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Bali Medical Journal (Bali Med J) 2016, Volume 5, Number 2: 15-19

P-ISSN.2089-1180, E-ISSN.2302-2914

The relationship between body image coping

strategy and eating disorders among iranian
adolescent girls CrossMark

Published by DiscoverSys Malihe Farid1 & Mahnaz Akbari-Kamrani2*


Background: Due to physical and psychological changes during disorder. Mental image of an individual of his body had significant
puberty, most common problem of young people is body image defined correlation with eating disorder (P= 0.000). Kruskal-Wallis test showed
as degree of size, shape and general appearance. Wrong perception a significant relationship between the type of coping strategy adopted
of body image and dissatisfaction with body image in people can by adolescent girls and eating disorder score of them (P= 0.007). The
lead to eating disorders and stress. Peace of mind is in fact a mental relationship between coping strategy and body image and having or
mechanism that people use it to reduce physical and emotional strains not having the eating disorder was determined by Chi-square test at
coping with stressful situations. The aim of this study was to determine the borderline level (P= 0.054).
the type of coping strategy of adolescent girls and its relationship with Conclusion: In this study, results showed that there is relationship
their eating disorders. between coping strategy of adolescent girls and the eating disorder
Methods: This is study is a cross-sectional study in which 573 female score of adolescent girls. The highest score was assigned to getting
adolescent of Karaj participated. Two-Stage Random Sampling was involved with body image, followed by avoidance and rational
used in this study. In this study, to assess people who are at risk of acceptance. Since the use of inappropriate coping strategies is
eating disorder, the nutritional approach assessment questionnaire of associated with negative results such as eating disorders and
EAT-26 was used, while Strategy Inventory Body Image Coping-BICSI depression, it is expected that eating disorders resulting from mental
questionnaire was used to determine the type of coping strategy. body image to be reduced by management of people in using correct
Results: In this study, the mean age of participantswas16.6 (±1/62) and appropriate coping strategies.
(19-14 years). In this study, 23.7% of participants had an eating

Keywords: Adolescent girls, BMI, body image coping strategies, eating disorders
Cite this Article: Kamrani, M., Farid, M. 2016. The Relationship between Body Image Coping Strategy and Eating Disorders among Iranian
Adolescent Girls. Bali Medical Journal 5(1), 15-19. DOI: 10.15562/bmj.v5i1.151

Social Determinants of Health INTRODUCTION
Research Center, Alborz University
of Medical Sciences, Karaj, Iran The transition from childhood into adolescence is and unconscious feelings about the body.5 Body
Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery, one of the most important stages of life.1 In such image is a mental visualization that one has of
Alborz University of Medical a course of evolution, there are changes occurring physical appearance. In other words, it revolves
Sciences, Karaj, Iran
in body posture, thinking and social communica- around the positive and negative feelings about
tion. In their biological, psychological and social the size and shape of body.6 Although body image
development, children are involved in a series is multi- dimensional structure, it is often defined
of changes, including a desire to gain indepen- as a degree of physical appearance, size, shape and
dence, pursuing models outside the family and the general appearance.7 Negative body image can
need for approval and acceptance from others.2 lead to body dissatisfaction, feeling of being unat-
Adolescents, particularly females, tend to pay tractive, and finally haunted by thoughts about part
special attention to their weight and body shape of the body to the extent of dysfunction.8 Moreover,
during puberty due to various reasons includ- wrong perception of body image can lead to physi-
ing cultural, social, racial factors.3 The problem cal and emotional problems.9
of teenagers mostly concerns their body image, Body image dissatisfaction in people leads to
because people in this period experience physi- stress. Peace of mind is a mechanism employed
Correspondence to: Mahnaz cal and psychological changes, where increasing by a person to reduce physical, mental and
Akbari-Kamrani, Faculty of Nursing
& Midwifery, Alborz University of
height, weight and emergence of secondary char- emotional strain in dealing with stressful situa-
Medical Sciences, Karaj, Iran acters in a short time can alter the individual’s tions. In connection with controlling body image
dr.akbarikamrani@abzums.ac.ir self-image.4 Self-image covers beliefs, conscious dissatisfaction and challenges, there are three

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strategies outlined as follow: Avoidance Coping managers and education system to develop strat-
Strategy, which includes individual efforts to egies for prevention of these disorders in Iranian
evade thoughts and feelings that threaten physical vulnerable population. The researchers hope that
image (like not standing in front of the mirror), the results in the next step will design eating
Appearance Fixing Coping that includes attempts disorder prevention programs in accordance with
to hide or modify individual body composition so coping strategy.
as to fix the defects or threats, and Positive Rational
Acceptance Coping which includes mental activity
and behavior focusing on positive self-care (such
as when there are other advantages dominant on This cross-sectional study involved the target
body composition).10 population of high-schools girls in Karaj. The
During adolescence, weight is a determinant of sampling was two-stage random, where the first
attractiveness. Poor body image or dissatisfaction stage involved selection of high-school girls from
with body size and weight can increase the likeli- four areas of education Karaj based on a sample and
hood of health-risky behaviors such as poor diet population size. In fact, the samples were selected
and in sufficient in take of food.11 In many cases, from one or two schools through a simple random
teenagers report body dissatisfaction along with procedure. In each school, samples were obtained
concern about weight gain and weight loss behav- from tenth, eleventh and twelfth grades.
iors including eating less,exercising for weight To estimate the frequency of people at risk of
loss. For several years, emphasis has been shifted eating disorders, the nutrition and attitude assess-
on weight loss and diets around the world, and all ment questionnaire (Eating Attitude Test- 26) also
social classes and ethnic minorities are significantly known as EAT-26 (Garner and Garfinkel, 1979)
facing the prevalence of eating disorders.12 and demographic questionnaire were used. EAT-26
One of the groups at risk of eating disorders questionnaire is a screening tool for people prone
involves females 14-25 years of age.13 In adoles- to eating disorders, the validity and reliability of
cents, eating disorder has been described as the which have been confirmed by epidemiological
most common disease after obesity and asthma.14 studies in different countries including Iran). In
The overall prevalence of eating disorder in adoles- Iran, the questionnaire was translated and validated
cents and young students is 4% specifically for by Dejkam et al. (2000). The questionnaire contains
anorexia nervosa. It is 0.5 to 1% among adolescent 26 items related to attitude, habits and feeding
girls and young women, while it is 1 to 3% for behavior, where the maximum score is 78. The 11
anorexianervosa.15 items of questionnaire measure the nutrition atti-
Several studies have examined the prevalence of tude while 15 items are related to diet performance.
eating disorders among adolescents and their body The responses in EAT-26 are scored on a Likert
image. Eating disorders forms in adolescence and scale: always (3 points), most of the time (2 points),
continues to develop throughout young ages. Given very often (1 point) and three additional options
that inappropriate treatment of such diseases would include sometimes, rarely or never (0 points).
lead to serious complications and consequences for A  score equal to 20 or greater is defined as risk for
the individual, it is crucial to explore the issue of eating disorders.
preventing and resolving the underlying causes of In this study, the type of coping strategy against
such disorders16 so as to be applied by health plan- body image was determine through standard tools
ners and policy-makers. of Strategy Inventory Body Image Coping (BICSI).
Coping strategies are one way of adaptation with The questionnaire included 29 items relying on
body image. Studies have shown that Avoidance three strategies of Avoidance, Appearance Fixing
Coping Strategy and Appearance Fixing Coping can and Positive Rational Acceptance.
curtail the individual’s stress, but they are accom- Avoidance strategies is assessed through 8 items
panied with eating disorders. Positive Rational based on 4-point Likert scale (Α≡0.74 Cash, Santos,
Acceptance Coping can be an ideal for prevention et al., 2005). Appearance Fixing contained 10 items
of eating disorders. based on a 4-point Likert scale (Α≡0.9 Cash, Santos,
The present study was designed, since there are et al., 2005). Finally, Positive Rational Acceptance
insufficient studies in Iran examining the strate- contained 11 items (Α≡0.85 Cash, Santos, et  al.,
gies adopted by young people facing challenges of 2005).
body image. This study attempted to determine the The decisive questions of any strategy were
type of coping strategy adopted by Iranian adoles- scored based on the Likert scale throughout several
cents and its relationship with eating disorder. options including disagree, strongly disagree, no
It is hoped this information can help the health comment, agree, strongly agree. Then, the total

16 Published by DiscoverSys | Bali Med J 2016; 5 (2): 15-19 | doi: 10.15562/bmj.v5i1.151


scores of each subject in any type of strategy was The Kruskal Wallis test indicated a significant
calculated and compared against one another. Any relationship between the type of strategy adopted
strategy scored the highest by a subject would be by the students and the scores of eating disorder
considered dominant at p=0.007. Moreover, the Mann-Whitney test
The validity and reliability of BICSI standard indicated this difference between the groups with
questionnaire were determined through a study appearance fixing coping and positive rational
cross-sectional as standardization tool. acceptance coping strategies (p=0.000). Finally,
there was a difference between groups involved
avoidance coping and appearance fixing coping of
body image strategies (p=0.05) (Table 1).
After collecting the information, all the vari- The Chi-square test did not reveal any signif-
ables were investigated to specify the relationship icant relationship between the type of strategies
between the dependent variable (eating disorders), adopted by students and, birth order, weight, being
through Chi-square, ANOVA, T-Test and logistic first child in the family or not, education level, field
regression. of study, age group and having older sisters or not.
The Kruskal-Wallis test did not reveal any signifi-
cant relationship between the strategies adopted by
students and their age.
A total of 573 adolescent girls participated in this The Chi-square test indicated a significant rela-
study. The average age of the participants was tionship between the type of strategy adopted by
16.16±1.26 years old (from 14 to 19 year sold). the students and engagement of their parents in
the medical community. In fact, positive rational
Table 1.  Summary of Eating disorders and Type of coping strategy acceptance tended to be adopted by children of
Eating disorder medical practitioners.
In this study, 23.7% of participants had an eating
Mean±SD Test P-value
Type of disorder. The relationship between body image
coping strategy coping strategy and having an eating disorder
Appearance fixing body image 10.9 ± 14.81 was based on EAT-26 questionnaire (P=0.054).
Positive rational acceptance 8.5 ± 11.73 Kruskal-Wallis 0.007 Moreover, the Pearson correlation was twice as
Avoidance 12.50 ± 11.04 much at 5.834. Such relationship was not applied to
different education levels of study.
The relationship between being suspected to have
eating disorder based on the EAT-26 questionnaire
Table 2.  Eating disorders and distributions of BMI
and BMI was significant. Moreover, being suspected
Eating disorder to have eating disorder was more likely among those
Positive Negative
BMI who were overweight (P=0.013) with the Pearson
correlation equal to 10.76. The individual body
Lower than natural weight 5.1% 7.6% image had a significant relationship with eating
Natural 62.5% 72.8% disorder, which tended to be higher in subjects
Overweight 21.3% 14.3% with obesity and overweight images. Moreover, the
Obese 11% 5.3% Pearson correlation was equal to 66.73 (Table 2).
The average weight of subjects with normal body
mass index was 54.3 kg and the average ideal body
weight was 52.5 kg. Moreover, nearly 60.8 percent
Table 3.  Body mass index and Individual body image
of subjects with normal body mass index tended to
Based on body mass index Individual body image reduce their weight (Table 3).
(percentage) Frequency (percentage) Frequency
Obese 38(6.6) (8.4)48
Overweight 91(15.9) (22.1)126
Natural 401(70) (55.8)318 Body image coping is a strategy employed by
individuals to manage their thoughts and feelings
Lower than natural 40(7) (13.7)78
in the face of challenges to their body image. The
results of this study showed that there is a correla-
Total (100.0)570 (100.0)570 tion between the strategy adopted by students and
Lost data 3 3 eating disorder. The highest score was assigned
Total 573 573 fixing body image, avoidance and rational accep-
tance strategies, respectively

Published by DiscoverSys | Bali Med J 2016; 5 (2): 15-19 | doi: 10.15562/bmj.v5i1.151 17


The results of study by Cash (2005) and CONCLUSION

Melnyk (2004) similarly indicated that two strat-
egies of fixing and avoidance were employed Women usually face more stressful challenges for
for frequently by the subjects dealing with body body image as compared to men. Coping strategy
image.10,17 The results of study by Cash (2005) can be a vital mechanism to reduce pressure in
suggested a significant association between the stressful situations and harmony with the envi-
adoption of avoidance strategies and fixing with ronment. In achieving adaptation, people employ
lower self-esteem.10 different mechanisms, each bringing about different
In the current study, the relationship between results. Adoption of poor coping strategies will give
body image coping strategy and eating disorders on rise to negative outcomes such as eating disorders
the basis EAT-26 questionnaire was on the border associated with depression. It is recommended that
line. In their study, Callaghan et al. (2007) found a appropriate grounds be provided to train young
significant correlation between avoidance strategies people to be familiar with a variety of strategies and
(r=0.61, p<0.01) and fixing body image (r=0.49, how to manage them. It is expected that manage-
p <0.01) and dissatisfaction with body image (18). ment can help individuals adopt the correct coping
In the study by Cash (2005), subject with higher strategy so as to curtail psychological and eating
avoidance strategies against body image tended to disorders due to false body image.
have higher dissatisfaction.10
The Chi-square test indicated a significant rela- ACKNOWLEDGMENT
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Published by DiscoverSys | Bali Med J 2016; 5 (2): 15-19 | doi: 10.15562/bmj.v5i1.151 19

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