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Day/Date : Monday / 14th October Time : 8:10 am – 9:30

Standard : 2 Ceria Duration : 80 minutes
Students : 30 /30
Subject : English
Topic : Cheat by Allan Baillie
Theme : Literature

General At the end of form 2, students should be able to describe the five (5)
Objectives components of plot in ‘Cheat by Allan Ballie’ short story.

Learning At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

Outcomes 1. Match components of plot with the correct term

2. Create dialogues on their own based on the event and perform

role play

Contents Components of Plot: Exposition, Rising action, Climax, Falling Action,


Skills Writing
(only for Speaking
language Reading

Values 1. Honesty

Prior Students have learned the following items in previous classes:

Knowledge 1. Have read the short stories and the synopsis.

1. Handout
2. Worksheet
3. Slide

Set Induction 1. Teacher asks students

5 mins a. What is the latest movie that you have watched recently?
b. Teacher picks up a student and asks further:
i. Where, when was the event happened and who is the
main character?
ii. What was the crisis/problem/issue?
iii. What was the intense moment or most exciting point

of the story?
iv. How was the end of the movie?

- Based on what the students have told, teacher explains that every story
has its beginning, middle and end which is called plot. In other word,
plot is a sequence of event action within a story

Content Step 1:
1. Teacher draws a plot diagram on whiteboard and introduces the 5
Elements of Plot.

2. Teacher then associates the plot with mountain. (Slide)

Step 2:

3. Teacher distributes the strips for sequence of Cheat event. Students

to arrange the strips according to the right sequence. (appendix 1)

4. Teacher randomly picks students to read aloud the completed

sequence of Cheat event that they have completed.

Step 3:

5. Teacher distributes a Story Plot Mountain worksheet.

6. Teacher and students analyse the completed Cheat event and do the
plot together.

7. Teacher gives a clue question for each element to get the students to
understand the terms of each elements in plot.

a. Exposition:
i. Teacher asks: Where and when do you think this
ii. Who is the main character of Cheat story?
iii. Teacher then explain that these information is found in
the beginning of the story which is called EXPOSITION.
In other words, exposition is the beginning of the story
where character and setting are introduced.

b. Rising Action:
i. Teacher asks: What do you think is the
ii. Teacher then explain that this is where main character
faces a series of conflict
c. Climax: What do you think is the intense moment in this part?

d. Falling Action:
i. Teacher asks: Did the conflict start to work themselves
out in the story? What happened after the climax?

e. Resolution:
i. Teacher asks: How does the story end?

8. Students to jot down their discussion about plot of Cheat on the


9. Teacher distributes a plot of Cheat story handout and asks students

to compare it with what have been discussed. (appendix 3)

Step 4:

10.Students to match the term/description of each element of plot to

the right element to check their understanding on the term of each
element in plot. (LO1) (appendix 2)

11.Teacher and students discuss the answer together.

Step 5:

12.Students to form into 5 groups according to the component of Plot.

Group 1: Exposition
Group 2: Rising Action
Group 3: Climax
Group 4: Falling Action
Group 5: Resolution

13.Students to come out with simple dialogues on their own based on

the resources given. (LO2)

14.Teacher to monitor the activity and facilitate.

15.Students to present the dialogue. (LO2)

16.Teacher gives comment/feedback and praise for their good work.

1. Restate the contents

2. Reemphasize the structure of Plot
1. Evaluation of Learning Outcome 1
a. Student should be able to match components of plot with the
Evaluation of correct term
2. Evaluation of Learning Outcome 2
a. Student should be able to create dialogues on their own based
on the event and perform role play

Find any short stories and identify the plot.


Story Plot Mountain Worksheet


Appendix 1

Plot: Cheat by Allan Baillie

Occurs as you begin to move throughout

the story. This is where conflicts start to
Appendix 2

Strips of Cheat Event

Appendix 2

Match the term with the right element

The turning point of the story. This point This is where the author sets up the story
in the story is when things finally start to including characters, setting, and main
move in a different direction and it may conflicts.
not always be a positive direction.

The solution to the problem. The solution

Things start to work themselves out in the
might not be what you want, but the
story. You are coming down from the
conflict has been resolved.
excitement of the climax.

Occurs as you begin to move throughout

the story. This is where conflicts start to

Occurs as you begin to move throughout

the story. This is where conflicts start to

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