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10/21/2018 What is a Human Resource Dashboard & HR Report?

Examples and visualizations

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What is an HR Dashboard &

HR Report? Examples, Visuals
and a How-To
Home / HR Analytics / What is an HR Dashboard…

Erik van Vulpen

10 min read

The Human Resource dashboard and HR report are an important

part of managing Human Resources. Both tools are part of HR

reporting and for the basics of informed decision making.
Why? Because it is hard to make informed decisions when HR

business partners and other stakeholders lack insight into their

own organization. Never fear, HR reporting can solve this! How?

Well, that’s what this article is all about.

Here, we’ll explore the advantages of an HR report as well as the

data and metrics which could be included therein. I’ll also include an

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interactive report and a few HR dashboard templates to provide you

with some practical insights in how to get yourself started.

3 Functions of an Human
Resources Report
Reporting on the workforce is one of the HR’s essential tasks. When
Shares done right, it offers three key bene ts for both HR and management:

HR Monitoring. Regular reporting enables HR to keep a nger on

the pulse of the organizations by tracking key workforce

metrics. New trends and opportunities can be spotted early on

48 and emerging problems can be addressed before they

signi cantly impact the business.

Management information. An HR report can also help managers

in doing their job better. An HR report can inform managers

about relevant developments in their teams and department.

When, for example, the marketing department struggles with

high turnover and a high time-to-hire, managers will be more

likely to put emphasis on retaining employees and will be aware

of risks like longer replacement times when someone is about

to leave.

Track problem areas. HR reporting also offers a great way to

track key problem areas in a transparent way. Transparency in

turnover rates per manager will encourage them to pay closer

attention to retaining employees because their own reputation is

on the line! By tracking problem areas, HR can leverage its

position to drive improvements.

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How to create an Human

Resource Report
Before you start to create your HR report, there are a few

considerations to be made about the ‘how’ and ‘when’.

Automated vs. manual
A lot of organizations still work with ad-hoc data reports. For

example, when a manager or director wants to know something

about the organization’s workforce, they ask HR to send them a

report. After this request, the HR data department will work overtime

48 to produce this report. This is an example of (ine cient and) reactive

reporting. HR reports should be deployed (pro)actively and should,

therefore, be automated.

Static vs. dashboard

In line with the previous point, there’s still a fair amount of

organizations that work with manual/paper reports. This isn’t

necessarily bad: When the information isn’t prone to change, paper

reports can be quite effective.

In addition, an email containing a report might be more likely to be

seen than an infrequent update on an HR dashboard. This is simply

because people won’t use dashboards that don’t constantly add

value, like David Creelman described in his blog on Why you produce
HR dashboards no one will use.

An HR dashboard, however, offers the possibility to drill down.

Turnover may be an interesting metric, but how much of this

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turnover consists of regretted loss? You wouldn’t bat an eye when a

bad performer leaves, but it’s like shooting yourself in the foot when
the one who leaves is a high performer and potentially senior

management material. Interactive dashboards enable you to drill

down into your data and make these observations. You can either

give everyone access to this dashboard or provide the relevant drill

downs for everyone to see.


Where the previous dashboards offer simple drill-downs, more

advanced dashboards enable you to you can predict the future

through the predictive power of machine learning algorithms. This

gives insights into how employees will behave, for example, which

employees are at risk of quitting. This information could potentially

be of great strategic value.

Note: in this case, the dashboard is merely the means of displaying

the information. The predictions are made using specialized

analytics tools.

An example of an Human Resource dashboard with headcount. Click

to enlarge.

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For more examples, check the end of the article

Hygiene factor
A nal note before I show you an example of the HR report: HR

reporting is often seen as a hygiene factor. This means that, like

hygiene, solid reporting is not appreciated. However, when someone

109 has bad hygiene (i.e. when mistakes slip into the reporting) people
will notice and complain.

This emphasizes the importance of solid reporting. Accurate

reporting is not a nice to have; it’s a must-have. Without it, HR will

quickly lose its credibility.


INostix’ Luk Smeyer wrote about this about HR reporting a few years

ago. I think it captures this sentiment quite well.

Of course, every HR department should be

(extremely) good at this ‘classical’ reporting level.
No discussion. No debate. Just do it. This level
should be the fully automated, highly effective,
super fast, slicing-and-dicing, easy to read, well-
structured, ‘just-click-on-the-button’ functionality in
every organization.

Not every organization is at the ‘highly effective and super fast’ bit

yet. However, every organization should be extremely good at doing

HR reporting.

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Characteristics of an HR report
There are several important metrics that need to be included in an

HR report. Note that most of them are high-level metrics as they

provide an organizational overview. We’ve published multiple lists of

HR Metrics, including recruitment metrics and performance metrics

on this platform. These can be used for specialized dashboards. The

109 most common HR metrics that are being reported on, include:

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Sex: Common distinction often used for diversity purposes (see
the example HR dashboard below)

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Age: Age is becoming increasingly important with today’s aging

workforce. Age is often a key focus point for organizations that

want to innovate and reorganize.

Education level: Educational level should only be included when

available and when relevant for the overarching goals of the

organization. Otherwise, it runs the risk of being a ‘vanity metric’

in the HR report.
109 Function type: A metric like function type or function clusters

might help to distinguish different groups within the company.

An example could be top management, middle management,

production personnel and support staff.

FTE: A Full-Time Equivalent is the hours worked by one

48 employee on a full-time basis. The number of FTE is often lower

than number of total employees. This holds especially true if

there are a lot of part-time workers present in the organization.

FTE provides an accurate measure of the total workload in the

organization. In addition, people who work less than 1 FTE can

be considered part-time workers.

Employees Active: This metrics represents the number of

employees working at the organization.

Turnover: This metric represents the number and/or percentage

of employees who left in the previous period.

New hires: This metric represents the number and/or

percentage of new employees who joined the organization

within the last year.

Absence: This metric represents the percentage of time that

employees were absent in the previous period on average.

Another representation of this number is the total days of

absence per employee.

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Cost of absence: This metric is not a standard metric but it can

make the previously mentioned absence rate more tangible by
attaching it to a nancial number.

Cost of labor: Labor cost is the total amount of money that an

organization pays to its workforce. This number includes

employee bene ts and payroll taxes. Cost of labor can be split

up into direct or indirect costs. Direct costs are the labor costs
109 associated with people who contribute to the primary process

(an assembly line worker). Indirect costs cannot be traced to a

speci c level of production (a security person guarding the


Training cost: Training cost represents the total amount that a

48 company spends on training new hires and the existing


Recruitment cost: Total cost of recruitment efforts, often

includes the costs of external agencies, advertisement and,
sometimes, lost productivity. Entire books have been written on

how to calculate this number. Read for more information here.

Time to ll: We’ve already touched upon time to ll. It’s the
number of days between a position opening up and a candidate

accepting that position. This metric will vary signi cantly

between job types: software developers, big data analysts, and

highly quali ed salespeople are much harder to nd than entry-

level marketers for example.

This is by no means an exhaustive list. Other metrics that can be

included are:

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Personnel ow matrix
Simply capturing the number of people who join the organization and
who leave the organization is often insu cient as it doesn’t provide

you with the full picture. A solution could be a personnel ow matrix.

Such a matrix offers a great way of representing how many people

joined, were promoted and left the company, and also how these

numbers stack up.

This somewhat complex-looking table is a perfect example of a

personnel ow matrix. The rows represent the four personnel

categories (A, B, C, and D) and the changes between 2017 and 2018.
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For example, during the year 2017, 10 people went from a middle

management position to a top management position.

The total employees on 1-1-2018 are displayed in the bottom row,

while the total employees on 1-1-2017 are displayed in the rightmost

column. The total turnover of 2017 is represented in the turnover

column, and the promotions/demotions are represented in the

109 matrix.

This overview helps to visualize organizational growth, turnover (this

organization has low turnover in its production staff department, but

all other departments struggle with turnover levels of well over 10%).

It also visualizes its personnel development (note the 10% increase


in top management, from 45 in 2017 to 50 in 2018).

On one hand, a table like this provides a great overview, on the other

hand, it helps to identify some key organizational problem areas.

Note: the personnel ow is based on Evers, 2014.

Human Resource dashboard

and HR report templates
In trying to nd some sample HR reports, I came across the Valuing

Your Talent initiative. They provide some great resources, including a

case study on Capgemini. This case study was developed with

Capgemini’s own people analytics team and their report contained

some excellent examples of human resources dashboards that

they’ve created (all data is, of course, ctitious).

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HR Top Dashboard


HR dashboard: Sickness & Absence


HR dashboard: Talent 9 box grid

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HR dashboard: Diversity

This is the report we’re most proud of. It’s a dashboard you learn

how to create in our HR analyst course.

This is the report we’re most proud of. It’s part of our HR analyst

course in which our students learn how to create this exact report by
connecting multiple datasets using Power BI. As you can see for

yourself, the report is fully interactive!

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If you want to learn how to work with data and Excel & PowerBI to
create this report, check out the HR analyst course page.

HR reporting pitfalls
There are several pitfalls in regards to HR reporting. It’s important to
address these as they will prevent you from getting trapped in a

never-ending reporting cycle.

Automate your HR reporting: Don’t try to generate every report

manually. This is highly ine cient and will drain the capacity of
your HR data department. All reports described in this article

can easily be automated and auto-generated.

Provide relevant information: Don’t try to make everyone happy.
If you can make 80% of the people happy with 20% of the

information, that may well be the best solution. Making an overly

complicated dashboard and reporting on irrelevant data may

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lead to low engagement with the reports or dashboards and

thus lower the impact.

Fix mistakes: HR data is dirty, and there will be mistakes in your

HR report. Fix those mistakes in the source systems and make

sure to help to create procedures that are bene cial in the

accurate input of data.

109 HR reporting and HR dashboards are often a stepping stone for


organizations that want to move towards HR analytics – and that’s

why this subject is so important. Depending on the company that

you work for, different data will be relevant. Good luck creating your

HR report!


by Erik van Vulpen

Erik van Vulpen is founder of Analytics in HR

(AIHR). He is writer, speaker and trainer on

people analytics. Erik is instructor for the HR

Analytics Academy and has extensive

experience in the application HR analytics.

Contact Erik at erik@analyticsinhr.com or

connect with him on LinkedIn.


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