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PII: SO300-5712(96)00068-i Journal of Dentistry, Vol. 25, No. 6; pp.

Copyright 0 1997ElsevierScienceLtd. All rights reserved
Printed in Great Britain

Artificial salivas for in vi&o studies of dental

V. W.-H. Leung and B. W. Darvell
Dental Materials Science Unit, Prince Philip Dental Hospital, 34 Hospital Road, Hong Kong

Objectives: An artificial saliva (AS) of defined composition is necessary for testing the performance of
materials that serve in the mouth as natural saliva is too variable. The chemistry involved is critically
important. Many AS recipes can be found in the literature, but the stability of tooth material, i.e.
hydroxyapatite (HAP), in most of these has not been addressed. In fact, few contain all major ionic
components with concentrations in the physiological range. The aim of the present study was (a) to
review reported AS formulae from their inception in 1931 to date, (b) to compare the stability of HAP in
various reported AS, and (c) to investigate the individual effects of ionic components present in the
reported formulae on the stability of HAP.
Methods: A computer algorithm, RAMESES, for solving multiple equilibrium equations, was employed
for all calculations.
Results: There was a marked difference between two groups, i.e. those with and without the presenceof
Ca; those with Ca were supersaturated with respect to HAP in the physiological pH range, the saturation
pH ranging from about 4.5 to 6.0. There was also an approximately 180-fold range in solubility at pH 7,
due to the individual effects of components such as phosphate, carbonate and citrate. Acetate, lactate and
sulphate showed smaller effects, others have no appreciable effect.
Conclusions: All components and equilibria of relevance to saliva must be included in the system for
detailed models. Continued systematic development of a standardized AS is essential. o 1997 Elsevier
Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

KEY WORDS: Artificial salivas, Tooth mineral, Ionic effects

J. Dent. 1997; 25: 475-484 (Received 3 June 1996; accepted 26 September 1996)

INTRODUCTION understood that duplicating exactly the properties of

human saliva is impossible due to the inconsistent and
An artificial saliva (AS) which reacts with the test unstable nature of natural saliva3. This instability also
material in a manner similar to that of natural saliva is makes natural saliva itself inappropriate for use in
a basic requirement of an artificial oral environment’, standardized in vitro studies. So the development of
as for example, for in vitro tests that require the an AS is essential for well-justified and controlled
chemical conditions pertaining in the mouth’. It is well experiments. There has indeed been a long history of
AS development, but one characterized by generally
*Part of the present findings has been presented at the 73rd haphazard and ad hoc formulation.
General Session of the International Association of Dental The application of an AS for studies of dental
Research conference (1995).
Correspondence should be addressed to: Dr V. W.-H. Leung,
materials can be found reported as early as 1931, when
Dental Materials Science, Prince Philip Dental Hospital, Souder and Sweeney4 studied mercury poisoning
34 Hospital Road, Hong Kong. Fax: (852) 2548-9464. E-mail: by dental amalgam restorations. Greenwood et al5
hrudlwh@hkusua.hku.hk. suggested another formula to study the failure of
476 J, Dent. 1997; 25: No. 6

stainless steel inlay retention posts. Worner6 modified mechanical characterization studies of polymers. An-
this slightly for a study of dental amalgam. That AS other recipe was introduced in 1985 by ten Cate et al.55
was further modified for studies of the corrosion of for a study of remineralization, modified from a re-
dental alloys7, and then employed for amalgam corro- mineralizing solution used previously with artificial
sion’. Muhler and Swenson’ suggestedan AS explicitly enamel lesionss6; the nitrate in this is of dubious rel-
based on the analysis of the saliva of 11 patients; evance to the natural system, as is the inclusion of
this was later modified for amalgam corrosion”. cacodylate as a pH buffer. Sieck et al.57, in 1990,
Wasserman et al. ‘I in 1958 introduced an AS for a developed another AS in a study of enamel fluoride
study of dental calculus, which was later applied to uptake; and which was claimed to be based upon the
hydroxyapatite nucleation12. Meanwhile, Swartz et all3 formulation of the previous author56 but the concen-
studied the tarnishing of dental alloys and said that an trations of all components and the buffer solution
AS was employed to mimic oral conditions. However, used were altered. This recipe57has also been utilized
that recipe was not reported. In 1961, Vieira and recently in a study of dentinal tubule occlusion forma-
Marchi14 investigated the water absorption of polymers tie?*. Other new recipes continue to be reported,
in an AS which they introduced, and that was later for example in studies of Pd alloy corrosion59, cavity
employed for a study of dental amalgam15.Fusayama varnish solubility6’, and the plaque-calcium-fluoride
et aLI6 reported a recipe, claimed to be modified from system61.
the (unreported) formulation of Swartz et aZ.13, for Darve1141’62examined and reviewed most of the
corrosion of dental gold and amalgam. This reported AS recipes up to 1975. It was observed
‘Fusayama’ formulaI was later employed for electro- that most formulations were the result of essentially
chemical and biological tests on dental materials17, for arbitrary compilations of substances present in human
nickel-based casting alloy corrosion’*, and fluoride saliva, but often with no regard for the solubilities of
release from dental glass-ionomer”, and further modi- components in the form specified2z41%62, e.g. solid sul-
fied for amalgam corrosion2’, galvanic currents between phur and calcium carbonate’,“; and the unjustified
gold and amalgam21and corrosion testing”. Hay and inclusion of some substances, e.g. sulphide and pyro-
Hartles23 introduced another recipe based on analysis phosphate. Indeed, the common failure to justify modi-
of human saliva24-27 to study properties of natural fications is noteworthy. Marek63 reported that Meyer
saliva, but it was later employed to study the dissolution and Nally64 examined the behaviour of several dental
of metallic mercury”. Carter et aZ.29 and Ross et aL3’ alloys in natural saliva65,Ringer solutions66’67,and five
introduced yet another recipe of AS for dental amalgam different synthetic salivass,9316,29,31,
and indicated that,
corrosion, according to a reported composition of among those tested, that proposed by Fusayama et aZ.16
human saliva27.The Carter et a1.29 recipe was modified produced results most closely approximating those
for a study of the electrochemical behaviour of dental in natural saliva. Marek63 commented that synthetic
gold alloys33,34,and further modified for corrosion salivas of different formulations often differed substan-
testing of dental amalgam35.Tani and Zucchi31 used a tially in both acidity and buffering capacity. Leung42
different recipe for corrosion studies, based on un- extended the review by adding a number of formu-
reported data of a human saliva analysis, which 1ae36,37,54 in addition to Darvell’s list41,62 and also
was later employed for corrosion tests of copper- commented that many AS systemshad been used with
manganese-nickel alloys32 and, modified, for amalgam neither justification being offered nor reference to an
corrosion”. An AS was suggestedfor the treatment of authority who does give that justification. The appro-
hypoptyalism36, while a bovine salivary gland extract priate calcium content in particular had not been deter-
was suggested for the treatment of xerostomia. How- mined for any system at all, and that is the constituent
ever, for the latter, quantitative values were reported for most essential for tests made in contact with tooth
only calcium and phosphate; other components were materials. Therefore, Leung42,based on the preliminary
not determined. Stookey and Stahlman’s AS to study formula of Darvel12,investigated the calcium phosphate
tooth enamel fluoride uptake was later employed for system in saliva-like media. Solubility isotherms for
studies of the caries process39and the leachability of hydroxyapatite, with and without CO,, through a
denture base acrylic4’. Darvell developed a formulation large part of the physiological pH range, were estab-
for corrosion studies2,41,also based on reported human lished42,43.Holland22 did a comparative corrosion study
saliva analysis data27,but whose components were, for using two of the AS recipes, i.e. those of Darvell’ and
the first time, all explicitly tested for appreciable effects Fusayama et a1.16, and various sodium chloride solu-
on the corrosion process. That recipe, recognized to tions with different pH, and commented that the SO~U-
be at an early stage of development, was later im- tion from Darvel12had a composition similar to natural
proved42,43for studies of the calcium phosphate system saliva with respect to ions and low-molecular-weight
in the oral environment. In 1978, Shellis suggested a components. This made it at least potentially useful
recipe for cultural studies of dental plaque, based on the also for casting alloys, besides the original purpose of
reported data of several human saliva analyses45p53. amalgam corrosion testing. Holland’s results showed
Demagistris54 suggested a formula of AS for physico- that Fusayama’s solution l6 was more corrosive to the
Leung and Darvell: Artificial salivas for materials testing 477

casting alloys. Ranking by the corrosion sensitivity of tested in similar fashion. In addition, a number of
amalgam, according to Holland22, the results using simple systemswere tested to determine the incremental
Fusayama’s solution l6 were consistent with the clinical effect on the HAP isotherm of various components.
experience of the materials. However, this cannot be a The basis of the calculations has been set out
true criterion for choosing the most appropriate AS in detai169-73,and only a summary of the problem
formula as Fusayama’s AS was clearly shown to deviate is outlined here. The equilibrium equations are
from natural saliva22,i.e.
. in the presenceof sulphur and represented in matrix algebra notation thus:
higher concentration of urea (reactive components for
the corrosion process). CP=L, (1)
It is argued that the most fundamental stage in the
development of an AS is to clarify the importance of where C(r x s) is the coefficient matrix for the Y
each component in the saliva system with respect to equilibrium equations for s species; P(s x 1) is the
identified ‘sensitive receivers’. One of these would be vector of logarithmic concentrations, i.e. Pi=lOg(Xi),
tooth tissue, since this ought to be stable with respect to where (XJ=(species i); and L(s x 1) is the vector of
the test medium43. This testing can only be done constants, where Lj=log(~j), Kjzstability constant of
piecemeal by studying individual effects and in the the jth equilibrium equation. There must be charge
context of the whole system. Accordingly, the present balance:
investigation was to compare the stabilities of the
principal tooth mineral, i.e. HAP, in terms of its XTQ=O, (2)
solubility isotherm in different AS recipes and to study where X(s x 1) is the vector of species’ concentrations;
the effects of individual components on the stability of
and Q(s x 1) is the vector of their charges; as well as
HAP. This was done numerically.
mass balance:

T - MTX=O, (3)
where M(s x t) is the matrix of component multi-
A computer program, RAMESES VIII ~1.97s in Basic plicities; and T(t x 1) is the analytical totals vector for
(Basic PDS, v 7.1, Microsoft, Redmond, WA, USA), those t components. RAMESES efficiently solves this
using the published algorithm68p72,was employed for system of equations 1, 2 and 3 which, being non-linear,
solving the multiple equilibrium equations to calculate has no explicit solution. The degree of saturation is
the solubility isotherms. The concentrations of the ionic obtained from the vector W(u x 1):
components of the various AS systems are shown in
Table I. The standardized formation constants p for all W=H- NTP,
the solution species and solid HAP were recalculated (4)
from the component species from the reported values where N(s x u) is the multiplicity matrix for the u
(Table II). Since the various sources presented their solids; H(u x 1) is the vector of the logarithmic solubil-
data in a variety of styles, the recalculation provides ity products. A point on the solubility isotherm corre-
uniformity and conciseness.The selection of constants sponds to W,=O, and therefore linear interpolation for
was based upon the reported conditions for their deter- zero-crossing was used to determine this71.
mination, as done previously by other authors78-81.In In the present system, there were 83 solution
fact, the ionic strength effect on the present system has equilibria and 17 components (see Table II).
been shown to be negligible42. The inapplicability and The calculations were performed on a grid covering
inappropriateness of the available activity coefficient the ranges log,,[HAP]= -7 to - 1 (step 0.25) mol/l
equations as well as, in particular, the use of ionic (as HAP=(Ca2+),(P0,3-)3(OH-)) and pH=3-8 (step
strength have been discusseda2.We favour the view 0.125 unit). In each, charge balance at the required pH
that hydration of solution species, as advocated by was obtained by adjusting [Na+], [Kf] or [Cl-]; the
Heyrovskas3, is the underlying physico-chemical expla- concentrations of these speciestherefore do not match
nation of the non-ideality of solution properties, the published recipe but at one point. It is easiest to
although the implications for speciation are not yet visualize this as a titration with HAP at a given pH until
fully worked out. saturation is attained.
The apparent stabilities of HAP in the various AS Some modification of the systems studied were
formulae were compared according to their reported inevitable. Thus the solid S in AS(4,l l), Br and I
compositions. However, it is apparent that [Cal, when in AS(S), as well as cacodylate and HEPES (N-2-
included, would obscure the underlying behaviour with hydroxyethylpiperazine-N’-2’-ethane sulphonic acid)
respect to HAP. So a second series of calculations was buffers in AS(20) and AS(21), respectively, were not
performed omitting the stated [Cal. A third series included (cf. Table I>. The solubility of solid sulphur
omitted [P] as well, better to understand the role of (which is irrelevant anyway) is too low41, and
other components. The effect of dissolved CO, was then equilibrium constants for cacodylate, HEPES (both
Tab/e 1. Artificial saliva recipes (concentrations of components are in mmol/l)

AS Authors Na K Ca MQ NH, CI PO, so, co3 SCN Lac tit Urate Urea CO,(g) Other PH
- .~~ 5
1 Souder and Sweeney (1931)' 0.62 1.03 0.25 1.84 0.31
2 Greenwood et al. (1 937)5 14.64 58.60 5.80 32.19 16.79 5.16 *
3 Worner et al. (1 937)6 14.64 42.52 5.80 32.19 8.75 5.17
4 Schoonover and Souder (1941)' 14.64 58.60 5.80 32.19 16.79 5.16
5 Muhler and Swenson (1947)9 11.89 5.37 5.99 0.02 12.21 5.06 5.99 16.65 S(s) 0.05 6.9-7.1
6 Wasserman et al. (1958)" 84.16 4.69 1.02 76.72 3.87 6.43
7 Vieira and Marchi (1961)14 1.85 4.54 13.69 3.62 2.27 1.19 8.32
8 Fusayama et al. (1963)'" 15.33 5.37 5.40 0.02 23.02 4.23 16.65 Na,S 15.34; P207 0.01
9 Hay & Hartles (1966)'3 13.04 18.18 2.14 0.42 5.61 15.43 5.45 10.12 2.23 Br 0.07; I 0.01
10 Carter et al. and Ross et al. (1 967)29 29.83 21.79 2.90 28.07 3.08 17.86 3.40 17.86
11 Tani and Zucchi (1 967)3' 16.21 25.05 19.73 1.20 14.91 5.32 *
12 Guthrow ef a/. (1967)" 11.85 6.71 5.99 0.02 13.55 5.99 16.65 S(s) 0.05; P,O, 0.01 7.1-7.2
13 Brugirard et a/. (1971, 1 973)33.34 33.50 21.79 28.07 4.13 17.86 3.40 2.16
14 Melter and Ledion (1 972)35 33.50 21.79 28.08 2.98 17.86 3.40 21.64
15 Matzker and Schreiber (1 973)36 14.43 21.05 1.27 0.48 34.03 1.96 1.03 7.2
16 Stookey and Stahlman (1 976)38 1.94 0.72 0.29 1.41 0.81 0.29
17 Darvell (1978)' 19.31 4.11 8.01 4.67 7.14 2.38 0.78 0.07 0.09 3.33
18 Shellis (1978)@ 11.55 20.50 1.43 0.21 4.35 23.22 5.10 6.45 2.30 0.05 0.06 2.86
19 deMagistris (1981)54 4.35 20.97 18.90 2.74 2.07
20 ten Cate et al. (1985)55 1.50 150.90 150.00 0.90 NO, 3; Cacodylate 20 7
21 Sieck et al. (1 990)57 30.68 1.09 32.18 0.68 F 0.0026; HEPES 50 7
22 Leung (1989)“' and 28.16 25.74 4.10 29.84 4.67 2.24 0.78 0.95 0.11 3.30 0.04
Leung and Darvell (1991)43
23 Goehlich and Marek (1 990)s9 21.48 25.27 20.12 3.62 17.86 5.14 9.99 0.10
24 Papadogiannis et al. (1991)"' 51.14 1 .oo 37.08 1 .oo Acet 15.06
25 Blake-Haskins et al. (1992)6' 13.00 141.00 1.50 144.80 4.00 8.20
26 Olsson ef a/. (1994)*' 11.90 5.37 7.16 26.50 5.00 67.00 H,S 0.02
27 Olsson et al. (1994)" 16.20 25.02 19.70 1.36 5.32 10.00 0.10

* Data not reported; pH as in original report.

Leung and Darvell: Artificial salivas for materials testing 479

Table 2. Data used in the calculation of the HAP solubility isotherms. The standardized formation constants (p)
were recalculated from their sources using as components: H,O, CO*(g), H’, Na’, K’, NH,‘, Ca*‘, Mg’-, Cl-,
POd3-, SCN-, lactate-, citrate3-, urate-, urea, P*O, 4- , S*-. Only references not given previously43 are shown

Ref, Species P Ref.

CaOH+ 2.540x1 O-l3 H,(citrate) 1 .2o2x1o’3

Ca(O% 6.015~10-*~ H*(citrate)- 1.585x1 0”
CaHPO, 5.159x10’4 H(citrate)*- 6.918x1 O5
CaH,PO,+ 2.747~10’~ Ca(citrate)- 1.738x1 O3
CaPO,- 2.900x1 o6 Citrate(-H)4- 1.000x1 0-l’
OH- 1.012x10-‘4 CaHJcitrate)’ 1.995x1 0”
&PO, 4.719x1 02’ CaH(citrate) 8.509x1 0’
H*PO,- 3.350x1 o19 Ca(Hcitrate)*n- 2.951xl0’8
HPOpm 2.114x10’* Ca(citrate)+ 1.047x1 06
CO&q) 1.862x1 0 Ca(urea)*+ 5.250x10-’
HP& 2.290x10-* Ca(urea)*n+ 1.290x1 o-1
HCO,- 3.630~10-~ HSCN 7.940x1 om3
CO+ 2.689x1O-‘6 H(urate) 7.692x103
CaCO, 8.119x10-‘* H*(urate)’ 1.932x1 o9
CaHCO,+ 6.453x1 O-5 Urea(-H)- 5.013xl0’3
NaCO,- 7.582x1 O-l7 H(urea)’ 1.289
NaHCO, 5245x1 O-6 NH,(w) 5.435x10-‘0
H(lactate) 4.266x1 O3 MgOH’ 1.995x1 o-‘*
Ca(lactate)+ 1.844 MgSCN’ 1.000x 1o-’
Ca(lactate), 1.738x1 0 MgCO, 3.544x10-19 77
73 77
H(acetate) 5.721~10~ MgHPO, 1.334xl0’4
Ca(acetate)+ 1.514x10 MgH,PO,+ 1.334x1 020 77

Na(acetate) 6.607x10-’ Nd-WO& 4.470x1 oz9 77
74 77
H,F’O& 6.011~10~~ MgPO,- 2.512~10~
74 77
V%k 5.894x103’ MgSO, 1.995x1 0
HJPO&- 1.700x1 03* MgCI’ 1.000x1 o-’ 77
CaH,PO,),- 1.452x1 O= MgWCO,), 7.569x1 O-29 77
Ca2H2W4)2 1.331 xl 033 Mg(citrate)- 8.318~10 73
CaH,PO,H,CO,+ 7.674x1 0” Mg(citrate)+ 7.079x1 o3 73
CaH*PO,HCO, 2.432x1 0” Mg(urea)*+ 4.898x1 0-l 73
Ca*HPO,CO, 1.535x1 O8 Mg(urea),z+ 1.202x1 o-’ 73
Ca*PO,CO,- 7.674x1 0-’ HP*O,s- 3.890x10’ 7,
KSO,- 6.920 H*P,O+ 2.455x1 016 77
NaSO,- 4.900 H,P,O,- 3.802x1 0” 77
HSO,- 3.160x1 0 VA 1.905x1 0’9 77
CaSO, 2.692x1 0’ MgP*O,z- 2.344x1 O5 77
HNO, 3.981x105 MgHP*O,- 5.888x1 O’* 7,

NaNO, 77
1.410x1 0-l Ca2P207 6.310x10* 77
KNO, 6.030x10-’ HS- 1 .ooox1o’3 77

CaNO,+ 77
1.150 W 6.918xlO’9 77
WNOJ, 5.010x1 o-’
KCI 77
7.943x1 o-’ HAP 1.375x1 045
NaCl 9.120x10-’

also irrelevant), Br and I with other components in the isotherms in group (a) indicates a maximum pH (or so
AS systems were absent from the literature. Two AS called critical pH) at which the recipe would give
recipes, AS(2,l l), could not be explicitly tested because complete solution of the ingredients. These calculated
the actual amounts of CO, present were not specified solubility limits range from pH 4.47 to 6.01. The Ca and
and this would have a significant effect on the stability PO, contents in those AS recipes range from 0.25 to
of HAP43 (see below). However, CO, at 0.035 bar 7.16 and 0.31 to 5.1 mmol/l, respectively. This demon-
was included for the calculation for those two ASS on strates that the definition of a fixed ‘critical’ pHs4 to
the basis that this partial pressure lies within the determine de- and remineralization potential is mean-
physiological range. ingless. The separation of the three groups was due to
the presence of the two most important components:
i.e. calcium for group (a) and carbonate (or CO,) for
(c), producing the deviations from condition (b).
Figure 1 shows the results for the reported AS recipes. When [Cal was omitted, groups (a) and (b) in Fig. I
Three clear groups of isotherms, i.e. (a), (b) and (c), were merged (Fig. 2). The spread of behaviour between
were found. The vertical part of e;bcl_h
of the solubility the CO,-free and CO,-containing groups is noteworthy.
480 J. Dent. 1997; 25: No. 6

r -4

y -5

-I 5 6 7 8

3 4 5 6 7 8
Fig. 7. Solubility isotherms, log(concentration of HAP) against pH; Fig. 3. Solubility isotherms, log(concentration of HAP) against pH;
AS systems with the presence of all reported components. It is AS systems excluding calcium and phosphate. Isotherms fall into
observed that isotherms fall into three groups: (a) excess Ca, from two groups: (a) all except list (b); and (b) with CO,, AS 23127,
right to left at lower margin, AS 1, 16, 21/24, 15, 6, 25, 18, g/IO, 8, 22/2/I 1.
5, 26; (b) from top to bottom at right margin, AS 11, 14, 13, 17,
20/7/4/3/2, 19, 12; and (c) with CO,, as (b), AS 27, 23, 11, 22, 2.




3 4 5 6 7 8
3 4 5 6 7 8 PH
Fig. 4. Solubility isotherms, log(concentration of HAP) against pH;
PH AS systems with 0.035 bar CO,. Isotherms fall into two groups: (a)
Fig. 2. Solubility isotherms, log(concentration of HAP) against pH; excess Ca, from right to left, AS 21, 24, 6, 15, 25, 18, 9, IO, 3/8, 2,
AS systems excluding calcium. Isotherms fall into two groups: (a) 4/5, 26; and (b) from top, AS 22/l/20, 11/27/16, 19/14, 7/23/13/17,
the list consists of those for (a) and (b) in Fig. 7 and (b) with CO, 12.
(list as in Fig. I).

Further omitting [P] (Fig. 3) shows that most of the demonstrates effects due to variation in the ionic back-
variation in the CO,-free group was due to variation in ground, The effect of carbonate has previously been
the amount of [PI; however, there remain appreciable demonstrated both experimentally and numerically42a43;
differences above pH 6.5. the numerical modelling required the postulation of two
Figures 2 and 3 show two distinct sets of isotherms, novel Ca-PO,-CO, complexes to account for the exper-
which are distinguished by the absence (a) or presence imental data. These complexes are included in the
(b) of carbonate (or CO,). Figure 4 demonstrates the calculation now.
effect of 0.035 bar COz on all ASS by the wider spread Starting with a ‘plain’ solution of Na, Cl (Fig. 6,
of the isotherms labelled as group (b) in which the curve (a)), the effects of the addition of P04, CO,, and
amounts of Ca present were not high enough to attain citrate individually are illustrated. The concentrations
saturation with respect to HAP (group (a)). The posi- of these components were as in AS(22) (Table I). The
tion of the full set of curves in Fig, 5 similarly shows the effects on the solubility were due to the formation of
effect of CO, having omitted Ca; this can be compared complexes or ion pairs between those components and
with Fig. 2. The spread of the curves in Fig. 5, again, the calcium or phosphate ions from the dissolved HAP.
Leung and Darvell: Artificial salivas for materials testing 481



3 4 5 6 7 8 4 5 7 8

Fig, 7. Solubility isotherms, log(concentration of HAP) against pH;
Fig. 5. Solubility isotherms, log(concentration of HAP) against pH; addition of the same components in Fig. 4, incrementally, i.e. (a)
AS systems with 0.035 bar CO, excluding calcium. plain system=Na, Cl; (b) (a)+Cit+PO,; (c) AS(22) without CO,; and
(d) AS(22)=(c)+CO,.


- -5.0


4 5 6 7 8
PH 6.4 6.6 6.8 7.0 7.2 7.4 7.6 7.8
Fig. 6. Solubility isotherms, log(concentration of HAP) against pH; PH
addition of individual components; (a) phosphate (PO,), (c) citrate Fig. 8. Solubility isotherms, log(concentration of HAP) against pH;
(Cit), and (d) CO,, individually to the plain system (b), i.e. system addition of components, i.e. (b) lactate (Lac), (c) sulphate (SO,),
with only water, Na and Cl. and (d) acetate (Acet) individually to the plain system (a).

Citrate, which forms complexes with Ca, pushes the all such components may be important. At least, these
isotherm markedly upwards (curve (c)). An even larger components should not be ignored for a detailed model,
effect is due to the formation of Ca-P04-CO, com- bearing in mind that stability with respect to HAP is
plexes (curve (d)). However, as expected, adding PO, only one criterion of many for the appropriateness of
depresses the isotherm (b). an AS. Curve (b), in Fig. 7, with the more obvious
Figure 7 shows the successive contributions of the undulation for the plain system with added PO, and
components with the major effects, i.e. Cit, PO,, CO,. Cit, demonstrates how PO, and citrate compete with
The difference between curves (b) and (c) is due to the each other across the range of pH. In comparison with
remaining components of AS(22) (except CO,) taken curve (c), AS(22) without carbonate, the damping effect
together. The effects of acetate (as in AS(24)), lactate due to the presence of the remaining components in
(AS(22)) and sulphate (AS( 16)), were small (Fig. S), and AS(22), other than CO,, is shown.
no appreciable effects were observed from remaining The large variation in solubilities of HAP between
components, individually, in all mentioned AS recipes. AS formulae emphasizes that (1) most compositions
However, this is not meant to imply that the omission were chosen arbitrarily without taking into account the
of those components is appropriate because, as the stability of tooth mineral, i.e. HAP, and (2) some
undulation of curve (c) in Fig. 7 shows, the net effect of formulae could not represent the aqueous situation of
482 J. Dent. 1997; 25: No. 6

saliva reacting with the tooth mineral. All reported ASS 2. Darvell, B. W., The developmentof an artificial salivafor
containing Ca were supersaturated with respect to in vitro amalgam corrosion studies. Journal of Oral
HAP over the normal physiological pH range (Fig. I). Rehabilitation, 1978, 5, 4149.
Clearly, for these, the Ca content is too high. This could 3. Mandel, I. R., Relation of saliva and plaque to caries,
be due to analytical data for human saliva being used Journal of Dental Research, 1974, 53(Suppl. 2), 246-266.
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