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Activity 1

1. Search in Google for the US Department of Agriculture and restrict the search by its
proper domain.

Using Google Advanced Search:

Find pages with...

this exact word or phrase: “US Department of Agriculture”

Then narrow your results by...

Site or domain: .gov

First link in the page: https://www.usda.gov/

2. Search for the web of India's Customs, restricting the search by the country domain.

Using Google Advanced Search:

Find pages with...

All these words: India customs

Then narrow your results by...

Site or domain: in

First link: http://www.cbic.gov.in/

3. Search for the web Thailand Customs, restricting the search by the country domain.

Using Google Advanced Search:

Find pages with...

All these words: Thailand Customs

Then narrow your results by...

Site or domain: th

First link:

4. Search for the web Ministry of Agriculture of South Africa, restricting the search by
the country domain

Using Google Advanced Search:

Find pages with...

All these words: Ministry of agriculture

Then narrow your results by...

Site or domain: za
First link: https://www.daff.gov.za/

5. Which is the main search engine used in China? (no, it's not Google)

The most widely used search engine in China in 2018 is Baidu, followed by “Shenma” and

Source: http://gs.statcounter.com/search-engine-market-share/all/china/#monthly-201801-

6. Which is the main search engine used in South Korea?

The most widely used search engine in South Korea is Google, with a 67.01% market share,
followed by Naver, with a 21.15% (October 2018)

Source: http://gs.statcounter.com/search-engine-market-share/all/south-korea/#monthly-

7. Which is the main search engine used in Japan?

The main search engine used in Japan in the year 2018 is Google with a 71.02% market share.

Source: http://gs.statcounter.com/search-engine-market-share/all/japan/#monthly-201801-

8. What is this?: https://goo.gl/0dSQZI (copy link and paste it to your browser). Use the
Inverse Image Search to find it

When using Google inverse image search, I found that this is a 40' Reefer High Cube, which is a
type of container.

Source: https://www.hapag-lloyd.com/en/products/fleet/container/40-reefer-high-cube.html
Activity 2.
1. How to find information on the Mexican economy in the year 2017, at the website of
the US State Department?

In Google advanced search, in the field “All these words” write “economy mexico report 2017”
(without the quoting marks), then in the field “site or domain” write state.gov.
Results page:
I have some comments on these results. As what you can find in the website of the Department
of State is not so useful, I checked the website directly and found another website more focused
on exports, which is export.gov. If you do a new search using this website there are more results
that could be of use for you:
Results using export.gov instead of state.gov:
2. How would you google if you are searching for the keyword "Internet of Things"
exclusively in Powerpoint slides and only at Universities of the United States?

In Google advanced search (https://www.google.es/advanced_search), in the field this exact

word or phrase: write “Internet of things”, in the field “File type:” we choose Microsoft
Powerpoint and we specify the domain .edu in the field “site or domain”.
Results link:
3. How would you search for information on the wine market in Japan, to be found at
Austrade (www.austrade.gov.au), filtered as Acrobat Reader files?

In Google Advanced search, in the field this exact Word or phrase, write “wine market research
japan”, in the field site or domain write www.austrade.gov.au and in the field File type choose
Adobe Acrobat reader PDF.
Result page:
4. How would you search in English for market research reports on the kosher market,
filtered as Acrobat Reader files.

In Google advanced search (https://www.google.es/advanced_search), in the field this exact

word or phrase: write "Kosher market research report" then in file type you choose Adobe
Acrobat pdf, and then click the Advanced Search button.
First link: https://digitalcollection.gov.mb.ca/awweb/pdfopener?smd=1&did=17274&md=1
5. Build a personalized search engine (Google Customs Search) to search only in the
press news and websites of a market (i.e Dairy food, Itay)..

a. First select a country

Meat market in the United Kingdom
b. Indicate in Customs Search the language of interest (for example, in Canadian
French or English
c. Include at least six sources
d. Send your personalized search engine to your tutor (Public URL)
6. Imagine your company is in the beef procesing industry (meatballs & hamburgers).
You are prospecting food markets where religious certificates are compulsory for
observing consumers.

Compare using Google Trends world searches for “Kosher food”and“Halal Food”. Which
is the most relevant city for each keyword?. Send the answer with a screen capture.

Results for Kosher Food:

Results for Halal Food:

7. Search using Public Data the Government debt as percentage of GDP (Gross
Domestic Product) of the fowolling countries: Germany, United Kingdom, Greece and
Spain. Send the answer with a screen capture.

Source: https://data.oecd.org/gga/general-government-debt.htm

8. Search using Public Data the mínimum wages (purchasing power standard) of France,
Uk, Spain, Greece and Romania. Send the answer with a screen capture

Source: http://appsso.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/nui/show.do?dataset=earn_mw_cur&lang=en

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