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Legal English

Inheritance Law, Property Law

abandon - to leave
adjacent - close to
assent - agreement or approval
beneficiary - someone who receives money for someone else
benefit of inventory – privilege, heir obtains of being liable for the charges and debts in succession
bequeath - give property by will
bereavement - when you are a bereaved, someone who you loved has died
business premises – building, place where the business is located
chattels - a personal possession
claim - a demand for something as due
codicil - a supplement to a will
community property – spousal estate
conveyancer - person who transfers property from one person to another
debt - an amount of money that you owe to someone
deem - consider
deposit - payment that you make immediately when you decide to buy sth
derive - receive
descendant - sb who is related with someone who lived a long time ago
devolve - to give power or responsibility
disposal - when you get rid of sth, especially by throwing it away
devise - come from
dare - pressure
enforceable - to make people obey the rule
envisage - participate
exceed - bigger than
executor - someone who makes sure that thing are done according to the whishes in a dead person's will
expropriation – kind of confiscation
facility - part of system which makes possible to do sth
fit for - to be suitable for sth
freehold - a legal right to own and use a building
garbage - rubbish
heir - person who will have a legal right to someone's' money
immovable property - house land
incumbent - someone who have a official job
infrastructure - basic system transport and communication
intangible property – something like idea or right
interfere with - to prevent sth from working effectively
joint ownership – kind of ownership of one thing is held by more than one person
land registry - a official organization that records information on who owns particular land
landlord- man who rent you a flat
legacy – money or bulding that you receive after someones dies
legatee – person, who receive the legacy
legitim – make sth legal
mitigate - to reduce a harmful effect of sth
movable property – thing that we can easily take from one place to another
municipal- relating to the government of a town or city
mutual - when two or more people have the same opinion about each other
neglect - to not give enough care
negligence - when you are not careful enought
notice - warning that sth is going to happen
occupancy – building use by a person
pending - waiting until sth happen
perpetual usufruct – using sb land for a very long time
pledge - a serious promise
possessive - proprietary
proceed – to follow, act, continue
reasonable - fair
restoration of property – recovery of property
revenue - income
Legal English
Inheritance Law, Property Law
secession - stopping
sibling - sister or brother
statutory succession - inheriting by law
sublet – underlet, underlease
succession - inheriting
surveyor - person whose occupation is to exanimate land or building
tangible property – property that we can touch
terminal – fatal, mortal
testator - someone who make a will
title deeds - document that proves a person's legal right to own land
toll - a fee
undue influence - When one person is subordinated, forced by another
vendor - person who sells sth
venture - a new activity that may not be successful
willful – to do sth wrong to a person even if we know that is wrong
to be effective - to be valid
to revoke - to stop someone having legal permission to do something/ to cancel
to that end - in order

być obowiazkowym dla każdego - to be binding on/upon sb

być odpowiedzialny za cos przed kimś - to be liable from sb
być prawnie odpowiedzialnym za cos przed kimś - to be liable for sth to sb
być uprawnionym do - to be invented to
być wyłączonym z – to be excluded from
majatek przejdzie na dzieci - estate shall pass to children
mieć korzyść z czegoś - benefit from
na dowód czegoś - in witness where of
powołanie do spadku - appointment to inherit
sporzadzac teststament - draw up a will, make a will
tytułem - by way of
w odniesieniu do - in respect of
wyjatek czegos - exception to
zakłucać coś - interfere with
zapisywac cos komus w testamencie – bequeath sth to sb
zaspokoic roszczenia - satisfy claims

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