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Nei gong aims to open the doors of the Dan Tian, fill Yin / Yang Qi and consolidate
this coverage.

In order to achieve this many Taoist schools have developed various methods.
Some have produced a softer approach to the problem, other more direct and hard.

The rigid Chinese discipline often was assumed that it had to be made a massive
selection to select from among the many suitors, those really were fit and ready to
be instructed and initiated this path.
For this imposed upon themselves to students preparatory exercises very hard, often
unnecessary, if not to discourage those with little will.
Those who passed them showed that he was ready and he had definitely the foundation
to continue.

Our approach seeks to integrate in a coherent path an initiatory path accessible to

The only selection will be the learning desire and dedication to practice, without
which no result can be achieved.

The method is structured in six basic practices and 6 above practices.

With the first basic practice we begin the study of a form of Qi Gong, from the
tradition dell'Emei Shan, who has multiple objectives.
Physically it unlocks the energy circulation through postural exercises, also quite
intense, which open the individual joints and release the paths of the meridians.

This sequence, called XING SHEN ZHUANG GONG, is "The Shen reunification method, the
formless, the spirit that aspires to heaven, in Xing, the container, the shape, the
frame structuring".

A clear indication of how the Qi Gong can not ignore an important relationship
between the energy body and soul that is animated.
This work, although basic, is actually a complex system of exercises where the mind
directs the Qi in Chinese energetics key points, which are stimulated by physical
postures admirably concocted to locate precise areas of the body where the mind
easily it concentrates to create an effective and intense presence of Qi.

In the practice of the true Qi Gong it leads to a relocation of the entire energy
system to the Dan Tian seen as a store of Qi, a gold reserve to draw upon in case
of need or if launched toward higher goals of self-realization.

In the second basic practice we will see an important first breathing exercise, the
YANG QI GONG, designed to develop the presence of Yang Qi in the body.
A good Qi during Yang means greater vitality, strength, stamina, mental clarity,
increased sex drive and creates the necessary energy substrate to deal with
successive paths.
This set of techniques provides the ability to control your breathing, to work by
channeling the Qi with the mind of key parts of collection and body's energy and
helps stimulate the strengthening of the Qi lower doors.

In the third basic practice it will address a form of meditation that opens the
door to both fundamental ways of Taoist practice, ie the methods of the Early
Heaven (Xian Tian) and those of the Later Heaven.

The ZHENG SONG FROM FA or the Method of Growing Erected and Relaxation, both
symbolically and physically, gives the practitioner the necessary instrument to
perform meditations also long lasting in the quiet, possessing the necessary
concentration likely to remain careful and correct in right posture for a perfect
flow of Qi in the body.

An ancient technique, it is said that Zhang San Feng, the founder of Tai Ji Quan
was a student, it implements the Zheng Qi flow and collection of Jing Qi in the Dan
Tian in order to get to form the catchment area in which then in the Qi Gong we
will bring Yin and Yang Qi for the formation of Dan, the pearl.

In the fourth basic practice will be able to call the initiation made LING QI
(spiritual energy). Transmission by symbols and specific sounds belongs to Chinese
tradition, as indeed much of what developed in the energy and spiritual sphere in
the Far East.

In the fifth basic practice starting from the structure built meditative then we
will begin to do the breathing techniques such HOU TIAN XI ie Breathing Post natal
seen following the natural air flow in the abdominal breathing.

This technique is a great example of how you arrive stepper to work on the Dan Tian
by opening the door and coming to have a tangible perception without false
sensations of Gui Qi, that is illusory Qi.
The area of Dan will start to jump spontaneously and with proper practice
sensations often described in the texts as a natural vibration, heat generation,
the precise meaning of a vital presence in the abdomen will become reality.

In the sixth practice base through the practice of XIAN TIAN XI, we transform
breathing from a horizontal plane to a vertical operating a reversal of the natural
flow of Qi.

At this point there is the INITIATION ie, through an ancient ritual for the
acceptance of new student on the part of the ancestors of the school, it becomes
part of the immediate family and reach secondary practices.

In the first upper case it will be taught a method that will accelerate the
development and accumulation of Jing Qi in the Dan Tian, the DIAN QI GONG.

Always alert to the possibility of absorbing and interchange energy from the
natural elements, some Chinese masters have, in the last century, studied the
possibility of using as an energy source electricity seeing and noticing how in
fact the most obvious manifestation of the Qi in those who have the ability to Fa
Qi (Qi issue), it had a feeling of current flowing in the body.
This method, long kept secret, produces:
- An acceleration of the processes of accumulation of Qi.
- The achievement of a high degree of control on the entire nervous system in order
to be able to dominate even the involuntary contraction of the muscles also under
electrical stimulation or pain reliever. At the end of the learning process the
practitioner may be able to stay attached to the electric voltage of 220V even
without damage, for all the time of the practice.

In this system we will then be taught a method by which it will be possible to

intervene with treatments of "electric acupressure".
Through contact between people you could pass on sensitive points adequate
electrical stimulation that triggers the healing process that I personally found
solving of many diseases.

This system is used in some Chinese hospitals by expert masters of Qi Gong, it has,
for a long time, revealed an effective treatment of many illnesses.

In the second upper practice LIAN GONG, it let the energy flow in certain areas of
the body in a particular way by urging the Lao Gong and increasing awareness of
energy circulation.

In the upper third practice, DA ZUO, in a sitting position, continues the

circulation of energy in the body going to take the path knowledge that connects
the Dan Tian to Lao Gong.

In the fourth top practice TONG ZI GONG, it refines the Jing and builds up the Qi
in the Dan Tian, continuing to feel it and to make it circulate in the body. In
this phase it is possible through contact transfer energy in the other.

In the top fifth practice, Lianhe dantian, gather the three Dan Tian and through
two particular energy circulations and a specific breathing technique, you practice
Falun Fa.

Finally as head of a teaching for centuries kept secret in restricted circles of

esoteric Taoist schools, we send a practice in which Hou Xian Tian Tian and
intersect with the supreme call of the Ling Qi.

The sixth upper practice, the SHEN GONG or XIANG GONG (Technique incense) due to
the fact that the individual practice starts with the use of particular incense
sticks and the duration of which is linked precisely to the duration of the incense

The complete transmission of the symbol (or FU GONG), the recitation of a prayer
and the Mudra in which the hands are placed, are the focus of this practice whose
entirety is the prerogative of a few, but that gives remote transmission

Head instructers.

"Master Luo Kangqi" was born August 12, 1956 in China, in the city of Zhanjiang in
Guangdong, from a common family of fishermen.
From an early age he showed a desire to learn and deepen wushu, qigong and
traditional Chinese medicine.

In 1972 he received from the Sun Taoist Master transmission of files for
immortality and practiced the highest quality, such as "truth," "compassion" and
"knowledge". Three characters (three words), the essence of which was not
understood at the beginning, but it was felt only in the look and actions of his

In subsequent years the Master revealed the significance of these three characters:

"Truth means that we must make real things, to say true words, do not cheat, do not
tell lies, do not hide the mistakes that you have made to be able in the future to
return to authenticity.

Compassion means that you have a merciful heart, not harming others, showing
compassion for the underdog and you have to be happy to help people.

Knowledge is acquired through difficult times, at a time when it is dark. In

difficulty must desire the opening, remain upright, not showing neither resentment
nor hatred, do not feel resentment nor respond in kind. "
Truth, compassion, knowledge "are easy to say but very difficult to put into
In 1975, Master Luo Kangqi entered the world of work in the city of Zhanjiang, held
the office of a doctor qualified in the field of cancer research and learned qigong
for the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

After that, a Buddhist Master called Qing Yun directed him to new practices and

"In the transition from one level to another, you have to go through the
difficulties, many of which are difficult to imagine for the common man. It is also
difficult to understand."
During tens of years of assiduous cultivation of vital energy, the Master Luo
obtained a high level in practice and reaffirmed its aim:

"To serve men must absolutely not do wrong things (literally." Take a Via crooked
The thin wheel of the law of the credit is given, you can Tribute, it is to possess
a supernatural force.
We must ensure that students take care of the body, you have to help the sufferer
to eradicate the cause of his illness, then clean and activate the energy channels.
It is necessary to penetrate into the abdomen of each student this breath of life,
which is to serve as an aid to the refinement of the student. "
Shifu Luo is serious and severe in practice, but are friendly and benevolent
outside. After being accepted as a student, his home becomes your own and is very
kind and hospitable.

Today Shifu Luo has students in various parts of the world, not many because it
does nothing to make themselves known and also because not everyone agrees.

In Luo Shifu teaches Qi Gong, with the aim and promise that his students should
strive for the welfare of humanity, as well as continuing to cure according to the
dictates of Chinese medicine.

His Nei Qi Gong teaching program is based on three main methods that refer to
traditional Taoist schools such as Lei Shan Dao (the school of thunder and
lightning), the Miao Tong Da Fa (the Way of Enlightenment) and Tong Ling Dao (the
call of the Ling Qi) inserting so in a methodical concept of Double Crop or Shuang
Xing Ming Xiu.

While practicing with him, the Master helps with your energy to open points and
channels to accelerate the energy of the practitioner development. The feeling
sometimes is to receive an electric shock, or you feel a wonderful sense of unity
with the whole.

Although the Master is not inclined to easily show or to show his skills, because
it considers only important practice that can help humanity, some students were
able to attend, in addition to the issue of energy in the form of electricity, to
phenomena of pirogenesi, levitation and telepathy.

The "Gan Zhou Sheng Master" lives in China, in a central area of the same
relatively close to Huang Shan, the Taoist sacred mountain. Already known in Qi
Gong Qi Gong In environments and for its similar extraordinary abilities, for
example, to those of the famous Wizard of Java, Sifu Chang.

His Fa Gong, the ability to emit Qi remote, distinguishes him with considerable
talents of telekinesis, and pirogenesi electrogenesis, the latter quality that uses
in the treatment of many diseases. He himself says he restored the use of his legs
to people who have long sat on a wheelchair.
Has students for years in many parts of Asia, but because of its selective
characteristics of students who propose, he does not accept anyone and therefore
have the privilege of being considered its Tu Di ie direct student, only Westerner,
fills me with great pride.

"Costantino Valente" was born in 1957, he began to practice martial arts in 1975
with Judo and Ju Jitsu.

He moved to Rome for the practical university for several years Aikido and Kung Fu

The first internal practices are in this period where the teacher follows the
teaching of Sifu Tong as well as in Kung Fu also in the internal energy work and
provides assistance to the therapies carried out by the Master.

In subsequent years practice Tai Ji Quan and Karate and later he discovers the Wing
Chun and Escrima and these for over twenty years become the core of his teaching.

He starts to teach in 1991 and in 1998 decided to devote himself full time to the
martial arts, becoming a reference point for many schools and instructors in
England and in other parts of Italy for the San Yi Wing Chun, the Lakas Escrima and
then for Tai Ji Quan.

After a break in the internal practices, caused by a lack of confidence in the

effectiveness of the same, in the mid-nineties learns Xing Shen Zhuang by an
acupuncturist and resumes research in energy practices closer to other internal
styles such as Yi Quan, as well as deepen the practice of meditation.

The turning point came when it is brought about the existence of true Masters of
Nei Gong Qi and can see for themselves everything.

In 2005 he was accepted as a direct student of one of these masters, Shifu Luo, and
is currently one of the few in the world to know the full method of the Master

His teaching, today, is mainly directed to the diffusion of In Qi Gong, Jing Hua
Quan (internal martial art with strong application capabilities) and Tai Ji Quan.
Currently it is recognized by the Italian Federation 7th duan Traditional Kung Fu.

Special features of the Valente teacher is his decision to teach everyone beyond
the styles and organizations, in fact, many teachers of other disciplines currently
studying with him, because the principles of real Gong Fu and application methods
thereof are a universal language .
In addition, for years, through the skills acquired through In Qi Gong he has
edited and care (free) several people.

Continues the search for true masters and travels the world to meet and receive
teachings from them.

In October 2010 it was accepted as a direct student by another great and powerful
Master of Nei Gong Qi, Zhou Shifu, and in September 2013 he was commissioned by the
Master to spread his method in Europe. Currently it is the only Westerner has to
know and disseminate this method.

For information on Shifu School Costantino Valente: www.internalenergygongfu.

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