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T cells
The Gale Encyclopedia of Science. 5th ed. 2014.
COPYRIGHT 2014 Gale, Cengage Learning
Full Text:
T cells are a component of the immune system, which functions to protect the body from compounds and organisms that are perceived as being
foreign. The immune system can respond to the presence of a disease-causing agent (pathogen) in two ways. Immune cells called B cells can
produce soluble proteins (antibodies) that can accurately target and kill the pathogen. This is called humoral immunity. T cell involvement is
associated with cell-mediated immunity, where the death of the invading cells is due to the activity of immune cells.

T cells and B cells are lymphocytes. The precursors of both types of cells are produced in the bone marrow. While the B cells mature in the bone
marrow, the precursor to the T cells leaves the bone marrow and matures in the thymus. The designation T cells derive from their thymus origin.

The role of the T cells in the immune response is to specifically recognize the pathogens that enter the body and to destroy them. They do this
either by directly killing the cells that have been invaded by the pathogen, or by releasing soluble chemicals called cytokines, which can stimulate
other killer cells specifically capable of destroying the pathogen.

During the process of maturation in the thymus, the T cells are taught to discriminate between “self” (an individual's own body cells) and “non-
self” (foreign cells or pathogens). The immature T cells, while developing and differentiating in the thymus, are exposed to the different thymic
cells. Only those T cells that will not interact with the molecules normally expressed on the different body cells are allowed to leave the thymus.
Under normal circumstances, cells that react with the body's own proteins are eliminated. The process of clonal deletion ensures that the mature T
cells, which circulate in the blood, will not interact with or destroy an individual's own tissues and organs. The mature T cells can be divided into
two subsets, the T-4 cells (that have the accessory molecule CD4) or the T-8 (that have CD8 as the accessory molecule).

There are millions of T cells in the body. Each T cell has a unique protein structure on its surface known as the T cell receptor, which is made
before the cells ever encounter an antigen. The receptor can recognize and bind only to a molecule that has a complementary structure, analogous
to the fit between a key and a lock. Each T cell receptor has a unique binding site that can attach to a specific portion of the antigen called the
epitope. If the binding surfaces are complementary, and the T cells can effectively bind to the antigen, then it can set into motion the
immunological cascade which eventually results in the destruction of the pathogen.

The first step in the destruction of the pathogen is the activation of the T cells. Once the T lymphocytes are activated, they are stimulated to
multiply. Special cytokines called interleukins that are produced by the T-4 lymphocytes mediate this proliferation. It results in the production of
thousands of identical cells, all of which are specific for the original antigen. This process of clonal proliferation ensures that enough cells are
produced to mount a successful immune response. The large clone of identical lymphocytes then differentiates into different cells that can destroy
the original antigen.

The T-8 lymphocytes differentiate into cytotoxic T-lymphocytes that can destroy the body cells that have the original antigenic epitope on its
surface, e.g., bacterial-infected cells, viral-infected cells, and tumor cells. Some of the T lymphocytes become memory cells. These cells are
capable of remembering the original antigen. If the individual is exposed to the same bacteria or virus again, these memory cells will initiate a
rapid and strong immune response against it. This is the reason why the body develops a permanent immunity after an infectious disease.

Certain other cells known as the T-8 suppressor cells play a role in turning off the immune response once the antigen has been removed. This is
one of the ways by which the immune response is regulated.

Source Citation (MLA 8th Edition)

"T cells." The Gale Encyclopedia of Science, edited by K. Lee Lerner and Brenda Wilmoth Lerner, 5th ed., Gale, 2014. Science In Context,
http://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/CV2644032201/SCIC?u=hkdbs&sid=SCIC&xid=3a080cde. Accessed 25 Oct. 2018.

Gale Document Number: GALE|CV2644032201

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