what should this experience incite us?
Luke 18 :1·7.
4. Rehearse the wonderful preservation of t.he prophet
during the time of famine. 1 Kings 17 :2-16.
5. What miracle did Elijah perform on behalf of the
widow? 1 Kings 17:17-24.
6, As a result. of his faithful warnings, what accusation
was brought upon the prophet? 1 Kings 18:17.

7. What answer did Elijah give unto Ahab who had ac·
cused him of troubling Israel? 1 Kings 18 :18.
8. Why WllS the Lord able to answer the specific requests
made by Elijah? 1 John 3:18-22.
NOTE: "Elijah, the man of power. had been God's
instrument for the overthrow of gigantic evils. Idolatry,
which, supported by Ahab and the heathen Jezebel, had
seduced the nation. had been cast down. Baal's prophets
had been slain. The whole people of Israel had been
deeply stirred. and many were returning to the worship
of God. As successor to Elijah was needed. one who by
careful, patient instruction could guide Israel in safe
paths. For this work Elisha's early training under God's
direction h.ad prepared him. The lesson is for all. . . .
All may be certain that faithfulness in little things is
the evidence of fitness for greater responsibilities. Every
act of life, is a revelation of character, and he only who
in small duties proves himself 'a workman that needeth
not be ashamed,' will be honored by God with weightier
trusts."-Ed.• pp. 60, 61.
9. Owing to his hard battle, against apostasy, what came
upon Elijah? 1 Kings 19 :1-4.
10. Of what food did Elijah partake before his asc~nsion?
Was this simple food sufficient to give him strength?
1 Kings 19 :5-8.
11. What was the reward of Elijah's loyalty toward God
and His holy law? 2 Kings 2:1, 11.
12. Will God who p,rovided food for Elijah during the time
of famine also take care of His' children during the
time of trouble?
ANSWER: "The people of God will not be free from
suffering; but while persecuted and distressed, while they
endure privation, and suffer for want of food, they will
not be left to perish. That God who cared for Elijah, will
not pass by one of His self-sacrificing children. He who
numbers the hairs of their head. will care for them; and
in time of famine they shall be satisfied. WhHe the
wicked a)',~ dying from hunger and pesti1E:nce. angels will
shield the righteous. and supply their wants. To him that
'walketh righteously' is the promise. 'Bread shall be given
him; his water shall be sure:" G.C., p. 629,

Lesson No.7-Sabbath, November 16, 1946 •


1. In what way may we com.pare our' time with an-
other period in the past? 1 Kings 18 :18; 2 Tim,. 4 :2·4.
2. What kind of spirit should now rt'turn among be',
Iievers? Mal. 4 :5, 6.
3. At what time in history was the spirit of Elijah pre-
sent hi the world. and what was th'8 effect? Matt.
17:10.13; Luke 1:17.
4. Wdth what message will true believers ap,peal to un-
believers of to·day? 1 Kings 18 :21; Rev. 14 :6.9.
5. What fruit of the spirit must be manifest' within us
if we are to stand as firm in our duty as did Elijah
in his? 1 John 4:16-18.
NOTE: "Had Elijah not possessed the love of God
he would not have been able to proclaim such a fe'arful
message as the Lord entrusted to him; and under the
pressure of difficulty and persecution, -he must surely have
given up. Likewise all who have not. in these days of
peril, taken a loyal and decisive position for the trruth,
will soon leave the message and resort to the worship of
6. What kind of work was John the Baptist call'e'd of
God to accomplish in the spirit of Elijah? Isa. 40 :3. 4.
7 _ What accusation was brought against Elijah? 1 Kings
19 :1. 2. In what manner will the sam.el threat be re-
peated against the loyal children of God in tlhe days
of persecution just before them? Rev. 13 :15.
8. What was Elijah compelled to do because ()f' the accu-
sation and threat of Jezebel? 1 Kings 19:1-3.
NOTE: "I saw the saints leaving the cities and vil-
lages, and associating together in companies, and living
in the most solitary places. . . . I saw a writing, copies
of which were scattered in different parts of the land. giv-
ing orders that unless the saint.s should yield their pecu-'

liar faith, give up the Sabbath, and observe the first day
Qf the week, the people were a t liberty, after a certain
time, to put them to death. But in this hour of trial
the saints were calm and compQsed, trusting in God, and
leaning upon his promise that a way of escape would be
made for them."-E.W., pp. 282. 283.
9. What special characteristics seen in Elijah's e'xperience
must and will be revealed by the' remnant people of
God? Luke 18:7,8.
NOTE: "The numbers of the company has lessened.
Some had been shaken out and left by the way. The care-
1ess and indifferent, who did not join with those who
prized victory and salvation enough to perseveringly plead
and agonize for it. did not obtain it, and they were left
behind in darkness. and their places were immediately
filled by others taking hold of the truth and coming into
the ranks. Evil angels still pressed around them, but
could have no power over them."-E.W.. p. 271.
10. What wond'erful preservation is promised those who,
like Elijah, remain loyal to God? :ti;a. 30:19, 20.
Lesson No.8-Sabbath, Novemb2T 23, 1946

1. Where was Nehemiah when be learned of the condi.
tion ~f Jerusalem and Israel? Neh. 1:1.
NOTE: Shushan. the capitol city of Elam, was an
ancient city. It is mentioned in the inscription of Assur-
Banipal, being captured by him in the year 650 B.C. In
the third year of Belshazzar, Daniel being engaged in 'the
business of the king at Sushan, saw the vision of the
ram and he-goat. Later on, Darius built the great palace
in the city of Shushan. which is mentioned in the book
o.f Esther. In this city Nehemiah was found when he re-
ceived the report of the condition of Jerusalem by Ranani.
2; Describe the condition of Jerusalem at the tim!8 the
cit.y was found? Neh. 1:3; 2 Chron. 36:19.
3. What effec.t had the report of Hanani upon Nehemiah,

and what did he do? Neh. 1:4-10. How p-ersevering-

was his prayer? Verse 6.
4. What request was brought before King ArtaxerX'es by
Nehemiah? Neh. 2:1-5.
6. Despite what intended, hindranC'es, were the breaches
in the walls made up', and the work of the building
continued? Neh. 4:7, 11.
7. Upon whom did Nehemiah trust for help in all his
trials? Neh. 4 :20.
NOTE: "Amidst great discouragement, Nehemiah
made God his trust, his 'sure defence. And He who was
the support of His servant then has been the dependence
of His people in every age. In every crisis His people
may confidently declare, 'If God be for us, who can be
against us?' However craftily the plots of Satan and
his agents may be laid, God can detect them. and bring
to naught all their counsels. The response of faith to-
day will be the response made by Nehemiah. 'Our God
shall fight for us;' for God is in the work, and no man
can prevent its ultimate success."-P.K., p. 645.
8. Describe the diligence of those who were engag-ed in
erecting the wall? Neh. 4:6, 16, 17.
9. What was the desire of the enoemies of God's work
in regard to the building of the temple? Ezra 4:2.
But how did the leaders of Israel relate themselV'eS to
this ? Verse 3. 1
10. What similar task, in a spiritual sense, is likewise
given to the people of God in this time? 1 Peter 2:5;
1 These. 5:11; 2 Cor. 6:1. (First part.)
11. With w~()m must Goo's remnant people not make an
alliance; and what attitude should all take toward the
original Principles of the message?
ANSWER: "There is to be no change in the gene-
ral features of our work. It is to stand as clear dnd
distinct as prophecy has made it. We are to enter into
no confederacy with the world. supposing that by so do-
ing we could accomplish more. If any stand in the way
to hinder .the advancement of the work in the lines that
Goel has appQinted, they will displease God. No line of
truth that has made the Seventh-day Adventist people
what they are, is to be weakened."-Vol. 6, p. 17.

Lesson No.9-Sabbath, November 30, 1946


1. What did Nehemiah 'especially acknowledge in his
Prayer? Neb. 1:7.
,2. What commandment in particular, had the Jews trans-
gressed? Neh. 13:'5, 18.
3. In what sens'e was the re-es-tablishment of the church
services in the days of Nehemiah of equal importance
with the work of true reformers to-day? Isa. 58:13,
14; 63:2.
4. What are we told concerning the sacredness of the-
ANSWER: "On Friday let the preparations for the-
Sabbath be completed. See that all clothing is in readi-
ness, and that all cooking is done. Let the boots be
blacked. and the baths be taken. It is possible to do this.
If you make it a rule you can do it. The Sabbath is not
-to be given to the repairing of garments, to the cooking
of food, to pleasure-seeking or to any other worldly em-
ployment. Before the setting of the sun, let all
secular work be laid aside, and -an secular pap-
ers be ptlt out of sight. . . . We should jealously
guard the edges of the Sabbath. Remember 'that every
moment is consecrated. holy time."-Vot 6. pp. 355, 356.
5. What does the Lord say regarding those who wish
th'e Sabbath to soon pass so that they may resume
their own work? Amos 8:4-7.
6. What example did Jesus give in regard to keeping
the Sabba,th? Luk'e 4:16.
7. What oth'er evil, in addition to Sabbath desecration,
was Nehemiah anxious to 'have corrected in Israel?
Neh. 13:10, 11.
8. Owing to the reform work of Nehemiah, what l'esulted
in this' regard? Neh. 13 :12.

9. What command is also given to God's people to-day?

Mal. 3:10.
NOTE: "All should be taught to do what they can
for the Master; to render to Him according as He has
prospered them. He claims as His just due a tenth of
their income. be it large or small. and those who with-
hold this. commit robbery toward Him, and cannot expect
His prospering hand "to be with them. Even if the church
is composed mostly of poor brethrpn, the subject of sys-
tematic benevolence should be thoroughly explained, and
the plan heartily adopted."-G.W.• pp. 2"22,.223.
10. What pro-mise has the Lord given to those who are
faithful in paying tithe? Mal. 3:10-12.
11. Has one the right to use t.h'e tithe in times of per-
sonal need, or at any other time when one thinks it
ANs~rER: "The portion that God has reserved for
Himself is not to be diverted to· any other purpose than
that which He has specified. Let none feel a,t liberty to
retain their' tithe. to use according to their own judg-
m.ent. They are. not to use it for themselves in any
emergency, nor to apply it as they see fit. even in wha.t
they may- 'egard as the Lord's work. . . . Those who make
this use 0 the tithe are departing from the Lord's arrange-
ment. Go-cl will judge for these things."-Vol. 9, pp. 247,
12. In what other important matter did Nehemiah institute
a reform? N eh. 5 :1-8.

Lesson No. 10-Sabbatti, December 7, 1946


1. What 'evil, aside from those considered in our previous
lessons, did Nehemiah find among the Jews? Neb.

2. Why did the Lord forbid the marriage of His people

with unbelievers? Deut. 7:1-4.
3. What great man was caus-ed to fall through such an
evil union? 1 Kings 11:1-3.
NOTE: "'Solomon made affinity with Pharaoh, King
of Egypt. and took Pharaoh's daughter, and brought her
into the city of David.' From a human point of view, this
marriage, though c<lntrary to the teachings of God's Law,
seemed to prove a blessing; f01' Solomon's heathen wife
was converted, and united with him in the worship of the
true God. . . .' But in forming an alliance with a
heathen nation, and sealing the compact by marriage with
an idolatrous princess, Solomon rashly dsregarded the wise
provision that God had made for maintaining the purijty
of His people. The hope that the Egyptian wife might be
converted was but a feeble excuse for sin."-P.K., p. 53.
4. How did N eh'€JInliah describe marriage with unbe-
lievers? Neh. 13:27. - l. y

5. What additional report is given us regarding the ast

work of Nehemiah'? Neb. 13:29-31.'" • • Y
6. Has the Lord given to His' rem 'ant eople similar
instruction? 2 Cor. 6:14, 15. II r,"
7. How complete should the people of God separate' from
sin? 2 Cor. 6:17, .18.
8. Can one who strives toward the honour and glory of
God conscientiously unite with a compalllion who re-
fuses to follow the Saviour? Psalm 106:35, 36.
NOTE: "Will you who profess to choose Christ for
your Master and to be obedient to Him in all things unite
your interest with. one. who is ruled by the prince of
the powers of darkness? 'Can two walk together except
tliey be agreed?' 'rtf two of you shall agree on earth as
touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done
for them of My Father which is in Heaven.' But how
strange the sight! While one of those so closely united
is engaged in devotion, the other is indifferent 'and care-
less; while one is seek'ing the way to everlasting life, the
other is in the broad road to death!"-Vol. 4. p. 507.
9. How does tIle Lord describe those who are friends of
the w;orld? James 4:4.

NOTE: "God requires of His people now as great a

distinction from the world, in customs, habits, and prin-
ciples, as He required of Israel anciently. If they faith-
fully follow the teachings of His word, this distinction
will exist; it cannot be otherwise. The warning given to
the Hebrews against assimilating with the heathen were
not more direct or explicit than are those forbidding
Christians to conform to the spirit and customs OF the
ungodly. Christ speaks to us, 'Love not the world.
neither the things that are in the world. If any man
love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.'
'The friendship of the world is enmity with God; whoso-
ever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy
of God.' The followers of Christ are to separate them-
selves from sinners, choosing their society only when
there is opportunity to do them good.~ We cannot be too
decided in n in the compan 0 th se w e el.' an
111 uence 0 raw us away II' n d."-P:'P., pp. 458. 459.

Lesson No. 11-Sabbath, December· 14. 194,6


1. What prophecy was fulfiUed through John the Bap-
tist? Isa: 40:3; Mal. 3:1; Luke 3 :4-6; Matt. 3 :3.
2. Whom did Christ declare John the Baptist t.o be? Ma;tt.
17 :10-13; 11 :13, 14.
3. What was the general condition of Israel in the days
of John the Baptist? MaL. 3:7 (First part). Hosea
4. What therefore was the special task committed to
John? Matt. 3:3 (Last part).
NOTE: "As a prophet, John was to turn the hearts'
of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the
wisdom of the just. To make ready a people prepared
for the Lord. In preparing the way fo1' Christ's first
advent, he was a representative of those who are to pre-
pare a people for our Lord's second coming."-D.A., p.

:5. What special training did John receive for his exalted
ANSWER: "In the natural order of things, the son
'of Zacharias would have been educated for the priest-
hood. But the training of the rabbinical scho.()ls would
have- unfitted him for his work. God did not send him to
-the teachers of theology to learn how to interpret the
Scriptures. He called him to the desert, that he might
learn of nature and nature's God. It was a lonely region
where he found his home, in the midst 'of barren hills, wild
ravines and roc;ky caves."-D.A., p. 101.
. 6. What was the message of John? Matt. 3 :2. Are
God's people to.day to give a similar message?
ANSWER: "In this age just prior to the second com-
ing of Chris~ in the clouds of Heaven, such a work as that
of John is to be done. God calls for men who will pre-
pare a people to stand in the great day of the Lord.
The message preceding the public ministry of Christ was,
'Repent; publicans and sinners; repent, Pharisees and
Saducees, repent ye, for the kingdom of heaven is at
hand.' As a people who believe in Christ's soon appear-
ance, we have a message to bear-'Prepare to me-et thy.
God.' Our message must be as direct as was thle mes-
sage o·f John."-Vol. 8, pp. 332, 333.
7. How did Christ commend the steadfastness of Jo~n's
character? Matt. 11:7-11.
8. In what speciat sense 'was John the BaPtist are...
proach to the J'l!ws? Matt. 11 :8.
9. What are John's work and exp'eriences said to be in
refElrence to the last generation?
ANSWER: "John the Baptist went forth in the spirit
and power of Elijah, to prepare the way of the Lord, and
to turn the people to the wisdom of the just. He was a
representative of those living in the last days to whom
God has entrusted sacred truths to present before the
people to prepare the way for the second appe,a.Ting of
Christ. And the same principle of temperance which John
practised should be observed by those who in our day are
to warn the world of the coming of the son of man."-
"Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene." p. 39.
10. What was the final result of his loyalty toward God?
Matt. 14:1-12.

Lesson No. 12-Sabbath, December 2'1, 1946

1. Give the records of Paul's training and his position
among the Jews before his conversion? Acts '2'3:6:
26:5: Phil. 3:5.
NOTE': "A Roman citizen, born in a Gentile city; a
Jew, not only by descent but by lifelong training. pat-
riotic devotion, and religious faith; educated in Jerusalem
by the most eminent of the rabbis, and instructed in all
the laws and traditions of the fathers, Paul and Tarsus
shared to the fullest extent the pride and the prejudices
of his nation."-"Education," p. 64.
2. How did the conversion of Paul occur? Acts 9:1-!!_
3, To what important principle was his later life devoted?
Rom. 1:14-i6; 1 Cor. 9:19.
4. Whom did Paul uplift before all th,€' world? 1 Cor.
1:22, 23; Eph. 6:18, 19; Col. 1:2'4.28.
5. In what alone did the apostle glory? Gal. 6:14.
NOTE: "Through the cross we learn that the heavenly
Father loves us with a love that is infinite. Can we
wonder that Paul exclaims, 'God \ forbid that I should
glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ? It- is
. our privilege also to glory in the cross, our privilege to
give ourselves wholly to Him who gave Himself for us.
Then with the light that streams from Calvary shining in
our faces, we may go (forth to reveal this life to those
in darkness."-A.A., p. 210.
6. Wherei~' did Paul find the power with which he per"
fohnedi the smallest as well as the greatest duti'es?
Phil. 4:12, 13. .
7. What o6jective did Paul see~ to attain? Pllii. 3:9.
Ana what strict self-discipline did he practise? 1 Cor'.
NOTE~ "'ltlie apostle complfred himself to a ~n run-
ning in a race, straining! every nerve to win tHe prize.
'I therefore so run,' he says, 'not as uncertainly; so fight
I, not' as ane that oeateth the air; but' I keep under my
body, and bring it into subjection; lest that by any means,
when 1 have preached to others, I, myself, should be' a
castaway.' That he might not run uncertainly or at ran-
dom in the Christian race, Paul subjected himself to
severe training. The words, 'I keep under my body,'
literally mean to beat back by severe discipline the
desires, impulses, and passions."-A.A., p. 314. .
8. Tell of Pauli's wonderful work among all classes and'
peoples. Col. 1 :28, 29.
9. H()w thoroughly was Paul established in th,e love of
Christ? Gal 2 :'20; Rom. 8 :35-39.
10. What was it that brought special rejoicing to Paul in
all his labours? 1 Thess. 2:19, 20.
11. By faith, of what was Paul -convinced at the close of
his career? 2 Tim. 4:7, 8.
12. What gr'OOt duty was Paul's, and is ours as well?
Matt. 28-19; Rom. 1 :16 (First part).

Lesson No. 13-Sabbath, December 28, 1946


1. What is Christ's desire witlh regard to Ithoe character'
of His followers? Matt. 5 :48; Epl).. 1 :3, 4.
2. What good, therefore, did Paul seek to do in the
training of the churches? 2 Cor. 11:2; 7:1; Eph.
4:12, 13.

3. What exalted standard must we also reaoh?
ANSWER: "Oh, how many 1 saw in the time of
trouble without a shelter! They had neglected the need-
ful p-reparation, therefore they could not receive the re-
- freShing ilia an must have to fit them to live' in the sight
of a holy ~(meWllO refuse to be hewed t e
rop4ets, and fail to .purify their souls m 0 ng e
w ole ruth, and who are willing to believe that their
• condition is far better than it really is, will come up to
the time of the falling of the plagues, and ,then see that
they needed to be' hewed and squared for the building
. . . 1 saw that none could share the 'refTeshilllg' u'n-
less they obtained ·the victory over every besetment. over
pride, selfishness. love of the world, and over every wrong
word and action."-E.W1.• p. 71.
What tender care did the apostle bestow upon the
converts? Eph. 5 :1, 2; Phil~ 2 :19-2l.
5. What was .his greatest fear?
ANSWER: '''He (~. 11 trembledJo~: the result of his
ministry. He felt tha· 1us own salvation miltht be
i e''rill d if he should of IuiftlUng IS ut and the
c :nrc s ould fail of co-operating with im 111 the work
of saving souls. . . . Hence the apostle's fear that he
might fail of presenting every man perfect in Chl'ist.
Paul's hope of heaven grew dim when he contemplated
any failure on his part that would result inl giving the
church the mould of the human instead of the divi e."
-A.A.• p. 206.
6. What did he write to the Ephesians regarding the mat-
ter of being firm in the faith? Ep,h 4 :14.
7. Wha.t especially cau'sed him to Tejoice when he re-
ceived news from the church of the Colossians? CoL
8. Which of Paul's epistles reveals his special burden for
the Jews?
ANSWER: "For the epistle to the church at Rome,
every Christian has reason to thank God. In this letter
Paul gave free expression to his burden in behalf of tbe
Jews. Ever since his conversion, he had longed to help
his Jewish brethren to gain a clear understanding of tbe
gospel messageH-A.A., p. 374.
9. How strong was his love for his former brethren?
Rom. 9:1-3; 10:1. I uI~: ....
10. Wh.at does the ,Lord say about the condition of the
first Christian Churc:h? Rev. 2 :2, 3.
NOTE: "The members of the church were united in
sentiment and ariion. Love for Christ was the golden
chain that bound them together. They followed on to •
know the Lord more and still more perfectly. and in their
lives were revealed the joy and peace of Christ."-A.A.•
p. 579.


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