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THE CATTELL-HORN-CARROLL THEORY (Gq) and broad reading-writing (Grw) factors were added

OF COGNITIVE ABILITIES to the model based on the research of Horn (e.g., 1991)
and Woodcock (1994), respectively. Based largely on the
The Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) theory of cognitive abili- results of Horn’s thinking and research, Gf-Gc theory
ties is the most comprehensive and empirically supported expanded into an eight-factor model that became known
psychometric theory of the structure of cognitive abilities as the Cattell-Horn Gf-Gc theory (Horn, 1991; see Horn
to date. It represents the integrated works of Raymond and Blankson, 2005, for a comprehensive review of Horn’s
Cattell, John Horn, and John Carroll (Alfonso, Flanagan, contribution to Gf-Gc theory).
& Radwan, 2005; Horn & Blankson, 2005; McGrew, 2005;
Schneider & McGrew, 2012). Because it has an impres- Carroll’s Three-Stratum Theory
sive body of empirical support in the research literature
(e.g., developmental, neurocognitive, outcome-criterion) it In his review of the extant factor-analytic research liter-
is used extensively as the foundation for selecting, orga- ature, Carroll differentiated factors or abilities into three
nizing, and interpreting tests of intelligence and cognitive strata that varied according to the ‘‘relative variety and
abilities (e.g., Flanagan, Alfonso, & Ortiz, 2012; Flanagan, diversity of variables’’ (Carroll, 1997, p. 124) included at
Ortiz, & Alfonso, 2007). Most recently, it has been used each level. The various G abilities are the most prominent
for classifying intelligence and achievement batteries and and recognized abilities of the model. They are classified
neuropsychological tests to: (a) facilitate interpretation of as broad or stratum II abilities and include abilities such
cognitive performance; and (b) provide a foundation for as Gf and Gc, the two original factors. According to Car-
organizing assessments for individuals suspected of hav- roll (1993), broad abilities represent ‘‘basic constitutional
ing a learning disability (Flanagan, Alfonso, Mascolo, & and long standing characteristics of individuals that can
Sotelo-Dynega, 2012; Flanagan, Alfonso, Ortiz, & Dynda, govern or influence a great variety of behaviors in a given
2010; Flanagan, Ortiz, & Alfonso, in press). Addition- domain’’ and they vary in their emphasis on process, con-
ally, CHC theory is the foundation on which most new tent, and manner of response (p. 634). Broad abilities, like
and recently revised intelligence batteries were based (see Gf and Gc, subsume a large number of narrow or stratum
Flanagan & Harrison, 2012 for comprehensive coverage of I abilities of which approximately 70 have been identified
these batteries). A brief overview of the evolution of CHC (Carroll, 1993, 1997). Narrow abilities ‘‘represent greater
theory follows. specializations of abilities, often in quite specific ways
that reflect the effects of experience and learning, or the
adoption of particular strategies of performance’’ (Carroll,
Fluid– Crystallized (Gf-Gc) Theory
1993, p. 634). The broadest or most general level of ability
The original Gf-Gc theory was a dichotomous conceptu- in the Gf-Gc model is represented by stratum III, located
alization of human cognitive ability put forth by Ray- at the apex of Carroll’s (1993) hierarchy. This single cogni-
mond Cattell in the early 1940s. Cattell based his theory tive ability, which subsumes both broad (stratum II) and
on the factor-analytic work of Thurstone conducted in narrow (stratum I) abilities, is interpreted as represent-
the 1930s. Cattell believed that Fluid Intelligence (Gf) ing a general factor (i.e., g) that is involved in complex
included inductive and deductive reasoning abilities that higher-order cognitive processes (Gustaffson & Undheim,
were influenced by biological and neurological factors 1996; Jensen, 1997; McGrew & Woodcock, 2001).
as well as incidental learning through interaction with It is important to note that the abilities within each
the environment. He postulated further that Crystal- level of the hierarchical Gf-Gc model typically display
lized Intelligence (Gc) consisted primarily of acquired nonzero positive intercorrelations (Carroll, 1993; Gustafs-
knowledge abilities that reflected, to a large extent, the son & Undheim, 1996). For example, the different stratum
influences of acculturation (Cattell, 1957, 1971). I (narrow) abilities that define the various Gf-Gc domains
In 1965, John Horn expanded the dichotomous Gf- are correlated positively and to varying degrees. These
Gc model to include four additional abilities, including intercorrelations give rise to and allow for the estimation
visual perception or processing (Gv), short-term mem- of the stratum II (broad) ability factors. Likewise, the pos-
ory (Short-term Acquisition and Retrieval—SAR or Gsm), itive nonzero correlations among the stratum II (broad)
long-term storage and retrieval (Tertiary Storage and Gf-Gc abilities allow for the estimation of the stratum
Retrieval—TSR or Glr), and speed of processing (Gs). III (general) g factor. The positive factor intercorrelations
Later he added auditory processing ability (Ga) to the within each level of the Gf-Gc hierarchy indicate that the
theoretical model and refined the definitions of Gv, Gs, different Gf-Gc abilities do not reflect completely indepen-
and Glr (Horn, 1968; Horn & Stankov, 1982). dent (uncorrelated or orthogonal) traits. However, they
In the early 1990s, Horn added a factor representing can, as is evident from the vast body of literature that sup-
an individual’s quickness in reacting (reaction time) and ports their existence, be reliably distinguished from one
making decisions (decision speed). The acronym or code another and therefore represent unique, albeit related,
for this factor is Gt (Horn, 1991). Finally, quantitative abilities (see Keith & Reynolds, 2012).

Encyclopedia of Special Education, edited by Cecil R. Reynolds, Kimberly J. Vannest, and Elaine Fletcher-Janzen.
Copyright C 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Similarities and Differences Between the Cattell-Horn The First Generation of CHC Theory
Model and the Carroll Model
Notwithstanding the important differences between the
Simplified versions of the Cattell-Horn and Carroll models Cattell-Horn and the Carroll models, in order to real-
of the structure of abilities (i.e., where the narrow abilities ize the practical benefits of using theory to guide test
are omitted) are presented together in Figure C.6, which selection, organization, and interpretation, it is necessary
shows a number of important similarities and differences to define a single taxonomy—one that can be used to
between the two models. In general, these models are sim- classify ability tests. A first effort to create a single tax-
ilar in that they both include multiple broad abilities with onomy for this purpose was an integrated Cattell-Horn
similar descriptions (e.g., Gs) and similar classification of and Carroll model proposed by McGrew (1997). McGrew
narrow abilities. However there are four major structural and Flanagan (1998) subsequently presented a slightly
differences between the Cattell-Horn and Carroll models. revised integrated model, which was further refined by
First, Carroll’s theory includes g (global or general Flanagan et al. (2000). The integrated model presented
ability) at stratum III and the Cattell-Horn theory does by McGrew and colleagues was accepted by both John
not, as these theorists disagreed over the existence of Horn and John Carroll and thus became known as the
an overarching intellectual ability. This dispute is an Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) theory, reflecting the order
ongoing debate in the field (see Schneider & McGrew, in which these theorists made their contributions. The
2012 for a discussion on the existence of g). Second, in original integration of the Cattell-Horn Gf-Gc theory and
the Cattell-Horn model, Gq is comprised of quantitative Carroll’s three-stratum theory, or simply CHC theory, is
knowledge and quantitative reasoning; however, Carroll presented in Figure C.7. This figure depicts the original
classified quantitative reasoning as a narrow ability sub- structure of CHC theory and reflects the manner in which
sumed by Gf. Third, the Cattell-Horn theory includes the Cattell-Horn and Carroll models have been integrated.
a distinct broad reading/writing (Grw) factor, whereas In this figure, CHC theory includes 10 broad cognitive
Carroll’s theory includes reading and writing as narrow abilities, which are subsumed by over 70 narrow abilities.
abilities subsumed by Gc. Fourth, the Cattell-Horn and
the Carroll models differ in their treatment of certain nar-
Latest Refinements to CHC Theory
row memory abilities. Carroll combined both short-term
memory and the narrow abilities of associative, meaning- A paramount feature of the CHC theory is that it is not
ful, and free-recall memory with learning abilities under static, but rather a dynamic model that is continuously
(Gy). Horn (1991) made a distinction between immediate reorganized and restructured based on current research.
apprehension (e.g., short-term memory span) and storage Recently, Schneider and McGrew (2012) conducted an
and retrieval abilities. extensive review on CHC theory by (1) analyzing the

Gf Gc Gy Gv Gu Gr Gs Gt
Broad Cognitive
Broad Retrieval
Broad Auditory
Gen. Memory


Broad Visual



& Learning




Gf Gq Gc Gsm Gv Ga Glr Gs CDS Grw

Decision Speed











Figure C.6. Comparison of Cattell-Horn Gf-Gc theory and Carroll’s Three-Stratum theory. Source: Flanagan & McGrew (1997).

Gq KM A3



Gsm MS MW L1




Gs P R9 N R4

Gt R1 R2 R7

Figure C.7. Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) theory. Source: Flanagan & McGrew (1997).

current theory and potential errors, (2) reviewing whether currently available in support of the CHC structural model
contemporary intellectual research validates or refutes the as well as the broad and narrow ability constructs it
CHC model, (3) redefining constructs to be more meaning- encompasses. The interested reader is referred to Carroll
ful for clinicians, (4) adding, deleting, and restructuring (1993, 2005), Flanagan and Harrison (2012), Horn and
the broad and narrow abilities within the model, and (5) Blankson (2005), and Schneider & McGrew (2012) for a
highlighting which aspects of the model are more central more thorough discussion.
to CHC theory. While a thorough explanation and descrip- Briefly, the CHC structure of abilities is supported by
tion of the changes made to CHC theory is beyond the factor-analytic (i.e., structural) evidence as well as devel-
scope of this entry, the interested reader is referred to opmental, neurocognitive, and heritability evidence (see
Schneider and McGrew (2012). Horn & Blankson, 2005). Additionally, there is a mount-
The current model of CHC theory is presented in ing body of research available on the relations between
Figure C.8. In this model, CHC theory includes 16 broad the broad cognitive CHC abilities and many academic out-
cognitive abilities, which are subsumed by over 80 narrow comes (summarized in Flanagan et al., 2006; McGrew &
abilities. The ovals represent broad abilities and rect- Wendling, 2010), and occupational outcomes (Ackerman
angles represent narrow abilities. The darker rectangles & Heggestad, 1997; McGrew & Flanagan, 1998). Further-
represent those narrow abilities that are most consistently more, studies have shown that the factor structure of CHC
represented on tests of cognitive and academic abilities. theory is invariant across the lifespan (Bickley, Keith, &
Additionally, the overall g or general ability is omitted Wolfe, 1995; Keith, 2005; Woodcock et al., 2001) and across
from this figure intentionally due to space limitations. The gender, ethnic, and cultural groups (e.g., Carroll, 1993;
conceptual groupings of abilities (i.e., reasoning, acquired Gustafsson & Balke, 1993; Keith, 1997, 1999). In general,
knowledge, memory and efficiency, sensory, motor, and CHC theory is based on a more extensive network of valid-
speed and efficiency) were suggested by Schneider and ity evidence than other contemporary multidimensional
McGrew and provide an integrated framework of both ability models (see Daniel, 1997; Schneider & McGrew,
cognitive and neuropsychological perspectives (Flanagan 2012; Sternberg & Kaufman, 1998).
et al., 2010). The CHC theory represented a culmination Given the breadth of empirical support for the CHC
of more than 60 years of factor-analysis research in the structure of intelligence, it provides one of the most
psychometric tradition. However, in addition to structural useful frameworks for designing and evaluating psychoe-
evidence, there are other sources of validity evidence, some ducational batteries, including intelligence, achievement,
quite substantial, that support CHC theory. Prior to defin- and neuropsychological tests (Flanagan et al., in press;
ing the broad and narrow abilities that comprise CHC Keith & Reynolds, 2012). Moreover, in light of the well-
theory, a brief overview of the validity evidence in support established structural validity of CHC theory, external
of this structure of cognitive abilities is presented. validity support for the various CHC constructs, derived
through sound research methodology, can be used con-
A Network of Validity Evidence in Support of CHC
fidently to guide test interpretation (see Bensen, 1998;
Evans, Floyd, McGrew, & Leforgee, 2002; Flanagan, 2000;
It is beyond the scope of this entry to provide a fully Floyd, Evans, & McGrew, 2003; Vanderwood, McGrew,
detailed account and review of all the validity evidence Flanagan, & Keith, 2002).



Gq KM A3

Memory and







Gp P3 P6 P2 P1 P7 P8 A1 P4


Speed and

Gt R1 R2 R4 R7 IT


Figure C.8. Current and expanded CHC theory of cognitive abilities. Source: Flanagan & McGrew (1997).

As previously mentioned, it is important to recognize control of attention to solve novel, ‘on-the-spot’ problems
that research related to CHC theory is not static. Rather, that cannot be performed by relying exclusively on pre-
research on the hierarchical structure of abilities (within vious learned habits, schemas, and scripts’’ (Schneider &
the Gf-Gc and now CHC framework) has been systematic, McGrew, 2012, p. 111). Inductive and deductive reasoning
steady, and mounting for decades. Definitions of the broad are generally considered to be the hallmark narrow ability
and narrow abilities currently comprising CHC theory are indicators of Gf. Although most practitioners would agree
presented in the next section. that this ability is typically not measured directly by indi-
vidually administered achievement batteries, some tests
Broad and Narrow CHC Ability Definitions of achievement clearly involve the use of specific Gf abil-
ities. For example, many tests of reading comprehension
These definitions presented here were derived from an require individuals to draw inferences from the text. Aside
integration of the writings of Carroll (1993), Gustafsson from general inductive and deductive reasoning abilities,
and Undheim (1996), Horn (1991), McGrew (1997, 2005), Gf also subsumes more specific types of reasoning, most
and Schneider and McGrew (2012). The narrow ability notably Quantitative Reasoning (RQ). Unlike the other
definitions are presented in Tables C.1 through C.15. narrow Gf abilities, RQ is more directly related to formal
instruction and classroom-related experiences. Definitions
Fluid Intelligence (Gf) of the narrow abilities subsumed by Gf are presented in
Fluid intelligence refers to mental operations that an Table C.1.
individual uses when faced with a relatively novel task
that cannot be performed automatically. These mental
Crystallized Intelligence (Gc)
operations may include forming and recognizing con-
cepts, perceiving relationships among patterns, drawing Crystallized intelligence refers to the breadth and depth
inferences, comprehending implications, problem solving, of a person’s acquired knowledge and skills that are val-
extrapolating, and reorganizing or transforming informa- ued by one’s culture. This store of primarily verbal or
tion. Gf can also be described as ‘‘deliberate but flexible language-based knowledge represents those abilities that
Table C.1. Narrow Gf Stratum I Ability Definitions Table C.2. Narrow Gc Stratum I Ability Definitions

Narrow Stratum I Narrow Stratum I

Name (Code) Definition Name (Code) Definition

Fluid Intelligence (Gf) Crystallized Intelligence (Gc)

Induction (I) Ability to discover the underlying General (verbal) Range of general knowledge.
characteristic (e.g., rule, concept, Information (K0)
process, trend, class membership) Language General development, or the
that governs a problem or a set of Development (LD) understanding of words, sentences,
materials. and paragraphs (not requiring
General Sequential Ability to start with stated rules, reading), in spoken native language
Reasoning (RG) premises, or conditions, and to skills.
engage in one or more steps to reach Lexical Knowledge Extent of vocabulary that can be
a solution to a novel problem. (VL) understood in terms of correct word
Quantitative Ability to inductively and deductively meanings.
Reasoning (RQ) reason with concepts involving Listening Ability Ability to listen and comprehend oral
mathematical relations and (LS) communications.
properties. Communication Ability to speak in real-life situations
Note. Definitions were derived from Carroll (1993) and Schneider and Ability (CM) (e.g., lecture, group participation)
McGrew (2012). in an adult-like manner.
Grammatical Knowledge or awareness of the
Sensitivity (MY) grammatical features of the native
have been developed largely through the ‘‘investment’’ of language.
Oral Production and More specific or narrow oral
other abilities during educational and general life experi-
Fluency (OP) communication skills than reflected
ences (Horn & Blankson, 2005).
by Communication Ability (CM).
Gc includes both declarative (static) and procedural
(dynamic) knowledge. Declarative knowledge includes fac- Note. Definitions were derived from Carroll (1993) and Schneider and
McGrew (2012).
tual information, comprehension, concepts, rules, and
relationships, especially when the information is verbal
in nature. Declarative knowledge is held in long-term
memory and is activated when related information is in General (Domain-Specific) Knowledge (Gkn)
working memory (Gsm). Procedural knowledge refers to
General (domain-specific) knowledge (Gkn) is the ‘‘depth,
the process of reasoning with previously learned proce-
breadth, and mastery of specialized knowledge (knowl-
dures in order to transform knowledge. For example, a
edge not all members of a society are expected to have)’’
child’s knowledge of his or her street address would reflect
(Schneider & McGrew, 2012, p. 123). This newly intro-
declarative knowledge, whereas a child’s ability to find his
duced broad ability was created from four narrow abilities
or her way home from school would require procedural
previously accounted for in the Gc domain (i.e., Foreign
knowledge (Gagne, 1985).
Language [KL], Geography Achievement [A5], General
A rather unique aspect of Gc not seen in the other
Science Information [K1], and Knowledge of Culture [K2])
broad abilities is that it appears to be both a store of
because they represent the acquired knowledge from spe-
acquired knowledge (e.g., lexical knowledge, general infor-
cialized domains. This specialized knowledge is usually
mation, information about culture) as well as a collection of
processing abilities (e.g., communication ability, listening developed through an individual’s work experience, hob-
ability). The narrow ability of General Information (K0), bies, or passions. The Gkn broad ability is unique in that it
for example, is clearly a repository of learned information, is a domain that does not have a true G ability because the
whereas the narrow Listening Ability (LS) appears to rep- aggregates are of specific and distinct abilities. Further-
resent the ability to effectively comprehend and process more, an individual should not be assessed in comparison
information presented orally. Although research is needed with same age-peers in the general populations, but rather
to discern the nature of acquired knowledge versus pro- individuals who possess the same specialized knowledge
cessing abilities within the Gc domain, assessment of Gc base. For example, a sociologist’s knowledge of human
should pay close attention to the narrow abilities that social behavior (i.e., Gkn narrow ability of sociology) should
define this broad domain. Despite the interrelatedness of be compared only to other sociologists, not the general pub-
all narrow abilities under Gc, there may well be times lic. Since an almost infinite number of specialized areas
when focus on the abilities that are more process ori- of knowledge exist, the broad ability of Gkn contains an
ented, as opposed to those that are knowledge oriented, is unlimited number of narrow abilities. However, several
most important, and vice versa. Definitions of the narrow examples of Gkn narrow abilities are listed and defined
abilities subsumed by Gc are presented in Table C.2. below in Table C.3 (Schneider & McGrew, 2012).
Table C.3. Narrow Gkn Stratum I Ability Definitions Table C.4. Narrow Gq Stratum I Ability Definitions

Narrow Stratum I Narrow Stratum I

Name (Code) Definition Name (Code) Definition

General (Domain-Specific) Knowledge (Gkn) Quantitative Knowledge (Gq)

Foreign Language Similar to Language Development (LD) Mathematical Range of general knowledge about
Proficiency (KL) but for a foreign language. Knowledge (KM) mathematics.
Knowledge of Knowledge of finger-spelling and signing Mathematical Measured mathematics achievement.
Signing (KF) (e.g., American Sign Language). Achievement (A3)
Skill in Lip-reading Competence in the ability to understand
Note. Definitions were derived from Carroll (1993) and Schneider and
(LP) communication from others by McGrew (2012).
watching the movements of their
mouths and expressions.
Geography Range of geographic knowledge. Reading/Writing Ability (Grw)
Achievement (A5)
General Science Range of scientific knowledge (e.g., Reading/Writing ability is an acquired store of knowledge
Information (K1) biology, physics, engineering, that includes basic reading, reading fluency, and writing
mechanics, electronics). skills required for the comprehension of written language
Mechanical Knowledge about the function, and the expression of thought via writing. It includes
Knowledge (MK) terminology, and operation of ordinary both basic abilities (e.g., reading decoding and fluency,
tools, machines, and equipment. spelling) and complex abilities (e.g., comprehending writ-
Knowledge of Knowledge or sensitivity to nonverbal ten discourse, writing a story). Like Gq, Grw is considered
Behavioral human communication/interaction to be an ‘‘achievement’’ domain and, therefore, has been
Content (BC) systems (e.g., facial expressions and
measured traditionally (and almost exclusively) by tests of
academic achievement. In Carroll’s (1993) three-stratum
Note. Definitions were derived from Carroll (1993) and Schneider and model, eight narrow reading and writing abilities are sub-
McGrew (2012).
sumed by Gc in addition to other abilities. In the CHC
model, six of the eight narrow abilities define the broad
Quantitative Knowledge (Gq) Grw ability (verbal language comprehension [V] and cloze
ability [CZ] were dropped because they were not distinct
Quantitative knowledge represents an individual’s ‘‘depth
abilities), and an additional measure (writing speed [WS])
and breadth of knowledge related to mathematics’’
(Schneider & McGrew, 2012, p. 127). The Gq store of was included. These Grw narrow abilities are defined in
acquired knowledge represents the ability to use quan- Table C.5.
titative information and manipulate numeric symbols.
Gq abilities are typically measured by achievement tests. Short-Term Memory (Gsm)
For example, most comprehensive tests of achievement
include measures of math calculation, applied problems Short-term memory is the ability to apprehend and hold
(or math problem solving), and general math knowledge. information in immediate awareness and then use it
Although some intelligence batteries measure aspects of within a few seconds. Gsm is a limited-capacity system, as
Gq (e.g., Arithmetic on the Wechsler Scales, Quantitative most individuals can retain only seven ‘‘chunks’’ of infor-
Reasoning on the SB5), they typically do not measure this mation (plus or minus two chunks) in this system at one
ability comprehensively. time. An example of Gsm is the ability to remember a
It is important to understand the difference between Gq telephone number long enough to dial it. Given the lim-
and the Quantitative Reasoning (RQ) ability that is sub- ited amount of information that can be held in short-term
sumed by Gf. On the whole, Gq represents an individual’s memory, information is typically retained for only a few
store of acquired mathematical knowledge, including the seconds before it is lost. As most individuals have experi-
ability to perform mathematical calculations (i.e., proce- enced, it is difficult to remember an unfamiliar telephone
dural knowledge). Quantitative Reasoning represents only number for more than a few seconds unless one consciously
the ability to reason inductively and deductively when uses a cognitive learning strategy (e.g., continually repeat-
solving quantitative problems. Gq is most evident when a ing or rehearsing the numbers) or other mnemonic device.
task requires mathematical skills (e.g., addition, subtrac- When a new task requires an individual to use his or
tion, multiplication, division) and general mathematical her Gsm abilities to store new information, the previous
knowledge (e.g., knowing what the square-root symbol information held in short-term memory is either lost or
means). RQ, on the other hand, would be required to solve must be stored in the acquired stores of knowledge (i.e.,
for a missing number in a number-series task (e.g., 3, 6, Gc, Gq, Grw) through the use of Glr.
9, ___), for example. Three narrow abilities are listed and In the original CHC model, Gsm subsumes the
defined under Gq in Table C.4. narrow ability of working memory, which has received
Table C.5. Narrow Grw Stratum I Ability Definitions Table C.6. Narrow Gsm Stratum I Ability Definitions

Narrow Stratum I Narrow Stratum I

Name (Code) Definition Name (Code) Definition

Reading/Writing (Grw) Short-Term Memory (Gsm)

Reading Decoding Ability to recognize and decode words or Memory Span (MS) Ability to attend to and immediately
(RD) pseudowords in reading. recall temporally ordered elements in
Reading Ability to comprehend connected the correct order after a single
Comprehension discourse during reading. presentation.
(RC) Working Memory Ability to temporarily store and perform
Reading Speed (RS) Time required to silently read a passage (MW) a set of cognitive operations on
or series of sentences as quickly as information that requires divided
possible. attention and the management of the
Spelling Ability Ability to spell. (Not clearly defined by limited capacity of short-term memory.
(SG) existing research.)
Note. Definitions were derived from Carroll (1993) and Schneider and
English Usage Knowledge of writing in the English McGrew (2012).
Knowledge (EU) language with respect to
capitalization, punctuation, usage, and It is also important to note that different processes are
spelling. involved in Glr and Gsm. Although the word long-term
Writing Ability Ability to write with clarity of thought, frequently carries with it the connotation of days, weeks,
(WA) organization, and good sentence months, and years in the clinical literature, long-term
structure. (Not clearly defined by
storage processes can begin within a few minutes or hours
existing research).
of performing a task. Therefore, the time lapse between
Writing Speed (WS) The ability to copy or generate text
the initial task performance and the recall of information
related to that task is not necessarily of critical importance
Note. Definitions were derived from Carroll (1993) and Schneider and in defining Glr. However, the broad abilities of Glr and
McGrew (2012).
Gsm are highly interdependent, which is noted in the
recent revisions of CHC theory. In the present CHC model,
considerable attention in the cognitive psychology 11 narrow memory and fluency abilities are included under
literature (see Kane, Bleckley, Conway, & Engle, 2001). Glr (see Table C.7).
However, in the recent revision of CHC theory, Schneider
and McGrew renamed the narrow ability to Working Visual Processing (Gv)
Memory Capacity (MW), as it was more reflective of the
Visual processing (Gv) is the ability to generate, perceive,
tasks on cognitive and intelligence tests. Schneider and
analyze, synthesize, store, retrieve, manipulate, trans-
McGrew acknowledge that the current state of scientific
form, and think with visual patterns and stimuli (Lohman,
literature on memory is immense, and therefore only
1994), or more succinctly, ‘‘the ability to make use of
relevant constructs are currently included in the CHC
simulated mental imagery to solve problems’’ (Schneider
model. However, as research illuminates the correlations
& McGrew, 2012, p. 129). These abilities are measured
among different memory constructs and academic skills, it
frequently by tasks that require the perception and manip-
is likely that Gsm narrow abilities will continue to evolve.
ulation of visual shapes and forms, usually of a figural or
Definitions of the current narrow abilities subsumed by
geometric nature (e.g., a standard block design task). An
Gsm are presented in Table C.6.
individual who can mentally reverse and rotate objects
effectively, interpret how objects change as they move
Long-Term Storage and Retrieval (Glr) through space, perceive and manipulate spatial configura-
tions, and maintain spatial orientation would be regarded
Long-term storage and retrieval is the ability to store
as having a strength in Gv abilities. Gv abilities are also
information in and fluently retrieve new or previously
related significantly to higher-level mathematics achieve-
acquired information (e.g., concepts, ideas, items, names)
ment (e.g., geometry and trigonometry; Casey, Nuttall, &
from long-term memory. Glr abilities have been prominent
Pezaris, 1997; Hegarty & Kozhevnikov, 1999). The various
in creativity research, where they have been referred to as
narrow abilities subsumed by Gv are listed and defined in
idea production, ideational fluency, or associative fluency.
Table C.8.
It is important not to confuse Glr with Gc, Gq, and Grw,
which represent to a large extent an individual’s stores of
Auditory Processing (Ga)
acquired knowledge. Specifically, Gc, Gq, and Grw repre-
sent what is stored in long-term memory, whereas Glr is In the broadest sense, auditory processing is the ‘‘ability
the efficiency by which this information is initially stored to detect and process meaningful nonverbal information in
in and later retrieved from long-term memory. sound’’ (Schneider & McGrew, 2012, p. 131). Specifically,
Table C.7. Narrow Glr Stratum I Ability Definitions Table C.8. Narrow Gv Stratum I Ability Definitions

Narrow Stratum I Narrow Stratum I

Name (Code) Definition Name (Code) Definition

Long-Term Storage and Retrieval (Glr) Visual Processing (Gv)

Associative Memory Ability to recall one part of a previously Visualization (Vz) The ability to perceive complex patterns
(MA) learned but unrelated pair of items and mentally simulate how they might
when the other part is presented (i.e., look when transformed (e.g., rotated,
paired-associative learning). changed in size, partially obscured).
Meaningful Memory Ability to recall a set of items where Speeded Rotation The ability to solve problems quickly by
(MM) there is a meaningful relation between (Spatial using mental rotation of simple
items or the items comprise a Relations; SR) images.
meaningful story or connected Closure Speed (CS) Ability to quickly combine disconnected,
discourse. vague, or partially obscured visual
Free-Recall Memory Ability to recall as many unrelated items stimuli or patterns into a meaningful
(M6) as possible, in any order, after a large whole, without knowing in advance
collection of items is presented. what the pattern is.
Naming Facility Ability to rapidly produce names for Flexibility of Ability to find, apprehend, and identify a
(NA) concepts when presented with a Closure (CF) visual figure or pattern embedded in a
pictorial or verbal cue. complex visual array, when knowing in
Associational The ability to rapidly produce a series of advance what the pattern is.
Fluency (FA) original or useful ideas related to a Visual Memory Ability to form and store a mental
particular concept. (MV) representation or image of a visual
Expressional The ability to rapidly think of different stimulus and then recognize or recall it
Fluency (FE) ways of expressing an idea. later.
Sensitivity to Prob- The ability to rapidly think of a number Spatial Scanning Ability to accurately and quickly survey
lems/Alternative of solutions to particular practical (SS) a spatial field or pattern and identify a
Solution Fluency problem. path through the visual field or
(SP) pattern.
Originality/ Ability to rapidly produce original, Serial Perceptual Ability to apprehend and identify a
Creativity (FO) clever, and insightful responses Integration (PI) pictorial or visual pattern when parts
(expressions, interpretations) to a of the pattern are presented rapidly in
given topic, situation, or task. serially or successive order.
Ideational Fluency Ability to rapidly produce a series of Length Estimation Ability to accurately estimate or compare
(FI) ideas, words, or phrases related to a (LE) visual lengths and distances without
specific condition or object. Quantity, using measurement instruments.
not quality, is emphasized. Perceptual Illusions Ability to resist being affected by
Word Fluency (FW) Ability to rapidly produce words that (IL) perceptual illusions involving
have specific phonemic, structural, or geometric figures.
orthographic characteristics Perceptual Consistency in the rate of alternating
(independent of word meanings). Alternations (PN) between different visual perceptions.
Figural Fluency Ability to rapidly draw or sketch several Imagery (IM) Ability to vividly mentally manipulate
(FF) examples or elaborations when given a abstract spatial forms. (Not clearly
starting visual or descriptive stimulus. defined by existing research.)

Note. Definitions were derived from Carroll (1993) and Schneider and Note. Definitions were derived from Carroll (1993) and Schneider and
McGrew (2012). McGrew (2012).

auditory processing is the ability to perceive, analyze, phonetic coding tests) are found typically on achieve-
and synthesize patterns among auditory stimuli, and to ment batteries. In fact, the number of tests specifically
discriminate subtle nuances in patterns of sound (e.g., designed to measure phonological processing has increased
complex musical structure) and speech when presented significantly in recent years, presumably as a result of the
under distorted conditions. Although Ga abilities do not consistent finding that phonological awareness/processing
require the comprehension of language (Gc) per se, they appears to be the core deficit in individuals with reading
are important in the development of language skills (Liber- difficulties (e.g., Morris et al., 1998; Vellutino, Scanlon,
man, Shankweiler, Fischer, & Carter, 1974; McGrew & & Lyon, 2000; Velluntino & Scanlon, 2002). However, as
Wendling, 2010; Wagner & Torgesen, 1987). Ga subsumes can be seen from the list of narrow abilities subsumed by
most of those abilities referred to as ‘‘phonological aware- Ga (Table C.9), this domain is very broad, extending far
ness/processing.’’ Tests that measure these abilities (e.g., beyond phonetic coding ability.
Table C.9. Narrow Ga Stratum I Ability Definitions Table C.11. Narrow Gh Stratum I Ability Definitions

Narrow Stratum I Narrow Stratum I

Name (Code) Definition Name (Code) Definition

Auditory Processing (Ga) Tactile Abilities (Gh)

Phonetic Coding Ability to hear phonemes distinctly. This Note: There are no Tactile abilities (Gh) can be defined as
(PC) ability is also referred to as well-supported the ability to detect and process
phonological processing, phonological cognitive ability meaningful information in haptic
awareness, and phonemic awareness. factors within Gh (touch) sensations.
Speech Sound Ability to detect differences in speech yet.
Discrimination sounds under conditions of little
Note. Description from Schneider and McGrew (2012).
(US) distraction or distortion.
Resistance to Ability to understand speech and
Auditory language that has been distorted or narrow abilities or whether it is appropriately included in
Stimulus masked in one or more ways. the model.
Distortion (UR)
Memory for Sound Ability to retain on a short-term basis Tactile Abilities (Gh)
Patterns (UM) auditory events such as tones, tonal
patterns, and voices. Tactile abilities are defined as ‘‘the abilities to detect and
Maintaining and Ability to recognize and maintain a process meaningful information in haptic (touch) sensa-
Judging Rhythm musical beat. tions’’ (Schneider & McGrew, 2012, p. 133). Similar to Go,
(U8) Gh is not how sensitive one is to touch, but how one uses
Absolute Pitch (UP) Ability to perfectly identify the pitch of cognitive processes to interpret touch. Due to limited oper-
tones. ational definitions of tactile abilities, there is currently
Musical Ability to discriminate and judge tonal little evidence supporting Gh narrow abilities. However,
Discrimination patterns in music with respect to
it is likely that further research will identify narrow abili-
and Judgment melodic, harmonic, and expressive
ties, such as tactile memory or knowledge of textures. (See
(U1 U9) aspects (phrasing, tempo, harmonic
Table C.11.)
complexity, intensity variations)
Sound Localization Ability to localize heard sounds in space.
Psychomotor Abilities (Gp)

Note. Definitions were derived from Carroll (1993) and Schneider and
Psychomotor abilities are known as the ‘‘abilities to per-
McGrew (2012). form physical body motor movements (e.g., movement
of fingers, hands, legs) with precision, coordination, or
strength’’ (Schneider & McGrew, 2012, p. 134). Although
Olfactory Abilities (Go) Gp is not typically measured on cognitive and intelligence
Olfactory abilities refer to the ‘‘abilities to detect and tests, psychomotor abilities are an important factor mea-
process meaningful information in odors’’ (Schneider & sured in neuropsychological assessments. For example,
the Dean-Woodcock Neuropsychological Battery (Dean &
McGrew, 2012, p. 132). This broad ability does not account
Woodcock, 2003) includes several tasks designed to mea-
for how sensitive one is to smell, but rather the cognitive
sure gross and fine motor skills (Flanagan et al., 2010).
processes an individual uses to interpret information from
Psychomotor abilities are critical in understanding typical
the olfactory system. While the current CHC theory lists
and atypical neuropsychological functioning, along with
only one Go narrow ability (Olfactory Memory [OM], see
identifying any neurological or neuropsychological disor-
Table C.10), research suggests that other narrow abili-
ders. A list and definitions of current Gp narrow abilities
ties (e.g., episodic odor memory, odor identification) may
can be found in Table C.12.
exist. Go was only recently added to the CHC model;
therefore, more research is needed to identify additional Kinesthetic Abilities (Gk)
Kinesthetic abilities are known as the ‘‘abilities to detect
Table C.10. Narrow Go Stratum I Ability Definitions and process meaningful information in proprioceptive
sensations’’ (Schneider & McGrew, 2012, p. 133). Pro-
Narrow Stratum I
prioception refers to one’s awareness of body position and
Name (Code) Definition
movement (Westen, 2002). Although there is currently a
Olfactory Abilities (Go) limited understanding of Gk narrow abilities, we can infer
Olfactory Memory Ability to recognize previously they may include abilities such as a yogi being able to feel
(OM) encountered distinctive odors. the correct body position in a pose, or a swimmer being
Note. Definition was derived from Carroll (1993) and Schneider and
able to demonstrate an adjustment in arm position that
McGrew (2012). improves technique.
Table C.12. Narrow Gp Stratum I Ability Definitions Table C.13. Narrow Gs Stratum I Ability Definitions

Narrow Stratum I Narrow Stratum I

Name (Code) Definition Name (Code) Definition

Psychomotor Abilities (Gp) Processing Speed (Gs)

Static Strength (P3) Ability to exert muscular force to move Perceptual Speed Ability to rapidly search for and compare
(push, lift, pull) a relatively heavy or (P) known visual symbols or patterns
immobile object. presented side-by-side or separated in
Multilimb Ability to make quick specific or discrete a visual field.
Coordination (P6) motor movements of the arms or legs. Rate-of-Test-Taking Ability to rapidly perform tests which
Finger Dexterity Ability to make precisely coordinated (R9) are relatively easy or that require very
(P2) movements of the fingers (with or simple decisions.
without the manipulation of objects). Number Facility (N) Ability to rapidly and accurately
Manual Dexterity Ability to make precisely coordinated manipulate and deal with numbers,
(P1) movements of a hand or a hand and from elementary skills of counting and
the attached arm. recognizing numbers to advanced
Arm–Hand Ability to precisely and skillfully skills of adding, subtracting,
Steadiness (P7) coordinate arm–hand positioning in multiplying, and dividing numbers.
space. Reading Speed Time required to silently read a passage
Control Precision Ability to exert precise control over (Fluency) (RS) or series of sentences as quickly as
(P8) muscle movements, typically in possible.
response to environmental feedback Writing Speed The rate at which words or sentences can
(e.g., changes in speed or position of (Fluency) (WS) be generated or copied.
object being manipulated).
Note. Definitions were derived from Carroll (1993) and Schneider and
Aiming (AI) Ability to precisely and fluently execute a McGrew (2012).
sequence of eye–hand coordination
movements for positioning purposes.
Gross Body Ability to maintain the body in an resources can be reallocated to other cognitive tasks’’ (Kail,
Equilibrium (P4) upright position in space or regain 1991, p. 492). Woodcock (1993) likens Gs to a valve in a
balance after balance has been water pipe. The rate at which water flows in the pipe (i.e.,
disturbed. Gs) increases when the valve is opened wide and decreases
Note. Definitions were derived from Carroll (1993) and Schneider and
when the valve is partially closed. Five different narrow
McGrew (2012). speed-of-processing abilities are subsumed by Gs in the
present CHC model (see Table C.13).
Processing Speed (Gs)
Processing speed or mental quickness is often mentioned Decision Speed/Reaction Time (Gt)
when talking about intelligent behavior (Nettelbeck, In addition to Gs, both Carroll and Horn included a
1994). Processing speed is the ‘‘ability to perform simple, second broad speed ability in their respective models
repetitive cognitive tasks quickly and fluently’’ (Schneider of the structure of abilities. Processing Speed or Deci-
& McGrew, 2012, p. 119). These cognitive tasks often sion Speed/Reaction Time (Gt), as proposed by Carroll,
require maintained focused attention and concentration; subsumes narrow abilities that reflect an individual’s
therefore, ‘‘attentive speediness’’ encapsulates the quickness in reacting (reaction time) and making deci-
essence of Gs. Gs is measured typically by fixed-interval sions (decision speed). Gt is also considered as the ‘‘speed
timed tasks that require little in the way of complex of making very simple decisions or judgments when items
thinking or mental processing (e.g., the Wechsler Animal are presented one at a time’’ (Schneider & McGrew, 2012,
Pegs, Symbol Search, Cancellation, and Digit Symbol/ p. 120). Correct Decision Speed (CDS), proposed by Horn
Coding tests). as a second speed ability (Gs being the first), is typically
Recent interest in information-processing models of cog- measured by recording the time an individual requires
nitive functioning has resulted in a renewed focus on Gs to provide an answer to problems on a variety of tests
(Kail, 1991; Lohman, 1989, McGrew, 2005). A central (e.g., letter series, classifications, vocabulary; Horn, 1988,
construct in information-processing models is the idea of 1991). Because Correct Decision Speed appeared to be a
limited processing resources (e.g., the limited capacities of much narrower ability than Gt, it is subsumed by Gt in
short-term and working memory): ‘‘Many cognitive activ- CHC theory.
ities require a person’s deliberate efforts and people are It is important not to confuse Gt with Gs. Gt abilities
limited in the amount of effort they can allocate. In the face reflect the immediacy with which an individual can react
of limited processing resources, the speed of processing is to stimuli or a task (typically measured in seconds or parts
critical because it determines in part how rapidly limited of seconds), whereas Gs abilities reflect the ability to work
Table C.14. Narrow Gt Stratum I Ability Definitions Table C.15. Narrow Gps Stratum I Ability Definitions

Narrow Stratum I Narrow Stratum I

Name (Code) Definition Name (Code) Definition

Decision/Reaction Time or Speed (Gt) Psychomotor Speed (Gps)

Simple Reaction Reaction time to the presentation of a Speed of Limb The speed of arm and leg movement.
Time (R1) single visual or auditory stimulus. Movement (R3)
Choice Reaction Reaction time to one of two or more Writing Speed The speed at which written words can be
Time (R2) alternative stimuli, depending on (Fluency) (WS) copied.
which alternative is signaled. Speed of Ability to rapidly perform successive
Semantic Reaction time when the decision Articulation (PT) articulations with the speech
Processing Speed requires some encoding and mental musculature.
(R4) manipulation of stimulus content. Movement Time The time taken to physically move a
Mental Comparison Reaction time where the stimuli must (MT) body part (e.g., a finger) to make the
Speed (R7) be compared for a particular required response. MT may also
attribute. measure the speed of finger, limb, or
Inspection Time (IT) The speed at which differences in multilimb movements or vocal
stimuli can be perceived. articulation (diadochokinesis; Greek
for ‘‘successive movements’’) (Carroll,
Note. Definitions were derived from Carroll (1993) and Schneider and
McGrew (2012). 1993).

Note. Definitions were derived from Carroll (1993) and Schneider and
McGrew (2012).
quickly over a longer period of time (typically measured
in intervals of 2 to 3 minutes). Being asked to read a
passage (on a self-paced scrolling video screen) as quickly The culmination of the monumental contributions of Ray-
as possible and, in the process, touch the word the with a mond Cattell, John Horn, and John Carroll, know as CHC
stylus pen each time it appears on the screen, is an example theory, will continue to define the taxonomy of cognitive
of Gs. The individual’s Gs score would reflect the number of differential psychology for decades to come.
correct responses (taking into account errors of omission
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