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Ticket Reference # 181026-000603

Recently you requested personal assistance from our online support center. Below is
a summary of your request and our response. We will assume your issue has been
resolved if we do not hear from you within 48 hours. Thank you for allowing us to
be of service to you.

To update your question with additional information, please respond directly to

this email or click here to view your ticket on our support site.
Response By Email (EdgeWater) (10/29/2018 04:27 PM)

Thanks for the update. Pixxxels, we have checked the Login History. We can see
connections to Austria on OCT 4 and OCT 26, last Friday. You did not lose items
during a server crash. A majority of your item transactions on that day involved
being sold to the NPC.

Also, if we searched your entire Login History, we can see other countries as well.
This includes Bangladesh, United States, United Kingdom, etc.

To help ensure your account remains secure, we recommend that you review these

1) Create a strong password. The password length should be between 8 to 14

characters. It should contain a random mix of uppercase letters, lowercase letter
and numbers.

2) Do not share your password with other players. This includes family members,
best friends, classmates, etc.

3) Never reply to emails asking for your account password.

4) Avoid websites offering free gold or power-leveling services. These deals are
designed to steal your account information.

5) Maintain the security of your registered email address. Your email address
password should be different from your PWE password. Do not share your email
password with other players.

Senior Game Master
Perfect World Entertainment
Customer By CSS Email () (10/29/2018 03:03 PM)
There hasn't an access to my account from Austria since October, like you can check
this happend on 26/10/2018 when your servers crashed.

Perfect World Entertainment <customerservice@perfectworld.com> escreveu no dia

segunda, 29/10/2018 �(s) 21:45:
Response By Email (EdgeWater) (10/29/2018 02:45 PM)

Thanks for the update. We have checked your account based on your email address,

Accounts are not designed to be shared. After reviewing the Login History, we can
see connections between two countries since the beginning of October. These
connections includes Portugal and Austria. Please do not share your account
information to other players.

If you do notice items missing or any other suspicious activity, please change your
password immediately. You can use the link below.


Senior Game Master
Perfect World Entertainment
Customer By CSS Email () (10/29/2018 01:45 PM)
Thankyou very much, I appreciate your help, I have been playing Perfect World for
nearly 10 years and I didn't even know things like this could happen, sadly ..on my
main character that I put soo much work into the gear I owned for many years, I
would love to keep playing the game, hopefully you can fix this...

best regards,

Perfect World Entertainment <customerservice@perfectworld.com> escreveu no dia

segunda, 29/10/2018 �(s) 15:50:
Response By Email (Chroma) (10/29/2018 08:50 AM)

Thank you for contacting us.

I deeply apologize for the delayed response due to the high volume of tickets in
our queue and for the sudden disappearance of your items. Please do not worry as I
have escalated this ticket to the next tier for further investigation. Please be
patient as they will update this ticket once their investigation is complete.

If the issue has been resolved before their investigation is complete, this ticket
can be closed at any time. If you need further assistance, feel free to contact us

Game Master
Perfect World Entertainment
Customer By CSS Web () (10/26/2018 07:48 PM)
Hello, I'd like to add this information to my ticket, It is about everything that I
had on my character "Pixxxels" before the server crashed on the 26/10/2018.

I specified everything that matters, I not only mentioned what's lost but also what
remained, with access to my account you may check what's missing.
If anything is required, contact me please, I'm very upset and I'd like this
problem solved the quickest as possible, thankyou very much for your time

Equipped gear:
**Shadow Ashura Hat (+12) (4 sockets) (x4)Deity Stone ATT Lv+2 ->gear signature:
*Ocean Supreme Armor (+10) (4 sockets) (x1)Stone of the Savant, (x3)Diamond of
Tiger Attack Lv +1 ->gear signature:"Lunar"
**Shadow Ashura Greaves (+11) (4 sockets) (x2)Diamond of Tiger Attack Lv+1,
(x2)Stone of the Savant ->gear signature:"NIRVY"
*Ashura's Boots (+10) (4 sockets) (x2)Diamond of Tiger Attack Lv +1, (x2)Primeval
Stone ->gear signature:"FWS"
*Ashura's Bracers (+10) (4 sockets) (x2)Diamond of Tiger Attack Lv +1, (x2)Primeval
Stone ->gear signature:" "
*Lionheart Necklace (+10) (4 sockets) (x4) Sky Stone +16 Vit, engrave Dexterity +11
Physical Attack +40 ->gear signature:" "
*Liomheart Belt (+10) (4 sockets) (x2) Divine Stone +160mdef, (x1)Sunflare Stone
+13Vit,(x1)Yaksha Stone Atk Lv+1, -gear signature:" "
***Adversity Ring (+12) engrave: Physical Resistance +114 ->gear signature "Gatoz"
***Star's Destiny (+11) engrave: Physical Attack +40 ->gear signature "Grief"
***Wings of Ascencion (+10)(4 sockets) (x4)Diety Stone ATT Lv+2, engrave Phys.Res.:
+330 ->gear signature:"333~5"
Pan Gu, Creator +3
***Chaotic Damnation (+12) (2 sockets) x2 Drakeflame Stone Phy Atk.+100 ->gear

Inventory items:
-95 big notes
-alot of random misc items such as apothecary, potions,pocket buffs, charms stuff
that I use on a daily basis for years I had thousands of that, all gonne.
-few gold lunar materials that I farm and sell for coin (not important)
-500x basic badges...

-Wraithtouched Set
(I had soo much fashion i can't even remenber all of it, but all i got left
ironicly is a pumpkin head)

War Avatar:Equipped set "Dark Lord's of Morai"rebirthed 2x(1355 experience each

card) and around 3000 bound C packs from daily "FlowSilver Palace" (I wont require
to get into detail but you can see I have 162/220 cards adquired on my "War Avatar
Book" my bag was absolutely clustered with A cards and a few S card's including one
Nuema Portal card).

Star Chart: had 8 attributes (It kept the experience and aptitude but It's a total
different bad roll with few attributes) I don't know what you can do about that,
but I'll still inform you what stats my starchart had.
Total Aptitude: 14.37
Experience: 5186
-Physical Resistance(Birthstar)
-Fire Resistance(birthstar)
-Physical Penetration(birthstar)
-Spirit(Fate star)
-Wood Resistance(Fate star)
-Physical Resistance (Fate star)
Customer By CSS Web () (10/26/2018 02:26 PM)
I was away from keyboard at the time the servers crashed (i was told) and rolled
back a little bit, and when I logged in all my items were gonne and my actuall gear
refines, shards, cards, starchart were all gonne, some of the refines and shards
are still there but most of It is gonne, I dont understand what happend....help
please? this is heart braking ....

The name of the character in question is Pixxxels, I attached a screenshot showing

how all my cards are gonne, etc, empty bags ...


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