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scalar quantites which have a magnitude but no direction

vector quantites which have a direction aswell as a mgnitude

speed rate of change of distance with time for a moving object
velocity rate do change of displacement fo a moving body
uniform acceleration rate of change of velocity is constant
Newton's 1st law
Newton's 3rd law for every reaction there is an equal but an oppsite reaction

breaking distance how far the object travels after the break have been applied
stopping distance sum of the breaking distance and thinking distance
thinking distance how far the object travels before the breaks are applied
mass amount of matter present in a body
weight gravitational force acting on a body
moment turning effect of a force

centre of mass a single point on a body at which the mass of the body appears to act
pressure force per unit area acting on a surface
renewable energy souce of energy that can be used repeatedly
conductors materials that allows electrons / heat to pass through it

insulators materials that does not allows electrons / heat to pass through it
the difference between the highest and the lowest temperature that a
range of thermometer thermometer can measure

linearity equal in volume of mercury thread fo every degree of temperature change

specific heat capacity amount of heat energy required to change the state of 1kg of an object by 1c

melting point the temperature at which sustances changes from solid to liquid
boiling point temperature at which liquids change to vapour
evaporation process by which liquid molecules changes to water
energy required to change the state of an object without changing
latent heat temperature
frequency number of waves passing any point per second

amplitude maximum displacement of an occillation from its mean position

wavefront imaginary line which conect all the in-phase points of waves
distance between two successive points on a wave that are at the same stage
wavelength of occillation
angle of incidence angle between the noramal line and the incedent ray
angle of reflection angle between the noramal line and the refracted ray

critical angle angle of incidence at which light undegoes total internal reflection
focal length distance between pricipal focus and the optic centre of the lens

dispersion phenomenon on which radiation is separated nto its constituent wavelength

ultra sound sound above human audible range
echo sound that has undergone reflection
objectcan be connected to the ground using ac conducting material so that
earthing the unwanted charges flow away
electro motive force workdone by unit charge to move across a complete circuit

Ohm's law current is proportional to the current at constant temperature

1 volt

resistance property of a material which resist the flow of electric current

difference in electrical potential between two points through the current is
potential difference flowing
current flow of electric charge in a given direction

if a tungsten filament is heated about 7000c some of the electrons in th white

thermionic emission hot metal gain enough energy to escape from its surface
physical change or decay that takes place inside the nuclei of a radioactive
radio activity element
time taken for half of the nuclei of a radioactive substance to undergo
half life dispersion

particular radiation emitted by the decay of some radioacive substance which

alpha radiation consists of a stream as as a slow moving helium nuclei
atom of the same element having the same atomic number but different mass
isotope number

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