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Beta Blockers Lab activity

Key Skill: Discuss, debate, decide, debrief task: discuss the use of EPO in cycling; debate the
issue of illegal drug use in cycling; decide if you agree or disagree with the arguments
presented; debrief by identifying the ethical and sociocultural considerations associated with
illegal drug use in cycling

Pre amble: In our theory lessons we have been discussing the cardiovascular system where heart
rate, blood pressure and cardiac output increase. We are going to link the use of illegal drugs in to
contrasting sports (power events-sprinting vs low energy events-archery)

Aim: To investigate the use of beta blockers to reduce heart rate in activities such as darts,
shooting, snooker etc… compared to the use of drugs that elevate heart rate- e.g.; Stimulants
During the practical session we are going to compare the heart rate for athletes who compete in
high maximal endurance activities (sprinting) vs extremely low energy expenditure activity (e.g.;
badminton fine motor accuracy shuttle into a small container, archery shooting or darts.


 1 stop watch between each pair-if manually recording

 Heart rate monitor-if available
 Results recording sheet
 Pen
 Measuring tape
 Cones
 Badminton racquet
 Shuttles
 Small container
Set up procedure:
1. Measure out 300m for a continuous sprint
2. Place a cone near the end of the finish line for cardio activities- burpees, star jumps and
squat jumps.
3. Set up shooting station also close to the cardio stations with a badminton racquet, shuttles
and a small container that is 3 metres away.
4. In pairs one student completes the activity the other student records the results

Activity Procedure: Commented [D1]: The ability to accurately follow the

1. Sprint 300m as fast as you can, steps incorporate literacy
2. Complete 10 burpees,
3. Complete 10 star jumps
4. Complete 10 squat jumps \
5. Complete target shooting (must achieve 3 successful shots)
6. Repeat for another 2 sets
Recording Circuit 1 Circuit 2 Circuit 3 Commented [D2]: Students recording their data with
Time it takes to complete each circuit numerical values
________ ________ _________
Total time it takes to complete all three circuits
Recording Shooting 1 Shooting 2 Shooting 3
How many attempts does it take to complete the 3 shots

Recording Heart rate Heart rate Heart rate

heart rate score before pausing to take each shot and

after the three successfully shots before complete the
next run

Can use heart-rate monitors (polar) to track the heart rate and
Optional blood pressure can be taken if school has wrist monitors

Written task: Commented [D3]: A written task is normally seen as a

literacy task. This lab has enabled literacy and numeracy to
Describe the method you followed for this lab activity. come together, as the numeracy component informs the

What are Beta Blockers? Why would a professional athlete take them?

What are stimulants? Why would a professional athlete take them?

What did your results tell you? (Compare to a student who didn’t complete the high intensity activity

Discuss your results.

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