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Grade/Year level: Date:

Collaborative teaching team: Timeline: (continued investigation, revisiting once, or numerous times, discrete beginning and ending, investigating in parallel with others)

? Teacher questions Lines of inquiry

ciplinary them
Prior learning
ra nsdis e

Key concepts aches to learning

p pro

Central idea
Learning goals and success
Connections: Transdisciplinary and past

? Student questions


ea te
rn e

r p r o fi l e a t t r i b u

Initial reflections that could inform learning and teaching in this unit of inquiry
Prompts : Reflecting and planning

? Teacher questions Transdisciplinary theme Connections: Transdisciplinary and past

What teacher questions and provocations will Which parts of the transdisciplinary theme will the Connections to past and future learning, inside and outside the programme of inquiry
inform the lines of inquiry? unit of inquiry focus on?
What connections are there to learning within and outside the unit of inquiry?

What opportunities are there for students to develop conceptual understandings to support the transfer of learning across,
between and beyond subjects?

How can we ensure that learning is purposeful and connects to local and global challenges and opportunities?

Learning goals and success

? Student questions Prior learning

What student questions, prior knowledge, existing How are we assessing students’ prior knowledge, What opportunities are there for building on prior
What is it we want students to know, understand
theories, experiences and interests will inform the conceptual understandings and skills? learning to support potential student-initiated
and be able to do? How are learning goals and
lines of inquiry? action?
success criteria co-constructed between teachers
How are we using data and evidence of prior
and students?
learning to inform planning?

How is our planning embracing student language

Unit of inquiry and /or subject specific inquiry (inside/outside programme of inquiry)
Transdisciplinary theme/Central idea:
Collaborative teaching team: Grade/Year Level: Date:

? Teacher and student questions Designing engaging learning experiences Ongoing assessment

Supporting student agency Making flexible use of resources Student self-assessment and peer feedback

Ongoing reflections for all teachers Additional subject specific reflections

Prompts: Designing and implementing

Designing engaging learning

Supporting student agency Making flexible use of resources Ongoing assessment
How do we recognize and support student agency How will resources add value and purpose to What evidence will we gather about students’
in learning and teaching? What experiences will facilitate learning? learning? emerging knowledge, conceptual understandings
  and skills?
For all learning this means: For all learning this means: For all learning this means:
• involving students as active participants in, • developing questions, provocations and • the thoughtful use of resources, both in and How are we monitoring and documenting learning
and as co-constructors of, their learning experiences that support knowledge and beyond the learning community to enhance against learning goals and success criteria?
• developing students’ capacity to plan, reflect conceptual understandings and extend learning. This might include time,
and assess, in order to self-regulate and self- • creating authentic opportunities for students to people, places, technologies, learning spaces How are we using ongoing assessment to inform
adjust learning develop and demonstrate approaches to learning and physical materials. planning, and the grouping and regrouping of
• supporting student-initiated inquiry and and attributes of the learner profile students?
action. • building in flexibility to respond to students’
interests, inquiries, evolving theories and actions
• integrating languages to support
• identifying opportunities for independent and
collaborative learning, guided and scaffolded
learning, and learning extension.

Additional subject specific Student self-assessment and

Ongoing reflections
reflections ? Questions
peer feedback
For all teachers Inside or outside the programme of inquiry Teacher questions
What opportunities are there for students to receive
teacher and peer feedback?
• How are we responding to students’ • What opportunities are there for students to What additional teacher questions and
emerging questions, theories, inquiries and make connections to the central idea and lines provocations are emerging from students’ evolving
How do students engage with this feedback to self-
interests throughout the inquiry?  of inquiry or the programme of inquiry? theories?
assess and self-adjust their learning?
• How are we supporting opportunities for • What opportunities are there for students
student-initiated action throughout the to develop knowledge, conceptual
inquiry?  understandings and skills to support the Student questions
• How can we ensure that learning is purposeful transfer of learning across, between and
and authentic and/or connects to real-life beyond subjects?  What student questions are emerging from
challenges and opportunities?  students’ evolving theories?
• How are we nurturing positive relationships
between home, family and school as a basis
for learning, health and well-being?
Transdisciplinary theme/Central idea:
Collaborative teaching team: Grade/Year Level: Date:

Teacher reflections Student reflections Assessment reflections

Prompts: Reflecting

Teacher reflections Student reflections

How did the strategies we used throughout the unit help to develop and evidence students’ understanding of the central idea? What student initiated inquiries arose and how did they inform the process of inquiry? What adjustments were made, and how
did this enrich learning? 
What learning experiences best supported students’ development and demonstration of the attributes of the learner profile and
approaches to learning? How are students supported in having voice, choice and ownership in the unit of inquiry? (For example, through: co-constructing
learning goals and success criteria, being engaged in student-inititated inquiries and action, being involved in self-assessing and
What evidence do we have that students are developing  knowledge, conceptual understandings and skills to support the transfer of self-regulating, co-designing learning spaces and so on).
learning across, between and beyond subjects?
How have these experiences impacted on how students feel about their learning? (For example, through: developing and
To what extent have we strengthened transdisciplinary connections through collaboration among members of the teaching team?  demonstrating attributes of learner profile and approaches to learning, developing understanding of the central idea, achieving
  learning goals, taking action and so on).
What did we discover about the process of learning that will inform future learning and teaching?

Assessment reflections

How effective was our monitoring, documenting and measuring of learning informing our understanding of student learning?

What evidence did we gather about students’ knowledge, conceptual understandings and skills?

How will we share this learning with the learning community?

Unit of inquiry and /or subject specific inquiry (inside/outside programme of inquiry)

Transdisciplinary theme/Central idea:

Collaborative teaching team: Grade/Year Level: Date:

Designing engaging learning experiences (continued)

Use this space for more documentation if needed

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