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Drying Technology: An International Journal

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a a a
Somchart Soponronnarit , Somboon Wetchacama , Suwat Trutassanawin† & Wuttikon
School of Energy and Materials, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi
(KMUTT) , Suksawat 48 Rd., Bangkok, 10140, Thailand
Published online: 06 Feb 2007.

To cite this article: Somchart Soponronnarit , Somboon Wetchacama , Suwat Trutassanawin† & Wuttikon Jariyatontivait†
Journal, 19:8, 1891-1908

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1081/DRT-100107278


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DRYING TECHNOLOGY, 19(8), 1891–1908 (2001)
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Somchart Soponronnarit,* Somboon Wetchacama,

Suwat Trutassanawin,y and Wuttikon Jariyatontivaity

School of Energy and Materials, King Mongkut’s

University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT),
Suksawat 48 Rd., Bangkok 10140, Thailand


The objectives of this research were to design, construct and test

a prototype of vibro-fluidized bed paddy dryer with a capacity
of 2.5–5.0 t/h and develop a mathematical model that deter-
mines optimum operating parameters. Experimental drying
conditions were: air flow rate, 1.7 m3/s; bed velocity, 1.4 m/s;
average drying air temperature, 125–140 C; residence time of
paddy approximately 1 minute; bed height, 11.5 cm; fraction of
air recycled, 0.85 and vibration of intensity, 1 (frequency,
7.3 Hz and amplitude, 5 mm). Moisture content of paddy
with a feed rate of 4821 kg/h was reduced from 28 to 23%

*Corresponding author. E-mail: Somchart.Sop@kmutt.ac.th

Graduate students, KMUTT.


Copyright & 2001 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. www.dekker.com



d.b. Specific primary energy consumption (SPEC) was

6.15 MJ/kg-water evaporated. Electrical power of blower motor
and vibration motor was 55% as compared to electrical power
of blower motor used in fluidized bed drying without vibration.
Comparison between the experimental and simulated results
showed that the mathematical model could predict fairly well.
To find out optimum operating parameters, the grid search
method was employed with criteria based on acceptable moist-
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ure reduction and quality and minimum energy consumption.

Key Words: Dehydration; Fluidization; Grain; Vibration


Soponronnarit and Prachayawarakorn (1994) studied drying of high

moisture content paddy using fluidization technique. The factors affected
on paddy quality after drying and energy consumption were investigated.
The experimental conditions were as follows: drying air temperature of
100–150 C, specific air flow rate of 0.13–0.33 kg/s-kg dry matter and initial
moisture contents of paddy of 28–40% d.b. The result showed that drying
rate increased with specific airflow rate and/or temperature of drying air.
Energy consumption decreased when specific airflow rate increased or frac-
tion of air recycled increased. The suggestions to obtain good paddy quality
in terms of head rice yield and rice whiteness were: drying air temperature
should be lower than 115oC and moisture content of paddy after drying
should not be lower than 24–25% d.b. The study and development of
paddy drying using fluidization technique was continued and succeeded in
1996, a prototype of fluidized bed dryer was constructed. The commercial
fluidized bed dryers with capacities of 5 and 10 t/h were constructed and had
been sold for more than 100 units since the beginning of 1996. The conditions
of paddy drying were as follows: drying air temperature in range of
120–150 C, drying air velocity approximately 2.0–2.3 m/s and fraction of
air recycled approximately 0.8.
Rysin (1992) studied food product drying using vibro-fluidization tech-
nique. It was found that vibration intensity should be lower than 3.3. The
suitable values of vibration intensity and amplitude were 1.5–2.0 and
5–10 mm, respectively. Ringer and Mujumdar (1982) designed a chartwhich
provided to aid in the selection of the operating parameters of drying
by using vibro-fluidization technique (the ratio of bed velocity to minimum
fluidized bed velocity and vibration intensity not more than 1.1 and 3.3,
respectively.). Han et al. (1991) studied the residence time distribution and


drying characteristics of a continuous pilot-plant vibro-fluidized bed dryer.

Wheat particles and BYN (trade name Biyanning, a medication for rhinitis)
were used as testing materials. Operating variables in the study included
vibration intensity, mass flow rate of air, feed rate, inlet air temperature,
and particle size. The flow of particles in the dryer was considered as plug
flow. It was found that vibration intensity was the most significant factor
affecting particle mean residence time and drying rate. As vibration intensity
increased, mean residence time decreased and drying rate increased.
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From the past research, it can be concluded that the appropriate

operating conditions of paddy drying using fluidization technique to
obtain good paddy quality were as follows: moisture content of paddy
after drying not lower than 23% d.b., bed height of 10–15 cm, drying air
temperature not higher than 150 C. For drying using fluidization technique
with vibration, it was recommended that vibration intensity and amplitude
should be in range of 1.0–3.3 and 5–10 mm, respectively, and low frequency
should be used to avoid the deterioration of vibration system.
According to the success of commercialization of fluidized bed paddy
dryers in various countries and requirement to reduce electrical power of
blower motor, the objectives of this research are therefore to design, con-
struct, and test a commercial-scale vibro-fluidized bed paddy dryer with
capacity of 2.5–5.0 t/h and develop a mathematical model that determines
optimum operating parameters.


Design and Experiment of Prototype

A vibro-fluidized bed paddy dryer with capacity of 5 t/h was fabricated

by Rice Engineering Supply Co., Ltd. and tested at Thanyakanwangtaphet
Rice Mill, Suphanburi province, Thailand. The unit comprised of a diesel
burner and combustion chamber, a backward-curved-blade centrifugal fan
driven by a 7.5 kW motor, 0.6  2.11.2 m drying chamber and 0.6  2.1 m
perforated steel sheets with 0.5 mm thickness and 1.1 mm hole diameter. The
vibration system comprised of cams, coil springs, watch springs, 1.5 kW
vibration motor (frequency of 7.3 Hz, vibration intensity of 1 and vertical
amplitude of 5 mm), hopper, rotary feeder, rotary discharger, recycle air
duct and cyclone, the details as shown in Figure 1.
During drying, paddy samples before and after drying were kept every
20 minutes to investigate moisture and quality. Before testing of paddy
quality, paddy samples were blown with ambient air until moisture content
decreased to approximately 16% d.b. The locations of temperature and air


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Figure 1. Diagram showing the vibro-fluidized bed paddy dryer.

velocity measurements were shown in Figure 1. Temperatures were meas-

ured by type k thermocouple, connected to a data logger with an accuracy of
 1 C. Air velocities were measured by a hot wire anemometer with an
accuracy of  4% and electrical power was measured by a clamp-on
meter with an accuracy of  0.5%.

Dryer Model

Soponronnarit et al. (1996) developed a mathematical model for con-

tinuous cross-flow fluidized bed paddy drying with important assumptions
that thermal equilibrium between grain and air exists, and both grain flow
and air flow are plug type. The model is consisted of several equations
including main equations derived from the principle of energy and mass


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Figure 2. Diagram showing the control volumes of vibro-fluidized bed dryer.

conservation and drying kinetics equation. With additional mechanical

vibration, one more equation for predicting energy for vibration is required.
Based on Figure 2, details of equations can be written as follows:
hpi ðMi  Miþ1 Þ
Wf 1, i ¼ þ Wmix ð1Þ
mmix, i ti

Q1 =mmix þ ca Tmix þ Wmix ðhfg þ cv Tmix Þ Wf 1, i hfg þ Up, i

Tf 1, i ¼ 
ca þ Wf 1, i cv ca þ Wf 1, i cv

Wmix ¼ ð1  RCÞWi þ RCWf 1 ð3Þ

RC mmix ca Tf 2 RC mmix Wf 1 ðhfg þ cv Tf 2 Þ  mmix Wmix hfg

Tx ¼
mmix ðca  Wmix cv Þ
mi ca Ta þ mi Wi ðhfg þ cv Ta Þ
þ ð4Þ
mmix ðca  Wmix cv Þ

Pt ¼ PL þ Pbv ð5Þ
Pbv ¼ Pb where n depends on density and size of particle ð6Þ


Pt mmix
Tb ¼ Tfan  þ Q5 =mmix ðca þ cv Wmix Þ ð7Þ
 a f

Qh ¼ mmix ðca þ cv Wmix ÞðTb  TxÞ  Q4 ð8Þ

Pt ðmmix =a Þ
Efm ¼ ð9Þ
f fm
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Ff ½2rðfreqÞ

Evm ¼ where Ff ¼  pc Ab H g ð10Þ


1000FðMin  Mf Þ
MER ¼ ð11Þ
ð1 þ Min Þ
The method of calculation is based on iteration. Tfan is fixed up, Wf 1 is
assumed, Wf 2, Wmix and Tmix are calculated. The paddy bed in the CV.1 is
divided into n thin layers. The change of moisture content of paddy in
each layer can de determined by using the empirical drying kinetics equation
(see Soponronnarit et al., 1996). From then, Equations (1) and (2) can be
used to determine humidity ratio and temperature of outlet air at each layer,
respectively. The average temperature and humidity ratio of air that
exhausts from the paddy bed including the 1st to nth layers are determined
arithmetically. New Wf 1 is then compared to the old one. If the accuracy is
accepted, the other variables are calculated.


All above-mentioned equations served as the basis for the optimiza-

tion. To optimize the fluidized bed paddy drying, the first step is to minimize
the exit moisture content of grain that is the favorite of rice miller. The
second step is to minimize the specific primary energy consumption
(SPEC). The grid search method was selected in this study. In the first
step, the objective function and constraints are written as follows:

Minimize y1 ¼ Mf ðRC, H, Tmix , freqÞ ð12Þ

Giving the value of fluidized bed velocity of 2.3 m/s and 1.5 m/s for
fluidized bed drying and vibro-fluidized bed drying, respectively and paddy
feed rate of 3, 4 and 5 t/h, the solutions are feasible for the outlet moisture
content higher than 19% d.b. in order to maintain head rice yield


(Soponronnarit et al., 1999) and the moisture reduction in a single drying

pass higher than 4%.
Subject to 0 RC 0:97 ð13Þ

0:05 H 0:20 m ð14Þ

100 Tmix 150 C ð15Þ

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1:0 2:5 ð16Þ

5 freq 25 Hz ð17Þ
In the second step, the objective function is as follows:
Minimize y2 ¼ SPEC ðRC, H, Tmix , , freqÞ ð18Þ

where SPEC ¼ SHC þ SPC ð19Þ

SHC ¼ ð20Þ
SPC ¼ where Et ¼ Efm þ Evm ð21Þ
The solutions are feasible for the outlet moisture content of paddy that
is in the range of 0.5% d.b. of the minimum moisture content obtained from
the first step. The constraints are the same as those in equations (13)–(17).


Experimental conditions are as follows: paddy feed rate of 4.82 t/h, air
flow rate of 1.7 m3/s (velocity, 1.4 m/s), fraction of air recycled of 0.85,
drying air temperature in range of 125–140 C and vibration intensity of 1
(frequency, 7.3 Hz and vertical amplitude, 5 mm). Experimental results are
presented in Table 1.

Moisture Content of Paddy and

Temperature in Drying Chamber

Figure 3 shows the values of temperature at various locations of dryer.

In case of average inlet air temperature of 140 C, average temperature and
relative humidity of ambient air were 35 C and 66%, respectively. It was
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Table 1. Performance of the Vibro-fluidized Bed Paddy Dryer (Bed Height 11.5 cm, Bed Velocity 1.4 m/s, Vibration Intensity 1,
Fraction of Air Recycled 0.85 and Feed Rate 4821 kg/h)


( C) (% d.b.) (% d.b.) ( C) From From From From (MJ/kg-water (MJ/kg-water

AAD (%) VFBD (%) AAD VFBD evap.) evap.)

125 26.8 23.7 62 33.0 32.5 42.4 42.9 0.77 5.47

133 24.1 20.7 63 35.2 37.5 41.5 41.0 0.66 4.69
140 28.0 23.0 64 32.0 37.0 42.5 41.2 0.48 3.80

Remarks: AAD ¼ Ambient air drying.

HRY ¼ Head rice yield.
RW ¼ Rice whiteness.
Tpo ¼ Paddy temperature at drying chamber outlet.
VFBD ¼ Vibro-fluidized bed drying.
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Table 2. Comparison Between Experimental and Simulated Results of Vibro-fluidized Bed Paddy Drying


Tmix Mf Tf1 (MJ/kg-water (MJ/kg-water

( C) (% d.b.) ( C) evaporated) evaporated)
Tfan F H Min Diff. Diff. Diff. Diff.
( C) (t/h) (m) (% d.b.) Exp. Sim. (%) Exp. Sim. (%) Exp. Sim. (%) Exp. Sim. (%) Exp. Sim. Diff. (%)

130 3.12 0.115 25.9 119.7 123.6 3.3 22.5 22.6 0.4 65.2 76.2 16.9 6.45 5.88 8.8 0.90 0.90 0


140 4.72 0.147 26.7 129.5 133.4 3.0 23.3 23.9 2.5 65.8 77.5 17.8 4.83 5.46 13.0 0.73 0.82 12.3
150 5.10 0.150 26.1 139.4 142.5 2.2 23.4 23.3 0.3 62.2 80.9 30.0 6.01 5.47 9.0 0.79 0.73 7.6
130 4.82 0.115 26.8 124.9 124.3 0.5 23.7 24.1 1.7 56.0 71.7 27.9 5.47 5.16 5.7 0.77 0.76 1.3

Note: Diff. ¼ difference.

Exp. ¼ experimental results.
Sim. ¼ simulated results.


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Figure 3. Evolution of temperatures at various locations. (vibration intensity ¼ 1,

feed rate ¼ 1.34 kg/s, average inlet moisture content ¼ 28.0% d.b, bed height ¼
11.5 cm, bed velocity ¼ 1.4 m/s, average outlet moisture content ¼ 23.0% d.b.).

found that the average paddy temperature at the outlet of drying chamber
was 64 C. Figure 4 shows the inlet and outlet moisture contents of paddy,
the average of these values were 28 and 23% d.b., respectively.

Paddy Quality

In order to investigate the percentage of head rice yield, paddy samples

before and after drying were kept every 20 minutes. It was found that
average percentages of head rice yield of paddy samples dried by ambient
air and vibro-fluidized bed dryer (in case of average inlet drying air tem-
perature was 140 C) were 32.0 and 37.0, respectively. Head rice yield
obtained from ambient air drying was approximately 5% lower, as shown
in detail in Figure 5. This resulted from high enough initial moisture content
of paddy as well as from using suitable drying air temperature (140 C)
within short drying time (approximately 1 minute). Consequently, partial
gelatinization occurred in paddy kernel especially at the surface, which was
the same as the results from the study of paddy drying using fluidization
technique by Taweerattanapanish et al. (1999).
From the rice colour test of paddy samples dried by ambient air and
vibro-fluidized bed dryer, it was found that average rice whiteness were 42.5


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Figure 4. Evolution of inlet and outlet moisture content of paddy. (average inlet air
temperature ¼ 140 C, vibration intensity ¼ 1, feed rate ¼ 1.34 kg/s, bed
height ¼ 11.5 cm, bed velocity ¼ 1.4 m/s).

Figure 5. Comparison between head rice yield obtained from vibro-fluidized

bed dryer and ambient air drying. (average inlet air temperature ¼ 140 C, vibra-
tion intensity ¼ 1, feed rate ¼ 1.34 kg/s, average inlet moisture content ¼ 28.0% d.b.,
bed height ¼ 11.5 cm, bed velocity ¼ 1.4 m/s, average outlet moisture content ¼
23.0% d.b.).


and 41.2, respectively (according to scale of whiteness measuring instru-

ment, type Kett C-300), with approximately 1.3 difference, as shown in
detail in Figure 6. The difference is small as per in terms of practice of
rice mill in Thailand, rice whiteness over 36 is normally accepted.

Specific Energy Consumption

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In using vibro-fluidized bed dryer, total electrical power consumption

was 9646 W, divided into electrical power consumption of each component
as follows:
1. Blower ¼ 55.0%
2. Vibration motor ¼ 10.4%
3. Rotary feeder ¼ 6.4%
4. Rotary discharger ¼ 7.1%
5. Elevator ¼ 13.0%
6. Burner ¼ 8.1%
The results showed that average primary energy consumption was 723 MJ/h,
of which 88 MJ/h was electrical energy in terms of primary energy
(multiplied by 2.6) and 635 MJ/h was thermal energy. Drying rate was

Figure 6. Comparison between rice whiteness obtained from vibro-fluidized

bed dryer and ambient air drying. (average inlet air temperature ¼ 140 C, vibration
intensity ¼ 1, feed rate ¼ 1.34 kg/s, average inlet moisture content ¼ 28.0% d.b.,
bed height ¼ 11.5 cm, bed velocity ¼ 1.4 m/s, average outlet moisture content ¼
23.0% d.b.).


118 kg water/h. The total average specific primary energy consumption was
6.15 MJ/kg-water evaporated, close to that of paddy drying using fluidiza-
tion technique without vibration. Electrical power of blower motor and
vibration motor was 55% as compared to electrical power of blower
motor used in paddy drying using fluidization technique without vibration
(Soponronnarit et al., 1998).
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Cost Analysis

The fabrication cost of vibro-fluidized bed dryer was 450,000 baht

including labor cost and installing cost. (US$ 1 ¼ 40 baht). It was assumed
that the service life was 10 years, annual interest rate was 18% and salvage
value was 10% of fixed cost. Other costs were based on the test results as
follows: drying capacity of 4.82 t/h, initial and final moisture contents of
paddy of 28 and 23% d.b., respectively and drying rate of 190 kg water/h. It
was also assumed that the operating time of dryer is 90 days/year. The cost
analysis was divided into two cases as follows: 1) In case of operating time of
dryer 12 hours/day and 2) In case of operating time of dryer 24 hours/day.
The results from cost analysis are as follows:
1) In case of operating time of dryer 12 hours/day, the total drying
cost was 305,015 baht/year which was divided into fabrication cost,
100,131 baht/year; diesel consumption cost, 170,726 baht/year;
electrical energy cost, 16,070 baht/year; maintenance cost,
20,000 baht/year and salvage value, 1,913 baht/year. Therefore,
the total specific drying cost was 59 baht/ton of paddy (1.50 baht/
kg-water evaporated) of which 19 baht/ton of paddy (0.5 baht/kg-
water evaporated) was fabrication cost and 40 baht/ton of paddy
(1 baht/kg-water evaporated) was operating cost.
2) In case of operating time of dryer 24 hours/day, the total specific
drying cost was 49.5 baht/ton of paddy (1.25 baht/kg-water eva-
porated) of which 9.50 baht/ton of paddy (0.25 baht/kg-water eva-
porated) was the fabrication cost and 40 baht/ton of paddy
(1 baht/kg-water evaporated) was the operating cost.

Accuracy of the Dryer Model

Table 2 shows the comparison between the simulated and experimental

results of inlet air temperature, outlet air temperature, final moisture content,
specific heat consumption, specific electrical consumption in terms of primary
energy. The difference between the simulated and experimental inlet air


temperatures is relatively small while it is large for the outlet air temperature,
i.e. up to 30.0%, due to air leakage around the flexible connected part while
the model does not take this cause into account. The difference between the
simulated and experimental final moisture content, specific heat consumption
and specific electrical consumption in terms of primary energy (multiplied by
2.6) is less than 2.5%, 13.0%, and 12.3%, respectively.
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The mathematical model for the vibro-fluidized bed paddy dryer was
validated with the experimental results and found that the model predicted
drying rate and energy consumption fairly well. For fluidized bed paddy
drying without vibration with capacity of 5 t/h, initial moisture of paddy of
30% d.b., and drying air velocity of 2.3 m/s, the optimum operating par-
ameters were: drying air temperature of 150oC, fraction of air recycled of
0.93 and bed height of 11.9 cm. SPEC and final moisture content were
5.74 MJ/kg-water evaporated and 24.9% d.b., respectively. For vibro-
fluidized bed paddy drying with drying air velocity of 1.5 m/s, the optimum
operating parameters were as follows: drying air temperature of 143oC;
fraction of air recycled of 0.83; bed height of 9.9 cm; frequency of 5 Hz
and vibration intensity of 2.5. SPEC and final moisture content were
5.36 MJ/kg-water evaporated and 26.0% d.b., respectively. Paddy drying
with vibro-fluidization technique consumed SPEC energy 7% less as com-
pared to fluidized bed drying without vibration.


In this research, a commercial-scale vibro-fluidized bed paddy dryer

was tested. The operating conditions were as follows: paddy feed rate,
4.82 t/h; paddy bed height, 11.5 cm; airflow rate, 1.7 m3/s; bed velocity,
1.4 m/s; fraction of air recycled, 0.85 and vibration intensity, approximately
1 (frequency, 7.3 Hz and amplitude, 5 mm). In case of using average inlet air
temperature of 140 C, it can be concluded as follows:
1) Vibro-fluidized bed dryer could reduce the moisture content of
paddy from 28% to 23% d.b. with head rice yield and rice white-
ness of 37% and 41.2, respectively, while the paddy dried with
ambient air drying provided head rice yield and rice whiteness of
32% and 42.5, respectively.
2) The average total specific primary energy consumption was
6.15 MJ/kg-water evaporated.


3) The summation of electrical power of blower motor and vibration

motor that used in vibro-fluidized bed dryer was approximately
55% of electrical power of blower motor used in fluidized bed
dryer without vibration.
The mathematical model of vibro-fluidized bed paddy dryer can
predict with accepted accuracy as compared to experimental results. From
the optimization on the vibro-fluidized bed paddy drying with a capacity of
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5 t/h, an initial moisture of paddy of 30% d.b. and a drying air velocity of
1.5 m/s, the optimum operating parameters were: drying air temperature of
143oC; fraction of air recycled of 0.83; bed height of 9.9 cm; frequency of 5 Hz
and vibration intensity of 2.5. SPEC and final moisture content were 5.36 MJ/
kg-water evaporated and 26.0% d.b., respectively. Paddy drying with the
vibro-fluidization technique consumed specific primary energy 7% less as
compared to the fluidized bed drying without vibration.
In case of operating time of 1080 h/y, the total cost of drying
was 59 baht/ton of paddy (1.50 baht/kg-water evaporated) of which
19 baht/ton of paddy (0.5 baht/kg-water evaporated) was fabrication cost
and the remain was operating cost (US$ 1 ¼ 40 baht).


A Vibration amplitude mm
Ab Bed area m2
ca Specific heat of air kJ/kg C
cv Specific heat of water vapour
in air kJ/kg C
Efm Electrical energy consumption
of blower motor kW
Et Electrical energy consumption in
terms of primary energy kW
Evm Electrical energy consumption
of vibration motor kW
F Paddy feed rate t/h
Ff Revolution friction force of
vibration system N
freq Frequency of vibration Hz
g Gravitational acceleration m/s2
H Bed height of paddy m
hpi Mass of dry paddy at ith layer kg
hfg Latent heat of
vaporization of water kJ/kg


Mi Moisture content of paddy

at ith layer inlet % d.b.
Miþ1 Moisture content of paddy
at i þ 1th layer inlet % d.b.
MER Moisture extraction rate kg-water/h
Min Initial moisture content of paddy % d.b
Mf Final moisture content of paddy % d.b.
mi Mass flow rate of ambient air kg/s
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mmix Mass flow rate of dry air kg/s

mmix,i Mass flow rate of dry air
at ith layer kg/s
Pb Pressure drop across paddy bed kPa
Pbv Pressure drop across paddy
bed with vibration kPa
PL Total pressure drop excluding
pressure drop across paddy bed
with) Vibration kPa
Pt Total pressure drop kPa
Q1 Rate of heat loss from drying
chamber to surroundings kW
Q2 Rate of heat loss from air
recycled tube to surroundings kW
Q4 Rate of heat loss from burner
to surroundings kW
Q5 Rate of heat loss from blower
to surroundings kW
Q6 Rate of heat loss from outlet
blower duct to surroundings kW
Qh Rate of heat consumption kW
r Cam radius of vibration motor m
RC Fraction of air recycled
SHC Specific heat consumption MJ/kg-water
SPC Specific electrical consumption
in terms of primary energy MJ/kg-water
SPEC Specific primary energy
consumption MJ/kg-water
Ta Dry bulb temperature of

ambient air C

Tb Air temperature at blower inlet C


Tfan Air temperature at blower outlet C

Tf1 Air temperature after drying C
Tf 1,i Air temperature at ith layer 

Tf 2 Air recycled temperature C

Tmix Inlet air temperature C

Tx Air temperature at burner inlet C
ti Residence time paddy moving
from ith layer to i þ 1th layer s
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Up,i Change of internal energy

of paddy at ith layer kJ/kg-dry air
Wi Humidity ratio of ambient air kg water/kg dry air
Wmix Humidity ratio of air at
drying chamber inlet kg water/kg dry air
Wf 1 Humidity ratio of air at
drying chamber outlet kg water/kg dry air
Wf 1,i Humidity ratio of air
at ith layer outlet kg water/kg dry air

Greek Letters

a Ambient air density kg/m3

pc Bulk density of paddy kg/m3
f Blower efficiency fraction
fm Blower motor efficiency fraction
vm Vibration motor efficiency fraction
 Friction coefficient kg/m-s
Vibration intensity fraction)


The authors would like to thank the Thailand Research Fund and
Australian Center for International Agricultural Research for supporting
this research, and Rice Engineering Supply Co., Ltd. for her help in fabrica-
tion of the dryer.


1. Han, W., Mai, B. and Gu, T., 1991, Residence time distribution and
drying characteristics of a continuous vibro-fluidized bed, Drying
Technology, 9(1), pp. 159–181.


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