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Am J Stem Cells 2016;5(3):74-86

www.AJSC.us /ISSN:2160-4150/AJSC0035102

Review Article
Current progress of human trials using stem
cell therapy as a treatment for diabetes mellitus
Shuk Kei Cheng1*, Elisse Y Park1*, Andjela Pehar1*, Alexandra C Rooney1*, G. Ian Gallicano1,2
Georgetown University School of Medicine, 2Department of Biochemistry and Molecular and Cellular Biology,
Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington DC, USA. *Equal contributors.
Received July 5, 2016; Accepted September 22, 2016; Epub October 20, 2016; Published October 30, 2016

Abstract: Diabetes mellitus affects millions of people worldwide, and is associated with serious complications that
affect nearly all body systems. Because of the severity of this global health concern, there is a great deal of research
being performed on alternative treatments and possible cures. Previous treatments for diabetes have included ex-
ogenous insulin injection and pancreatic islet transplantations. These treatment methods have several limitations;
thus, the use of stem cells in treating diabetes is currently a significant area of research. This review outlines current
research on stem cell therapy for diabetes mellitus. Numerous studies have been performed on animals using vari-
ous types of stem cells, including mesenchymal stem cells and embryonic stem cells. Moreover, results and limita-
tions of animal studies have been confirmed in various clinical trials. Overall, stem cell treatment shows prospective
advantages over insulin injections and other current treatment options, and ongoing clinical trials suggest that this
therapy may be a viable treatment option for diabetics in the near future.

Keywords: Diabetes, adult stem cells, human trials, spermatogonial stem cells, IPS cells, embryonic stem cells

Introduction of diabetes, researchers are investigating pos-

sible cures [5]. Stem cells are able to replace
Diabetes mellitus is a group of glucose metabo- damaged cells in the body; therefore, they offer
lism disorders characterized by high levels of a promising treatment to replace the non-func-
blood glucose. The disease affects nearly 350 tional insulin-producing β cells of the pancreas
million people worldwide; this number is con- [2, 6]. The purpose of this review is to further
stantly increasing, and is expected to grow tre- explore the current progress of stem cell-
mendously in the future. Various categories of derived β cells as a treatment and cure for dia-
diabetes exist: type 1 diabetes is an autoim- betes mellitus.
mune disease in which the body’s immune cells
attack and damage insulin-producing β cells in Though exogenous insulin therapy, the current
the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas, result- treatment for hyperglycemia in diabetics allows
ing in insulin secretion deficiency. Type 2 diabe- patients a degree of control over their blood
tes is characterized by insulin resistance at the sugar levels, many diabetics experience the
receptor level and by hyperinsulinemia. Many numerous complications of protein glycosyl-
obese patients are at risk for type 2 diabetes, ation due to chronically elevated glucose levels.
as massive secretions of insulin not only Constant control over insulin administration is
increase insulin resistance, but also impair the critical, as insulin overdose causes hypoglyce-
β cell’s insulin-secreting function [1, 2]. mia and coma in severe cases, while insulin
insufficiency leads to the damaging effects of
The long-term hyperglycemia associated with hyperglycemia in essentially every system of
diabetes has severe implications, including the body. It is clear, therefore, that this stan-
blood vessel and nervous system damage, dard therapy for diabetics fails to mimic the
vision complications, cardiovascular disease, insulin secretion of healthy β cells. Hence, exog-
and infection [3, 4]. Considering the serious enous insulin is life saving, but not curative [5,
complications and enormous associated costs 7].
Human stem cell trials for diabetes

For these reasons, many researchers focus cates insulin secretion from the newly differen-
their attention on alternative therapies to cure tiated β cells. Hemoglobin A1c (glycosylated
diabetic patients of their insulin deficiency. One hemoglobin) levels are also used to assess
potential therapy for patients with type 1 diabe- average blood glucose levels over a period of
tes is infusion of donor islets of Langerhans about three months; lower values indicate bet-
into the hepatic portal vein. In this procedure, ter blood glucose control [16, 17].
islets containing the insulin-producing β cells
are transplanted from a cadaver’s pancreas to Mesenchymal stem cell transplantation
the patient. While this method has freed some
type 1 diabetics from insulin injection, the Numerous animal studies have shown that
donor cells vary in quality and yield results of mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) transplantation
varying success. Moreover, it is evident that the can be a successful method to treat hypergly-
limited supply of donor islets simply cannot cemia associated with type 1 diabetes. Me-
keep up with the increasing number of diabet- senchymal stem cells are multipotent cells that
ics in today’s population [8, 9]. Because of can differentiate into a variety of cell types, and
these limitations, researchers have started to are found in nearly all organs and tissues [18-
focus on other therapies. 20]. Because of these properties, as well as the
ability to easily retrieve these cells from bone
An alternative procedure that has yielded prom- marrow, MSCs are commonly used in tissue
ising results is stem cell therapy, the focus of repair for a variety of conditions. A study [21]
this discussion. Because pluripotent stem cells performed in 2014 tested effects of MSC treat-
represent an unlimited supply of β cells, they ment on diabetic rats. Male Wistar rats were
are an ideal source for regenerative medicine divided into five groups: normal control, diabet-
[2]. Both embryonic stem cells and adult mes- ic control, MSC-treated, supernatant-treated,
enchymal stem cells are being studied for their and MSC- and supernatant-treated. The super-
capacity to differentiate into β cells. natant in this experiment came from the MSCs
that were transplanted in some of the rats.
Embryonic stem cells are pluripotent cells that Over the course of several weeks, the MSC-
can differentiate into all cell types of the three treated diabetic rats had reduced blood glu-
germ layers and can be isolated from the pre- cose levels and higher insulin levels compared
implantation embryo. To promote differentia- to the diabetic control group [21]. Supernatant-
tion into β cells, numerous laboratories have treated rats also had reduced blood glucose
developed protocols that attempt to mimic sig- levels, but to a lower extent. The greatest
naling during embryonic pancreas develop- improvement in glucose and insulin levels was
ment. By adding growth factors or inhibitors at seen in the MSC- and supernatant-treated rats.
times comparable to events occurring in vivo, Immunohistochemical analysis of the pancre-
one can guide differentiation into β cells [10, atic tissues of the rats revealed that MSC-
11]. Mesenchymal (adult) stem cells can also treated, supernatant-treated, and MSC- and
be differentiated into β cells via similar tech- supernatant-treated rats had partially regener-
niques, and they are being investigated due to ated pancreatic tissues; new and larger islets
their easier access and less controversial of Langerhans were seen [21].
nature [12]. Additional adult stem cells utilized
for diabetes treatment include intrapancreatic The results of the study and the immunohisto-
autologous bone marrow stem cells, cord chemical analysis suggested that the MSCs dif-
blood-derived multipotent stem cells from the ferentiated into insulin-producing β cells. Thus,
umbilical cord, and hematopoietic stem cells the rats treated with MSCs saw a reduction in
found in red bone marrow [13-15]. their blood glucose and an increase in insulin
levels. The study also showed that MSCs
Various animal and human trials have been secreted growth factors, cytokines, and che-
conducted with stem cell treatment for diabet- mokines present in the supernatant could con-
ics. To assess the effectiveness of treatment, tribute to pancreas cell healing and regenera-
the presence of C-peptide is measured in tion [21]; however, there were several limita-
patients undergoing stem cell treatment. tions to this study and its applicability to treat-
C-peptide is a byproduct of endogenous insulin ment of diabetes in humans using MSCs.
formation, and its presence in the body indi- Firstly, the study only involved male rats; there

75 Am J Stem Cells 2016;5(3):74-86

Human stem cell trials for diabetes

Table 1. Serum glucose and insulin in control, diabetic, diabetic + stem cells, and diabetic + insulin
treated groups
Parameter Normal control Diabetic Diabetic + stem cell Diabetic + insulin
Glucose (mg/dl) 110 ± 6.44 371 ± 20.5a 122 ± 8.58b 123 ± 5.6b
Insulin (ng/ml) 2.68 ± 0.03 0.63 ± 0.06a 1.67 ± 0.01a,b,c 2.51 ± 0.076a,b
Serum glucose and insulin in control, diabetic, diabetic + stem cells, and diabetic + insulin treated groups. Results are
expressed as mean ± SE aSignificantly different from control group bSignificantly different from diabetic group cSignificantly dif-
ferent from insulin treated diabetic group [23].

may be known or unknown sex differences that the in vivo environment of β cells by facilitating
could lead to different effects in females. cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions [22]. A 3D
Secondly, the study found that a single injec- culture was created with fibrin glue, a fibrous
tion of MSCs was less effective than multiple protein made of fibrinogen and thrombin and
injections. If stem cell therapy for diabetes that is involved in blood clotting. The fibrin glue
were implemented for humans, it may be bur- created a scaffold-matrix in which MSCs could
densome and costly to implement a treatment differentiate and proliferate. The study had a
with multiple, ongoing injections. It is also worth control group with MSCs placed in serum with-
noting that during this study, the diabetic con- out any fibrin glue - this was the 2D culture.
trol group rats on average lost weight, while the Both groups received IPC-differentiating fac-
MSC-treated rats on average gained weight. tors [22].
This may be because the MSC-treated rats had
better glucose uptake as the stem cells differ- By examining the cells using a scanning elec-
entiated into insulin-producing cells [21]. This tron microscopes, researchers found that the
weight gain, when applied to humans, may not MSCs in the 3D culture differentiated into IPCs
be favorable for type 2 diabetes treatment. at a faster rate; the fibrin glue scaffolding cre-
Type 2 diabetes is largely tied to obesity, and ated pores along which the MSCs formed con-
weight gain would not be a favorable outcome tinuous sheets. In addition, the MSCs that dif-
of stem cell therapy. However, the weight gain ferentiated into IPCs in the 3D culture were
exhibited in this study would be beneficial for round and more closely resembled β cells,
newly diagnosed type 1 diabetics who have lost while the MSCs that differentiated into IPCs in
weight due to the cell’s inability to uptake the 2D culture were flat and elongated. After
glucose. transplanting the IPCs from the 3D culture and
2D culture into male Wistar rats, the IPCs from
In order to induce MSC differentiation into insu- the 3D culture were better able to normalize
lin-producing cells in vitro, one laboratory incu- blood glucose [22].
bated human MSCs with a series of solutions
containing transcription factors and signal mol- Another research group also illustrated the abil-
ecules such as β-fibroblast growth factor, epi- ity of MSCs to improve the condition of diabe-
dermal growth factor, β cellulin, and activin A. tes by studying the effects of MSCs from bone
The study found that the MSCs differentiated marrow of albino rats with Alloxan-induced type
into insulin-producing cells, shown by the pres- 1 diabetes. Alloxan results in a significant
ence of proinsulin C-peptide in the solution con- increase in serum glucose, total cholesterol, tri-
taining the cells. Furthermore, increasing the glyceride, and a significant decrease in serum
concentration of growth factors added to the insulin. The study illustrates the ability of rat
MSCs increased the percentage of MSCs that bone marrow cells to differentiate into function-
differentiated into insulin-producing cells. Many al insulin-producing cells capable of controlling
of the cells also migrated and formed spherical hyperglycemia. Four groups were set up: 7 nor-
islet-like clusters [16]. mal rats injected with saline (control), 7 diabet-
ic rats without treatment, 7 diabetic rats inject-
The above study tested what is referred to as a ed with MSCs, and 7 diabetic injected with
2D culture. Another study found that 3D culture insulin. After 15 days of MSC injection, fasting
may be even more effective at creating insulin- blood samples were collected and glucose and
producing cells that closely mimic endogenous serum insulin values were measured. The
β cells. A 3D culture more closely resembles results of MSCs on serum insulin are shown in

76 Am J Stem Cells 2016;5(3):74-86

Human stem cell trials for diabetes

Table 1: serum insulin for untreated diabetic and blood glucose levels greater than 500 mg/
mice was significantly decreased when com- dl. 15 diabetic Swiss albino mice were later
pared to that of the controls. In diabetic ani- implanted with the ESC-derived insulin-secret-
mals injected with MSCs and insulin, insulin ing cells, and four mice were sham- operated as
levels were significantly increased compared to diabetic controls. Once blood glucose was
the untreated diabetic group [23]. restored to the physiologic range, blood glu-
cose and weight were monitored every week
Histopathological findings further support that [31].
administration of MSCs in type 1 diabetic ani-
Plasma insulin determinations, intraperitoneal
mal models could alleviate hyperglycemic
glucose tolerance tests, and meal challenge
symptoms, along with signs of islet regenera-
tests were performed in the ESC-implanted,
tion. In the control group, there was no histo-
sham operated (diabetic) animals and control
pathological alteration in both islands of
(non-diabetic) animals. The results illustrate
Langerhans cells as endocrine portions and the that ESC-derived insulin-secreting cells main-
acini as well as the duct system of the exocrine tain a stable in vivo glucose response. Body
portion. Untreated diabetic group showed atro- weight of sham-operated (diabetic) mice was
phy with pyknosis of the nuclei, associated with 40% lower 8 weeks after the streptozotocin
focal hemorrhage in between lobules. On the injection due to the insulin deficiency, while
other hand, diabetic mice treated with MSCs as ESC-implanted mice increased in body weight
well as insulin showed that most of the islands after cell implantation. Moreover, cell implanta-
of Langerhans cells were histologically intact tion led to correction of hyperglycemia within
within normal histological diameter [23]. one week, suggesting the ability of the implant-
ed cells to mimic physiologic β cell function in
The results of this study demonstrate that MSC vivo. However, it should be noted that this nor-
infusion could partially reconstruct islet forma- malization was reversible in 40% of ES-im-
tion and effectively ameliorate hyperglycemia planted mice, which became hyperglycemic
in alloxan-treated rats; therefore, rat bone mar- approximately 12 weeks after implantation, for
row harbors cells that have the capacity to con- unknown reasons. Despite being hyperglyce-
trol hyperglycemia in diabetic rats [23]. mic, however, all of these animals maintained
their body weight and had a longer survival
Taken altogether, these studies have illustrated than sham-operated diabetic mice [31].
the beneficial effects of MSCs in type 1 diabe-
tes which may be related to their capacity to To assess the ability of the transplanted mice
elicit tissue regeneration [24-26] and an even to dispose a glucose load, intraperitoneal glu-
more remarkable but less understood ability to cose tolerance tests and meal challenge tests
migrate to sites of tissue injury [27-30]. were performed. Sham operated mice showed
significantly higher plasma glucose levels than
Embryonic stem cells in animal studies the control non-diabetic mice and mice trans-
planted with ESCs. Transplanted mice also
In addition to mesenchymal stem cells, studies showed higher plasma glucose levels after 30
have shown that embryonic stem cells (ESCs) minutes of glucose challenge than the control
can be used to normalize blood glucose in non-diabetic mice. Recovery of normal blood
streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice. One glucose was delayed in transplanted mice (210
research group generated insulin-producing minutes) with respect to non-diabetic mice
cells from mouse ESCs by constructing a plas- (120 minutes); however, the insulin levels of the
mid containing human insulin gene with selec- transplanted mice were significantly higher
tors and transfecting the plasmid into the stem than sham-operated diabetic animals [31].
cells. After selection, cells underwent induced Another study also reported that streptozoto-
differentiation into an insulin-secreting cell cin-induced diabetic rats transplanted with
line, and were assayed for insulin secretion. cells transduced with pancreatic duodenal
Diabetes was induced in the mice by a single homebox 1 (Pdx-1) under the renal capsule
intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin, a resulted in lowered blood glucose, higher glu-
toxin to pancreatic β cells, and diabetes was cose tolerance, smoother fur, and less cataract
confirmed by presence of weight loss, polyuria, [32].

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Human stem cell trials for diabetes

The studies illustrate that these easily implant- an additional 8 patients, and the study had a
ed cells are able to maintain a stable in vivo longer follow up time of four years. The treat-
glucose response in diabetic mice and strongly ment protocol was the same as the 2007 study,
suggest that therapy with ESCs provides a pos- excluding patients with previous ketoacidosis.
sible treatment for type 1 diabetes [31]. During the follow up time (7 to 58 months), 20
patients attained insulin independence, and
Human clinical trials in treatment of type 1 12 of those patients maintained the insulin
diabetes independence for 14 to 52 months (mean 32
months). C-peptide levels were significantly
In 2007, the first clinical trial assessing stem increased in all patients, and hemoglobin A1c
cell transplantation as a viable, safe and effec- levels were maintained below 7%. These
tive treatment for type 1 diabetes was reported parameters are indicative of increased insulin
by Dr. Julio C. Voltarelli and his fellow research- production and β cell function, and the pro-
ers. The treatment of immunosuppression, or longed follow up period showed sustained posi-
pharmaceutically suppressing the immune sys- tive results of treatment. Oligospermia was the
tem to prevent an immune response against most frequent complication; in addition, bilat-
the transplanted cells, followed by autologous eral nosocomial pneumonia was noted in two
nonmyeloablative hematopoietic stem cell patients. This study further supports the bene-
transplantation (AHST) in human patients was fits of stem cell treatment for type 1 diabetes,
hypothesized to prevent further loss of insulin- with most patients achieving insulin indepen-
producing β cells and improve β cell function. dence and sustained glycemic control. Again,
The sample population consisted of 15 patients however, this study was not a randomized or
who had received a type 1 diabetes diagnosis controlled trial and had a relatively small sam-
within six months leading up to the trial. ple size [34].
Patients with previous diabetic ketoacidosis
were excluded due to potential safety issues in Further efforts were made to discover the
patients with higher risk of complications. The underlying mechanism of improved β cell func-
15 patients were followed anywhere from 7 to tion and to address limitations of previous
36 months; this presented inconsistencies in studies. A clinical trial was conducted in 2012
follow up. During the follow up, 14 patients with nine recently diagnosed type 1 diabetic
became insulin-free for variable lengths of patients. The study focused on the potential
time. At six months post-treatment, mean total benefits of stem cell treatment in order to opti-
C-peptide levels were significantly increased mize treatment and target a patient population
from patients’ baseline values. Additionally, that would benefit most, considering previous
hemoglobin A1c levels were maintained below complications. 12 months following AHST, two
7% for 13 of the patients. These results show groups were identified: 6 patients who were no
support for AHST as an effective type 1 diabe- longer dependent on insulin, and 3 patients
tes treatment. With regard to morbidity, one who were still insulin dependent, though at a
patient developed pneumonia and two patients reduced dosage. Patients who were insulin
developed late endocrine dysfunction. Due to independent had significantly higher C-peptide
the involvement of immunosuppression in addi- production and demonstrated more AHST-
tion to mobilizing and conditioning stem cells, modified genetic events. Each group had dis-
most patients developed fibrile neutropenia, tinct associated patterns of top pathways and
nausea, vomiting and alopecia. Mortality rate co-expression networks. The difference in
was zero [33]. Although a monumental first patient responses to treatment could possibly
human clinical trial, the study presented obvi- be attributed to these distinct transcriptional
ous limitations: it was not randomized, did not events in peripheral blood mononuclear cell.
have a control group, had a relatively short and The group’s further immune cell population
inconsistent follow up time, and had a very analysis suggests that improvement of islet
small sample size. function following treatment in newly diag-
nosed type 1 diabetics could be due to elimina-
The same research laboratory performed a fol- tion of islet-specific autoreactive T cells [35].
low up study two years later to address some
limitations of their previous study [34]. The The same year, research was expanded in
sample included the original 15 patients and China with a controlled study to include type 1

78 Am J Stem Cells 2016;5(3):74-86

Human stem cell trials for diabetes

Figure 1. Overview of Stem Cell Educator Therapy. type 1 diabetic participant (left) is connected to a Blood Cell
Separator (right) and the Stem Cell Educator (bottom center) to form a closed system. Lymphocytes isolated from
the participant by the Blood Cell Separator travel through the Stem Cell Educator where they come in contact with
cord blood stem cells attached to the interior surfaces of the device. Educated lymphocytes are returned to the
patient’s blood circulation [15]. With permission from The Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0. http://cre-

diabetic patients with diabetic ketoacidosis, derived multipotent stem cells, and 3 patients
unlike previous studies. 13 patients, 10 of received the Stem Cell Educator therapy with-
which had associated diabetic ketoacidosis, out the stem cells (the control group). All
were treated with AHST and followed for 31 to patients tolerated the treatment well and none
54 months. Post AHST treatment, the number suffered harmful effects. This approach did not
of CD3+ T cells, B and NK cells were significant- show the adverse effects of previous immuno-
ly decreased. Autoantibody data suggested suppression and stem cell treatments. In com-
that AHST inhibits the responses of these cells parison to the control group, patients who
in some patients. Overall, 11 of the patients received stem cells showed increased base-
required significantly reduced doses of insulin line and glucose-stimulated C-peptide levels,
with decreased levels in glycosylated hemoglo- decreased medial hemoglobin A1c values, and
bin and increased levels of C-peptide. This decreased medial doses of insulin [15]. As pre-
study further showed promising results for viously seen, these are indicators of improved
AHST as a type 1 diabetes treatment and sug- insulin production, β cell function, and glycemic
gests that therapeutic benefits can be inclusive control. Although a controlled study, the control
to patients with diabetic ketoacidosis [36]. group was significantly smaller than the experi-
mental group and the overall patient sample
Furthermore, a novel procedure for Stem Cell size was small.
Educator therapy was developed in which
patients’ blood lymphocytes were separated Human clinical trials in treatment of type 2
and co-cultured with adherent human cord diabetes
blood-derived multipotent stem cells, while the
blood was circulating through a closed-loop Although fewer clinical trials have been con-
system and ultimately returning to the patient’s ducted in stem cell treatment for type 2 diabe-
circulation [15] (Figure 1). This procedure was tes, some advances have been made in this
tested in 15 patients with type 1 diabetes. 12 field as well. In 2008, a clinical trial study com-
of the patients received the Stem Cell Educator bined intrapancreatic autologous stem cell
therapy with adherent human cord blood- (ASC) infusion therapy with hyperbaric oxygen

79 Am J Stem Cells 2016;5(3):74-86

Human stem cell trials for diabetes

treatment (HBO) in 25 patients with type 2 dia- mean fasting plasma glucose, while the control
betes. Plasma glucose and hemoglobin A1c group showed increased fasting plasma glu-
values decreased, and C-peptide was shown cose. This warranted an increase in insulin dos-
to increase during the follow up period. age in the control group, resulting in a non sig-
Additionally, oral hypoglycemic drug dosage nificant difference between the fasting plasma
and injected insulin requirements both de- glucose of the two groups. In comparison to the
creased post-treatment. BMI remained relative- control, the experimental group showing signifi-
ly constant throughout the study, which sug- cant and progressive decrease in insulin dos-
gests that physician follow up, diet, exercise, age per day with 18 out of 56 patients achiev-
and diabetes management were not the sole ing insulin independence. There was no signifi-
factors that caused improvements. This study cant difference between the two groups’ BMIs.
suggests that ASC in combination with HBO The mean C-peptide and C-peptide/glucose
treatment can have significant benefits for ratio was significantly increased from baseline
patients with type 2 diabetes [14]. The study for the experimental group as well. Furthermore,
was not randomized or controlled and had a difference in hemoglobin A1c levels between
relatively small sample size, which are marked the two groups was significant at the end of the
limitations. first year and at subsequent time points [38].
All of these results suggest positive therapeutic
An additional study that investigated combined effects of bone marrow mononuclear stem cell
autologous bone marrow stem cell transplanta- treatment for type 2 diabetes.
tion with HBO treatment in patients with type 2
diabetes was reported three years later. This Dr. Bhansali and fellow researchers conducted
study included a larger sample size (31) and fol- the most recently reported clinical trials in
lowed the patients over a two year period. Post 2014. The initial study was a randomized, sin-
stem cell treatment, all patients showed a sig- gle-blinded, controlled clinical trial investigat-
nificant decrease in mean hemoglobin A1c val- ing the effects of autologous bone marrow-
ues within 30 days. C-peptide was shown to derived stem cell transplantation (ABMSCT) in
significantly increase 90 days post-treatment, 21 patients with type 2 diabetes [39]. The fol-
but levels were similar to baseline at other low up study was conducted on 10 patients
points in the follow up. Overall, all patients [13]. The initial study randomly assigned the 21
showed significantly reduced oral hypoglycemic patients to experimental and control groups.
drug dosage and reduced exogenous insulin There was a significant difference in insulin
dosage. The study found that although com- dose between the experimental and control
bined stem cell therapy and HBO treatment in groups at 3, 6, and 12 months post-treatment
patients with type 2 diabetes can improve gly- with the experimental group showing a mean
cemic control and reduce insulin/oral hypogly- 66.7% decrease in insulin requirements at 12
cemic drug dependency, the pancreatic β cell months. The decrease in insulin requirements
functional improvement may be transient [37]. was shown to be positively and significantly
The study was not randomized or controlled associated with an increase in C-peptide.
and still had a relatively small sample size. Changes in hemoglobin A1c levels were not sig-
nificantly different between the two groups;
The following year, a larger controlled clinical however, at 12 months, 10 of the 11 experi-
trial on bone marrow mononuclear stem cell mental group patients reached hemoglobin A
treatment for type 2 diabetes was published. levels <7% while only six of the 10 control group
The sample of 118 patients was separated into patients had done so. These results suggest
experimental and control groups based on will- that ABMSCT treatment has beneficial thera-
ingness to receive stem cell treatment, so the peutic potential for treatment of type 2 diabe-
study was not random. The control group (62 tes. Patients would need to be followed for a
patients) received insulin intensification thera- longer time to confirm these results [39].
py, while the experimental group (52 patients) Additionally, the study involved a relatively
received autologous bone marrow mononucle- small sample size, which is a marked limitation.
ar cell implantation; all patients were followed The follow up study was performed on 10
for 36 months. Throughout the follow up time, patients with type 2 diabetes, all of which
the experimental group showed decreased received ABMSCT and were followed for 15

80 Am J Stem Cells 2016;5(3):74-86

Human stem cell trials for diabetes

Table 2. Summary of discussed human clinical trials

Year Pub- Sample Follow-up Du-
Authors Patients (Sample type) Study Protocol Treatment Conclusion
lished Size ration (time
Voltarelli J.C., et al. 2007 15 Newly type 1 diabeticsa, diagnosed High Dose Immunosuppression 7-36 months Treatment showed acceptable toxicity and increased beta cell
within 6 months and AHSTc (mean = 18.8) function in all but 1 ptient and attributed to prolonged insulin
Couri C.E.B., et al. 2009 23 Newly type 1 diabeticsa, diagnosed High Dose Immunosuppression 5-58 months Treatment attributed to increased C-peptide levels with the majority
within 6 months and AHSTc (mean = 29.8) of patients having insulin independence and glycemic control.
Estrada E.J., et al. 2008 25 Type 2 diabetics on metformin or combi- Hyperbaric oxygen treatment 12 months Treatment can induce improvement in metabolic control and insulin
nation of OHAsc combined with ABMSCTb requirements.
Wang L., et al. 2011 31 Type 2 diabetics, failure of triple OHA Hyperbaric oxygen treatment 10 months Treatment can induce improvement in glycemic control, insulin and/
therapy & insulin dependent combined with ABMSCTb or oral hypoglycemic drug requirements, and beta cell function if
only transiently.
Zhaog Y., et al. 2012 15 Type 1 diabeticsa Stem Cell Educator: immune 40 weeks Stem Cell Educatory therapy did not show adverse outcomes and
modulation by human cord blood- a single therapy induced lasting metabolic control improvements,
derived multipotent stem cells initially reversd autoimmunity and induced regeneration of b cells.
Hu J., et al. 2012 118 Type 2 diabetics on metformin, rosigli- Exp: ABMSCTb 33 months Treatment was concluded to be safe and effective and partially
tazone and insulin dependent Control: insulin intensification restored the function of b cells and blood glucose homeostasis.
Li L., et al. 2012 13 Newly type 1 diabeticsa, diagnosed AHSTc 60 days Treatment preserved b cell function and help modulate lymphocytes.
within 6 months
Zhao, X. et al. 2012 9 Newly type 1 diabetics1, diagnosed AHSTc 23 months Treatment induced improvements in b cell function and a proposed
within 6 months mechanism may be elimination of islet specific autoreactive T cells.
Difference in patient response to treatment may be attributed to
distinct transcriptional events.
Bhansali A., P. 2014 21 Type 2 diabetics with triple oral antidia- ABMSCTb 12 months Treatment induces significant decrease in insulin requirements and
Asokumar, et al. betic drug failure and insulin dependent improvements in C-peptide levels.
Bhansali A., V. 2014 10 Type 2 diabetics with >5 year duration ABMSCTb 15 months Results suggest treatment is effective and maintained for over 15
Upreti, et al. of disease with documented triple drug months without adverse effects.
failure, receiving metformin and piogli-
tazone, and insulin dependent
a: T1 diabetics confirmed via clinical findings, hyperglycemia, and positive antibodies against glutamic acid decarboxylase. b: ABMSCT: autologous bone marrow stem cell transplantation. c: AHST: autologous nonmyeloablative hematopoietic stem
cell transplantation. d: OHA: Oral Hypoglycemic Agents.

81 Am J Stem Cells 2016;5(3):74-86

Human stem cell trials for diabetes

Table 3. Current human clinical trials for stem cell intervention in diabetes treatment
Eligibility (age,
Phase Condition Intervention Status Location (s) NIH ClinicalTrials.gov study title with link
1/2 Type 2 diabetes Procedure: Harvesting and Implantation Recruiting 18-80 years, both Miami, FL, USA Safety and Effects of Autologous Adipose-Derived Stromal
of Adipose-Derived Stem Cells (ASCs) genders Cells Delivers in Patients with type II diabetes
Unknown Diabetes mellitus (patients Procedure: Assessment of therapy Not yet 18 years and older, Nashville, TN, USA Predicting Development of Diabetes Mellitus in Patients
undergoing hematopoietic complications Other: laboratory recruiting both genders Undergoing Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplant
stem cell transplant) biomarker analysis
4 Type 2 diabetes Drug: Saxagliptin Drug: placebo Recruiting 40 = 70 years, Washington, DC, USA Effect of Saxagliptina on EPCs as a Cellular Biomarker for
both genders Evaluating Endothelial Dysfunction in Early type 2 diabetes
2 Type 1 diabetes Procedure: Immunosuppression and Recruiting 8-35 years, both Nanjing, Jiangsu, China Efficacy and Safety Study of Autologous Hematopoietic Stem
stem cell transplantation genders Cell Transplantation to Treat New Onset type 1 diabetes
2 Type 1 diabetes Device: Stem Cell Educator Recruiting 14-60 years, both 1. Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China Stem Cell Educator Therapy in type 1 diabetes
genders 2. Changsha, Hunan, China
3. Jinan, Shandong, China
4. Oviedo, Asturias, Spain
2 Type 1 diabetes Biological: Autologous mesenchymal Recruiting 18-40 years, both Uppsala, Sweden Mesenchymal Stem Cells to Intervene in the Development
stem cell transplantation genders of type 1 diabetes: A Blinded Randomized Study
1 Type 2 diabetes Biological: Umbilical cord mesenchy- Recruiting 20-60 years, both Beijing, China Mesenchymal Stem Cells to Treat type 2 diabetes (UC-
mal stem cells Biological: Controlled genders MSCs)
suspension liquid
1/2 Diabetes mellitus, insulin Biological: Intravenous Mesenchymal Recruiting 12-35 years, both Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Safety and Efficacy Of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Newly-
dependent stem cell infusion genders Brazil diagnosed Type 1 diabetic Patients
2/3 Type 1 diabetes Biological: Autologous transplantation Recruiting 10-40 years, both Chongqing, China Autologous Transplantation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells for
genders Treatment of Patients with Onset of type 1 diabetes
1/2 Diabetes mellitus Other: Intra thecal transplantation of Recruiting 18-55 years, both Pune, Maharashtra, India Study Safety and Efficacy of Bone Marrow Derived Autolo-
autologous mono nuclear cells genders gous Cells for the Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus (BMACD)
1/2 Type 2 diabetes Other: Bone Marrow Mononuclear Cell Recruiting 30-70 years, both Beijing, China Autologous Bone Marrow Mononuclear Cell Transplantation
Transplantation genders in Treating type 2 diabetes Mellitus
1/2 Type 1 diabetes Device: Stem Cell Educator Recruiting 6-14 years, both Changsha, Hunan, China Reversal of type 1 diabetes in Children by Stem Cell Educa-
genders tor Therapy
1 Type 1 diabetes Genetic: Stem Cell Educator Therapy Not yet 18 years and older, Hackensack, New Jersey, A Pilot Study of the Therapeutic Potential of Stem Cell Edu-
recruiting both genders USA cator Therapy in Type 1 Diabetes
a: Saxagliptin is an FDA approved DPP-4 inhibitor prescription medicine DPP-4 inhibitors have been shown to increase Endothelial Progenitor Cells in patients with type 2 diabetes. (ClinicalTrials.gov A service of the U.S. National Institutes of
Health. https://clinicaltrials.gov/).

82 Am J Stem Cells 2016;5(3):74-86

Human stem cell trials for diabetes

months. The mean insulin requirement de- cose, if stem cell therapy is further improved
creased in all patients 6 and 15 months post upon and studied in more randomized con-
treatment. Improvements in blood pressure trolled trials [9].
and HDL cholesterol were noted in all patients
and the majority of patients displayed de- Another challenge regarding mesenchymal
creased insulin requirements by ≥50%. Addi- stem cells (MSCs) is the issue of contamination
tionally, quality of life assessments showed while differentiation and manufacturing takes
improvement in general well-being, and no seri- place in large quantities [44]. It is important to
ous adverse effects of treatment were noted avoid the tumorigenic properties that MSCs
[13]. This follow-up study further supports can pose, and to keep the integrity of their stem
ABMSCT as an effective treatment option for cell-like properties during their production [45,
type 2 diabetes. but had a significantly smaller 12].
sample size that was not random or controlled.
Randomized, controlled, double-blind clinical
trials on a larger sample population of patients Stem cell therapy used to treat diabetes melli-
is suggested in the future investigation of stem tus clearly has great potential to relieve diabet-
cell treatments in type 1 and type 2 diabetes. ics of daily insulin injections, and may offer a
more permanent solution to controlling high
All human clinical trials discussed are summa- blood sugar levels. Animal studies have sug-
rized in Table 2; in addition, Table 3 provides gested that both embryonic and mesenchymal
information on current ongoing trials that seek stem cells can be induced to differentiate into
participants. insulin-producing cells, and these cells most
closely mimic the in vivo β cell regulation of
Challenges insulin secretion. The increased C-peptide lev-
els and decreased hemoglobin A1c levels in
Despite the tremendous progress made in both animal and human trials show that stem
recent years regarding stem cell research, a cell therapy offers an effective and promising
remaining obstacle is defending the transplant- treatment for type 1 and possibly type 2 diabe-
ed stem cells from immune attack. Even though tes. Recent clinical trials have utilized various
mature β cells can be derived from the diabet- stem cell therapies for humans including hema-
ic’s own stem cells, type 1 diabetes is an auto- topoietic, human cord blood- derived multipo-
immune disease in which the body destroys its tent, intrapancreatic autologous, and bone
own β cells. Like patients receiving transplant- marrow (mesenchymal) stem cells [47]. Testing
ed islets from a donor’s pancreas, type 1 dia- these various stem cell therapies on humans
betics receiving stem cell therapy may have to has confirmed many of the positive results dis-
take immunosuppressant drugs to prevent a covered in animal studies. However, there are
response to the new stem cell-derived β cells some unanswered questions in the studies that
[9, 40]. As referenced in the studies above, with are worthy of further research prior to imple-
immunosuppression comes various complica- menting these protocols in humans [48]. For
tions, such as pneumonia and oligospermia example, in the study with streptozotocin-
[34, 41, 42]. ViaCyte, a regenerative medicine induced type 1 diabetes, it is unknown why nor-
company based in San Diego, recently devel- malization of hyperglycemia was reversed in
oped an encapsulated, biocompatible sheath 40% of embryonic stem cell-implanted mice at
of cells that may be a potential solution to 12 weeks post-implantation [31].
immunosuppression. Though promising results
have been found in animal studies, the body Furthermore, although experimental results
tends to form scar tissue around foreign bod- are positive for ameliorating symptoms of type
ies, which may prevent the enclosed cells from 1 diabetes, various limitations in the studies
receiving nutrients [43]. Despite these chal- conducted thus far call for larger, better-con-
lenges and the likely need to take immunosup- trolled trials. For example, the animal studies
pressant drugs, many diabetics would choose conducted used only male rats or mice.
to take immunosuppressants rather than con- Although there is no known data on sex-based
tinue with insulin injections and the potentially differences in type 1 diabetes, there may be a
life-threatening fluctuations of daily blood glu- sex-dependent response to stem cell treat-

83 Am J Stem Cells 2016;5(3):74-86

Human stem cell trials for diabetes

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