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Rajiv Gandhi Govt.Engg. College at Nagrota Bagwan (H.

2nd Periodical Examination Oct 2018
Seating Plan
Room No. LT-101 Block: Lecture Theatre Date: 01/11/2018
No, of Benches:-30 Session: Morning
S.no Row : 1 (Door side) Row : 2 Row : 3 Row : 4 Row : 5 (Window side)
EE 1st CE 3rd EE 1st CE 3rd EE 1st CE 3rd EE 1st CE 3rd EE 1st CE 3rd
1 18BT030529 17BT030101 18BT030535 17BT030107 18BT030541 17BT030115 18BT030547 17BT030121 18BT030553 17BT030128
2 18BT030530 17BT030102 18BT030536 17BT030109 18BT030542 17BT030116 18BT030548 17BT030122 18BT030554 17BT030129
3 18BT030531 17BT030103 18BT030537 17BT030110 18BT030543 17BT030117 18BT030549 17BT030124 18BT030555 17BT030130
4 18BT030532 17BT030104 18BT030538 17BT030112 18BT030544 17BT030118 18BT030550 17BT030125 18BT030556 17BT030131
5 18BT030533 17BT030105 18BT030539 17BT030113 18BT030545 17BT030119 18BT030551 17BT030126 18BT030557 17BT030132
6 18BT030534 17BT030106 18BT030540 17BT030114 18BT030546 17BT030120 18BT030552 17BT030127 18BT030558 17BT030133

Branch Semester: No. of Students Present Absent Invigilator

EE 1st 1st 30 1
CE 3rd 3rd 30
Total 60 2

Note:- Invigilator are requisted to mark the absenties row wise with circle and write the total no. of present and absent students branch wise in second box.

Signature of invigilator OIC Examination

Signature of invigilator OIC Examination

Rajiv Gandhi Govt.Engg. College at Nagrota Bagwan (H.P)

2nd Periodical Examination Oct 2018
Seating Plan
Room No. LT-103 Block: Lecture Theatre Date: 01/11/2018
No, of Benches:-31 Session: Morning
S.no Row : 1 (Door side) Row : 2 Row : 3 Row : 4 Row : 5 (Window side)
ME 3rd ME 7th ME 3rd ME 7th ME 3rd ME 7th ME 3rd ME 7th ME 3rd ME 7th
1 17BT030227 14BTD5020410 17BT030233 14BTD5020418 17BT030239 14BTD5020425 17BT030245 14BTD5020432 17BT030253 14BTD5020443
2 17BT030228 14BTD5020411 17BT030234 14BTD5020419 17BT030240 14BTD5020426 17BT030246 14BTD5020433 17BT030254 14BTD5020444
3 17BT030229 14BTD5020412 17BT030235 14BTD5020420 17BT030241 14BTD5020427 17BT030247 14BTD5020434 17BT030255 14BTD5020445
4 17BT030230 14BTD5020414 17BT030236 14BTD5020421 17BT030242 14BTD5020428 17BT030248 14BTD5020435 17BT030257 14BTD5020446
5 17BT030231 14BTD5020415 17BT030237 14BTD5020423 17BT030243 14BTD5020430 17BT030249 14BTD5020439 17BT030258 14BTD5020447
6 17BT030232 14BTD5020416 17BT030238 14BTD5020424 17BT030244 14BTD5020431 17BT030250 14BTD5020441 17BT030259 14BTD5020448
7 17BT030252 14BTD5020442

Branch Semester: No. of Students Present Absent Invigilator

ME 3rd 31 1
ME 7th 31
Total 62 2

Note:- Invigilator are requisted to mark the absenties row wise with circle and write the total no. of present and absent students branch wise in second box.

Signature of invigilator OIC Examination

Rajiv Gandhi Govt.Engg. College at Nagrota Bagwan (H.P)
2nd Periodical Examination Oct 2018
Seating Plan
Room No. LT-201 Block: Lecture Theatre Date: 01/11/2018
No, of Benches:-34 Session: Morning
S.no Row : 1 (Door side) Row : 2 Row : 3 Row : 4 Row : 5 (Window side)
Micro Micro
Elements of CE Processor (5th Elements of CE Micro Processor Elements of CE Micro Processor Elements of CE Micro Processor Elements of CE (5th Processor (5th
(5th Sem) Sem) (5th Sem) (5th Sem) (5th Sem) (5th Sem) (5th Sem) (5th Sem) Sem) Sem)
3 Starting from Starting from
initial Roll initial Roll
4 Nos. Nos.

Branch Semester: No. of Students Present Absent Invigilator


Total 0 2

Note:- Invigilator are requisted to mark the absenties row wise with circle and write the total no. of present and absent students branch wise in second box.

Signature of invigilator OIC Examination

Rajiv Gandhi Govt.Engg. College at Nagrota Bagwan (H.P)

2nd Periodical Examination Oct 2018
Seating Plan
Room No. LT-202 Block: Lecture Theatre Date: 01/11/2018
No, of Benches:-40 Session: Morning
S.no Row : 1 (Door side) Row : 2 Row : 3 Row : 4 Row : 5 (Window side)
Micro Micro
Elements of CE Processor (5th Elements of CE Micro Processor Elements of CE Micro Processor Elements of CE Micro Processor Elements of CE (5th Processor (5th
(5th Sem) Sem) (5th Sem) (5th Sem) (5th Sem) (5th Sem) (5th Sem) (5th Sem) Sem) Sem)

Branch Semester: No. of Students Present Absent Invigilator


Total 0 2

Note:- Invigilator are requisted to mark the absenties row wise with circle and write the total no. of present and absent students branch wise in second box.

Signature of invigilator OIC Examination

Rajiv Gandhi Govt.Engg. College at Nagrota Bagwan (H.P)
2nd Periodical Examination Oct 2018
Seating Plan
Room No. LT-203 Block: Lecture Theatre Date: 01/11/2018
No, of Benches:-39 Session: Morning
S.no Row : 1 (Door side) Row : 2 Row : 3 Row : 4 Row : 5 (Window side)
Non- Non-
Automobile Automobile Non-Conventional Automobile Engg. Non-Conventional Automobile Non-Conventional (5th Automobile
Conventional (5th Conventional
Engg. (5th Sem) (5th Sem)
Engg. (5th Sem) (5th Sem) (5th Sem) (5th Sem) Engg. (5th Sem) Sem) Engg. (5th Sem)

3 Starting from Starting from
4 initial Roll initial Roll
5 Nos. Nos.

Branch Semester: No. of Students Present Absent Invigilator


Total 0 2

Note:- Invigilator are requisted to mark the absenties row wise with circle and write the total no. of present and absent students branch wise in second box.

Signature of invigilator OIC Examination

Rajiv Gandhi Govt.Engg. College at Nagrota Bagwan (H.P)

2nd Periodical Examination Oct 2018
Seating Plan
Room No. LT-301 Block: Lecture Theatre Date: 01/11/2018
No, of Benches:-36 Session: Morning
Row : 1 (Door side) Row : 2 Row : 3 Row : 4 Row : 5 (Window side)
ECE 3rd EE 1st ECE 3rd EE 1st ECE 3rd EE 1st ECE 3rd EE 1st ECE 3rd ME 1st
1 17BT030401 18BT030501 17BT030409 18BT030508 17BT030416 18BT030515 17BT030425 18BT030522 17BT030433 18BT030250
2 17BT030402 18BT030502 17BT030410 18BT030509 17BT030417 18BT030516 17BT030426 18BT030523 17BT030434 18BT030251
3 17BT030403 18BT030503 17BT030411 18BT030510 17BT030420 18BT030517 17BT030428 18BT030524 17BT030436 18BT030252
4 17BT030404 18BT030504 17BT030412 18BT030511 17BT030421 18BT030518 17BT030429 18BT030525 17BT030437 18BT030253
5 17BT030406 18BT030505 17BT030413 18BT030512 17BT030422 18BT030519 17BT030430 18BT030526 17BT030438 18BT030254
6 17BT030407 18BT030506 17BT030414 18BT030513 17BT030423 18BT030520 17BT030431 18BT030527 17BT030439 18BT030255
7 17BT030408 18BT030507 17BT030415 18BT030514 17BT030424 18BT030521 17BT030432 18BT030528 17BT030440 18BT030256
8 17BT030441 18BT030257

Branch Semester: No. of Students Present Absent Invigilator

ECE 3rd 3rd 36
EE 1st 1st 28
ME 1st 1st 8
Total 72 2

Note:- Invigilator are requisted to mark the absenties row wise with circle and write the total no. of present and absent students branch wise in second box.

Signature of invigilator OIC Examination

Rajiv Gandhi Govt.Engg. College at Nagrota Bagwan (H.P)
2nd Periodical Examination Oct 2018
Seating Plan
Room No. LT-302 Block: Lecture Theatre Date: 01/11/2018
No, of Benches:-32 Session: Morning
Row : 1 (Door side) Row : 2 Row : 3 Row : 4 Row : 5 (Window side)
ME 3rd ARCH 3rd ME 3rd ARCH 3rd ME 3rd ARCH 3rd ME 7th ARCH 3rd ME 7th ARCH 3rd
1 17BT030260 17BAR0101 18BTL030204 17BAR0107 18BTL030211 17BAR0115 14BTD5020455 17BAR0122 14BTD5020464 17BAR0128
2 17BT010239 17BAR0102 18BTL030205 17BAR0109 18BTL030212 17BAR0116 14BTD5020458 17BAR0123 14BTD5020465 17BAR0129
ME 7th
3 20BTD5020044 17BAR0103 18BTL030206 17BAR0110 14BTD5020449 17BAR0117 14BTD5020459 17BAR0124 14BTD5020466 17BAR0130
4 18BTL030201 17BAR0104 18BTL030207 17BAR0111 14BTD5020450 17BAR0118 14BTD5020461 17BAR0125 14BTD5020467 17BAR0131
5 18BTL030202 17BAR0105 18BTL030208 17BAR0112 14BTD5020451 17BAR0119 14BTD5020462 17BAR0126 14BTD5020468 17BAR0132
6 18BTL030203 17BAR0106 18BTL030209 17BAR0113 14BTD5020452 17BAR0120 14BTD5020463 17BAR0127 14BTD5020469 17BAR0133
7 18BTL030210 17BAR0114 14BTD5020454 17BAR0121

Branch Semester: No. of Students Present Absent Invigilator

ME 3rd 15 1
ARCH 3rd 32
ME 7th 17
Total 64 2

Note:- Invigilator are requisted to mark the absenties row wise with circle and write the total no. of present and absent students branch wise in second box.

Signature of invigilator OIC Examination

Rajiv Gandhi Govt.Engg. College at Nagrota Bagwan (H.P)

2nd Periodical Examination Oct 2018
Seating Plan
Room No. LT-303 Block: Lecture Theatre Date: 01/11/2018
No of Benches:-33 Session: Morning
Row : 1 (Door side) Row : 2 Row : 3 Row : 4 Row : 5 (Window side)
S.no Non- Non-
Automobile Automobile Non-Conventional Automobile Engg. Non-Conventional Automobile Non-Conventional (5th Automobile
Conventional (5th Conventional
Engg. (5th Sem) (5th Sem)
Engg. (5th Sem) (5th Sem) (5th Sem) (5th Sem) Engg. (5th Sem) Sem) Engg. (5th Sem)


Branch Semester: No. of Students Present Absent Invigilator


Total 0 2

Note:- Invigilator are requisted to mark the absenties row wise with circle and write the total no. of present and absent students branch wise in second box.

Signature of invigilator OIC Examination

Rajiv Gandhi Govt.Engg. College at Nagrota Bagwan (H.P)
2nd Periodical Examination Oct 2018
Seating Plan
Room No. LT-402 Block: Lecture Theatre Date: 01/11/2018
No of Benches:-29 Session: Morning
Row : 1 (Door side) Row : 2 Row : 3 Row : 4 Row : 5 (Window side)
EE 3rd ECE 7th EE 3rd ECE 7th EE 3rd ECE 7th EE 3rd ECE 7th EE 3rd ECE 7th
1 17BT030501 14BTD5060241 17BT030507 14BTD5060247 17BT030513 14BTD5060253 17BT030519 1613613601 17BT030526 1613613608
2 17BT030502 14BTD5060242 17BT030508 14BTD5060248 17BT030514 14BTD5060254 17BT030520 1613613602 17BT030527 1613613609
3 17BT030503 14BTD5060243 17BT030509 14BTD5060249 17BT030515 14BTD5060255 17BT030521 1613613603 17BT030528 1613613610
4 17BT030504 14BTD5060244 17BT030510 14BTD5060250 17BT030516 14BTD5060256 17BT030522 1613613604 17BT030530 1613613611
5 17BT030505 14BTD5060245 17BT030511 14BTD5060251 17BT030517 14BTD5060257 17BT030523 1613613605 17BT030531 1613613612
6 17BT030506 14BTD5060246 17BT030512 14BTD5060252 17BT030518 14BTD5060259 17BT030524 1613613606 17BT030532 02BTD5060005
7 17BT030525 1613613607 17BT030533 02BTD5060008

Branch Semester: No. of Students Present Absent Invigilator

EE 3rd 32 1
ECE 7th 32
Total 2

Note:- Invigilator are requisted to mark the absenties row wise with circle and write the total no. of present and absent students branch wise in second box.

Signature of invigilator OIC Examination

Rajiv Gandhi Govt.Engg. College at Nagrota Bagwan (H.P)

2nd Periodical Examination Oct 2018
Seating Plan
Room No. LT-403 Block: Lecture Theatre Date: 01/11/2018
No of Benches:-37 Session: Morning
Row : 1 (Door side) Row : 2 Row : 3 Row : 4 Row : 5 (Window side)
ME 3rd ECE 7th ME 3rd CE 7th ME 3rd CE 7th ME 3rd CE 7th ME 7th CE 7th
1 17BT030201 02BTD5060060 17BT030209 14BTD5010434 17BT030218 14BTD5010443 17BT030226 14BTD5010457 1613614401 14BTD5010465
2 17BT030203 1610513602 17BT030210 14BTD5010435 17BT030219 14BTD5010448 EE 3rd 14BTD5010458 1613614402 14BTD5010466
3 17BT030204 02BTD5060034 17BT030211 14BTD5010436 17BT030220 14BTD5010449 18BTL030509 14BTD5010459 1613614403 14BTD5010467
CE - 7th
4 17BT030205 14BTD5010430 17BT030212 14BTD5010437 17BT030221 14BTD5010450 18BTL030510 14BTD5010460 1613614404 14BTD5010468
5 17BT030206 14BTD5010431 17BT030213 14BTD5010438 17BT030222 14BTD5010451 18BTL030511 14BTD5010461 1613614405 14BTD5010469
6 17BT030207 14BTD5010432 17BT030215 14BTD5010439 17BT030223 14BTD5010452 18BTL030512 14BTD5010462 1613614406 14BTD5010470
ME 7th
7 17BT030208 14BTD5010433 17BT030216 14BTD5010440 17BT030224 14BTD5010454 14BTD5020470 14BTD5010463 1613614408 14BTD5010471
8 17BT030217 14BTD5010441 17BT030225 14BTD5010456

Branch No. of Students Present Absent Invigilator

ME 3rd 24 1
ECE 7th 3
ME 7th 8
CE 7th 34
EE 3rd 4
Total 73 2

Note:- Invigilator are requisted to mark the absenties row wise with circle and write the total no. of present and absent students branch wise in second box.

Signature of invigilator OIC Examination

Rajiv Gandhi Govt.Engg. College at Nagrota Bagwan (H.P)
2nd Periodical Examination Oct 2018
Seating Plan
Room No. LT-405 Block: Lecture Theatre Date: 01/11/2018
No of Benches:-29 Session: Morning
Row : 1 (Door side) Row : 2 Row : 3 Row : 4
EE 1st EE 7th CE 7th ME 7th CE 3rd EE 7th CE 3rd EE 7th
1 18BT030559 14BTD5040110 1614713101 1613614409 18BTL030103 14BTD5040115 18BTL030108 14BTD5040120
2 18BT030560 14BTD5040111 1614713106 1613614410 18BTL030104 14BTD5040116 18BTL030109 14BTD5040121
3 18BT030561 14BTD5040112 1613614411 18BTL030105 14BTD5040117 18BTL030110 14BTD5040122
4 18BT030562 14BTD5040113 1613614412 18BTL030106 14BTD5040118 18BTL030111 14BTD5040123
5 18BT030563 14BTD5040114 1614714404 18BTL030107 14BTD5040119 18BTL030112 14BTD5040124
6 1614714405

Branch Semester: No. of Students Present Absent Invigilator

EE 1st 5 1
EE 7th 15
CE 7th 2
ME 7th 6
CE 3rd 10
Total 38 2

Note:- Invigilator are requisted to mark the absenties row wise with circle and write the total no. of present and absent students branch wise in second box.

Signature of invigilator OIC Examination

Rajiv Gandhi Govt.Engg. College at Nagrota Bagwan (H.P)

2nd Periodical Examination Oct 2018
Seating Plan
Room No. LT-406 (DH) Block: Lecture Theatre Date: 01/11/2018
No, of Benches:-39 Session: Morning
S.no Row : 1 (Door side) Row : 2 Row : 3 Row : 4 Row : 5 (Window side)
CE 1st CE 1st CE 1st CE 1st ARCH 1st
1 18BT030137 18BT030145 18BT030153 18BT030161 18BAR0106
2 18BT030138 18BT030146 18BT030154 18BT030162 18BAR0107
ARCH 1st
3 18BT030139 18BT030147 18BT030155 18BAR0108
4 18BT030140 18BT030148 18BT030156 18BAR0102 18BAR0109
5 18BT030141 18BT030149 18BT030157 18BAR0103 18BAR0110
6 18BT030142 18BT030150 18BT030158 18BAR0104 18BAR0111
7 18BT030143 18BT030151 18BT030159 18BAR0105 18BAR0112
8 18BT030144 18BT030152 18BT030160 18BAR0113

Branch Semester: No. of Students Present Absent Invigilator

CE 1st 1st 26 1
ARCH 1st 1st 13
Total 39 2

Note:- Invigilator are requisted to mark the absenties row wise with circle and write the total no. of present and absent students branch wise in second box.

Signature of invigilator OIC Examination

Rajiv Gandhi Govt.Engg. College at Nagrota Bagwan (H.P)

Seating Plan
Room No. CE-303 (Civil Dept.) Block: Lecture Theatre Date: 01/11/2018
No of Benches:-32 Session: Morning
Row : 1 (Door side) Row : 2 Row : 3 Row : 4
EE 3rd CE 7th EE 3rd CE 7th EE 3rd CE 7th EE7th CE 7th
1 17BT030534 14BTD5010472 17BT030542 14BTD5010480 17BT030551 14BTD5010488 14BTD5040130 1613613103
2 17BT030535 14BTD5010473 17BT030543 14BTD5010481 17BT030552 14BTD5010489 14BTD5040131 1613613104
3 17BT030536 14BTD5010474 17BT030544 14BTD5010482 17BT030553 14BTD5010491 14BTD5040132 1613613106
4 17BT030537 14BTD5010475 17BT030545 14BTD5010483 14BTD5040125 14BTD5060212 14BTD5040133 1613613107
5 17BT030538 14BTD5010476 17BT030546 14BTD5010484 14BTD5040126 14BTD5060258 14BTD5040134 1613613108
6 17BT030539 14BTD5010477 17BT030547 14BTD5010485 14BTD5040127 14BTD5020413 14BTD5040135 1613613109
7 17BT030540 14BTD5010478 17BT030548 14BTD5010486 14BTD5040128 1613613101 14BTD5040136 1613613110
8 17BT030541 14BTD5010479 17BT030549 14BTD5010487 14BTD5040129 1613613102 14BTD5040137 1613613111

Branch Semester: No. of Students Present Absent Invigilator

EE 3rd 19
CE 7th 32
Total 51 2

Note:- Invigilator are requisted to mark the absenties row wise with circle and write the total no. of present and absent students branch wise in second box.

Signature of invigilator OIC Examination

Rajiv Gandhi Govt.Engg. College at Nagrota Bagwan (H.P)

2nd Periodical Examination Oct 2018
Seating Plan
Room No. AH-311 (Seminar and Department Meeting Room Block: Applied Sciences (2nd Floor) Date: 01/11/2018
No of Benches:-29 Session: Morning
Row -1 Row - 2 Row - 3
ME 1st EE 3rd ME 1st EE 3rd ME 1st EE 3rd ME 1st EE 3rd ME 1st EE 3rd
1 18BT030230 17BT030554 18BT030234 17BT030558 18BT030238 17BT030563 18BT030242 18BTL030501 18BT030246 18BTL030505
2 18BT030231 17BT030555 18BT030235 17BT030559 18BT030239 17BT030564 18BT030243 18BTL030502 18BT030247 18BTL030506
3 18BT030232 17BT030556 18BT030236 17BT030560 18BT030240 17BT0304035 18BT030244 18BTL030503 18BT030248 18BTL030507
4 18BT030233 17BT030557 18BT030237 17BT030561 18BT030241 17BT010720 18BT030245 18BTL030504 18BT030249 18BTL030508

Branch Semester: No. of Students Present Absent Invigilator

ME 1st 1st 20 1
EE 3rd 3rd 20
Total 40 2

Note:- Invigilator are requisted to mark the absenties row wise with circle and write the total no. of present and absent students branch wise in second box.

Signature of invigilator OIC Examination

Rajiv Gandhi Govt.Engg. College at Nagrota Bagwan (H.P)
2nd Periodical Examination Oct 2018
Seating Plan
Room No. ME-202 (Mechanical Dept.) Block: Lecture Theatre Date: 01/11/2018
No of Benches:-29 Session: Morning
Row : 1 (Door side) Row : 2 Row : 3 Row : 4 Row : 5
ARCH 1st ME 1st ARCH 1st ME 1st ARCH 1st ME 1st ARCH 1st ME 1st ARCH 1st ME 1st
1 18BAR0114 18BT030201 18BAR0119 18BT030206 18BAR0125 18BT030212 18BAR0131 18BT030218 18BAR0137 18BT030224
2 18BAR0115 18BT030202 18BAR0120 18BT030207 18BAR0126 18BT030213 18BAR0132 18BT030219 18BAR0138 18BT030225
3 18BAR0116 18BT030203 18BAR0121 18BT030208 18BAR0127 18BT030214 18BAR0133 18BT030220 18BAR0139 18BT030226
4 18BAR0117 18BT030204 18BAR0122 18BT030209 18BAR0128 18BT030215 18BAR0134 18BT030221 ARCH 3rd 18BT030227
5 18BAR0118 18BT030205 18BAR0123 18BT030210 18BAR0129 18BT030216 18BAR0135 18BT030222 17BAR0134 18BT030228
6 18BAR0124 18BT030211 18BAR0130 18BT030217 18BAR0136 18BT030223 17BAR0135 18BT030229

Branch Semester: No. of Students Present Absent Invigilator

ARCH 1st 1st 26 1
ME 1st 1st 29
ARCH 3rd 3rd 2
Total 57 2

Note:- Invigilator are requisted to mark the absenties row wise with circle and write the total no. of present and absent students branch wise in second box.

Signature of invigilator OIC Examination

Rajiv Gandhi Govt.Engg. College at Nagrota Bagwan (H.P)

2nd Periodical Examination Oct 2018
Seating Plan
Room No. LT-206 (DH) Block: Lecture Theatre Date: 01/11/2018
No, of Benches:-35 Session: Morning
S.no CE 1st CE 1st CE 1st CE 1st CE 1st
1 18BT030101 18BT030109 18BT030116 18BT030123 18BT030130
2 18BT030102 18BT030110 18BT030117 18BT030124 18BT030131
3 18BT030103 18BT030111 18BT030118 18BT030125 18BT030132
4 18BT030104 18BT030112 18BT030119 18BT030126 18BT030133
5 18BT030105 18BT030113 18BT030120 18BT030127 18BT030134
6 18BT030106 18BT030114 18BT030121 18BT030128 18BT030135
7 18BT030107 18BT030115 18BT030122 18BT030129 18BT030136
8 18BT030108

Branch Semester: No. of Students Present Absent Invigilator

CE 1st 1st 36 1
Total 36 2

Note:- Invigilator are requisted to mark the absenties row wise with circle and write the total no. of present and absent students branch wise in second box.

Signature of invigilator OIC Examination

Rajiv Gandhi Govt.Engg. College at Nagrota Bagwan (H.P)
2nd Periodical Examination Oct 2018
Seating Plan
Room No. LT-104 (DH) Block: Lecture Theatre Date: 01/11/2018
No, of Benches:-60 Session: Morning
S.no Row : 1 (Door side) Row : 2 Row : 3 Row : 4
ECE 1st ECE 1st ECE 1st ECE 1st
1 18BT030401 18BT030416 18BT030431 18BT030446
2 18BT030402 18BT030417 18BT030432 18BT030447
3 18BT030403 18BT030418 18BT030433 18BT030448
4 18BT030404 18BT030419 18BT030434 18BT030449
5 18BT030405 18BT030420 18BT030435 18BT030450
6 18BT030406 18BT030421 18BT030436 18BT030451
7 18BT030407 18BT030422 18BT030437 18BT030452
8 18BT030408 18BT030423 18BT030438 18BT030453
9 18BT030409 18BT030424 18BT030439 18BT030454
10 18BT030410 18BT030425 18BT030440 18BT030455
11 18BT030411 18BT030426 18BT030441 18BT030456
12 18BT030412 18BT030427 18BT030442 18BT030457
13 18BT030413 18BT030428 18BT030443 18BT030458
14 18BT030414 18BT030429 18BT030444
15 18BT030415 18BT030430 18BT030445

Branch Semester: No. of Students Present Absent Invigilator

ECE 1st 1st 58 1
Total 58 2

Note:- Invigilator are requisted to mark the absenties row wise with circle and write the total no. of present and absent students branch wise in second box.

Signature of invigilator OIC Examination

Rajiv Gandhi Govt.Engg. College at Nagrota Bagwan (H.P)
2nd Periodical Examination Oct 2018
Seating Plan
Room No. LT-102 Block: Lecture Theatre Date: 01/11/2018
No, of Benches:-30 Session: Morning
S.no Row : 1 (Door side) Row : 2 Row : 3 Row : 4 Row : 5 (Window side)
CE 3rd EE 7th CE 3rd EE 7th CE 3rd EE 7th CE 3rd EE 7th CE 3rd EE 7th
1 17BT030134 14BTD5040138 17BT030141 14BTD5040144 17BT030147 14BTD5040151 17BT030153 14BTD5040157 17BT030159 14BTD5040163
2 17BT030135 14BTD5040139 17BT030142 14BTD5040145 17BT030148 14BTD5040152 17BT030154 14BTD5040158 17BT030160 14BTD5040164
3 17BT030136 14BTD5040140 17BT030143 14BTD5040146 17BT030149 14BTD5040153 17BT030155 14BTD5040159 17BT030405 14BTD5040165
4 17BT030137 14BTD5040141 17BT030144 14BTD5040147 17BT030150 14BTD5040154 17BT030156 14BTD5040160 17BT010440 14BTD5040167
5 17BT030139 14BTD5040142 17BT030145 14BTD5040148 17BT030151 14BTD5040155 17BT030157 14BTD5040161 18BTL030101 14BTD5040169
6 17BT030140 14BTD5040143 17BT030146 14BTD5040150 17BT030152 14BTD5040156 17BT030158 14BTD5040162 18BTL030102 14BTD5040170

Branch Semester: No. of Students Present Absent Invigilator

CE 3rd 30 1
EE 7th 30
Total 60 2

Note:- Invigilator are requisted to mark the absenties row wise with circle and write the total no. of present and absent students branch wise in second box.
Rajiv Gandhi Govt.Engg. College at Nagrota Bagwan (H.P)
2nd Periodical Examination Oct 2018
Seating Plan
Room No. LT-401 Block: Lecture Theatre Date: 01/11/2018
No of Benches:-29 Session: Morning
Row : 1 (Door side) Row : 2 Row : 3 Row : 4 Row : 5 (Window side)
EE 7th ECE 3rd EE 7th ECE 3rd EE 7th ECE 3rd ECE 3rd ECE 3rd
1 14BTD5040171 17BT030442 1613613505 17BT030449 1613613512 17BT030454 18BTL030401 18BTL030407
2 14BTD5040172 17BT030443 1613613506 17BT030450 17BT030456 18BTL030402 18BTL030408
3 14BTD5060232 17BT030444 1613613507 17BT030451 17BT020405 18BTL030403 18BTL030409
4 1613613501 17BT030445 1613613509 17BT030452 17BT020442 18BTL030404 18BTL030410
5 1613613502 17BT030446 1613613510 17BT030453 17BT010239 18BTL030405 18BTL030411
6 1613613503 17BT030447 18BTL030406
7 1613613504 17BT030448

Branch Semester: No. of Students Present Absent Invigilator

ECE 3rd 28
EE7th 13
Total 41 2

Note:- Invigilator are requisted to mark the absenties row wise with circle and write the total no. of present and absent students branch wise in second box.

Signature of invigilator OIC Examination

Rajiv Gandhi Govt.Engg. College at Nagrota Bagwan (H.P)
Seating Plan
Room No. LT-306 Block: Lecture Theatre Date: 01/11/2018
No. of Benches:-33 Session: Morning
Row : 1 (Door side) Row : 2 Row : 3 Row : 4 Row : 5 (Window side)
ECE 7th ECE 7th ECE 7th ECE 7th ECE 7th
1 14BTD5060200 14BTD5060209 14BTD5060218 14BTD5060228 14BTD5060235
2 14BTD5060202 14BTD5060210 14BTD5060219 14BTD5060229 14BTD5060236
3 14BTD5060204 14BTD5060213 14BTD5060220 14BTD5060230 14BTD5060237
4 14BTD5060205 14BTD5060214 14BTD5060221 14BTD5060231 14BTD5060238
5 14BTD5060206 14BTD5060215 14BTD5060222 14BTD5060233 14BTD5060239
6 14BTD5060207 14BTD5060216 14BTD5060225 14BTD5060234 14BTD5060240
7 14BTD5060208 14BTD5060217 14BTD5060226

Branch Semester: No. of Students Present Absent Invigilator

ECE 7th 33
Total 33 2

Note:- Invigilator are requisted to mark the absenties row wise with circle and write the total no. of present and absent students branch wise in second box.

Signature of invigilator OIC Examination

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