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There are approximately more than 20 types of doctor in English.

They are as follows:

1. Audiologist - a doctor who specializes in ear problem. (dokter telinga)

2. Allergist- a doctor who deals with patients with allergic issue. (dokter alergi)

3. Anesthesiologist -a doctor who handles the illness caused by anesthetic medicines. (dokter

4. Cardiologist -a doctor who works on heart problem.(dokter penyakit dalam terutama jantung)

5. Dentist -a doctor who specializes in problem with teeth. (dokter gigi)

6. Dermatologist - a doctor who deals with skin issues / diseases. (dokter kulit)

7. Endocrinologist - a doctor who focuses on glands, endocrine system. (dokter hormon)

8. Epidemiologist - a doctor who works on epidemic diseases and its prevention for contagion.
(dokter ahli epidemiologi)

9. Gynecologist - a doctor who deals with female reproductive system and prenatal condition of
mothers (ginekolog/ dokter kebidanan)

10.Immunologist - a doctor who specializes in the immune system. (dokter ahli immunologi)

11. Infectious Medicine Specialist - a doctor who focuses on treatment for infectious diseases
(dokter spesialis penyakit menular)

12. Medical Geneticist - a doctor who specializes in diseases caused by genetics. (dokter spesialis
penyakit turunan)

13. Microbiologist - a doctor who studies on viruses and bacteria in diseases.

(dokter ahli mikrobiologi)

14. Neurologist - a doctor who deals with brain issue (dokter spesialis otak)

15. Neurosurgeon - a doctor who operates the patients with brain problem (dokter bedah otak)

16. Oncologist - a doctor who focuses on the treatment for cancer and patients at-risk. (onkolog)

17. Orthopedic surgeon - a doctor who deals with operation on the skeletal system. (dokter bedah

18. ENT Specialist - a doctor who specializes on Ear, Nose and Throat problem (dokter THT)

19. Pediatrician - a doctor who focuses on kids diseases and general health problems (dokter anak)

20. Physiologist - a doctor who works on the states of human body. (dokter ahli faal)

21. Plastic surgeon - a doctor who deals with the plastic surgery. (dokter bedah plastik)

22. Psychiatrist - a doctor who specializes on human psychology (psikolog)

23. Radiologist - a doctor who focuses on the use of x-rays for medical treatment. (radiolog)

24. Urologist - a doctor who is an expertise in urology system (dokter kelamin

Sp.A = spesialis anak (ChildSpecialist)

Sp. An = spesialis anestesiologi dan terapi intensiv (Anesthesiologist and Intensive


Sp. And = spesialis andrologi (Andrologist)

Sp. Ak = Spesialis Akupunktur Klinik

Sp.B = Spesialis Bedah

Sp.BA = Spesialis Bedah Anak

Sp.BM = Spesialis Bedah Mulut dan Maksilofasial

Sp.BP-RE = Spesialis Bedah Plastik Rekonstruksi dan Estetik

Sp.BS = Spesialis Bedah Saraf

Sp.BTKV = Spesialis Bedah Toraks dan Kardiovaskular

Sp.F = Spesialis Kedokteran Forensik & Medikolegal

Sp.FK = Spesialis Farmakologi Klinik

Sp.GK = Spesialis Gizi Klinik

Sp.JP = Spesialis Jantung dan Pembuluh Darah

Sp.KFR = Spesialis Kedokteran Fisik dan Rehabilitasi

dahulu Spesialis Rehabilitasi Medik (Sp.RM)

Sp.KGA = Spesialis Kedokteran Gigi Anak (Pedodontik) (Dokter Gigi)

Sp.KJ = Spesialis Kedokteran Jiwa atau Psikiatri

Sp.KP = Spesialis Kedokteran Penerbangan

Sp.KK = Spesialis Penyakit Kulit dan Kelamin

Sp.EM = Spesialis Emergency Medic (Kedaruratan Medik)

Sp.KN = Spesialis Kedokteran Nuklir

Sp.KO = Spesialis Kedokteran Olahraga

Sp.LP = Spesialis Layanan Primer

Sp.M = Spesialis Mata

Sp.MK = Spesialis Mikrobiologi Klinik

Sp.OG = Spesialis Obstetri & Ginekologi (Kebidanan dan Kandungan)

Sp.Ok = Spesialis Kedokteran Okupasi (Kerja)

Sp.Onk.Rad = Spesialis Onkologi Radiasi

Sp.Ort = Spesialis Ortodonsia (Perawatan Maloklusi, Merapikan gigi dengan kawat gigi
termasuk pencabutan gigi, jika diperlukan) (Dokter Gigi)

Sp.OT = Spesialis Bedah Orthopaedi dan Traumatologi

Sp.P = Spesialis Pulmonologi dan Kedokteran Respirasi (Paru)

Sp.ParK = Spesialis Parasitologi Klinik

Sp.Perio = Spesialis Periodonsia (Jaringan Gusi dan Penyangga Gigi termasuk karang gigi)
(Dokter Gigi)

Sp.PA = Spesialis Patologi Anatomi

Sp.PD = Spesialis Penyakit Dalam

Sp.PK = Spesialis Patologi Klinik

Sp.PM = Spesialis Penyakit Mulut (Dokter Gigi)

Sp.Pros = Spesialis Prostodonsia (Restorasi Rongga Mulut, Gigi tiruan) (Dokter Gigi)

Sp.Rad = Spesialis Radiologi

Sp.RKG = Spesialis Radiologi Kedokteran Gigi (Dokter Gigi)

Sp.S = spesialis saraf

Sp.THT-KL = Spesialis Telinga Hidung Tenggorok-Bedah Kepala Leher

Sp.U = Spesialis Urologi

Sp.Ak =Clinical Acupuncture Specialist

Sp.B =Surgeon

Sp.BA =Pediatric Surgeon

Sp.BM =Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Specialist

Sp.BP-RE = Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic SurgerySpecialist

Sp.BS =Neurosurgeon

Sp.BTKV = Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Specialists

Sp.F =Specialist inForensic & Medicolegal Medicine

Sp.FK =Clinical Pharmacology Specialist

Sp.GK =Clinical Nutrition Specialist

Sp.JP =Cardiologist and Vascular Specialist

Sp.KFR =Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialist formerly Medical Rehabilitation


Sp.KGA =Pedodontic Specialist (Dentist)

Sp.KJ =Psychiatric Mental Medicine Specialist

Sp.KP =Aviation Medicine Specialist

Sp.KK =Skin and Gender Specialist

Sp.EM =Specialist Emergency Medic (Medical Emergency)

Sp.KN =Nuclear Medicine Specialist

Sp.KO =Sports Medicine Specialist

Sp.LP = Primary Service Specialist

Sp.M =Ophthalmologist

Sp.MK =Clinical Microbiology Specialist

Sp.OG =Obstetrics & Gynecology Specialist (Obstetrics and Gynecology)

Sp.Ok =Occupational Medicine Specialist (Work)

Sp.Onk.Rad =Radiation Oncology Specialist

Sp.Ort = Orthodontic Specialist (Malocclusion Treatment, Brushing teeth with braces including toot
hextraction,if needed) (Dentist)

Sp.OT = Orthopedic Surgeon and Traumatology

Sp.P =Pulmonology Specialist and Medical Respiration (Lung)

Sp. ParK = Clinical Parasitology Specialist

Sp.Perio = Periodontics Specialist (Gum and Dental Buffer including tartar) (Dentist)

Sp.PA = Anatomical Pathology Specialist

Sp.PD = Internal Medicine Specialist

Sp.PK = Clinical Pathology Specialist

Sp.PM = Mouth Disease Specialist (Dentist)

Sp.Pros = Prosthodontist Specialist (Oral Cavity Restoration, Denture) (Dentist)

Sp.Rad = Radiology Specialist

Sp.RKG = Radiology Specialist for Dentistry (Dentist)

Sp.S = neurologist

Sp.THT-KL = Ear Nose Throat Specialist - Neck Head Surgery

Sp.U = Urologist
example: Main idea: (I will shower) Don't tell this to the audience. Just write it on a piece of paper.

tell the audience: I have to go to the hospital. I work in a hospital. As usual, I wake up in the morning.
Now, I just want to go to my bathroom ... what comes to my mind now? What will I do?

contoh: Gagasan utama: (Saya akan mandi) Jangan beri tahu ini kepada penonton. Tulis saja di
selembar kertas.
beri tahu penonton: Saya harus pergi ke rumah sakit. Saya bekerja di rumah sakit. Seperti biasa, saya
bangun di pagi hari. Sekarang, saya hanya ingin pergi ke kamar mandi saya ... apa yang terlintas
dalam pikiran saya sekarang? Apa yang akan saya lakukan?

example: Main idea: (I will cook) Don't tell this to the audience. Just write it on a piece of paper.
tell the audience: I have to go to the market. I am a housewife. As usual, I wake up in the morning.
Now, I just want to go to my kitchen ... what comes to my mind now? What will I do?

contoh: Gagasan utama: (Saya akan memasak) Jangan beri tahu ini kepada penonton. Tulis saja di
selembar kertas.

beri tahu penonton: Saya harus pergi ke pasar. Saya adalah seorang ibu rumah tangga. Seperti biasa,
saya bangun di pagi hari. Sekarang, saya hanya ingin pergi ke dapur saya ... apa yang terlintas dalam
pikiran saya sekarang? Apa yang akan saya lakukan?

example: Main idea: (I will study) Don't tell this to the audience. Just write it on a piece of paper.
tell the audience: I have to go to campus. I am a student. As usual, I leave in the morning. Now, I just
want to go to my class ... what comes to my mind now? What will I do?

contoh: Gagasan utama: (Saya akan belajar) Jangan beri tahu ini kepada penonton. Tulis saja di
selembar kertas.

beri tahu penonton: Saya harus pergi ke kampus. Saya adalah mahasiswa. Seperti biasa, saya
berangkat di pagi hari. Sekarang, saya hanya ingin pergi ke kelas saya ... apa yang terlintas dalam
pikiran saya sekarang? Apa yang akan saya lakukan?

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