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STOP! WAIT! WHAT?! Music by STEVEN LUTVAK Lyties by ROBERT L, FREEDMAN and 1am under srics instructions 10 arrest you. For murder, STEVEN LUTVAK Molto agitato Geaca2) MONTY: Duuail Ne = ges SS didn't Kil Ad~al-bet D'Ys-quith, though thet cer-tain ly was my in a Amis DL Gm ar D7 i-gest that T could be arrested for some-thing that Bo Bk FI Bb cm Ane D could-n't be poor cousin As-quith, for he grn-ciows-ly died on his own, Was that — 2 Gm hole inthe ioe just a bit too precise? Was my —pres-ence at Chizz-le~ mere known’? MONTY: Murr di you say? DETECTIVE: I'm afraid so, your Lordship 0 ~ Gay iON Daj T should 2 7 — +2 doubt’ I was seen in the La-dy Hy -a-cinth fell in so wo AminS D7 om, A > + Sal-o-me's end, all sus ~ pi-clon would send dhem at once 10 that back-stab-bing cast —. = x ot FD Bb cm Ane D ———! a SS See Se pe = — f= = ——— bbee sings re -yeal my de - ception? Was 1 soon at the woight™ Lifting hal How HS Sees oe — — = 2 2, Be "7 » B c D “fe oF " — tt pte == ee = Tam the ca after all! Though i's come, T con-eade, at a cost Bu bt = it fe eé — Co ggg — f 4 nf = = =e — Jas 2 - aa —— + = PE ws, cits cng SSS SS iS . ee where wes my blo - der? My weak=ness, 1 won der? Is all of it now to be

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