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Om Swastiastu

Assalamualaikum wr.wb
May god bless us

The Honorable Chairperson of Advaita Medika Tabanan or representing

I respect all the lecturers and staff at Stikes Advaita Medika Tabanan
As well as what I love and care for, all students of stikes advaita medika tabanan

First, let us offer thanks for the presence of God because of His blessing we can
gather in this happy place. I say thank you so much for the opportunity that you have given
to me to say a few words about the revolution industry 4.0
Life becomes a phenomenon that continues to move, grow and develop. In this case
the industry is a benchmark for the rapid development that changes human life in every age.
It is seen that the development of industry continues to emerge rapidly from generation 1 to
generation 4, which certainly will affects mindset and human work as executors in several
activities and aspects
Industrial trips that began in generation 1 in the years 1760-1840 showed that
mechanical production in the industry used water and steam, then in generation 2 in 1870-
1940 showed the development of industrial production using more electricity supply. next
development continued , in the third generation in 1960-2010 the development that was
obtained was the use of IT that worked automatically in the industrial world. Until the 4th
generation, starting from 2015 up to now, it shows a remarkable development by using
production with the help of cyber-physical systems or cyber-based systems, which means that
humans have to be able to communicate with the tools used. This 4th generation industry is
also called the revolution industry 4.0
Then, what the advantages of the revolution industri 4.0?
The effects obtained are extraordinary. Changing almost all the difficult aspects
becomes easy. Like the appearance of online motorcycle taxi applications, Instagram, maps
etc. Time is like being able to be held by hand because it is easy to access an activity at one
In this 4th generation industry certainly very beneficial for various industries as
well as reaching for the health industry. This is proven from the survey result of 622 business
leaders from various industries around the world by The Ecconomic Intelligence Unit. The
polls on business leaders show that a significant majority of surveyed executives believe that
health is a sector that will get a great benefit from the impact of the 4.0 industry revolution.
Today, consumer technology that uses mobile phones and fitness equipment that is used daily
can collect various data in detail about one's health and fitness status. Data like this has the
potential to transform, not only individual health and medical needs, but also health research.
Even one study also conducted by The Ecconimic Intelligence Unit said that 50% of doctors
believe that smartphone technology is very empowering for patients so that they play a role in
managing their health proactively
In addition, many health care providers explore the potential of telemedicine, which
is a monitoring and treatment of patients remotely through sensors connected to the internet.
It is hoped that telemedicine will be useful in chronic treatment that is experienced by the
elderly. In the future it is very possible that elderly patients can get comfortable health
services like in their own homes. Telemedicine can also bring media care to people who live
in outlying areas, in the future the remarkable medical applications may emerge from a
combination of physical, digital and biological technologies. For example, like a pill that
combines digital sensors that are able to regulate drug release, robotic limbs are capable to
taking the patient's mind and virtual reality psychotherapy
With the existence of an industrial revolution from various eras shows that the
growing industry can facilitate human activities and life. So we as students who have high
intelligence should be able to follow the era of the revolution industry 4.0 as well,so that we
are able to compete globally in every activity. LET’S MOVE FORWARD TOGETHER TO

I think that’s all my speech. I hope it is useful for you all. I am sorry for any world
or behave that unpleasing you. Thanks you very much for the occasion and your kind
attention.good morning

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