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A. Definition

Asthma (Asthma) is a chronic disease (chronic) that attacks the respiratory tract
(bronchiale) in the lung where there is inflammation (inflammatory) bronchiale cavity wall
causing narrowing of the airways that eventually someone experiencing shortness of breath.
Asthma is most prevalent in developed countries, especially the high levels of air pollution from
vehicle fumes and dust of the desert.

B. Clinical Symptoms

Frequency and severity of asthma attacks more often have variation . a few patients free
of symptoms and only experience shortness of breath attacks are brief and mild, occurring at any
time. Another patient almost always has a cough and wheezing (asthma) and have a great attack
after suffering a viral infection, exercise or after exposure to the allergen or iritasion. web or
laughing hard can also cause the onset of symptoms. An asthma attack can occur suddenly
marked by breath sounds (wheezing, wheezing, asthma), cough and shortness breath.Nouse
audible wheezing especially when the patient breathed. At other times, an asthma attack occurs
slowly with symptoms that gradually worsened.

In these two states, who first felt by a person with asthma are shortness of breath, cough
or tightness in chest. Attack could take place within a few minutes or may last up to several
hours, even for a few days. Early symptoms in children can include itching in the chest or in
neck. A cough dry at night or while exercising can also be the only indication. While asthma
attacks, shortness of breath may become more severe, causing anxiety. As a reaction to anxiety,
patients will also be spending a lot of sweat.

In a very severe attack, the patient became difficult to speak because of crowded very
great. Although he has suffered a severe attack, the patient will usually recover completely.
Confusion, lethargy (reduced state of consciousness, where people like to sleep soundly, but can
be aroused briefly and then immediately fall asleep again) and cyanosis (bluish skin look) is a
sign that people with very limited supply of oxygen and need immediate treatment. Sometimes
some of the alveoli (air pockets in the lungs) can rupture and cause the air collects in the pleural
cavity or cause air collects around the organs of the chest. This will exacerbate the difficulty felt
by the patient.

C. Etiology
Infectious Asma to now the cause of asthma is not certain even after much research by
the specialist. Theory hypothesis about the cause of someone suffering from asthma has not been
agreed upon by experts in the world of health.

However, the conclusion is that the respiratory tract in patients with asthma have unique
properties that is very sensitive to various stimuli (bronchial hyperreactivity = hipereaktivitas
airways) such as air pollution (smoke, dust, chemicals), pollen, cold air, food, furry animals,
mental stress, odor / aroma (eg, perfume) and it sport. Be sides asthma attacks as a result of the
impact of patients experienced upper respiratory infections (ARI), either cold or sinisitis. Asthma
attacks can also be experienced by some women to the days of the menstrual cycle, it is
extremely rare very. grade increased asthma risk associated with the presence of factors that
support a person suffering from asthma, for instance factors generation. at a mother or father
suffered from asthma, then it is likely of the existence of people with asthma in family members.

D. Pathogenesis

            Factor triggers asthma attacks

Triggers cause disruption of the respiratory tract and cause constriction of the airways
(bronchoconstriction) inflammation. Have a lot of Trigger does not cause the medical
community who consider the trigger and bronchoconstriction are acute respiratory disorders,
which does not mean asthma.

The symptoms and bronchoconstriction induced by triggers arise immediately, place in a

short time and is more easily overcome in a short time. But the respiratory tract will react more
quickly when an existing or inflammation.

1. Factor in patients
o Genetic Aspects
o The possibility of allergic
o Channels of breath which is easily aroused
o Gender
o Race / ethnicity

2. Environmental factors
1. The materials in the room: house dust mites, animals, cockroaches
2. The materials outdoors: Wheat flower essence, Mushroom
3. Certain foods, preservatives, flavoring, food coloring
4. Certain drugs
5. Irritants (perfumes, odors stimulate, household spray)
6. Excessive emotional expression
7. Cigarette smoke from active smokers and passive
8. Air pollution from outdoor and indoor
9. Respiratory tract infections
10. Exercise induced asthma, recurrent asthma when they perform certain physical
11. Changes in weather

E. Clinical Manifestation

Respiratory sounds (wheezing / wheezing / asthma) especially when breathing out

(exhalation). Not all people with asthma have respiratory sounds, and not everyone is breathing
is asthmatic wheezing it may

There is shortness of breath due to narrowing of the bronchi channel (bronchiale).

prolonged cough at night or in cold weather. The patient complaint of chest felt tight ..severe
asthma attack causing the patient can not speak because of the difficulty in regulating breathing.
At the age of the children, initial symptoms may include itching it cavity chest or neck. During
an asthma attack, feeling excessive anxiety of patients can worsen the condition was. As a
reaction to anxiety, patients will also be spending a lot of sweat.

F. Penaktalaksanaan

 How to Avoid Asthma Attacks

Appropriate measures that can be done to avoid an asthma attack is away from the
causative factors that trigger asthma attacks itself. Each patient generally has its own
characteristics to things that trigger asthma attacks asmanya. after attack, if the patient has felt to
breathe but are advised to continue with appropriate treatment and dosage of drugs given by

 Handling and Asthma Treatment

All must it say. asthma attack asthma can be prevented if the trigger factors are known
and can be avoided. The attack triggered by exercise can be avoided by taking drugs before
though boast. There is prevention efforts that can be done to prevent any future attacks of
asthma, among others:

1. Maintaining Health
Maintaining health is a business that is not separated from disease treatment asma.if weak
and malnourished patients, not only susceptible to disease but also means easy to get asthma
attacks and its complications. Effort to maintain this health which include eating a good
nutritional value of food, drink lots, adequate rest, recreation and sport as appropriate. Patients
are encouraged to drink except when prohibited many physicians, because of other illnesses such
as heart or kidney disease heavy. many drink will dilute the phlegm in the respiratory tract, so
that the sputum was easily removed. Conversely if the person is less drinking, sputum will
become very thick, tough and difficult foul out. At severe asthma attacks many people are
dehydrated. This is caused by excessive transpiration, less drinking and excessive evaporation of
liquid from the airways due to breathing fast and deep.

2. Maintain environmental hygiene

Environment where people with daily living greatly affects the occurrence of disease
attacks the house such as a very important asma. Situation look to see to home should not be
moist enough ventilation and light the sun. access water disposal must swit. chamber sleep is a
place that needs special attention. We recommend a minimum bedroom containing goods to
avoid dust home. animal pets, cigarette smoke, mosquito spray, or hair sprays and other asthma
triggers. Work environment also require attention especially when clearly there is a correlation
between work environment with asthma disease attack.

3. Avoiding triggers Factor

The most common allergens causing asthma are dust mites, so the ways to avoid house
dust should be understood. Other allergens such as cats, dogs, birds, require attention and also
keep in mind that animals are not suspected as cockroaches and rats can cause respiratory disease
virus asma.Infection often trigger asthma. We recommend that asthma sufferers away from the
people who are stricken with influensa. also advised to avoid crowded places or crowded.
Avoid excessive fatigue, rain, extreme temperatures replacement, running catch public transport
or an exhausting sport. If going to work out, do warm up exercises beforehand and are
encouraged to use drugs to prevent attacks.essence disease-substances that stimulate the
respiratory tract are like cigarette smoke, car exhaust, gasoline vapor, vapor or steam paint
chemicals and other dirty air should be avoided.

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