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Erla Y.

Behavior Intervention Plan

- (student picked) reinforcer. Tangible items recommended
-attached materials (chart and markers)
-Thought Bank

Decrease student behavior with time sampling. Have student work for amount of time in trials. Selected time
and trials are consistent in initial trials and faded out when student becomes more successful. For every selected
minutes verbally praise the student and put marker onto chart. Once the student has earned selected number of
markers they may obtain their selected reinforcer. If student has not reached the appropriate behavior in time
sample, restart the timer. Students can grab other designated markers into the Thought Bank. Design markers
that the student likes. As demonstrated in the following pages, the student liked target, x-box, and blue. Teacher
and student can choose to discuss ideas during break. State, model, and check for student understanding of
expectations. See the following example as a guide:
Bentley will work for every three minutes in four trials for a iPad break. Every time Bentley successfully
reaches the three-minute time sample, provide high verbal praise and put the marker on the chart. Bently’s
success demonstrated by: following directions from the teacher, talking when it is his turn, and saving thoughts
in the Thought Bank. State Bently’s expectation’s before starting, model and check for student understanding.
When student does not reach the goal in the designated time sample, restart the timer. When student has earned
four stars, give him his reinforcer. Teach, and model when Bentley has a thought, instead of interrupting the
lesson, he will grab the designated markers to put into the Thought Bank. Teacher and student can discuss such
thoughts during the designated break if student would like.

Give noncontingent markers when working towards break. Meaning, give free-be’s to establish student
motivation and overall creating a positive working environment.
Tailor student expectations to student behavior.
Have visual prompted and velcro to maintain a clean, organized working area.
State student expectations and model using the thought bank. This could be difficult for students to execute.
I am working for every ______ minutes

I am working for a __________ break

I will….
✓ Follow directions from the teacher
✓ Talk when it is my turn
✓ Save my thoughts in the Bank
✓ Work towards my break 😊
Date Time Restarted Successful Trials

11/7/2018 (two tallies for when I restarted the timer) ____2_ times for ___6_ trials

Student worked for a total of 12 minutes

2x (24 minutes total) out of 30 minutes.
Student earned 2 breaks.

______ times for _____ trials

______ times for _____ trials

______ times for _____ trials

______ times for _____ trials

______ times for _____ trials

______ times for _____ trials

Keep record of student off-task in the chart above. See example.

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