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Taylor Gomm


Health 1050

12 October 2018

5 Articles Review

1. Everything you need to know about marijuana (cannabis). Marijuana is often

referred to as cannabis, weed, pot, ext. Marijuana is the most commonly used

drug in the world. Marijuana is mood altering and it has an effect on every organ

in the body. “The number of 12th graders who think marijuana use is risky has

halved in the last 20 years.” This wasn't too surprising to me but it really stuck out

because I can see this happening in my everyday life it seems like everyone I used

to know is smoking Marijuana. Marijuana can be baked into things like brownies

and candy but it also can be smoked or inhaled through vapor.


“Figure 2f from: Irimia R, Gottschling M (2016) Taxonomic Revision of

Rochefortia Sw. (Ehretiaceae, Boraginales). Biodiversity Data Journal 4: e7720.

Https://Doi.org/10.3897/BDJ.4.e7720.” doi:10.3897/bdj.4.e7720.figure2f.

2. Marijuana. Marijuana can be green, brown or gray and consists of dried up

leaves from the marijuana plant. Marijuana can lead to major problems with your

memory, learning and even your behavior. Some of the states have started to

legalize marijuana for medical use only because it has been known to help people
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with certain conditions.


“Marijuana.” MedlinePlus, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 14 Sept. 2018,


3. Marijuana as Medicine. Medical Marijuana is when they use the unprocessed

plant and its basic extracts to create medications to treat the symptoms of some

illnesses. Although some states have approved it for medical use the FDA still has

not due to the fact that there just isn't enough research to back it up yet.

“Cannabinoids are chemicals related to delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC),

marijuana’s main mind-altering ingredient that makes people "high." The

marijuana plant contains more than 100 cannabinoids.”

https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/drugfacts/marijuana-medicine National

Institute on Drug Abuse. “Marijuana as Medicine.” NIDA,


4. What Does Marijuana Do To Your Brain And Body? THC Interacts With

Memory, Time Perception. “When you smoke marijuana, THC passes from the

lungs to the bloodstream, where it is eventually picked up by two types of

receptors — cannabinoid receptor (CB) 1 and 2. These long, rope-like proteins

weave themselves onto the surfaces of cells all over the body, which helps explain

increased heart rate, red eyes, pain relief and other effects that are not purely

psychological.” Marijuana can have a huge impact on the brain's memory and

perception of time. https://www.medicaldaily.com/what-does-marijuana-do-your-

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Ericson, John. “What Does Marijuana Do To Your Brain And Body? THC

Interacts With Memory, Time Perception.” Medical Daily, 31 Mar. 2014,



5. Dangers of Marijuana: Long-Term Effects on the Brain and Body. Using the

drug Marijuana can lead to addiction and the risk of testicular cancer. This drug

also leads to permanent memory problems. There are also studies done that show

it can lead to gum disease. “Regular cannabis users experienced downward social

mobility and financial difficulties, like struggling with debt and cash flow.”


“Dangers of Marijuana: Long-Term Effects on the Brain and Body.” American

Addiction Centers, americanaddictioncenters.org/marijuana-rehab/long-term-


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