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Class: F.

Sc – 1st Year Chapter: 01 Test: Chemistry

Max. Marks: Time: Hour
Name: Roll No.
Q # 1: Choose the correct one:
1. Molar mass of MgSO4 is:
(a) 120 (b) 140 (c) 160 (d) 180
2. Molecular formula of glucose is:
(a) C6H6 (b) CH2O (c) CH6H12O6 (d) CH
3. The number of particles in 1 gram atom of element is called:
(a) mole (b) NA (c) molar volume (d) atomic mass
4. H2O and CO2 are absorbed in:
(a) Mg(ClO4)2 (b) 50% KOH (c) both a & b (d) none
5. CO2 in combustion analysis is absorbed in:
(a) Mg(ClO4)2 (b) 50% KOH (c) both a & b (d) none
6. J. Berzelins determined:
(a) atomic no. (b) isotopes (c) atomic masses (d) molecule
7. A specie carrying +ve OR-ve charge is:
(a) atom (b) ion (c) molecule (d) isotopes
8. Hydrogen has three isotopes, named protium deuterium and
(a) diamond (b) graphite (c) bucky ball (d) tritium
9. Which one is allotrope of carbon:
(a) protium (b) deuterium (c) graphite (d) tritium
10. The instrument used to measure exact masses of different isotopes of an element is:
(a) spectrometer (b) cathode ray tube (c) dilato meter (d) photo meter
11. The empirical formula of benzene is:
(a) C6H6 (b) CH2O (c) CH6H12O6 (d) CH
12. Which one is always written in E.F form:
(a) molecular compds (b) covalent compd (c) metals (d) ionic compd
13. The amount of product obtained in the reaction is called:
(a) combustion analysis (b) theoretical yield (c) percentage yield (d) actual yield
Q # 2: Short Answer the following Questions:
1. Define limiting reactant. How it is identified?
2. Differentiate between empirical & molecular formula.
3. Define actual yield. It is always smaller give reason.
4. Many elements have their atomic masses in fraction. Why?
5. Define and example: (a) compound (b) element (c) chemical formula
6. Calculate mass of 10-3 moles of MgSO4.
7. Define and two examples: (a) gram atom (b) gram formula
8. No individual Neon atom has atomic Mass 20.18 a.m.u. give reason.
9. Find the number of gram atoms (mole) in: (a) 10 gram of Si (b) 0.1 kg of Na
10. Define percentage yield.
11. What is stoichiometry? Give its assumptions.
12. Define molar volume and two examples
13. Formation of +ve ion is an endothermic process, give reason.
14. Define and two examples: (a) Isotopes (b) relative atomic mass (c) avogodro’s number (NA)
15. Differentiate between mole and avogadro’s number.
16. Calculate %age of nitrogen (N) in: (a) NH 3 (b) NH2CONH2 (c) (NH4)2 SO4
17. Law of conservation of mass has to be obeyed during stoichiometric calculations. Give reason.
18. Calculate no. of molecules in 10 gram of ice and 10 gram of H 3PO4:
Long Question:
Q # 3: (a) Explain the term combustion analysis.
(b) Calculate the number of grams of Al2S3 which can be plepoled by the reaction of 20 gram al & 30 gram
sulphur. How much non limiting reactant is in excess.
Q # 4: (a) A mixture of two liquids, hydrazine, N2H4 and N2O4 are used as a fuel, in rockets. They produce N2 &
water vapours. How many grams of N2 gas will be formed by formed reacting 100 gram N2H4 & 200 gram
of N2O4.
(b) When lime stone (LaCO3) is heated. Quick lime (CaO) is produced . The actual yield of CaO is 2.5 kg,
when 4.5 kg of lime stone is roasted. What is the percentage yield of this reaction:
CaCO3 → CaO + CO2
Q # 5: (a) Silicon carbide (SiC) is an important ceramic material. It is produced, by the reaction of sand (SiO 2) with
SiO2 + 3C → SiC + 2CO
When 100 kg of sand (SiO2) is reacted with excess of carbon, 51.4 kg of SiC is produced, what is the
percentage yield of reaction?
(b) NH3 gas can be prepared by heating together two solids. NH4Cl & Ca(OH)2. If mixture containing 100
gram of each solid is heated, then.
(i) Calculate no. of grams of NH3 produced.
(ii) Calculate the excess reactant left behind.
2NH4Cl + Ca(OH)2 → CaCl2 + 2NH3 + 2H2O

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