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Donnerstag, 26. Oktobert 2018.

Gitar üben
Guitar Work
Ovation work

Leo warm-up
Lateral first primary

Practice Material

Pentatonic scale
Book Jerry Bergonzi Pentatonics Vol.2
Who plays strict pentatonics?

How to play jazz logical

Practice remember the past beat of past phrase of bar

In the philosophy of Immanuel Kant, genius is the ability to independently arrive at and
understand concepts that would normally have to be taught by another person.

Why the modes are treated not as main modes?
Why name it the other systems.

Work With Major modes

Ionian, Lydian and Mixolydian

Compose a two bar piano section and transpose to each mode

Jazz and twel tone system composition?

How to sound like Bill Evas?
What is Jazz?
Who is Patotucci?
I need to play great to impress the people that think i am infirior
Play quartet notes with the thumping technique
What is the languje of Luis amstrong?
I need write about music concepts?
Challenge play a whole concert
How to act like a profesional?
How to act like a Master?
How to act like a Genious ?
Challenge speak in english

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