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A comparison of lactate concentration in plasma

collected from the toe, ear, and fingertip after a
simulated rowing exercise
J J Forsyth and M R Farrally

Br. J. Sports Med. 2000;34;35-38


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Br J Sports Med 2000;34:35–38 35

A comparison of lactate concentration in plasma

collected from the toe, ear, and fingertip after a
simulated rowing exercise
J J Forsyth, M R Farrally

Abstract two sites are inappropriate unless the exercise is

Objective—To examine the validity of stopped. In a racing shell and on a rowing
using blood taken from the toe for the ergometer, the rower’s feet are secured and
assessment of plasma lactate concentra- relatively immobile, making it possible and
tion in rowers. To achieve this, values were practical for the experimenter to remove
compared with those taken from the repeated blood samples from the tip of the toe
fingertip and earlobe. without obstructing performance.
Methods—Nine subjects exercised at two Most studies on lactate testing have focused
separate submaximum workloads on the on diVerences between arterial and venous
Concept II rowing ergometer. The loads, blood8–11 and between plasma, whole, and
each lasting four minutes, elicited mean haemolysed blood,12 but few have examined
(SD) heart rate responses of 160.1 (8.5) whether there are any diVerences in lactate
and 180.1 (5.7) beats/min, which corre- values when capillary blood is taken from
sponded to 76.4 (6.1)% and 91.9 (4.7)% of diVerent sampling sites. Dassonville et al3
the estimated heart rate maximum of the found fingertip capillary blood lactate levels to
subjects. Blood was simultaneously re- be higher than earlobe capillary levels for both
moved after the cessation of exercise by leg cycle ergometry and treadmill exercise. It
three experimenters and was analysed for was suggested that the gripping of the handle-
plasma lactate concentration. bars during the cycle ergometry resulted in
Results—At 76.4% of estimated heart rate local lactate release, increasing lactate concen-
maximum, the mean (SD) plasma lactate trations in this area. However, Heller et al13 also
concentrations sampled from the finger- found that capillary blood lactate levels sam-
tip, toe, and earlobe were 6.36 (1.58), 5.81 pled from the fingertip were significantly
(1.11), and 5.29 (1.24) mmol/l respectively. higher than those sampled from the earlobe,
At 91.9% of estimated heart rate maxi- especially after five minutes of recovery from
mum, respective values were 8.81 (2.30), both treadmill and cycle ergometry exercise.
8.53 (1.37), and 8.41 (2.35) mmol/l. No sig- Smith et al14 found that lactate concentration in
nificant diVerences (p>0.05) were found blood sampled from the toe was significantly
between any of the sites at either work lower than that taken from the earlobe after
intensity. arm only exercise, and concluded that the lack
Conclusions—The toe may oVer a practi- of involvement of the lower body resulted in
cal alternative for assessing the concen- less lactate being produced in this region. As
tration of lactate during rowing, having rowing is a whole body action, this finding may
the advantage that repeated blood samples have limited application. DiVerences in sam-
can be removed without interruption of pling site may aVect the delineation of lactate
the rowing action. variables, especially as far as training and
(Br J Sports Med 2000;34:35–38) performance prediction are concerned.13 15 For
instance, diVerences have been shown to influ-
Keywords: blood sampling; lactate; ergometer; rowing ence exercise intensity corresponding to a fixed
lactate concentration of 4 mmol/l,10–12 16 and to
an intensity corresponding to the lactate
The benefits of measuring blood lactate threshold.9 17
concentration to assess and improve aerobic The purpose of this study was to compare
capacity have been well documented.1 2 To lactate concentration in plasma taken from the
North East Wales advance methods of lactate testing in rowing, it toe with that from the earlobe and fingertip
Institute, Wrexham, would be beneficial to identify a convenient after steady state rowing exercise equivalent to
Wales location for capillary blood sampling, which
J J Forsyth
75% and 90% of the subject’s estimated heart
would neither interfere with the rowing action rate maximum. These two percentages were
University of St nor necessitate a discontinuation of incremen- chosen as they represented the range of values
Andrews, Scotland tal and/or steady state type exercise, as that rowers are able to sustain for prolonged
M R Farrally interruptions of work may lead to a decrease in periods without excessive amounts of lactate
the lactate gradient between the blood and accumulating in the blood.18 19 It was hypoth-
Correspondence to:
J J Forsyth, NEWI, Plas
muscle, hence distorting the lactate profile.3–5 esised that concentrations of lactate would not
Coch, Mold Road, Wrexham To obtain a measurement of capillary blood diVer significantly between sampling sites.
LL11 2AW, North Wales, lactate concentration, the fingertip and earlobe
United Kingdom.
are the conventional sampling locations while Methods
Accepted for publication subjects are exercising.6 7 In rowing, the upper Nine subjects (four men and five women), who
18 October 1999 body is in constant motion, and hence these gave their informed consent, volunteered to
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36 Forsyth, Farrally

Table 1 Summary of performance data at the two estimated work intensities exercise intensity prediction tables produced
by Lakomy and Lakomy.21 Adequate rest
Women (n=5) Men (n=4)
(denoted by heart rate recovery to within 10%
Work intensity 1 of that before the exercise) was given between
500 m split time (minutes:seconds) 2:48 (0:10) 2:08 (0:05) work bouts. During this rest interval, subjects
Heart rate (beats/min) 164.6 (8.7) 154.4 (3.6)
Percentage of estimated heart rate maximum 79.7 (6.3) 72.3 (2.6) remained seated on the rowing ergometer.
Work intensity 2 During the final minute of exercise, heart rate
500 m split time (minutes:seconds) 2:26 (0:14) 1:48 (0:05) and 500 m split time were recorded.
Heart rate (beats/min) 178.7 (3.3) 181.5 (8.1)
Percentage of estimated heart rate maximum 90.8 (3.0) 93.2 (6.5) Immediately after the cessation of each
workload, 50 µl capillary blood was taken
Values are mean (SD).
simultaneously from each site by three experi-
participate in the study. Four of the subjects menters. The area of sampling was prepared
were members of a university rowing club, and using non-alcoholic mediwipes. Blood was col-
the remaining five were endurance athletes, lected using a heparinised capillary tube
who regularly used a rowing ergometer as a marked at 50 µl, and immediately placed into a
training mode. Means (SD) of age, height, and standardised 4 µl preservative (fluoride/EDTA
weight for the male subjects were 23.3 (3.8) reagent) to prevent coagulation. The samples
years, 1.83 (0.05) m, and 81.9 (6.5) kg respec- were centrifuged for five minutes, and 20 µl
tively. For the women, the corresponding supernatant plasma was frozen for subsequent
values were 28.0 (9.2) years, 1.64 (0.05) m, analysis, using the enzymatic method described
and 69.4 (10.6) kg. by Noll.23
Exercise was performed on the Concept II A three way analysis of variance was used to
rowing ergometer (model B; Concept, Morris- determine diVerences and to look at interac-
ville, Vermont, USA), set with the vanes fully tion eVects between sampling sites, subjects,
closed and on the larger of the two drive cogs. and workloads. The level of significance was set
The electronic performance monitor was used at p<0.05. A Pearson product-moment corre-
to obtain information about the stroke rate lation coeYcient (r) was used to look at the
(strokes/min), exercise intensity, expressed as relation between lactate values at diVerent
the time taken to cover 500 m (minutes:sec- sites, and a normal scores plot was used to
onds), and elapsed time (minutes, seconds). check the distribution of values.
The 500 m split time was used as a guideline to
elicit a certain heart rate response. A relative Results
percentage of maximum heart rate was used Tables 1 and 2 give respectively performance
rather than a percentage of maximal oxygen data and plasma lactate values found at the
consumption (V ~ O2MAX), as a linear relation has three sites. The lactate response data for all
been found to exist between oxygen consump- subjects were pooled (table 2), as no significant
tion and heart rate up to intensities equivalent diVerences occurred when the lactate data were
to 90% V ~ O2MAX.20 All subjects were familiar analysed separately for each sex.
with the Concept II having used this type of No significant diVerences (p = 0.085) were
simulator extensively in training. Heart rate found in the amount of lactate at the three dif-
was measured by short range telemetry ferent sampling sites at either work intensity.
(PE3000 Sport Tester, Polar Electro OY, Interaction analysis suggested that any small
Kempele, Finland). variations in lactate that were found at the dif-
A test developed by Lakomy and Lakomy21 ferent sites could be accounted for by diVer-
was used to establish exercise intensities for ences between subjects rather than between
each subject. The test required subjects to row sites.
on the ergometer for four minutes at a speed The normal scores plot disclosed a correla-
that they felt was comfortable and were able to tion of 0.98, greater than 0.96 for normality. At
maintain. The stroke rate was confined to the first workload, the Pearson product-
within 24 and 28 strokes/min, a comfortable moment coeYcient showed significant correla-
training range for most rowers.22 The speed tions of lactate values between the toe and the
(500 m split time) and heart rate were recorded earlobe (r = 0.74), between the toe and the fin-
during the final minute of exercise. After a gertip (r = 0.79), but not between fingertip and
short break, subjects completed two separate earlobe (r = 0.64). At the second load, correla-
four minute workloads, one at 75% of their tion coeYcients were significant between the
estimated heart rate maximum, and the other toe and earlobe (r = 0.79), between the finger-
at 90%, the order being randomly assigned. tip and earlobe (r = 0.67), but not between the
These percentage values were calculated from toe and fingertip (r = 0.46). When the values
achieved at the same site but at diVerent work
Table 2 Lactate levels in plasma sampled from capillary
blood at the three diVerent sites intensities were compared, all relations were
significantly diVerent, and correlations were
Work intensity (% HR Site of low.
max) sample Lactate (mmol/l)

76.4 Finger 6.36 (1.58) Discussion

Toe 5.81 (1.11) At both work intensities, the mean concentra-
Ear 5.29 (1.24)
91.9 Finger 8.81 (2.30) tions of plasma lactate found at the toe, finger-
Toe 8.53 (1.37) tip, and earlobe were not significantly diVerent
Ear 8.41 (2.35) (p = 0.085). Although only nine subjects were
Values are mean (SD). HR max, maximum heart rate. involved in the study, a normal scores plot
indicated an even distribution of lactate
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Lactate sampling sites 37

response, suggesting that the findings would be these intensities and duration. It should be
the same if larger numbers were tested. These possible to use a continuous protocol for
results contradict the results of Smith et al,14 assessment of lactate during steady state
who found that lactate concentration in blood exercise or incremental load protocols without
sampled from the toe was significantly lower interference with the rowing action. However,
than that in blood taken from the earlobe after further research needs to be carried out to
arm only exercise. In the study of Dassonville et compare the diVerent sampling sites during
al,3 diVerences in lactate levels in blood taken diVerent test protocols. In addition, further
from the fingertip and earlobe after arm only research may be required to determine whether
exercise were not significant until the last stages local pressure in the toe aVects measurements
of incremental exercise, when the levels in the in samples taken during continuous rowing. In
blood from the earlobe were lower than those conclusion, the use of the toe as a sampling site
in the blood from the fingertip. After leg exer- may oVer a practical alternative for assessing
cise (cycle and treadmill), Dassonville et al3 plasma lactate concentration during rowing, as
found earlobe values to be lower at all exercise removing blood from this area does not require
intensities than the fingertip values. In the the rower to stop exercising.
present study, although diVerences were not
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38 Forsyth, Farrally

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Take home message

For activities in which the upper body is in constant motion, particularly rowing, use of the toe
as a sampling site for assessing plasma lactate concentration is viable.

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