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Research philosophy is defined as “the development of knowledge and the nature of knowledge”

Understanding Research Philosophy Why Is It Important?

The first reason is that by understanding research philosophy the researcher may refine and clarify the
research method to be used in their study and consequently help the researchers to gather their
evidence and to answer their research questions.

Secondly, the knowledge of research philosophy will enable to assist the researchers with different
types of methodologies and as such avoiding inappropriate and unrelated works.

Lastly, by understanding the basic meaning of research philosophy and understanding its advantages
and benefits, it helps the researcher to be more creative and exploratory in their method of research.

What Is Positivism?
Positivism is the term used to describe an approach to the study of society that relies specifically on
scientific evidence, such as experiments and statistics, to reveal a true nature of how society operates.
The term originated in the 19th century, when Auguste Comte described his ideas in his books The
Course in Positive Philosophy and A General View of Positivism.

First and foremost, Comte was interested in establishing theories that could be tested with the ultimate
goal of improving our world. once these theories were clearly laid out. He was eager to discover natural
laws that applied to society. He viewed the natural sciences, such as biology and physics, as a necessary
step in the development of a social science. Just as gravity is a universal truth we all experience in the
physical world, Comte believed sociologists could uncover similar laws operating on the social level of
people's lives.

Two influential positivists include Comte, who coined the term 'positivism,' and Emile Durkheim, who
established the academic discipline of sociology. These early thinkers laid the groundwork for a social
science to develop that they believed would have a unique place among the sciences. This new field
would be distinct and have its own set of scientific facts. Comte hoped sociology would become the
'queen science' that held more importance than the other natural sciences that had come before it.

Interpretivism Defined
How do social scientists measure things like emotion and human behavior? Things that can be measured
in numbers and amounts are measured with quantitative methods. However, social scientists such as
anthropologists, sociologists, and psychologists also rely upon another form of data collection and
analysis, called qualitative research. Qualitative methods rely upon the measurements of things that
cannot be numbered adequately, such as how a person feels when an event happens.

Interpretivism is one form of qualitative methodology. Interpretivism relies upon both the trained
researcher and the human subject as the instruments to measure some phenomena, and typically
involves both observation and interviews. For example, a sociologist may create a survey or interview
questions (which involves the trained researcher), then collects responses (which involves the human
subject), then again analyze those responses (which involves the trained researcher again). In sociology,
interpretivism is largely a result of the theories developed by the Chicago School.

Difference between positivism and interpretivism ?

Advantages: of case study research?

 Case studies are more flexible than many other types of research and allow the researcher to
discover and explore as the research develops.

 Case studies emphasize in-depth content. The researcher is able to delve deep and use a variety
of data sources to get a complete picture.

 The data is collected in a natural setting and context.

 Often leads to the creation of new hypotheses that can be tested later.

 Case studies often shed new light on an established theory that results in further exploration.

 Researchers are able to study and analyze situations, events and behaviors that could be
created in a laboratory setting.

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