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a large oper t bole section"Aftet a short firne'

13,5 ' 4 gas kick has be4,take'n -o1a lell,withpreslre sannot be rea4 and no pumping is
priu. gipe
the drill pip" u.*.o.-'pGg+,
plp". thf" i, .ii*." or 8f migration taking place''which one of
possible down the
well control proeedures can be appiied?

A. Driller's Method
B. Concurre'rt Method t
C. Wait and Weight Method r
@ volUrqeriqMetho{
Driller's method?

up to kill speed'
,ffiold while the pump is brought
casing pipe pressur. ,onri*rrt

the bit?
*r'"n kill mud"is being pumped to
to the BHp if drill pipe pressure
i, i'"ia

A' It wili decrease

i r@-lt will increase
a. It will staY the same
a short time' the
on a well with a large open hole section' After
been taken and no pumping ls possible
13 B . A gas kick has
drill pipe b"com"s plugged' D'iX # p;;$T:11b""ud' place. which one of the
gas *ig,ut;;'iJi"g
down the drili pipe. There
is evidencr of
can be appiied?
following well c;itrol procedures

A Driller's Method
B Concurrent Method
C. Wait and Weight Method
'.@''V olurnetric Metho

the bottom hole pressure?
gradual closing ii;;;; ;;"; ""
I A. StaY the same
B. Decrease
'.@ In.t"u"

\ 4o " **u.:a *:-:*i:l

choke q'ash out be recognised?
1 '

ciosing the chokb to maintain
conel circulating presswe.
B. continuffi ;;";rf- ..not" to -aintain correct circulating f
C.Increaseindriilpipepressureaodnochangetocasingpressufe. pressure:
anq no change in drill pipg
i. ili;tili;;;#;;'sure
ilde'niy inueases by 150 psi'
ffi at i s thl
3;"lH:1L: ;1 H;ffi11'""?#: *#f :m: tJ' ri'
t pres $ue s"";

,ffifl"choke is PartlY Plugged'

Ei ArestictionintheKelll|ose'
A Plugged riozzlein the bit'
, p. A second influx has entered the well'
P. ,t wasf,I't t" th; drill string'

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