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There are four renal handling for hypothetical substance (331)

a. All of the sodium ions are reabsorbed from the tubules back into the blood. (S)
b. The excretion rate of chloride ions is calculated as the reabsorption rate minus the filtration
rate (S)
c. Creatinine is neither reabsorbed nor secreted (B)
d. The excretion rate of organic bases is equal to the rate at which it was filtered (S)

2. The glomerular filtration barrier is selective in determining which molecules will filter
a. Myoglobin is filtered only 75% as rapidly as water (B)
b. As the molecular weight of the molecule approaches that of albumin, the filterability
approaching zero (B)
c. Inulin is restricted for filtration (S)
d. Any given molecular radius, positively charged molecules are filtered much more readily
than are negatively charged molecules. (B)

3. GFR is determined by net filtration pressure and the glomerular Kf (337)

a. The glomerular capillaries have the lowest Kf than many other tissues in the body (S)
b. precipitation of calcium will increase GFR (S)
c. even with a constant glomerular hydrostatic pressure, a greater rate of blood flow into the
glomerulus tends to increase the GFR (B)
d. Changes in glomerular hydrostatic pressure serve as the primary means for physiological
regulation of GFR. (B)

4. Renal blood flow are influenced by the sympathetic nervous system, hormones, and other
feedback controls. (341)
a. mild increases in renal sympathetic activity can caused decreased sodium excretion (B)
b. endothelin will increase GFR in some of pathophysiological conditions (S)
c. a high-sodium diet activate the angiotensin II-mediated constriction (S)
d. the release of nitric oxide and prostaglandins will counteract the effects of angiotensin II

5. Feedback mechanisms intrinsic keep the renal blood flow and GFR relatively constant
a. Renal blood flow is autoregulated in parallel with GFR (B)
b. Tubuloglomerular feedback depend on juxtaglomerular complex (B)
c. Reducing the concentration of sodium chloride at the macula densa cells will increase
resistance to blood flow in the afferent arterioles (S)
d. myogenic autoregulation helps prevent excessive increase in GFR (B)

6. Reabsorption across the tubular epithelium into the interstitial fluid includes active or
passive transport (348)
a. Active reabsorption of sodium by Na-K ATPase occurs in most parts of the tubule. (B)
b. 90% of the filtered glucose is reabsorbed by secondary active transport in the latter
segments of the proximal tubule (S)
c. Urea is reabsorbed by active diffusion (S)
d. All of the chloride ions are reabsorbed by secondary active transport (S)

7. In figure that shows the transport maximum of glucose:

a. if the plasma glucose concentration is 100 mg/100 ml and the filtered load is at its normal
level, there is no loss of glucose (B)
b. all nephrons have the same transport maximum for glucose (S)
c. the threshold for glucose occurs before the transport maximum is reached (B)
d. the x-axis is glucose filtered load, reabsorption or excretion (S)

8. The proximal tubule has high capacity for reabsorption (353)

a. the amount of sodium remains relatively constant (S)
b. the concentration of creatinine increases along the proximal tubule (B)
c. the concentration of amino acids and bicarbonate decrease along the length of the
proximal tubule. (B)
d. the total solute concentration remains the same all along the proximal tubule (B)

9. the medullary collecting ducts are the final site for processing the urine (358)
a. The permeability of water is controlled by the level of vasopressin (B)
b. there are special creatinine transporters that facilitate creatinine diffusion (S)
c. It is uncapable of secreting hydrogen ions (S)
d. It is permeable to urea (B)

10. In a person who has a high-sodium intake (362):

a. The secretion of aldosteron will increase (S)
b. He will have a high level of angiotensin II (S)
c. His kidneys will excrete dilute urine (B)
d. His atrial natriuretic peptide will increase (B)

11. the approximate renal responses in a human after ingestion of 1 liter of water (371):
a. the kidneys will excrete urine about one sixth the osmolarity of normal extracellular fluid
b. the osmolarity of urine can be 1200 to 1400 mOsm/L (S)
c. the posterior pituitary gland secretes more ADH (S)
d. the kidney will excrete excess amounts of solutes (S)

12. severe dehydration occurs if one attempts to drink seawater (373)

a. It is because of the maximal urine concentrating ability is 1200 mOsm/L (B)
b. the minimal volume of the urine that must be secreted is about 0,5 L/day (B)
c. the maximum concentration of sodium chloride that can be excreted is about 1000
mOsm/L (S)
d. every liter of seawater drunk will result in a net fluid loss of 0,5 liter (B)

13. Some major factor that contribute to the buildup of solute concentration into the renal
a. Active transport of urea from the inner medullary collecting ducts (S)
b. diffusion of small amounts of water from the medullary tubules (B)
c. active transport of sodium ions from the collecting ducts (B)
d. counter transport of potassium, chloride, and other ions out of the thick portion of the
ascending limb of the loop of henle (B)

14. Role of distal tubule and collecting ducts in excreting concentrated urine
a. the early distal tubule will dilutes the tubular fluid (B)
b. the cortical collecting tubule is always impermeable to water (S)
c. the large amount of water are reabsorbed into the cortex rather than into the renal medulla
d. if high level of ADH is present, the fluid at the end of the collecting ducts has the
osmolarity about 1200 mOsm/L (B)


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