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Sudden heritable change in gemetic character or gemetic material(DNA&RNA)of
an organism other than these due to mendalon segregation.

Mutation change may genotypically and phenotpically resulting

from germ alteration.

1. In Chromosomic number
2. In chromosome stecture
3. With in ndivdual genes
4. In sometic parts

1. Mutation are generally rucesive but dominant mutation also occure. ef
notch uring in drosophille.
2. Mutation in generally harmfull to the orgenissm.
3. Mutation are random they may occene in any gene.
4. Mutation are random they may occare in any year.
5. Mutaton are recurrent i.c the same mutation may agary in and again.
6. Mutation occurs very low ferequency in nature, without any anown
cauresuch are called SPONTANOUS.
7. Mutation can occurs in any tissue/cell(either sometic oe gerninal)of on
The mutation that arise autometacally in
nature due to subjection of living organism to the treatment of naturally
occuriry agent such as electric current automatic ray injuries disease and
insect attack temperature chemical etc spontaneous mutation are very slow
and recurrent in nature .the rate of spontaneous mutation for most of the
given is very low ranging between 10-7 – 10-4 .


The mutation that are induced by the artificial
means man are called indused mutation. indused mutation orgenated in
iesponse to a treatment with some mutation.
 Somatic mutaton occurring in a somatic cells.

Cell not give rise to gemetis is calld somatic mutation that when
somatic mutation oceirs in axillary but it tarned as but mutation it
not transnited to progeny.

 While germinal mutation occurs in reproductive tissue.

(i.e the cells the word produce gemiets). It is ordinary transmitted to
next generation.

Development of fruit with or without pollination but without
fertilization is termed as ‘parthenocarpy’ they may be seed less, but some times
seeds are found is called as ‘stenospermocarpy’. Whole phenominon is called
parthenocarpy and fruit are called parthenocarpus fruit e.g. Grapes, melon,

i. VEGETATIVE PARTHENOCAPY:- development of fruit without pollinatin and
fertilization is termed as vegetative parthenocarpy e.g. Banana, and
Pineapple. Without pollination and fertilization process seedless fruit are
ii. STIMULATION PARTHENOCARPY:- in some fruits after bloosmeing, by the
application of P.G.R seedless fruit are get, for example apple, pear ,brinjal,
tomato. P.G.R applied to produing seedless fruit are Gibberellic acid, NAA
and NOV etc. By the application of the above PGR in the form of foliar
spaying seedless fruit can get.


“occurance of more than one embryo in a single seed is termed as polyembrony’’.

This is mostly found in mango, citrus and jamun fruits. This produce seedling to
two type.

i. Sexual seedlng
ii. Asexual seedling
Sexual seedlng:- Those seedling which arise by gametic embryo or fusion of
two sexsis or sexual seedling. It is also called true seedling or gametic
Asexual seedling:- Those seedling which arise as a result of development of
embryo from integument/nucellar cells. They are also known as false
seedling /apogemic seedling or nuclear seedling.


1) Polyembryony seedling are uniform in growth.
2) Easy to operate.
3) They behave like mother plants.
4) Mostly the polyembryonic seedling are used as root stock.
5) Prodection of fruit by parthenocarpic seedling also enhance the keeping
quality of fruits.
6) Since citrus virus are transmitted by seed so they check the transmission
of citrus virus.
7) They can be used in hybridization technique programmer.
8) By use of parthenocarpic seed we can transfer.
i. Mango:- olour, Bappakai, Goa, kurukkan, Bellari.
ii. Citrus:- C. aradisi, C. sinensis, C. reticulata, C. lemon, C. jambhiri, C.
aurantium, C. limetoider
iii. Jamun:- Syzezium cumimi.

Mango malformation: It is a complex and serious malady in North India and not so
common in South India. Some varieties like Chausa, Bombay green and Fajri jafrani are
more susceptible than others in N.India. 100
This malady has been distinguished into two groups i.e., vegetative malformation and
Floral malformation. Distorted

Vegetative malformation: is more pronounced in young plants. Affected mango seedlings

or young plants develop excessive vegetative branches which have limited growth, swollen
and with very short internodes and develop abnormally compact rosette like shoots
presenting a bunchy top appearance. Floral malformation: The affected inflorescence
becomes clustered and round. Most of the flowers lack essential organs and don‘t set fruit
and its inflorescence continuously hang on the tree for months, being more green and
sturdy. Causes: Various causes like nutritional disorders, physiological, viral, fungal and
acarological are reported. The available literature doesn‘t appear to support the above
causes except the fungal; the only positive evidence for the cause of this is fungal origin.
I.e., Fusarium moniliforis. Control measures:
a. Destruct the infected small plant or plant parts

b. Spraying a fungicide like Captan @ 3grams or Bavistin @ 1gram / litre of water

c. Remove the affected parts by pruning 30cms below and paste with Bordeaux paste.

d. Early deblossoming combined with NAA 20ppm spray during October also reduces this
e. Growing of resistant varieties like ‗Bhadauran‘,‘Alib‘ and ‗Illaichi‘Bhardhan are resistant
and free from this infestation.

It is complex malady (jksx) and the work started on this melody since 1954.
In India we are still dark about the mode of spread of this disease and also
transfer of it’s under field condition.

“Development of vegetative and reproductive growth is know mango


Mango malformation in two type-

1. vegetative malformation or bunchy type

2. floral malformation


If has small size leaves and inter node length is reduced which take the
form of “bunchy top.”

Pruning of affected shoot followed by pasting with any fungicide.

due to pruniy growth increased.

Deformation of intiorescence and flower is called
following malfor Matvon. In this flovral malformation following abnorr

1. High percentage of male flower because malformed flower have low

conceutrion of auxins &high conc. Of antiauxins.

2. Size of flower increared because malformed flower has more can

bobohydrate bu less redusis suger
3. Thicked rachis .
4. No setting of fruits.
5. Malformed panical are have on tree even in jully. In santher india region
beyyoud Hyderabad are ttree from his culttiver. Most susceptible
susceptible cultivar is chausa,bowbay green, and resistant cultivar is
bhadacram. No acual cause of his problems are known till now. But
some blance like cultural prachices, nutritional defferciency,mitis,virand
funfur(fussarium moniliformal)

1. Spraying of NAA @200ppm in oct.
2. Pruning of malformation shoot leavery 30-45 cm.
3. Pruning of malformation panicles when 2cm leaf.

1. dehydration or drging of vegetables by mean of dehydrator or
artificial drying is termed as dehydration.
2. Dehydration of vegetables may be difined as dryeing of vegetable by
artificial prodeuced head under the can trolled condition of
tempreture humidity and air how.
3. Artificial removal of water vegetable to kept them in oven or hot
plater is termed as dehydration.

1. To remove the water from vegetable.
2. To protect it from deterioration.

1. Selection of fresh and clean vegetable.

2. Vegetable should washed in olean water remove.

3. If required cutting in to small pices.
4. Keeply of vegetable in boling water for some time is termed as
5. DEHYDRATOR :- in this method a machine is used called
dehydrator in this machine thermometer temp and regulator
devices are filled in side of machine some sieves arotiltce
vegetable are spread on the sever and closed so that ar may
not enter. Esenerally maintain the 1400 F temperature.
6. Collction &storage of vegetables after chehydration.

1. Food value of vegetable is encreared.
2. If can be storage for long period.
3. Protect from spopoilage.

.”Filling of vegetable in to cane after a number of processis
known as canning of vegetables.”
1. If prodect the vegetable from the deterioration.
2. If makes available in off season.
3. To constant the prices of vegetables.
4. To increases the food value.

Selection of vegetable→worwy or prelinuning
treatment→peeliy→cutting→blanching→canewarious &filling(1/3 remain open).
20%salt at 2120F with acid vegetable) →exclusion of air→seawy(-2500F)
Canning of vegetables is of two types-
1. Vegetables caned indrived.

2. Vegetable carried cooked and canned.

1. Vegetable are abelebile throughout the year.
2. Vegetable are free from the all enfection.
3. Improved the quality of vegetables.
“Decomposition of carbohydretrate by the micro organism is termed as
termentation.” It is following types-
1. Alcoholic fermentantion
2. Acetic acid fermentantion
3. Dactic acid fermentation

1. Alcoholic fermentantion
This also known as an uerobic process beacose this
process take places totally in the absence of air. In this process single
suger is dicomposed in alcohol carbon dioxide.
C6H12O6 2C2H5OH +CO2
It is arobic process. In this process venejorr bacterial convents the
ethge alcohol in to acetic acid in presence of air .
it is an aerobic process in this process lactic
acid bactinacts on suger and covent in to lactic acid.
Preservation of prodects for some time by some technique is called
teneporany preservation.
In this method prodect can be storage for some thime only. The
microorganism is not belled but them growth and activities is cheeked.it is done
in following ways.
1. Washey or or
2. Keeping at low temp. could storage refrigerator
3. By pewturization.

4. By mild antic (sugear, salt and venergar).

5. Exclusion of moisture.
6. Excturion of air.
In this method prodect can be kept for 10-15 days.

Permanent preservation of vegetable/fruit may be defired as
preservation of vegetables and fruits for a longer percced without any
determination by adopting some technique-
It is done in following ways-
1. Sterilization (1210c for 15minutes)
2. By anticeptic (potato , onion ) →suger, salt acitic acid uinegar
3. Drying.
4. By fermentation(alcoholic ,acetic, laluctic acid fermentation).
5. By freezing
a) Deep freezing (slow freezing)
b) Quick freezing.
Ths is very common method of preservation and is being adopted through out the
nation. N this method there is no change ofenfection and spolage etc. because all
the micro organism are killed through the technique adopted.

10. APOMIXIS:- (Development of embryo through asexual reproduction)

It s abnormal type of sexual reproduction where embryo and seed is
formed without fertilization and meiosis.
The phenomenon in which an asexual reproduction occurs in place of
normal sexual reproduction process of sub situation of normal reduction
division and syngamy for embryo formation is called as apomixes.
Seedling produced in this manner is called apomistic seedling. It is two
Which produce only apomictic seedling.
which produce apomictic and sexual seedling.

On the basis of the generation of embryo it is of four types.

I. Recurrent apomixis:- an embryo sac developed from egg mother
cell but complete meiosis does not take place for e.g. apple, black
berry, raspberry and onion.
II. Adventitious embryony/ nucellous embryony:- It is also called
nucellar budding- embryony developed from cell or group of cell
either in integuments or in the nucleus e.g. Opuntia spp and citrus
III. Non-recurrent apomixis:- embryo developed directly from the
egg nucleus without fertilization.
IV. Vegetative apomixes:- in this case vegetative bulbs/bulbils are
produced in the inflorescence in the place of flower.
Vegetable forcing is the method of growing of vegetable out of their
normal searo under coutrolled coudtion.
1. They are made artificially.
2. Esenrally these these are adopted in teueperate regin writer season.
3. Vegetable forcing require jonne special stracture
I. Glass house
II. Cold prame
III. Hot bed under regulated conclition.
IV. green house

4. Example tomato, cuuerbits, lecttue, tettuce, radirh cauulifion ,muskmelon,

5. Growing of summer season vegetable in writer season.
6. Some time growing of seedling of brnjal and tomato in special stecture.
7. For most entensive type of vegetable growing as forcing are not allowed to
remain idle.
8. Liquid fertilizer are popular in forcing house.
9. Drp irrigation system is ervolve.
10.Total cast of cultivatipon is highest in vegetable forcing as compared to any
other type farming.

In india deo to being castly et is difficult to adept the consideriy
the economic condition.


The garden in which different type of vegetable grown to supply the endivdual
required vegetable for daily use.
2. IT SUPPLY the vegetable for own purpose.
3. Coutinious supply of vegetable throght the year.
4. Kitchen garden are located near the house.
5. In ctics entensve method of cultivation is adopted and in uoblage extansive
method is adopted.
6. The main of home offective use of land for growing essoutial vegetable for
daily use of family.
1. Kitchen garden is nuxture of namental vegetable and fruit trees.
2. Only vegetable grown but on the availability of space it may be following
I. Large size plote
II. Medium size plot
III. Very small house
IV. Terrace gardening
V. Roef gardening
1. Best utilization of land near the house.
2. Best utilization of excess time.
3. Availabilg of fresh & better quality of vegetables for daly use.
4. Reducery the expens on vegetable.
5. Vegetable are free from pestcde on well fungicide.
6. Available euery times.


Sod culture means the system of soils management in which grass are allowed
to grow and turned them in the soil after raining season by deep ploughing. it

is necessary to supply the nitrogen before plough which help in decomposing

of the grosses.
On the basis of growing grasses sod culture are three types-

1. Pure sod culture:- when grasses remain permanently in the field it is called
pure sod culture.
2. Sod mulch culture:- when the mulch of grass/paper are spread in the
3. Short sod culture:- when the grasses are turned in to the soil.
1. Regulate soil temperature.
2. Leaching nutrient is checked up to same extent.
3. Physical condition o soil is improved.
4. Check the soil erosion.
5. Evaporation of moisture is checked.
6. Heavy vehicles can move very easily.
7. Increase the soil fertility.
8. Runoff water in prevented.
1. Grasses help in the spreading of pest & disessed.
2. Competition between grasses and fruit plants for nutrients.


The total temperature requirement is less than 7.3 0C or 450F for breaking the
dormancy of plants or seeds is known as chilling requirement. It is for specific
The chilling requirement of various fruit is variable from fruit to fruit.
Chilling requirement calculated in hours. It s variable from 100-1600 hrs and fruit
plant requiring chilling requirement.-
1. 150-200 to 500 hrs low chilling requirement.
2. 500-800hrs medium chilling requirement.
3. 800-1200hrs high chilling requirement.
4. 1200-1600hrs very high chilling requirement.
As a principle chilling requirement of flowering is less than from leafing out.
These four more of the fruit plant experience followed by leafing out.

The chilling requirement of various fruit is given blew-

1. Apple- 300-1600 hrs.
2. Pear - 300-12 hrs.
3. Peaches- 200-800 hrs.
4. Plum- 200-800 hrs.
5. Almond-200-800 hrs.
6. Apricot- 450-900 hrs.
7. Cherry – 600-1200 hrs.
8. Walnut-500-1000 hrs.
9. Pecanut- 350-800 hrs.
10.Hazelnut-600-900 hrs.


The papaya plant is normally unisexual (dioecious) same plants bear male
flowers and some bears femaile flowers, some vrity of papaya bears
hermaphrodite flowers. They are known as gyrodiocious variets. Eg
(P.D,PM,SOLO)corrg honey hermaphrodite of two type-
1. Gynodiocious –
2. Androdiocious-
1. Male flower:- male flower b orn in long pedude in florescence. The size of
flower is small. They contain only stamen. In a population 5-10%male
flower will desise in area for sufficient and affective pollination.
2. Female flower:- they are large in size with thick petals born axs of the leaf
they contain only gynouious and produce tipical papaya genitc.
3. Hermaphrodite:- these are in between male & female flower but small than
the female flower. They are born on the axs of the leaves but lenth of
pedencle is large than the female flower. The fruit is cylindrical shape.
Genetic constition
Male- M1 m ; hermaphrodite- M2m
Female- mm

Papaya is polygamores plant. It bear all the sexes libe male, female and
According to higging &hot(1993)-
There are sexual type of sex formation in papaya but out of 8sex are
1. Pure pistilate flowing plants (self unfruit fullness).
2. Pure stauinate flowering plants (self unfrutfullness).
3. Plant produciy staminate & pistlate flower.
4. Plant prodduciy stanuinate and perfect flower but with sterl pollen.
5. Plant producing pistilate and perfect flower on which nether pistil non
pollensare fertile.
6. Plant prochcing stamnate, pistilate and perfectflown(self turttuo).
7. Plant proching pstilate and perfect (self fruitf ul).
8. Plant produeity staminate &perfect & perfect flown (self fruitful).
Seeing above the sex from it is clear that there is very much or acute
problem of sex in papaya cultivaton. Some time it has been found that
70-80% plant become male and fruiting does not take place.
So the proper relation of male and female should be maintained for
regulating this problem.following points give below-
1. Helthy and week seedling plantation.
2. More than two plants are planted in one pits.
3. Spacing should be reduced.
4. Black colour seed should be sown.
5. More healthy and tall seedling should not be planted.
6. Leynodiocious variety of papaya should be planted.
16. cross protection technique in citrus:-
It has been demonstrated in india in collaboration of deptt. Of plant pathology at
agriculture university babglore & I.I.H.R they demonstrated it for commercial
virulent strain of veirus. These plants are to be maintain sepretaty insect proof
chamber. thousands of seedling of kegziline which are also growth in insect proof
chamber are being enaculated by the mild strain of veruses. This is simply done by
taking small pice of of bark(0.5-1cm)and placing it in the bark of kagzilime
seedlings. It mean the seedlng plant has been isolated with the mild strain of
tristiztion virus then this plant can be distributed for commercial propagation.

Once any plant get a inaculum of mild strain will not allow further enfection
of revere or virulent scon. This process is known as “cross proection technique”.
altereptare also made to identify the suld strain on gereeneing and other
citrus uorus so that the fechnique could be apply for the control of other viruses.
Tristizavirus citrus aphid(Toxcitricida)
Stage verulant stage
Severe stroin
Mild strain
Virus transmission –
1. Bud transmission
2. Vector transmission
3. Impliments &irrigation.

Tristza virus vector citrus aphid

Toxoptera citricide


1. Mild strain
2. Virulent strain
3. Severe strain
In case of vector transmutted viruses for example .
Tristza in the kagzilenuse endexing programme is a not full proof method
becase there is a possibility of spreading the enfection under open field
condition through the vector-Tristiza citricida.
The technique of cross protecton which was established in australi a
pertains to pre immu ruzation of seedling plants by placing a small paten of
bark from the weak or mild stage under controlled enveromental condition.
As a principle enfection with the mild week strain will not allow further
enaculation of seve re or virulent enfection of virus.
Lacks and lacks of plants pre emmunize are cross protected plants are being
made abailable in the stage of T.N,AP FOR commercial cultivation to the

Indexing is the process of investigating the latest infection of a particular virus
as the tester material. If with in speafied time symptoms appeorrs than the
mother plant of root stock is rejected. It there is no symptoms then the mother
plant of root stocks not rejected.

Indicator plants:- the plants which are highly suscep tible for the particular virus
and with in spreading the enfection will be visible these-

Name of virus indicator plants

1. Trizteza virus kagziline key eime

2. Greening(mycoplasma) sweet orange, mulberry
3. Exocortis trifoliate
4. Aphide mosic golden deliciores, bollede bos
5. Pear virus (mosaic) clappis ferouite
Indexing should be done in next hours.

This is the teeknique of providing smoke to the plants or fruits for-

1. Indction of early flowering.

2. Increasing the fruit repeing .
3. Preventing the damage from frost.
 In philliipnes smudging is the common technique for enhancing the
flowering habite in mango.
 In india it is not successful.
 For ripening of banana it is most common in india .
 Smudging is done to protect the young plant from trost.


Removal of bark in the from of the ring from the individual selected branch to
encreecsing the fruit setting or quick repening of the frut is termed as ‘girdlng’. It
check the transolocation of food material from leaves to down ward. So that it
provide the congonal condition for fruit growth and early maturity. It is done in
commercial seak in grapes.

Training may be defined as “judicious removal of any plant part to give the
proper shape is known as training”. It encluds- providing supports, bending and
tying, pecking off any plant part to encourage side shiot.

I. To give desired shape. To facilited diffront cultural(practices)operation like
cultivation plant protection., pruning and harvesting .
II. Economical maintenance of fruit tree.
III. To produce fruit of desircd quality & yield.
Advantage of training:-
1. It provide penetration of sufficient sun light thenefore, plants are
maintain etyc vegur and producing for large period.
2. Improve the quality of fruit.

21. pruning:-
Pruning may be defined judicious removal of any plant part to establish and
maintain desired plant shape. To encreese productivity and facilitates various
cultural operation and to distrcbute proper amount offruiting parts on the plant
sestem pruning has localized effect-

1. In general pruning has dwarfing effect on tree that means total growth of
plant is reduced.
2. Pruning effect the flower bud formaton in fruit tree.

3. Delays pruning cause delay flowering and early pruning effect in early
4. Pruning reduce the yield of the plants.
5. Pruning effect the yield of the plants.
6. The total yield is reduced but marketdble yield is enereased.
Advantage of pruning:-
1. It help to reduce the exes growth of plants.
2. To increase the quality of bearing shoots.
3. It emprose the fruit quality.
4. Help to remove the disease/insect affected plant parts which destroy
the hole plants.
5. It is helpful reducing fruit drop.

22. starter solution:-

Started solution are weak solution which supply compound of N.P.K and
other essential elements.
1. It is mostly use in newly transplanted vegetable.
2. Transplanting is essential to rapid recoveryof water settles around
the roots and this remains the air protect.
3. It is used in those vegetable which in transplanting in widely spacing.
Starter solution is the solution of fertilizer generally consisting
of N.P.K in the of 1:2:1 and applicd to young vegetable plants at the
time of planting . they are used in place of watering. It help to plant
1. To promote rcepde recovery.
2. Increase the yield paoticularly when plant is grown on enfertle
3. Supply of esseutial nutrieuts which diffirent in soil.
According to DR.chandan and Sharma(1966) application of starter
solution contauning (NH4)2SO4. And ssp (1:2 ratio) in liquid from
(2kg mixture lesolve in 225 liter of water)in the corvination with

0.1%I.B.A encreuse the vegetative growth, total yield and size of

the curd in cauliflower.


Those fruits which are grown in the area where these are more cool winterand
are above 1200 meter from sea level are called temprare fruits.

In india temperate region are casharmir, kulabally kotgrol, mohan in H.P and
moutanous region of kumann and garhrwal in u.p in these area the temperature
goes down below foeegeing points in winter and fruit tree come under below
freeging points in winter and fruit fruit tree come under dormant condition .
according to the rieght from the sea they are cluseified as-

1. High- 1500-2400 mtr apple,pear,wolnut ,cherry and almond.

2. Medium:- 1200 mtr. Peach, plunup, apricot &stoabcry.

24. sub-tropical fruits:-

The fruit which which can be grown successfully in sub- tropical rigion (there
is no more cool nor heat) and called as sub tropical fruits.

Important sub tropical regin in india are plae no of panjab, u.pnortheh zone
of of bihar, M.P,Bangal and some parts of Asam again it can be divided in to
two parts-

1. North westen sub-tropical

2. North eastern sub tropical
The subtropical exist between temperate and tropical and this the
temperature is this region sometimes goes below freezer pointbut never
decreasing 250F.imortent fruits which are successfully grown are lemon,
leme,letchi,phalsa,datepolm, guava,grape, gramete etc.

25. tropical fruits:-


Those fruit which can be commercially grown in tropical region meane in the hot
climate are called tropical fruits. These region are southern district of W.B. and
M.P, Boubay, Orissa,A.P, Mysore,

It can be clersitied as-

1. Centrol tropical region

2. Southern tropical region
3. Coustal tropical region
Tropical region fruits required humidi and cool climatye in winter
season. They can not grown in area where there is problem of early and
late frost important fruits of this region are many
banana,cheeku,pineapple,gack, fruit etc.


Application of water to the individual plants though the small tubes called tride
irrigationthis is also called as drip, high frequency or daily flow irrigation.


It is system whch provide water through conducting plastic tubes that delever
water by mean of lack to the endevedual plants. In this system water is applied
trequently but very slowty in small amount so that the little water loss by the
evaporaton. This method has been useful in floricultural industry for watering the
individual plants. This has been also found effective in case of orchared system of
vegetable crops.

1. Fertilizer can be applied thrgh water.
2. Insectside, pestiside and hoomans can be appled through water called
3. It reduce the errosin and also use in problem atic area.
4. Loss of water is very minute through the evaporation and by the other

1. High cost of nstalmeut.
2. Saline or small soil particles may back the tubes.
3. Water leckng also cut the tube.
First of all this system of irrigation developed in isreal and has
been widly accepted through out world.


Citrus declne is the complex tem which may be defined-“ citrus decline or die
back is a gradual deteroration process exhebitiry loss of vigour, depth of twrngs
and branches, redection in yield and altimate death due to certain factors”.

In india citrus decline is very common in all the citrus growing area like
coorg Nagpur kasha due to the trestza virus, greening myco plasma and nemotod.
It is of three types-

1. Quick declne:- tristiza virus, vector – Toxoptera citricida.

2. Slow decline:- due to Tylenchulus semepenetranse (nematode)
3. Spreader decline:- by Radoppholus sinilis(nematodes)


1. Poor drainage.
2. Water stress at cretical stage.
3. Unsuitable soil.
4. Lack of systemic manuring.
5. Improper orchard management.
6. Attek of fungal disease.
7. Attack of virul disease (phytopthora).

8. Attack of citrus canker (xanthomanas cetn).

Remedies of citrus decline

1. Selection of well drained soil and management of proper draining.
2. Sound management of orchard.
3. Planting of disease free certified plant material from registered nursery.
4. Use of resistant root stock eg Rangpur line, cleptera mandaris, and
sweet orange, trifoliate which are reistance tristiza virus and also fruit of
good quality.
5. Proper rrigation and manuring of plants. Doble ridge method avodiy
contact of water with trunk.
6. Control of insect pest and disease by use by use of systemic,nsect,pesti
and fungicides.

Covering of soil surface in the vicinity of main plautation with
organic/inorganic material for conserveing the soil moisture, temperature,
etnperature, eotermed as mulching.

Organic mulching:-

Mulching with organic material eg. Petroleum product. Esssomulching,

polythene of gauses. Black polythene etc.

1. It reduce the moisture evaporation from the surface of soil.
2. It keep weed population under controlled and this reduce the nutrient
and moisture has caused weed population.
3. Organic mulching inproves the humas contect of the soil there for it
improve the fertility of the soil and texture of the soil.
4. It improve the water holding capacity of soil.

5. Organc mater control the soil temp. which is helpful in inproveing the
plant vigour.
6. It reduces the plant fruit drop and improves colouration.
7. It checks the soil orson.
8. It provent the losses of seeds from nursery beds by brds and rodnts.
Some tmes mulching create the problem of termite inarea.

29. PAPAIN:-
Papain is the prodect prepared from the nuilking soretion down from the
emmature fruit of papaya.

It is the protain digestive onzyne whch is very snglar to arvemal emzyme. It is

constituouts.of solid white matter of ulk down from unripe frut of papaya.

Selection of papaya

When the papaya fruit mature ¾ green in colour and before light yellow
colour and well deucloped fruit sutable.

Method of drawing:-

Make sexual cut on the whole fruit of at the same direction and at same
distance by a blade or with sharp knife and latex is callected in the allunuunium
pot. This process repeated turce or three at the intervals of 3-4 days and whole
milk is collected twice or three at the enterval of 3-4 days. And whole milk is
collected after this it is drict at 50-550Ctempe. 0.5% Potassium meta
bisaulphates. Is added to nnance the lefe of storage.

When it is dred to completely kept in polythene bags and sealed. N this way
papain is prepared papain have following medical emportance-

1. Treatment of cancer.
2. Digestive distsorder.
3. Peretonical adhesive.
4. Sepaton of whool from the skin of sheep.
5. Manufacting of cheauing gum.
6. Used as bear.
7. It is found very much in Co2,Co3,varty of papaya estimated about 400
30. wntering:-
This may be considerd as an alternatice to to root pruning shrubs as rose
and jasmine can be wentered in nor thern and eastern india.
During resting period the water supply to the plant stopped for few days.
And the surface soil around the trunk. The duration of exposer is varies
from 3-15 days depending upon the age the nature and hardiness of the
plants. After this the roots are covered with soil which should be rch in
F.Y.M and later on watered.

31. GARDEN:-
A place of growing plants exhibits various from of plants life which are directed
for ornameutal or plactical use or both. –S.Perelancastor

Beride the term land scope gardening the other two fartilier term in gardening are
the formal and informal garden.

1. Formal garden:- a formal garden is bed out in a synetrical or geometrical

patteon. In such garden every this is planted in strait lines. Also if there is a
plant on the left hand side of a straid road, a singular plants much be
planted at the opposite place of right hand side. the formal beds,
borders,and shrubbery are arranged in geometrically derogned beds.
Trimmed formal hedges, cyperess, ashohatree and topiary are the typrical

2. INFORMAL GARDEN:- in an informal garden the whole design looks

informal, as the plants the fecature are arranged in a natural way without
following any hard and feat rules.the edea behind this degn in to the
imilate nature. the bast example of this gardening is Japanese garden
becose t give in edia of natural beality.

32. BONSAI:-
growing of plant in shallow porn.

The word BONSAI is combination of two words-

Bon-sallow pan which can be transplanted as ‘tray planting’


Bonsai is a fecinating art which has thrived in Japan for hundred of years and has
become an entegaral parts of Japanese culture. N genral the bonsai is defened as
“marestmatc shortenng or reduceing the plaut hught by pruning and traning’.

Defference between formal and informal garden:-

Formal garden Informal garden

1. It is in syemnetrical or It is in asystamatic or asymmetric way.
geometrical or in systematine
way. Study of spece realetion.
2. It is study of line. Suituatted for flot level as uneven
3. Situaled in flot or level ground surrounded.
only. Cousist of erregulor place.
4. Consist of regular place. Plant are selected give natural attacton.
5. It is based on bilateral
symmnetry and use of tree in The wall and hedge are not proninant in
regular way. a zigzad desigu.
6. The wall and hedge are
pronenant. Saitable for hilly region.

There is no need of any planting.

7. Suitable for city banglose No pruning requied.

conepound and park. Not any hard rule.

8. It is making the picture of plan. Example- of the informal garden is – the
9. Well trcuned and pruned. Japanise and Englsh garden.
10.Hard rule.
11.Example- of formal garden
Mughal garden, Persian, italion
and French garden


1. Hardiness.
2. Plant showing variation in n growth flowering in are selected.
3. It should the vegours in grawing n a shallow centuiner.
4. The trunk should have a natural opearance.
5. The branch should be grow natural operance.
6. The growth of plant and its apperence should be harmoniaous with the
shope of the container.
Sutable plants:-
 Bouebox mala barecum
 Butea monosperecum
 Fecus religiose
 F. benghalensis
 Juniperus chenensis
 Pinus roxburghi
 F. nfecteria

Mame bonsai:-
The growing of very of very dwarf plant not exceeding a hight 5-20 cm is
known as miniature or mane bonsai. Keep the plant in immature 3leaf. They are

grown in very shallow containesers contuinary not more then 2-3 cm of compost
plants of the name bonsai are raised in site from seeds, because of ts small size
mame bonsai can be shaped only in the up right, oblique and cascadiry style.
Groupplanting is more effective in raising attractive mame bonsai. Leaf pinching is
particulary very emport as its keep the plant dwarf. More ferequint watering is
needed since the contriner is shallow suitable spp. – Aeer, Berbens, salex, etc


Gardening and literature of country serues as mirror which reflex the extent
and mode of ciuilization of country concern. A style of gardening enfleenced by
the fllowing factors-

1. Climates (agroclimatic condition)

2. Poltics of the country
3. Economic envvoirnments.
GARDEN:- it is enclosed area planted with horticultural plants,
fruits,vegetables,flowering plants and fdiage plants. In kamsutra types of
garden is divided by VATSAYANA.
(A) Pre mododyem:- this style of garden is ovent for enjoy ment of kind and
quen only.
(B) Udyem:- this style of garden is meant for pcessing time by playing cuess
and other games in the garden by bings. Courtier and for enjoying the
dance of dancer.
(C) Breksh vatika:- they were ment for maruige of minister and corirtier.
(D) Nandan vana:- they are dedicated to lard indra.
 In morden ero the style of gardening may be of three types-
1. Informal garden
2. Formal garden

3. Free style garden

Informal& formal garden as discosed in short not 3/
3 Free style of gardening:-
This style of gardening coubined with the good teature of the formal
and informal gardening.
East asia:- gardening is the hobbys of the people from the very begning
of the civilization. In easteon asia the land scape garden is more
provland due to the informalnature and peculiar
Slopes of garden for e.g japanese garden.
THESE ARE THE (BEAUTIFUL STYLE OF Informal garden)most beautifull
and highly developed garden in present days. They are well brawn for
ets naturalism and charms. The basic concept and main feature of
garden is-
1. Stone bridges
2. Water steams
3. Water falls
4. Stcpping stones
5. Paved path
6. Stone lanters
7. Tea house
8. Shrubs, tree and rock garden
9. They are planted on such a feorion that one can’t run simply but
enjoy the surrounding.
10.There are two pine trees on the gate of the garden symbols of the
long tree life.
11.The golden fishes in pvol and smoothing pattern of water from water
fall area also.
12.Flowering trees irregulary give the enterest of natural land life.
13.The water is provide on such a way that add more beauty to the
garden and enongh water for irrigaton.

14.In india there is no true Japanese garden.

Type of Japanese garden:-
A Japanese garden may either be in the form of a large publc park or
a small family garden designed for living which seen usually by the
members of the family or famly guests. The Japanese garden are
turther classified on the basis of the positions, shape, and purpose.
The important types are-
1. Hill garden – water falls (tsckiyama-niwa).
2. Flot garden- (hiro niwa of flat garden).
3. Tea gardensotoroji-outer garden
4. Passagr garden
5. Sand garden
Style of gardening developed in south asia:-
i. Aryans garden:-these garden mostly concern with the
Indian style of gardening. They great lower of nature . these
lovo for trees and flowers continue in their new home with
different climatic conditions. Flowers help thar enjoyment.
A climatic factors conside rebly influence the Indian in the
hinden and budhist proved, so there gardening is
predonunantly developed to the growth of ornamental
trees. It appears that in ancieut india there is no particular
design, shope and rule of making a garden. The size of
particular is very large and it was planted probabley of one
kind of plant like as hoka van of rawaria and madhuvan of
vali. They planted there dwelling with ormnamental tree
likes-beauty monospermom, bauhina,carsia
tistule,kadanba,ficus benghalensis,ficus rdigion.
ii. Mughal garden:- the garden lade out during the rule of
mughal emperor in india are known as mughal garden . the
mughal garden are sigilar to styles of garden of centrol Asia
and Persia. Baber(1494-1531)was first mughal rules to
introduce this style in india. In a garden in the sense of

enclosed area grown with plants for the sake of beanty of

their flower is gifts of Mughal.
Essential featre of Mughal Garden:-
1. Side and style of garden.
2. Surrounded walls(brick)stone wall)
3. Gate which is muck heavy.
4. Terraces up down stopes (3-9).
5. Running water.
6. Baradare (building with, 12 open doors anther teatrre).
7. Ting lamps.
8. Flowering bed.
9. Planting material.
10.Caocade,store,lontis,straint, curved path.
1. Topiary
2. Hedges
3. Arches
4. Water pool,seas and fish ponds.

Design of Mughal Garden:-

1. Choise of ske
2. The slope of hill
3. Permanent revolet of water
4. Unbroket sheet of water

Design:- a typcal mughal garden s square or rectangular in shape. The garden it

salf divded in to two or more-terraces with small brcks poued canal fettw with
running water following down though tanks fieled from ten

Example of Mughal garden:-

1. Rain begh
2. Zahra bagh

3. Bagewoto
4. Bage kalam
5. Garden of fatepure sikam- Akbar
6. Garden of sikandra at agra- Akbar
7. Mashim bagh at -kasmir-akbar
8. Shalimar bag-kashmir-Jahangir
9. Dilkhus bag- Lahor
10.Nishat bag – Kashmir-Aslraf khan
11. Penfour garden- pnnov-fadaikhan
12.Shalimar bag in lahaur and delhii Jahangir and Shajhan
13.Taj garden in agra- shahjahan
iii. West asia:- these are very old garden planted by perssian
and mid emperors eg hanging garden of Babylon.

Perssian garden is orgenated in Iron:-

They are more less singular to Mughal garden.

Westrn countries:- enlish garden ,italion garden,greek garden,and raman garden

are best example-

 English garden – modern garden

 American garden – juot like English garden.

Jhumaka is a physiological disorder of mango-

It is clustering of flower due to unpollinaton and unfertilization and due to

dinse orcharding.

Cause of spreading Jhumka disorder:-

I. Low tempreture after fertilization effects due to less growth of pollen.
II. Self incompatibility- if there is only one variety is planted which is unable to
fruit set it seef.

III. Cross incompaiiibility- no conjugation takes place in between two varieties

s called cross incompatibility.
IV. Frequent spraying of ensecticides and fungicide affect the population of
polinater will be affected.
V. It the flowering takes place in dec. to firstweek of jan. then flowers are are
deblossomed became there is no flowering take place mother mango tree
and fertilization does not take place-


Periodicity of bearng:- the tendency of a orup to bear regular average prodection
is knowm as regular bearing, and the tendency of crop/variety to bear average
yield in alternate bearing. There are some fruit plants which bear heavy in one
year followed by light crop in subsequenst year-

“there are certain fruit plants/variety in which after on year there is no crop for 2-
3 year called perivedaty of of cropping or bearing like in case of mango-

Nedam, banglur ammrpali,- regular berrer.

Dadashari- heavey crop followed by light crop.
Langra- strictly alternate bearer.
Chause- periodic/bearer.
Biennial bearing endexs:-

Dfference between two sucusive year of crop yield followed by sum of the yield
of years multiplied 100. Itf it is less than 50 than variety is a regular bearer and if it
is more than 50, then variety is called alternate bearer.

Cultivar of mango chauisa is periodic bearer.

The cultivar of apple which is alterate bearer:-

Rymer,G.delicious,king of tamkins,e baldawin


While- Regwar Bearer varity of apple-

red delicious, royal red gold,tydes man are the regular variety of apple.

36. EMLA:-(east malling long aston)-

England, emla are the smlple malling merton root stock which have been endexed
for for the latent infection of viruses and they not carry any symptom. Since most
of the apple virus are bud transnsisible. Therefore, once indexed root stook and
certified mother plants available one can go on prossibility of infection of viruses.

Emla- 27,9,26,106 etc

37. clonal root stocks in apple:-

If a particular clone is being used as root stock known as ctonal root stock. M.m
lob is very easly to used as clonal root stock clonal not root stock are multiplied by
stooling, trench,layering and by micropropagation.

Development of clonal root stocks:-




1.Ultra dwarf- M-27

3.Semi dwarfing- M-2,M-7
4.Vigours- M-11,M-13
5.Very vigrom- M-16(most vigurs)
Apple clonal root stocks-
M-2,Mm-104,MM-100,MM-115,M-13,M-25,-by Dr.S.M.Singh(1956-1970)
 Physiological disorder of cauliflower-
a) Whip tail
b) browning
c) Buttoning

d) Riceyness
e) Blindness or blnding
 Blanching:- is the important operation done in the cauliflower to proteched
ageuinst sun branching and yellowis by covering the curd is known as


It is physical disorder it occers when a period of drought is followed by heavy
ranfall or excessive moisture due to irrigation or vice versa. In case of drought
period growte of fruit is okecked and sbin loses itc eleeestrcity due to some
internal changes.when it is followed by heavy rain or irrigating the fruit start theer
growth externally but it cracks,because skin is unable to expened due to loss of
els ticity. The disorder s generally occurs when the fruit altain makerity. Stone
truits like plam,povw granate and litchi and citrus also. In some fruits crakeing is
due to the boram difficiency.

It is disorder associated with water phyllody is also known as false bloosm and
commonly found in cromberry.it is cased due to excess supply. It is characterized
by more or less leaf like clyyx,bobes and petals,aborted malformed ptels &
stamen. There will be below producton or it will be reglegible.

40. SAUR SEP:-


This disorder is arsociated write high water table. The soun sap is characterized
by distinct sour fermented adrour from of stem also get infection. The affected
portion become dark and discolourend star ruttiy and sour type small comes out.

It is most aommon in stone fruits like peach, hum,apricot and ctrus. Disorder
charecterised by gum tilled pocket with in or beneath the bark and exudation of
gumes from the braks of barks of the stem or main trunk.


Summer drought after leads to the perrnature defoliation.it is very common in
many truuts plants. It s assouated with the cupping of leaf to reducted the
respiraton and transpiration. Leaues becomes yellow and fall down but in many
spp the shedding of leaf may not acompained by change n colour. N other words-
absecission accoupaned by yellowing of leaves or without it.

Bending is a operaton garding to the aspect. It is generally observed that
branches having horizontal spead are more productive than wertide one Bondling
is done in that cases when branches are found more vertically.

Objectives :-
1. Provision of pollination.
2. Bee keeping.
3. Provision of wind break.
4. Removal of over crowding brancekes.

44. unfruit fullness in fruit plants:-

The enability of produre optimum crop load dwing the bearng proiod is known
as unfruitfulness.

Self unfrutfulness:-

The inability of plant to produce optimum crop loud with self pollination is
known as self unfruitfulness for example northern india mango varities like
dangra,dasheri, and hybrid peaches apple,loquat etc.

Cross unfruitfulness:-

Inability of plant to bear optimum crop load with cross pollination is called as
cross unfruitfulness eg. Loquat, golden yellow x tonake and tanaka pale yellow.

causes of unfruitfulness:-

1. Internal cause(factor)
2. External factors
1. Internal factors
(a) Evalutonary factors :-
1. Inperfect flower
2. Structural peccularties
3. Dichogamy protendry &protogyny
4. Loct of sexual flower
(b) Genetic factor
1. Sterility and unfruitful decreany hybrid
2. Incompatibility
(c) Physiological factor
1. Slow growth of pollen tubes
2. Premature or delayed pollination
3. Niutritivo condition of plant

External factor

(A) Locality
(B) Climatic factor
1. Tempreture(vegetatve phase, reproduction phase)
2. Light
3. Humidity
4. Ranfall
5. Seeonavariton yearly variation.

6. Altitude
(C) Plant factor eg age and vigorous of plant
(D) Cultural practices-
1. Training and pruning
2. Manure and fertilizer application
3. Water management
4. Weeding haring and sometation of orchard.
5. Sporaying of chemical and fertilization.
6. Insect pest and disease.

Male and female organs are functional but unable together produce normal fruit
it is two types-

1. Self incompatibillty:- it pollen of a varity incapable to fertilize the overy

of same variety.
2. Cross incompatbillty:- when the pollen of varity is incapable to fertilize
the overy of another variety.
 Sporophytic:- at th sposporeformation eg
 Gametophytic:-


C:n ratio of plant can be inorresed by oth renging and natching. Ringing coinsists
of removoing of a ring of bark about ½ inch wde up to depthe of xylem (only
removal of only phloem).

While notching s also singular practice but effect only on bud at a time a notch is
cut through the strip of bark and some time in to wood other just above or blew
the bud.


It is seedling disease it is caused due to no of fungur.

Pythium opp, phytopthora spp, fasrcm spp, verticulam spp. But in between these
phythium most hardful for seedlingare particularly p. debaryanum and p.
aphanidermatum is most sever.

The disease is seuere is seere in nursery. Where seedling are grown croded. The
disease appear immediately after ouset of the mansoon rain at whch time temp.
and moisture both arehigh.in damping off two phase are found-

1. Pre emergance phase:- in this phase young seedling are killed before before
reach the surface of soil.
2. Post emergence phase:-In this phase enfected seedling topple down after
the emergence from the soil. Effected crop are tomato,brinjal, chilli etc.
dramping off is more due h preeer gence phase.
1. Seed treatment with bletox 50@0.2% captan 0.2% Hg cl2 water (1:1000)
dip for 5minutes/Agrson c.n 0.3% (it is for Pre emergance phase)
2. Soil treatment is done with for nucline for post emergence phase-
(a) 1gm for melion +5part water – soil dreneling
1 gallon – for 2-3 sqr feet of soil.
(b) Sowng after 7-10 days after treatment.
3. Brollesu mixture 5:5:50
Means seed treatment with control 100%of this problem.

I. Blanching:- it is important opration which is done is cauliflower. The curd is
protected aganst cun burning and yellowing by couering the curd is known
as blanching. This operaton may be done by drawing and typing the tips of
the leaves when heads are prmed. Blanching is done for(5-7 days).

II. Blanching :- it is a mild treatment which is done by oling water followed by

cooling for short period. Blanching is done in case of vegetables. The time
of blanching is depond upon the kendo of vegetable etc. maturity.
1. To cnactivate enzyime, so preserue the colour, flower texture and soften
2. If facilitate the colose filling in the countuiner and remove air from the
3. If help to clean the vegetable and to climate the micro organism.
4. To improve the flower by removing the undisrable and demenuts and
ceotrilgate tust of the ped.

Beside these:-

1. Blanching step is essential for vegetable which are subsequently

preserved by frozon case storage because during frozeu storage
enzyme acts on the substrate and may prodeuce off flower and
discolour the prodect.
2. Lidding or clinching:- lidding is the process of loose covering of filled
canes with lid. But it has certain disadvantage
(a) Splitting of the contain
(b) Tapping of the cid

These toure mardernize method of lidding is clinching process clinching

process . it is a process in which lid is potially seemed to the can by a
sngle first roler acton of the double rearen. The lid is sufficienty loose so

1. The escape of dissolved as well as free air from the contents.

2. To escape the vapnir formed during the exhaust lorouss.

in this fruits sulphuring process is used instead of of blanching. In this process the
fruit tissue are dipped in solution of K.M.S (potuussium meta bi sulphate)which

librate the SO2 get perctrate in to the fruit tissue . the time of soaking varies from
10-75 minutes.

Function of sulphuring:-

1. To enactivate the oxidizeing enzyme eg. Inhebaton of polyphenolase

enzyme. This causing enzymate browning(banana,guava,pears, apple
2. Act as antimicrobial enzyme.
3. Inhibits the malliand type of browning (non enzymatic browing).

50. hardening or hardening of vegetables:-

“hardening off” is a term applied to any treatment that makes from the tissue of
plants to ensure better the unferourable environmental conditions. Such as
freezng, hot sunsine,or hot drying winds. A well hardened plants show darker
green colour than unhardened plant.

How hardening is done:-

1. By watering the plant sparingly till it is not wilted and providing enoreased
2. Lowering of the temperature also retods the growth and adds to the
hardening process.
3. Tomato,brinjal,watermelon are less hordiry plants and they should not be
harened loverelly.
Plant should be harded according to their kinds so that there is an
assurance of high survival and slow growth under the condton to expected
at the time of transplanting.
Effect of hardening:-
1. Hardening increase the quality and modifies the nature of collids in the
plant cells enabling them to resist the loss of water.
2. Hardening increase the percentage of dry matter and ugers in the plant
but decreve the percentage of freezide water and transpiration per unit
area of leaf.

3. Hardening also decrcase the rate of growth in plant.

4. Harening develop the resistancy a geunst unfavorable environmental


The fruit develop with pollinaton and fertilization but due to aborton of
embryo seeds can not uiable and called stenospermocarpy. Eg in grope.


In india there are three type of flowering occure and known by differout name-

1. Avube bahar:- it is main season crop. In northern Indian condition it is not

desirable and needs crop regulation flowering start in march-april and crop
matuneon haruested in month of july – august.
2. Mreg bahar:- flowering take place in the month of the sep-oct and
harvesting s done in month of Dec – Jan.
3. Harth bahar:- flowering take place in the month of the nov-dec and this
hasth bahar fruits are found throughat year
(a) flowering of guava n one season marketably affects to the flowering
and fruiting of next season.
(b) In Guava flowering take place exilary in current season growth.

Definition- scarification means scratching. Breaking, breaking,chepping or nickng
the hard and impervious seed wat tf central n spp to enhance the passage of
water and goes to aid seed germination it is following types:-

I. Mechanical scarificaton:- when scarification done meacamicaly(by

rubbing,seratiching etc) alfa-alfa or clobe seeds.
The duration of scarification deponds up on the preseance of what type of
seed coat.
II. Acid scarification:-when the scarfication through the acid comealy H2So4 for
specific time varies from 15min-3 hrs.
III. Chemical treatment:-KNO3 0.1-0.2%, thiourea 0.5-3% (24 hrs), GA3 100-
1000 ppm, to breck dramring.


Stratification referes to the practice of exposing inebi bed seed to 100C(chelling
temp) for some time before germination for breaking the dormancy of certain rids
of seeds.(temperate seeds).

 This is a standard practices in gesnniration of many temperate woodg spp.

Such as apple,pear reach etc.
 The sads are thoroughly souled in water for 24 hrs before stratication
mexed with moist sad stratification are follow as-
I. Chilling temo- 0-100C
II. Moisture:- the seed should be soaked in walw before chilling and
kept moist during chilling period.
III. Adequate oxygen supply:- there should be proper aerction and sad
should be not be bept in air tight condition.
Direction of chilling period varies according to spp
Optimum temp leriod of
1. Apple 30C 70-80 days.
2. Peach 30C 60-100 days
3. Grape 60 C 90 days

4. Cherry 30C 180 days

During chilling treatment the leavel of growth promating substances (gibberelline

cytokenins) in the seed increases where as the growth in habiting
(ABA)decreasres than removely the germination blocks and permitting


Definition- T.P.S is botanical seed extracted from its fruits called berry”
propagation or prodection of potato throahg its botanical seeds (fruit develop
from ovary)is called as T.P.S.

T.p.s has capauity to prooidvide disisese free seed at low cost and without the
constraints of storage capuety with specialized storage structure , losses of food
as seed tuber and long distance transport.

1. less seed requirement
2. easy to transport
3. seed uialility is better
4. disease tree seed means disease transmission by tps is negligible tubers.
5. Only 100 grseed can replace 3 tommer of seed tuber required for planting
one ha of land.
6. T.P.S can be stored relatively for longer period without the specialzed
storage structure as it necessary for storing seed tuber.


T.P.S is not possible plains beause etc requires cool. Humid and long day
photoperiod condition which geranly not proper in northern india condition.


Seedrate:- 100gm TPS is sufficient for the prodection of 3 tonnes seed tuber
which is sufficied for /ha transplanting.

Sowing time:- nursery In October.

For dormancy broken- 100-150 ppm G.Afor 24 hrs.

Important T.P.S, TPS-C3,TPS-17, H.P.S 1/3 ,HPS 2/50,HPS 1/67,HPS 25/13.

About T.P.S in general:-

 In india the suetable condition for prodection of T.P.S is in high hills

(2000 m from msl)where potuts is grown in summar and rainy season.
 A potato plant may produce 40-50 berries with 200-250 seed /berry.
 Under optimum the yield of T.P.S is 100-150 kg/hac .
 The cost of 1 kg T.P.S seed in 2500/kg.
 Fully matured bold seed more than 70mg/100 seed weight .
 Seed dormancy in T.P.S is 5-6 months.
 T.P.S can stored at nom temp. for 2-3 yrs.

Thumping is a method testing to the repeness of water melon. If sound
is dune,with fingor on the fruits of watermelon producing sound is dul,
dead muffed then it inadicat the fruit is ripe. And if metallic or renging
sounal produced then it inditcatre unrepness.
Towel gourd:-
The genus luffa of cucurbits (cucrbitaceae family)is called as towel
For example- luffa cyledrica
Luffa acatangula
Varety :-
A stronain released for commercial cultivation by a variety releched
commerttee. Means resed material is known as variety. Variety is
symbalised by their commercial name.

A improved genotype placed under taiting trival. Before being released
as a variety. Generally a strain is symbolized with number while the final
variety is a choistred with a commercial name.
57. bud for casting in grape:-
In grape flowering take place in month of may, june,, when there is
bearing in the tree on the cane reproduction of bud is a varietal
characterias and theenfforiscence appear on the 3rd or 5th node and
another 8-12th nodes.
The techniques of forecasting the reproduction buds by collecting the
buds and examining it the micros scope is known as bud forecasting
which from froms a baris that a particular variety should spur prune (3-5
buds) and cane prune 18-12 buds since it is dffcult to introduce in the
cane prune variety. The spur prnne varieties can be also trained by head
system of training while the came prune variety need to traind with
pergola or brower system.
Seed plot technique is a technique used for production of healthy potato
For seed purpose the sowing time should not be delayed(20th -
30th october)
Only light irrigation should be provided mean not more then up
to half sidge (prevent from tuber math and strain gluucoside)
Plant protecton musures should should be taken in dec and
Halm cutting should be done before 20th jan for awoidiry aphids
which is responsible for virus transnassion.
Digging of plants should be done at list 10 days after halms cutting
and before it keeping in cold storage.
Cold storage temp. should be 2-40 C and R.H should be 65%.

Major problem :-

1. Helthy and disease free seed is major problem.

2. Potato scap.
3. Late blight of potato.


% quadrapiditions perniciosus

It attack on all temprerate but most serions pest for apple. The insect live under
small scale which appers as a growth power on thise branches and as ponkish
detes on the fruits.

1. It is control by spraying desal oil emulation containing bordeax mixture.
2. The nursery stocks should be tree from the pest.


The disease is most common in the fruit of alphonso,where it has been observed
as high as 30%. In this distordera not edible shower, pale yellow and sporge like
patch with or without air pocket develops with in this musocorp of the fruits
olering repening.its entensity varites from small patch to the whole fruit pulp.

This melody had become more complicated since,affected fruits present

healthy external appearance. Its symptoms are not apparent at the time of fruit
development picking on ripo. Affected tissue are uisible when the ripe fruit is cut.
The fruits has abad order and become unpalatable. This disorder has adversely
offected the export market of this delicious cultivar.

How are it has been reported that-

1. Harvesting of fruits at etc maturity increevo the incidence of disorder.when

the harvesting of fruit is done at 4th maturity stage then the incidence is

2. Involvement of ca, k also be indicated fruits incidence.

Katyfodia(1985)reported that this disorder is due to the soil ti the fruit.
“since ALPHONSO fruit is harvested 3rd -4th wak of of may when the ground
temp. is above 400C. the protion of may which tourcher the ground is
normally. Affected. The high temp. even for minules checks the
physiological changes occurring at the time of fruit ripening. And this the
tissue develops sponge like structure. This result in non ripening of fruits
and strarch done not hydroleysed due to histological and biochemical
disturbrnces caused by heat in the pulp of a mature fruit at pre or host
harvest stage.

1. The harvesting of fruit should be done evan in the morming or late in
evening .
2. Harvested fruit not be kept on ground directly but it should be spread on
cursion are transfer to the pock houses for the sorting , gradng and
3. Grow suitable vaniety like hybrid of alphonso-
Ratna and sindhu does not have this problem and arka punit is also tree
from this disorder-
 Sindhu - Ranta Aephooso
 Ranta – neelam * alphonso (hybrid of alphonso tree from spongy
 Arka panit is also tree from spongy tissue which has been developed
by crossing – Alphonss* banganpall.


Effect of root stock on sion and uice varsa is known as stomic affects.

(a) Effect of rootstock on scion vigour:-

The effect of rootstock on scion is one of the most stricking
influence perticulary in crops like apple,pear,plum and cherry.
In apple no of vigour controlling rootstoch have been selected and
these are used for vgour contril. On the bus is of vigour control @the
apple,rootstock are classified in to six group-
I. Ultra dwaf- M-27
II. dwarf – m-9
III. semi dwarf- M-26,MM-106 , M-7
IV. Semi vigour –M-2,M-11
V. Vigour- M-13,MM-104
VI. Very vigour- M-25,MM-104

(b ) pear- quince c. rootstock used for vegour control.

(b) plump- st. Julian, pershurs and damase.

(c) Cherry- colt , F-12-6
(d) Citrage are also dwarfing not stock and poncirus are also dwarfing
root stock.
(e) Aneuploid Guava no 82- dwarfy root stock.
(f) Veuai coluneban- polyembryonic varity of mango has dwarfing
In mango it appears that scion cultur have dwarf more domeinating
effect as compare with rootstock.

(b ) Precocity:- strcking effect of rootstock on precocity in anp live apple have

been observed. In dwarbing rootstock fruiting take place on the therd year while
in vigiur rootstock 4-5 year take to go flowering .senular nftunce has been also
noted in Plam, cherry and Guava etc.

(c) Yield:- the infllunce of rootstock on yield is also striking. The long trun
experiment on apple planted with cox, orange, pippinslane prnce albort
indicated that in early year(up to 10 year) dwarf rootstock M-9 leaded
sebart sewirgour and vigorous rootstock.

 Up to 10-15 years semi-vigrous out yielded the dwarfing as well

vigorous onl.
 Howeier 15 years semi vigorous owout yieled the both dwarfing and
sami virrous. It is interesting to record that planting distance
was some for all these rootstock.Therefore some space lift vacant in
case of dwarfing and vigorous rootstook.
From the above statements it is clear that tree is dwarfing but
productivity per unit area is much more higler of dwarfing as
compared with vigour one.
1. Fruit quality:-
Root stock is also known influence the quality of fruit.in
apple becase of less foliage larger fruit surface expose to sun
therefore bright colour is rule with dwarfing rootstock as
compared with vigours one.
In the case of citrus rootstock like cleoptera mandarin, there root
stock induces, then skin, more juicy and sweet fruit, while rough
lemon induce thick skin fruitless juicy and poor in fruit quality.

(E) Tolerance to botic and abiotic stresses:-

It is an eslablish fact that in variabely rootstock is not going to
transnut any tolerance/resistance to scion var directly but
actural problem faced by rootstook can be taken care by
through the selecton of proper rootstock.
Nsect, nematods,nicro organism libe fungus, viruses after pose a problem and
because of thre problem fruit productivity is not possible acid heuce the selection
of proper rootstock should be done which renstant against biotic stess:-

Crop problem rootstock

1. Grape phylloxora vitis labrnesca

2. Peaches nematode nemagound shalil

3. Citrus phytophthora pocinus

4. Fig nematods f. glomerale
5. Apple wooly aphis m,m. senies ris
(b) Abiotic stresses:-
Citrus- rangpur line, cleoptera mandarn
Grape- dogridge, solt creek, solanis 1613.
Mango-kurrukan, nileshwar dwarf
Sapota- dry situation-manlkar hexandra.

Effect of scion on root stock:-

1. On the root structure.
2. Effect of scion and cold tolerance on R.s.
The sion cultivar when late growth occers in the season during winter
season also encourage.the root activity and some time low chilling njury.


“ accommodation of maximum nuber of plants/unit area for obtaining high
producton is known as high density orcharding.

This concept come in the proactive with the advent of dwarfing apple rootstock
in the seropin countries. In case of apple the root stock play very dominating role
in the deteruning the vigour and productivity of a plant.

In fecent year this concept given importance because pressure of population on

land ineresing day by day. Therefore this is one way of the whole to go plants in
order to secure higher yield per unit area without impairing the fruit quality
following points are concider under this ponts.

1. Rootstock- dwarfing rootstock

 Apple – M-9,M-27
 Pear- quince-C
 Cherry- colt,cap f, f-12-6
 Plump- st. Julian, preshure, damas-c.
2. Scion- should be regular bearer vanity and selected from alwarfing plant
e.g. Amrapaliy.
3. Training system- severe pruning as in phalsa 15 cm above the ground level.
4. Planting technique-double row system planting e.g. in banana.
5. Use of chemicals-paclobutrazal (1-2 gm)/year of plant age.


Concept based on the hgh density orcharding. The concept of the medow
orcharding was given by prof. L.C.LUCK WILL from England. It consist of
propogation of apple varieties on dwarfing rootstock like M-9,M-27 followed by
spaying of ba or allar(antigibberellin) during theme and machenical harvesting of
fruits in the next august is in alternate years. This has not been adoped by the
formers becaseofnshort life of an orchard and require large no of plants (6000-
7000 plants/hac) per unit area. In case of apple nuns these s trend to go for
cultivation of spur mutant variets.

 Well spur
 Summar spur spur mutant varieties of apple grafted on
the dwarfing root
stock usuing of allar or ba
 Sturdy spur
 Star chineson

Meddowing :-
Harvesting of crop from 1-15 fect from ground leavel is known as
meddowng. Harvesting is done with the mechanical harvester.

64. BUNCHY TOP OF BANANA:- insect water(pentalonia ngrohervosa)

Bunchy top of banana is most seriouis disease of banana in india. It is caused by
virus insect vactor an aphid (Pentalonia nigroneruosa).now of the Indian variety
resistant to it. The variety basara dwarf is most susceptible to it and poovari is
also susceptible in south india.

Symptoms :- the leaves on the offected plant are brncked together in to

rosette at the tope and thr margen are wary and slightly rolled upword. The basal
part of the leaves shows dark green lnes consisting of dashes and dots along the

Control:- there s nocure and the effected plants should sprayed with berosin oil
to kill the aphids and then destroyed to prevest its spread to other plants. Suckers
should be obtained from non affected. areas.

65. PANAMA WILT:- (fusarium oxysporum varr. cubens)

Panama wilt is dreaded in tropical America, where the famous variety cross
michell is grown almost exdusively, but our main varieties are free from it.

Basra is mmune and poovar is resistant but the rashali, malbhog and alphona
are the most susceptible variety . it is most serious in poorly drained soils.


1. The leaves tarn yellow from the marginse and dry up.
2. The oldest leaveo affected frist and from yest at tants .
3. The fruit become botlle shaped and vascular tssue become discoloured.
4. Suckers from affected rhzome remain stunted.

1. Affected plants should uprooted burned .

2. Since soil lives fangus hence soil around plant should mixed with quick
line and soacked write water.
3. Sucker should be used from disease tree plants.
4. Change the field of banana for at cst for 2-3 days.
5. Management of good drainage.


Shedding of coconut fruits at primary stage (button stage ) s known as
button shedding in coconut. T s more serius problem in coconut cultivaton.

These are the following reason for sheddling of coconut fruit.

1. Attack of pest and disesase.

2. Nutritional deficiency.
3. Unfeabrable son and climate coudition.
4. Defect in pollinaton and fertilization.
5. Limited carpaciity of tree to bear fruits.
(a) Falling of button and mmature nuts due to the infecton of feamale
flower by fungus. Collectrotricum spp.(report from peneya)
(b) From island reports, it was caused due to attack of moth (Acritocera)
and beetle (diocalendra)
(c) While in ceylon, phillepincs and india. It is caused due to attack of .
phytopthera spp.


(a) sufficint nitrogen fertilizer leads to nut shodding.

(b) defficiecy of micro nutrients (specally zinc ) causes for button shedding.

3. button shedding is more in havy soil than the light one.


(a) ack of pollination is important for sedding of net.

(b) abarption of carple from the female flower results. Failre of fertilization and
cause for neet shedding.

5. severe drought may also seeds to botton sheddis.

1. Control the insect pest & disease for phytopthera 1% Bordeaux mixture,
2spray at 30-40 days enterval.
2. Add proper cimocunt of nitrogen fertilizer and for zinc difficency 200gr
2nsoly per plam per year feicoutr m period of 5 year.
3. Cinro in not much heavearr soil.
4. Hand pollinaton is done to proper pollination
5. 2,4-D @60ppm when spray on female flower at wealthy for a month
startng first complesion of fertilization prevent button shedding effectively.
6. Spraying of NAA in from of planofix at 0.5 ml/litter. of water at 30 days
after opening of inflorescence was found effective in controlling button
swdding in coconut.


Seed rot is caused due to no of fung.

 Pythium aphonidermeatume
 Alternaria alternate
 Rhizoctonia solonai
The seedling become water socked at soil leavel and tapped down on the
1. Proper nursery managent should be adopted.
2. Nursery bed should be avoided from water logged.

3. Nursery bed should be treated with captan or thirame@3g/kg ofnseed

before sowing.
4. Pre-treatment of soil with farmline (2% solutiion) is effective to cheek
5. Seed treatment and soil treatment reduces severing of disease 100%.


Alternara porri

This disease attack on inflorescene stal ofonious. The disease is increase in size
later on and develop a brght colouration. The control portion of spots become
black due to heavy sporulation. Specaly during wet season.

Symptom also appear in leaves but they are more in enfloriscine stocks. Whole
stalk become weak and finally break. Seed set is very poor.

1. 4-5 spray(foliar ) of captagel 80%w.p.@ 0.2% at 10-15 days intervals is more
2. Addition of sticker teepol @ 2.5 ml/litter increase the efficiency of the
fungicides when the rain are frequent.


c.o.(Gnormoschema operculleta)

there is no single method to control potatotuber moth if its population is so

large. They for the control of potato tuber moth integrated management is

(A) What should be done in field ?

The pest may be manage through same cultural pructious.
1. Use healthy potato, through same free potato same cultural practices.

2. In potato tuber moth affected area planting of potato is done 10 cm.

deep insected of normal depth 6 cm.
3. Fill the soil crakes with timely earthing up and covered exposed tuber
properly. Irrigate the crop timely to avoid cracking.
4. Do not leave the rarcested potato in field over night and cover with
potato foliage.
(B) Chemical control:-
Spray of carbong(sevon) 50 wp @40kg/hac or
monochrotophus(nuvacram) 40 EC @ 100 litter/ha luted in 1000-1200 litter
of water is an effcture for controlling it. It may repeacted at 10-15 days an
interval if pest persist on.
Potato tuber moth is seroes pest of potato and widely distributed in
temperate amd tropical regious.
The adult are silvery grayish wite brown wings . the catter pillar
damage the potato foliage and tuber. In stored tuber newly hatched
catterpllar bore in through the age buds.

70. TAPPING :-
It is the operation by which latex is obtain from the bark of rubber tree. Tapping
is a process of controlled wonding , during which thick savings of bark is removed
to enduce the flow of latex. The bark of the ribber tree is an outer hard porition
and an inner zone which is soft. The verselo are bast arranged in a series of
coceutrio ring with in the bast these no increare towords the cambium.

- A higher in tensity of tapping after leads to brown bast which is

physiolosical dio order.
Yield- 20-30 q/hac / 2000-3000 kg/hac.
 Toddy:- a suger containing fuice called toddy is colled on tapping the
unopened spadix of the coconut.it is regareded as refresling drink as
well as fernieuted lequar, jaggary, suger, arrack and vinegar are the
major prodects prepared from toddy.
 Raisin:- raisin is the dehydrated of grape, prepared from the seedless
varity of the grape having high T.S.S.

Kisnis- seedless variety

Munakka- seeded variety
 Climacteric fruits:- apple,pear,peuch, appicot, plump,
 Non – climacteric fruits:- cherry ,grape,strabery, ljrape fruit,
lemon,pne apple,litchi, loquat.

71. BORERS (Leucinodeo spps)

Borers are the important insect of the followers-

1. Short and fruit borer of okra.

2. Fruit borer of tomato.
3. Short and fruit borer of brinjal
Which cause enormous damage of the crops.
- They born in the short at growing apex and momoving down wards by eating
the central portion of the stem. The stem drop down and plant dies.
- Fruit borer attack young developing fruit at early stage. Fruit get affected by
the boran are also become un suitable for consumption and spoiled.
1. Affected plants and fruits collects and destroy as early as as possible to
cheek futher spreadiy.
2. Crop should be sprayed before fruiting os protective mears 0.4%carbaryt,
sevin 50%w.p or monocrotophes@0.035(1.25 ml/liter)at an inter owal of
7-10 days (2-3 spraying is done at feuit growth early stage)


Fruit fly is a major of cucurbits which is more serous during very early stage of
fruit growth and development.

1. All the affected fruits collected and deotroy/buried in joit/burt it.

2. Growing renstance veriety .

Eg. Arka suryamukhi - pumpkin
Arka tinda (tenda or round relon)

It is laapanes technique of arrangement of flower. The basic concept of
traclitional Ikebana are “heaven” man “earte’.

The flower and breinched are supported with pine holder called kansen and took
natural flowerly.

 Vernalization :-
Method to inducing early flowering in the flowering in the plauta by pre
treatment of seeds with very low temp.
 Cutting :-
It is process of propagating plants by the separation of their vegetative
parts that when placed under sutable condition will develop in to complete
Plant with produce suckers propagated by root cutting e.g. apple,pear,
pear, guava ,litchi,
Limitation:- width of root not less than 1/2cm and lenth of the cutting 5-15
stem/branches that from roots while stile attached to parents/mother
plants are colled leeyers and practice based on this phenoninon colled
Sod culture:-
It means system of soil management where in the plants are grown in
permanent grosses wth out tillage and addition of any bitter.sod culture is
of three types:-
1. Pure sod culture:-(when grown not cut up to more year in between fruit

2. Sod mulch culture:- (artificial method)

3. Sweet sod cultre:- (gresses tun in soil in raing season)

Iit is method of pruning in with the bark of the plant is removed in thefrom
of pople. Strip instead if a ring (just below or above the bar). The length of
strip is range is range from 1.25-2.5 cm. it is also known by other name
knotcing. Main objective of its of its is to increase C:n rato in the plants.

74. Role of PGR in hhorticulture

PGR/Bio Regulator:-

These are the organic compound other than nutrients whch in small
amount promots inhebits or other wse modfiyed any physiological process
in the plants.

PGR has very has very much dominating role in horticultural crops in
respect of higher production as well as quality produce. There are six group
of PGR in which one group is inhibitor group. They all are very esseutial in
plant system for pramotng, inhibiting or modify physiological process with
in plants.

(a) Auxin group

IAA= indol,3 acitic acid (normal)
IBA = indol, 3 utyric Acid
(b) napthaline group
NAA= Nepthaline acitic acid
(c) Naphthoxy group
NOA= napthoxy acitic acid
BNOA= B Naphthoxy acitic acid
(d) Phenoxy group
2,4-D= 2,4,Dichloro Phenoxy Acitic Acid

2,4,5-T=2,4,5 Trichorophenoxy Acitic Acid

2,4,5,TP= 2,4,5 trichloro Propionic Acitic Acid
PCPA= Pora chlor phenoxy Acitic Acid
(e) Inhibitor group
MH= Mlic Hydrazde
TIBA=2,3,5, Trido Benzoic Acid
ABA=Abscissic Acid
(f) Reardents:-
CCC= 2 Chloro ethyle Amousim chloride.
Alar= Ba=SADH=N demethyl Annino saccini acid.
Among these six group these are following role of these PGR as below-

(a) Propagation :-
1. Seed propagation/seed germinaton:-
 GA and cytolinn has been found effectine in seed propagation.
 GA3 -50 -100 ppm break the dormancy od seed us will as increase or ensure
high rate of germination.
 Cyetebinin 10 ppm ensrure better germination.
 GA3 also brcak the bud dormancy in case of potato when treated with GA3
50-100 ppm brck the dormany of bud.
 For breacking dormancy of tuber ccc or Alter 2500 ppm.
2. Asexual propagation:-
Among asexual propagation the major role of PGR in case of
cutting and layering.
 Synthetic auxin – IBA has been found very much effective in
cutting . in quich method of cutting 10000 ppm IBA treating
and show method 80-100 ppm s effective.
 While under layering 2500 ppm Auxin in lamolne from has
been found affective in earlier rooting.
(b) Plant growth and development:-
GA3 has been commercially used in dwarf plant to give vigous growth
because it is critically responsponsible for ceel elongation.

(c) Sex expression:-

1. For sex expression NAA is commercially used. For example- in case
of mango spraying of 200ppm NAA is much effective for female
flower formation.
2. In case of papaya MH and TIBA has found effective for sex
MH=50 ppm
TIBA=100ppm sprying has been found effective.
(d) Uniform flowering:-
In case of pineapple it has been reported that spraying of 15ppm
NAA is responsible for uniform flowering .
(e) Fruit setting:-
NAA is commercibelly wtilze at the rat of 20ppm and GA 40-50 ppm.
(f) To control fruit droping:-
1. In mango it has been reported that NAA 20ppm at pea stage and
2nd spray at 25 days interwal of first spraying are sufficient to
preventive fruit drop or 2,4-d 10ppm is also much effective.
2. In case of citrus for controlling post set drop. NAA 15-20 ppm is
2,4,5 t 30ppm has been found effective to control preharuest
drop in sweet orange.
(g) Development of parthenocarpic fruit:-
Most commonly PGR are GA3,auxin,cytobenin. Normaly used auxin
are MOA and GA.
2,4,d 25ppm and NAA 200ppm n brijal & cucurbits for parthenocarpic
(h) Fruit growth and development :-
GA3 is effective 45-50 ppm spraying at the time of 50% flowering. Has
been found effective to increase fruit set in the case of grape while at
full bloom 40-50ppm GA3is effective in increase the size of berry.
Ethereal:- has been commercially utilize for the uniform
repening.(banana 80-100 ppm).

(i) Sprouting :-
 In potato spraying of MH500-2500 ppm at per chariest stage
(1-7 days before has effective to control sprouting.
 MH 2500ppm spraying on onion percent the sprouting .
(j) Increasing self life:-
(k) Cytokinenin has been found effective in increaris self life and
appearance of leafy vegetables as in case of celery and lettuce.
(l) Weed control:-
2,4D- for broad leaf
IPC- narrow leaves
Has been commercially utilize.


The commercial method of vegetative propagation such as budding,
grafting, learing, cutting etc. are more time tacking,more expensive, less
prodection of nursery plants and also required more number of of skelled
persons, more area, particular time and saitabe rootstock for multiplication of
nursery plants. In is also very difficult to maintain purity and cuifornaity of nursery

Microprogation is one of the more effeciont,enexponsive, and recent

method of vegetative propagaton for commercial multiplication of horticultural
crops plants. It has several advantage ouer conventional method of propagation.
These are-

I. High multiplication rate.

II. Minimum requirement of space.
III. Propagating throughout the year.
IV. Greater degree of control disease and pest and advers climatic
condition. Which make it a potential biotechniques for application in
plant propagation.

Definition:- “ micro propagation relate to the cultivation of plant

orgens; tissue/cells in testube on artificial media under aceptic

On the basis of plant material micropropagation classified in five


1. Callus culture
2. Cell culture
3. Organs culture
4. Meristum culture
5. Protoplast culture

The word ‘bonsai’ derved from two Japanese word-

Bon- shallow pan

Sai- plant tray planting.

Bonsai is Japanese art of plant growing in shallow containe. In genral in this

technique large size plant are develop in small one without poosing its natural
opearance with the help of proper training and pruning and as well as with the
help of plant growth inhebitor MH.

Style of training of bonsai

1. Up right style
2. Spiral training
3. Oblique truining
4. Cas cuding truining
5. Coil thye traing

1. Plants of hardy in nature.
2. Plant shows variation in growth & flowers are selected.
3. It should be stad with shallow container.
4. Trunk should have natural appearance.
5. Trunk should have natural appearance.
6. The branch grow natural but in aesthetic froms.

Ferns belong to class petriophyta. There are three types fern found in nature

1. Terrestrial forn – which grown in ground.

2. Epiphytic
3. Aquatic – (grown in water)
The life cycle of then is completed is two phase-
1. Sporophytic phase
2. Gametophytic phase

It is propagated by three means-

1. By spours
2. By sucer
3. By bulbils

Some common teon used in garden as belows-

1. Adinatum formosum
2. Adinatum micro phylum
3. Tree fern- alsophila
4. Flowering feon- nelune a rotundilolia.
5. Blechnum –suitable for indoor, varandhe, pot plant.
6. Nephrolepsis- suitable for hanging basket.
7. Polypodium – also suitable for also suitable for garden as well as plant.

They are most important role take place in decoration of house by

ptted ferns,hange by buss bet ferns, and endoor ferns.

78. ORCHID :-
Orchids are most important beautiful flowering plants. There are 24000 splo and
32000 hybrds. Of orchids and mostly they aregrown in worm climate. They are
mostly use as a cut flowers.i having smallest seed.

Orchid belongs to worn climate are –

Dendrobium and Vanda orchids species prodce beautiful flowers.

Orchids are mostly grown in gless house structon when the temperature
and other condition are under coutroled.

Propogation of orchids:-


Recently it has been reported IARI that orchids has been commercially
propagated through micro propogation ,because its method is most rapidaly.

Cyubium- is mostly propogated by moistam culture.

Die back is the serious disease in the orchard. Which spread in rhizome and may
spreed from rhizome to rhizome.

Orthocide 50 and coson has been recommended for controlling this type
of fungus disease. Cleaning of green house is necersory for controlling many type
of infection.


In case of vector transnited virus for example tristiza in the kagziline, indexing
progamme is not a full proof method becose there is very possibility for infection
under open field coundition through insect vector.

Trstriza vector Aphid – Touoptera cittricida.

Tthere are four strain-

1. Week strain
2. Mild strain
3. Severo strain
4. Verulant strain
Thenefore a technique castablished firstly in Australia to cheak spreading of
tritiza named cross protechtion technique.
This technique is specially used for line where the seedling plants are
protected ageurst several straing. Through inoculating milder strain which
does not allow the infestation of vcrulant stran. In this case mild strain
develop in plants under cross protected condition. The bud wood taken
from the plants containing milder stran and is buded on the seedling plants
of linue.(indicator plant). It bud remain green for 15 days it should be under
stood that virus has been injected in the tree.
Any of fruit juice debtance which from colloidal substances with water
and was derived from the pectose (protopectine) is known as poctine. They
are present in the cell wall of the fruits.
Slightly under rpe fruit contains more pectine as compaired to the ripe
fruit becose when the fruit rpe. Than pectn is converted in to pectic acid
where does not from felly whth acd and suger.
For deoterable extraction of pectin the fruit should be ceobed with water
for 20-25 minutes. Protopact is nsoludle in cold water and soluble in hot
water protopectin is the precursor of the pectin. Over cooking result pulpy


The arts of growing house plants or indoor plants inside a house is known as
indoor gardening.

OR in other words to say that-

“ when the plants are grown in winddew screen or nside of house in any types
pots is called indoor gardening.”

The simplest method is to grow plants in pots and keeping them in

appropnate place in the house. The other popular method of growing indoor
plants are in hanging busket chine baslet. Wood cane etc. in trays and troller are
also a part of indoor garden.

Suitable plants:-

Ficus elastic,thuja, bottle plam.

Afrcan bachea, fern, croton.

Cactus & succuleuts:-

(a) Echinocctus

(b) Pedlanthus suitable for indoor

(c) opuntia

Berider these plants:-

 Bougainvellca
 Cnnum
 Japhar lely
 Foot ball lilly
 Amryuis.
 Bigouia etc.


When the garden is created in water may be submerged or bog plant.

Water gardening is one of the oldest art of gardening inn india. The oldest
reference ofwater garden conus from the budhist period.

Important points ensure to water gardening :-

1. Nformal pools
2. Formal pools
e.g suitable plants-
 Nelumbo lutea (family - Nlymphaeccae)
Cultivar- chinkapin- fragement & yellow colour.
 N.nucifhera (called padma or kamal)
 Victoria regia (Nymphaceae)
 Best oxygenator plants for water plants is callitricha autumnales.
Beside it some floating plants e.g.
Azolla caroleneniana
Eichhornia speceiosa
Lemna gibba and lemna minar
Trapa natus
Irs,typha(sallow water growing).
Controlled Atmosphere (C.A)
(Co 0.3% and O2 16%) Co2 conc.is increase 4-6% It helps in maintain
the crispness even for 8-9 month (Red delicious)


Tissue culture technique in valve the producton of plants from very small plant
part. Tissues as cell grown a septically in a test tube or other containers were the
environment and nutrition can be rigidly controlled. In this the embryo, organo

ginic such astem, flower,root,and shape over a period of any thirs from 4-10

Horticultureal crops like- orchid , strawberry, coffee ,rose,etc.


Latin for ‘in glass” living in test tubes out side the organism in an artificial


Growing of plants in artificial medis is called invetro.


Important cut flowers:-

Rose,jasmine,china aster chryseithemum, tuberose, gerbera, marigold, gladiolus,

cornation, crossanda and bareria.


Two set responsible-

(A) Enternal mechanism:-

1. Rate of water absooption
2. Transpiration
a- The relative area of absorption
b- Total water holding capacity of tissue.
(B) Environmental factors
1. Tempreture
2. Relative humidity
3. Wind velocity

To reduce the transpiration and respiration rate. The rate of

respiration is is depend up on the amount of suger abailable in plant
tissue, temperature and use of sertain chemical to regulate it.
Certain chemical help to reduce transpire &respiration
and also control bectera, fungi.
1. A solution coueposed of potassium alee minimum sulphate, tcrin
oxide, sodium hypochlorite &suger.
2. A solution couposed of magneese sulphate hydrazine sulphate and

The substances evaluated are amphyl, sodium hypochloride,8-hydrory quinolin
sulphate (8HQS), copper sulphate, zinc acetate,silver nitrate, and aluminium
nitrate. Among these 8-HQS was found to be the best, although-
hydroxyquinoline citrate (8-HQC) s also very effective.

Another recent method in storing is the –

HYPOBARIC METHOD:- Also called low pressure storage(LPS)

The method lays emphanis on the control of native growth regulators ethylene
and Co2. In hypobacic equipment the pressure and temperature .are low and the
humity is relatively high. Under such condition , ethylene and Co2 leuds are
maintained at the most beneficial level.

A series of orches joined together to train climber to have a cool resting place
during summer.

It is a technique of cultivation which lays emphasis on maximum precision in
prodection minimizing wastage of inputs and resources in harnessing production
potential and utilizing the crop for vested economic attributcs.

- Global positioning system (GPS)

- Geographic information system(GIS)
- Remote sensing.
- Yield monitoring devces
- Soil,plant &pest sonsors
- Micropropagation
- Microirrigation
- Fertigaton
- Mulching
- Profected cultivaton
- Organic farming
- Use of modified crop varieties
- Use of agril empliments
- Hi-tech post harvest handaling.



Dormancy Rest priod
1. Pertans to rustication of It is always associated with internal
active growth in the plant factor.
part because of enternal and
external factor.
2. As per factor responsible for Treatment of enternal dormancy

dormancy of the seed or through the stratification.

plant is required to be broken
out break external dormancy
through acid, altal treatment.
3. For breaking the seed The seed dormancy or the rest
dormancy as the case may be period of temperate fruits seed are
scarifcation (mechanical generally broken but stati ficaton
breaking of the seed coot) that is treating of seed inalternate
olhali treatment. moisture sand and verniculits.
Hot wate treatment rsing
the seed wth continunus of
water. As in case may be
these treatment are helpful
in breakiy the machancal


Europian plum(Purmas domestrica) Japanise plump(p. saliana)
1. Cultivated at high elevation. Lower alovaton.
2. Most are self fruitful Often require cross pollination.
3. Comperctively less fruit Require more fruit thining.
thining. Sever pruning required.
4. Require puss pruning. Comparatively low chilling(700-
5. Higher chilling requirement 800 hrs).
(1000 mts) Ohinese origin.
6. Eurropion origin.


Mango Apple
2n=40 2n=35,50(Rosaceae )
1. Mango bears on the It bears on mixed spure.
preurims year terminally.
2. The common variety of Alternate bearer variety-

mango are like Bombay grem, - Ryneer, gdden delicious

lamyra chausa, dashehari, - Baldwin, ciravenston
alphonso him sugar and - King of the tombins.
keshar are alternate - Black bardarun
bearer(most of the Regular bearer-
commercial vanity are Red delicious Royal red gold,
altimate bearn)regular Tyder mem.
bearcr- In apple varities thining is
Bonglera,neelam, amrapali. commonly done with use of auxin
after fruit set and it helpful set and
3. Dropping off fruit is it helpful in regulating the bearing
unpredectuble there fore variety.
thining of fruit is commonly
not recomcnded.


Kitchen garden Nutrition garden
1. It pertains to the systemaic It pertain to cultivation of fruit
cultivation of vegetable in back plants in way to cover the daily
yard of the house for continuous requirement of fruit of a family.
supply of vegetable to a family.
2. Vegetable are pre dominance Fruit plant are predominat and
and some short duration fruit in between fruit crop some
plants grow at vegetable crop grow e.g.
boundary.(papaya,banana,caron Chillies popato,dhania.


Cactur Succulents
1. Cactur are charcterics by Succulents characterized by leaves
present of areaols. or stem or both but root areols.
2. Required more deseant dry Lass than this.
area. Have leaves.
3. Cactur group plants are
lecoflas except in genus Belongs to diffent family.

Pereskia. All are not perinial.

4. All belongs to family cactacae e.g cotyledon spp. Opuntia ,
5. All plants are prinial. 2ygocatus.
6. E.g bryophyllum, aloes spp
Mamuillaria spp. Echino


Training Pruning
1. Training includes providing Pruning includes removal of plant
suppot bending, tying and part either partially(Heading back)
pinching to encourage new or complitaly (Thining out)from the
swoots and practices only in place of origin and practiced in old
new plants. plant.
2. It not regularke the balance Make the balace between
between reproductive and vegetative &reproductive phase
vegetative phase. Provides and regulate the crop.
foundation trunk.
3. It has a not stunting It has a depressing / stunting effect
depressing effective on vine. on plant.
4. It is mostly at young stage for
giving support through out At all stage and in a particular
the year. season.


Inhibhtor Retardant
1. They are any auxine. Antigibberellius.
2. They act as apcal meristem- They act as sub as sub opical
cell division. monistene – cell elonguation.
3. It cheeks the growth. Reduce the growth.
4. They are synthesized ether They allway syntherised antoficially.
artificially or in plant.
5. There action is permanent. There action is teceprory.
6. E.g. M.H,TIBA e.g. cycocel and ba.


Cardial Squash
1. It is a sparking , It is a type of fruit juice beuerage.
clear,sweetened jucice
from which di saspented
material climinated. While squash contain 25%fruit juice
2. Cordial contain 25%juice 40-50% T.S.S
and35%T.S.S. e.g.
3. Suitable fruits lemon & lemon,line,baeb,Guava,jamun,mango
line. not done.
4. Juice classification is


Sauce Squash
1. Sauce having 15% T.S.S. Ketchup havey 28%T.S.S.
2. Vescocity of sauce is less than Vescocity is more.


Deternunate tomato Indeterrninate tomato
1. The plants of determinate The plants of of indernuinate type
type terminals in a flower ternunates in vegetation bud.
beds and is appropricately
called ‘self topping’or ‘self
pruning type’. Fruiting period prolonged.
2. Fruiting period On each three nod.
comparatively less.
3. Formation of flower cluster Coutinae to grow.
on each node. e.g. Karnataka,arth,4,mth-6.
4. Growth of terminal period is
5. E.g. memgla,surio, reha ruby.



Climmaeteric fruits Nonclimaetoric fruits

1. A phenonunon in which fruit Not rise in respiration resulting no
after harvesting in crease ripening of fruit.
respirating along with ripening.
2. High level of ethylene Lower level.
prodection. Lower starch.
3. Higher starch. Not contain.
4. Contain carentanoid pigments No respiration.
5. Respiration at its peack. Pine apple,lemon, lime,grape fruit,
6. E.g. Banana,Jackfruit cherry, loquat, strer berry.
papaya,musk melon,water

Hardening and transpiration.


Shorting and garding

Peeling (hardpeeling,unchemical peeling,hot water ,peeling(tomato) and

by lycsocution (sotear bondi and apnicot - hot lage solution 1-2%
NaOH- 30 secter to 2 minute heating should be done.)

Cutting and capping

Blanching (vegetables and sulphuring in case of fruits)

Pilling in case

Brening in canes

Brening (by nocl 2-3%)

Functions:- fill the enterspace in caw with 2% hot and clear boine
leaving a head space of 0.6-100%small question of suger cetrce acid and
added bnne whele canning peas and coliflower.


Canning of fruits and vegetables:-

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