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Abbreviations that begin with the letter A

a (in dates) ante

abbrev. abbreviation (of)
Abbrev. abbreviation(s)
Abd. Aberdeen
Aberd. Aberdeen
Aberdeensh. Aberdeenshire
abl. ablative
Abol. abolition
Aborig. aboriginal
Abp. archbishop
Abr. abridged
Abridg. abridged
Abridgem. abridgement
absol. absolute(ly)
Absol. absolute
Abst. abstract(s)
abstr. abstract
Abstr. abstract(s)
Acad. academia, academy, academic(al)
acc. according (to)
acc. accusative
Acc. account(s)
Accept. acceptance
Accomm. accommodation
Accompl. accomplished
Accs. accounts
Acct. account
Accts. accounts
accus. accusative
Achievem. achievement
A.D. Anno Domini
ad. adaptation of
Add. addendum, addenda
Addit. addition(s)
Addr. address
adj. adjective, adjectival
adj. phr. adjectival phrase
adjs. adjectives
Adm. admiral
Adm. admiralty
Admin. administration, administrative
Admir. admiralty
Admon. admonition
Admonit. admonition
adv. adverb, adverbial(ly)
Adv. advanced
Adv. advances
Adv. adventure(s)
Adv. advices
Adv. advocate
Advancem. advancement(s)
advb. adverb, adverbial(ly)
Advert. advertisement
Advoc. advocate
advs. adverbs
Advt. advertisement
Advts. advertisements
Aerodynam. aerodynamics
Aeronaut. aeronautics, aeronautical
Aff. affairs
Affect. affecting
Affect. affection(s)
Afr. Africa(n)
Agric. agriculture, agricultural
agst. against
Alch. alchemy
Alg. algebra
Alleg. allegiance
Allit. alliterative
Alm. almanac
Alph. alphabet, alphabetical
alt. alteration
Amer. America, American
Anal. analysis
Analyt. analytic(al)
Anat. anatomy, anatomical
Anc. ancient
Anecd. anecdotes
Ang. Anglian
Angl. Anglian
Anglo-Ind. Anglo-Indian
Anim. animal(s)
Ann. annal(s)
Ann. annual
Anniv. anniversary
Annot. annotation
Anon. (in author names) Anonymous
Answ. answer
Ant. antiquities
Anthrop. anthropology
Anthropol. anthropology, anthropological
Antiq. antiquity, antiquities
aphet. aphetic, aphetized
Apoc. apocalyptic(al)
Apol. apology, apologies
app. apparently
App. appendix
Appl. applied
Applic. application(s)
appos. appositive(ly)
Apr. April
Arab. Arabic
Arb. (in author names) Arber
arch. archaic
Arch. architecture
Arch. archive(s)
Archaeol. archaeology, archaeological
Archipel. archipelago
Archit. architecture, architectural
Argt. argument
Arith. arithmetic
Arithm. arithmetic, arithmetical
Arrangem. arrangement
art. article
Artic. articulation
Artific. artificial
Artill. artillery
Ashm. (in author names) Ashmole
Assemb. assembly, assemblies
Assoc. association
Assoc. Football Association Football
Assyriol. Assyriology
Astr. astronomy
Astrol. astrology
Astron. astronomy, astronomic(al)
Astronaut. astronautics, astronautical
Att. Attic
attrib. attributive(ly)
Attrib. attribute(s)
Aug. August
Austral. Australia(n)
Auth. author(s)
Autobiog. autobiography
Autobiogr. autobiography, autobiographic(al)
A.V. Authorized Version
Ayrsh. Ayrshire

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