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Name- Jitendra raj

Course- M.A Ancient Histroy 3rd Sem

Sub- Capitalism and Colonialism
Prof- Janaki Nair
Topic- The agriculture revolution was the principle reason for British taking
the lead in becoming the world’s first industrial nation. Would you agree?

The Agriculture revolution was took place during the 18th century in Europe. This
period was a series of technological change and the improvement in crop production.
According to most Historian the first agriculture revolution was took place around
the 10,000 BC. This was the period when we saw a transition in Hunter gathering
society to stationary farming. During this period of revolution there is transformation
in the traditional agricultural system. Agriculture in EUROPE shifted from the
technique of past to more standardized and efficient technique methods. This
transformation is refer to what is not known as the Agrarian revolution. In this period
we saw lots of technological change which was deemed as an evolutionary change
in technological advancement which gradually resulted in an overwhelming and
unprecedented response in overall crop productivity. These technologies paved the
way for new method of farming. New pattern of crop rotation and livestock
utilization paved the way for better crop yield a greater diversity of what and
vegetable in addition to the ability to support more livestock.
Many historian see there is a link between Agricultural revolution and Industrial
revolution. According to them Agricultural revolution create situation which helps
in bringing the Industrial revolution in Europe. One of the famous argument
presented by the Mingay, he says that the Industrial revolution was made possible
due to many change and innovator in the field of agriculture. Increased production
during this period create the situation in which food was available for lots of people.
The British population was feed at very low price. When they have surplus they used
their money in many other work. Like they used their money for purchased of
manufacture good. Britain have a very good financial system they have banking
system which used to finance the people for establishing there business and for many
other works. English revolution of the 17th century played a very important role in
prosper the economy of Britain. The geographical feature of Britain also supported
for Industrial production and this place is has a very good connectivity with all other
Many innovation took place during this period the innovation seed drill which helps
a lot. Before this innovation seed was not properly put inside the land so by this they
don’t produced a lot. Many other invention like the invention of steam engine which
brought lots of change in Britain. These type of change were make transport very
cheap in the Britain. Britain has very good quality of transport system which helps
a lots in spread of trade network in the Europe. During this time the invention
machine change a lot like most of human force was changed into the mechanical
force. Andrew Meik invented the threshing machine which helps lots of farmer in
this period. This machine make easy process of harvesting. These invention bring
big change in agriculture system like now agriculture system is transferred to the
mechanical power so by this there is lots of human forces were used in other work.
More and more people were employed were in the industrial field. Agriculture is the
risky thing because most of crop production was depend on the seasonal rain so
sometime less rain causes problem like famine and drought. We will see a series of
famine in the Europe this create serious problem. On the starting of 17 th century
Europe suffer more than a 12 famine. These famine destroyed most of population.
When these innovation which introduce modern Agriculture technique then we see
a rise in population. So by this there is great increase in labour population. Many
historian gives their argument about Industrial revolution was possible in England
during this time there is lots human force is available. So by the increase in
production we will see a migration from rural to urban after the agriculture
revolution. Overtone says that the increase in the labour productivity was the
necessary condition for Industrial revolution. He elaborated his argument and says
that during the 18th century when we see change in output and land productivity
began to accelerate rapidly and reached at higher level. So this thing create a ground
for the Industrial revolution.
Technologies plays an important role in bringing the Industrial revolution in
England. But the question is this that technology only developed in England there
are many place in Europe which are technically very rich but England have better
connectivity. They have transfer their technology very fast to the place which are
technically not so rich.
During this period crop rotation was used for higher yield. So we can see that there
is accidently increase in the production. There are new fodder crop were develop
Turnip and Clover bring revolutionary change in fodder productivity and by this
there is no shortage of food for animal. These crops not only increase production in
fodder crop but also increase the fertility of soil. During this time in Europe there
are lots of change were happening like as social economical and scientific change
were also going on. Europe was the field of experiment.
During this government bring a new change in agriculture system of England by
introducing enclosure system. They take the control on the whole of land of England.
This act totally finish the rule of local people on the field. This act consist of series
of parliamentary act during the period of the 1750 and 1860. By this act open field
and waste were closed to use by the peasantry. Now the land was comes under the
private people so by this the rule of local people were finished. Poor people suffer a
lot by this law because they don’t have lots of money to get the agriculture land.
Many historian says that this act bring a revolutionary change in Europe whereas
other don’t thinks so this. How this act helping in create the situation for the success
of Industrial revolution in Europe. By this act many people were suffer so they were
displaced. This act brings lots of change in agriculture system like this act remove
the local right over land. The local people used this land from generation to
generation. The people who were displaced due to many region were given small
piece of land. The land which is seized under this act were the consolidated in
privately owned and individual owned. The people who have connection with the
politician they get very good quality of land. So by this we can say that this act solve
many type of problem but also give to the birth of new problem to the people. This
act also created new class in the society which have both land and political power.
So by this enclosure act in Britain there is increase in labour force this force can use
for different purpose. Many historian give their argument in support of these act they
say that when there is open field system in Britain this type of field system does not
create situation for the new innovation because single individual cannot contribute
a lot. This act also forced people to get employment in the common because those
who are working on the common they were lazy and not a good quality of labour.
There are many argument presented against this act first they say that the common
pasture and wast land were the mainstay of the independent poor when they
overgrazed that was often result of overstock by wealthiest commons who were the
people agitating for enclosure. Other argument which is presented against this act
that the large no population was depopulated due to this act.
During this time many people move to cities for employment. The availability of
food changed a lot during this when people have sufficient food to eat then they start
using their money for different purpose. Sometime they spend their money for setup
their Industry and sometime they used their money for different type of other work.
The period of Agriculture revolution in Britain the people of this place became
financially stable so they have enough money to invest in the other work like
Industry and other technological work. Technology in agriculture changed a lot they
increased the food production in this area.
During this period in England there is increase in the Nitrogen so by this the crop is
double during this period. Clark give says the increase in crop productivity double
the production during this and he proposed the Postan Thesis in this thesis he try to
explain that the revolution was more economic in nature. Clark says that due to
increase in technical advancement in agriculture create the situation for the British
Industrial revolution because without improved technology in Agriculture Industrial
revolution is not possible. There other things like mixed crop and improve the low
yields type also increase the production in this period. There are many high yielding
crop of wheat and barley were introduced in the agriculture system. During this
period there is balance was needed between the arable land and pasture land both
land have a different purpose. So we can’t mix both land with each other. There is
great demand of fodder crop because there are increase in the population animal
during this period. This demand was fulfilled by the turnip and clover because the
above innovation make condition favourable for these crop.
There is very special role of labour and labour productivity in the making space for
Industrial revolution in the England. Overton argued that due to agriculture
revolution in this area bring a unique increase in the English agriculture productivity.
By this they come out from the trap of Malthusian trap. During this time the
population of this place is start growing very fast and so food and other product is
needed for this so if there is no Agriculture revolution in this place then the people
of this place might suffering from the starvation and other problem of famine and
drought. So if Britain don’t have enough food to eat then this country can’t create
suitable condition for the Industrial revolution
1- Mingay, G (1969), Dr. Kerridge’s “agriculture revolution”. A corimnet
Agricultural History society, 43(4)
2- Overtone, M (2006), Agricultural Revolution in England: The Transformation
of the agrarian economy 1500-1850 cambride: Cambridge University Press
3- Clark, G (1992). The Economics of Exhaustion, the Postan Thesis, and the
Agricultural revolution, The Journal of Economic History
4- Kerridge.E.(1951) Ridge and Furrow and Agrarian History. The Economic
History review
5- Overtone, M.(19960. Re-establishing the Agriculutral revolution British
Agricultural History society
6- Broad,J.(1980) Alternate Husbandry amd Peer and Pasture I Midland 1650-
1800. The Agricultural History Review

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