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Nama Kelompok :

1. Rahmi Putri Azahra (P17320316049)

2. Fauzia Rahmah (P17320316059)
3. Shelma Camila (P17320316069)
4. Salma Nabila (P17320316080)

Tingkat : II-B


Measles, mumps, and rubella are viral diseases that may adversely affect non-immune pregnant women
and their fetuses/neonates. Prevention of these diseases and their complications can be achieved
through measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccination prior to pregnancy. The vaccine is contraindicated
during pregnancy because it contains live, attenuated viruses that pose a theoretical risk to the fetus.
However, accidental receipt of MMR vaccination is not known to cause maternal/fetal complications.
MMR immunization is recommended to non-immune obstetric patients upon completion or termination
of pregnancy.


Campak, gondok, dan rubella adalah penyakit yang dapat menjangkit ibu hamil yang tidak kebal dan
fetus/neonatusnya. Pencegahan untuk penyakit ini adalah dengan memberikan vaksin campak-gondok-
rubella sebelum kehamilan. Vaksin ini, berkontraindikasi saat kehamilan karena mengandung virus
hidup yang secara teori dapat melemahkan fetus. Bagaimanapun, penerimaan vaksin MMR yang tidak
disengaja ini tidak diketahui dapat menyebabkan komplikasi pada ibu hamil/janin. Imunisasi MMR ini
direkomendasikan kepada pasien yang tidak kebal saat penyelesaian kehamilan.

Prevention with MMR Vaccination

The MMR (M-M-R-II®, Merck, Whitehouse Station, NJ) vaccine is recommended by the
Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), the American Congress of
Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and the
American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) for routine use in the prevention of measles,
mumps, and rubella The combination is as effective as the formerly available monovalent forms:
measles (ATTENUVAX®), mumps (MUMPSVAX®), and rubella (MERUVAX®) vaccines
(Merck). The trivalent vaccine reduces the number of injections from three to one in a two dose
series, avoids unnecessary delays and the problems of spacing live, attenuated vaccines, and
protects against all three diseases simultaneously. There is no medical reason to favor separate
vaccination over the combination vaccine. These reasons, along with manufacturing constraints,
prompted Merck to discontinue production of monovalent ATTENUVAX®, MUMPSVAX®,
and MERUVAX® in 2008.
The M-M-R-II® vaccine contains live, attenuated viruses for measles (Edmonston-Enders viral
strain), mumps (Jeryl Lynn viral strain), and rubella (Wistar RA 23/7 viral strain). The MMRV
vaccine (ProQuad®), which includes a vaccine against the Varicella virus or chicken pox, was
introduced in 2005, but is not recommended for individuals over 13 years of age.

Pencegahan dengan Vaksin MMR

Vaksin MMR (MMR-II®, Merck, Whitehouse Station, NJ) direkomendasikan oleh Advisory Committee on
Immunization Practices (ACIP), American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), American
Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), dan American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) untuk penggunaan
rutin dalam pencegahan campak, gondong, dan rubela. Kombinasi ini sama efektifnya dengan bentuk
monovalen sebelumnya: campak (ATTENUVAX®), gondok (MUMPSVAX®), dan rubela (MERUVAX®)
(Merck) . Vaksin trivalen mengurangi jumlah suntikan dari tiga banding satu dalam rangkaian dua dosis,
menghindari penundaan yang tidak perlu dan masalah jarak hidup, vaksin yang dilemahkan, dan
melindungi terhadap ketiganya. penyakit secara bersamaan. Tidak ada alasan medis untuk memilih
vaksinasi terpisah terhadap kombinasi vaksin. Alasan ini, bersamaan dengan kendala manufaktur,
mendorong Merck untuk menghentikan produksi ATTENUVAX® monovalen, MUMPSVAX®, dan
MERUVAX® pada tahun 2008.
Vaksin MMR-II® mengandung virus terserang virus campak (strain edmonston-enders), gondongan
(strain virus Jeryl Lynn), dan rubella (strain virus Wistar RA 23/7) . Vaksin MMRV ProQuad®), yang
mencakup vaksin melawan virus Varicella atau cacar air, diperkenalkan pada tahun 2005, namun tidak
direkomendasikan untuk orang berusia di atas 13 tahun.

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