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On the Primacy of Affect

R. B. Zajonc University of Michigan

ABSTRACT: Lazarus has challenged the view that Lazarus employs two definitions, one for emo-
there are circumstances under which affect precedes tion and one for cognition. All of his inferences are
cognition and that affective arousal that does not entail based on these two definitions. Lazarus's definition
prior cognitive appraisal exists. His argument, how- of emotion (which requires cognition as a necessary
ever, is based entirely on an arbitrary definition of precondition) is central to his position. On the basis
emotion that requires cognitive appraisal as a nec- of this definition alone, therefore, the argument is
essary precondition. To satisfy this concept of emotion, unassailable. If Lazarus insists on his definition, as
Lazarus has broadened the definition of cognitive ap- he has the right to do, we must agree that affect cannot
praisal to include even the most primitive forms of be independent of cognition because by definition
sensory excitation, thus obliterating all distinction be- cognition is a necessary precondition for affective
tween cognition, sensation, and perception. No em- arousal.
pirical evidence is offered to document the principle For Lazarus, cognition is an ever-present prior
of cognitive appraisal as a necessary precondition for element of affect and since the presence of cognitive
emotional arousal. The contrasting view of an affective functions cannot always be documented, a rather spe-
primacy and independence, however, is derived from cial definition of cognition is required. Thus, Lazarus's
a series of findings and phenomena, including the definitions of cognition and of cognitive appraisal
existence of neuroanatomical structures allowing for also include forms of cognitive appraisal that cannot
independent affective process. be observed, verified, or documented. Because the
emotional reaction is defined as requiring cognitive
appraisal as a crucial precondition, it must be present
Only a few years ago I published a rather speculative whether we have evidence of it or not. Even if cognitive
article entitled "Feeling and Thinking" (Zajonc, appraisal of a given emotional excitation cannot be
1980). The title also included the provocative subtitle documented, according to the definition it must have
"Preferences Need No Inferences," deliberately sug- nevertheless taken place, albeit at an unconscious level
gesting an occasional independence of emotion from or in the form of most primitive sensory registration.
cognition. In this article I tried to appeal for a more Therefore, Lazarus's proposition cannot be falsified.
concentrated study of affective phenomena that have Perhaps because the argument is circular, more
been ignored for decades, and at the same time to need not be said. However, there are important rea-
ease the heavy reliance on cognitive functions for the sons to say more. Whether cognitive appraisal is al-
explanation of affect. ways necessary for emotion or not should not be set-
The argument began with the general hypothesis tled by definitions alone. Empirical facts should con-
that affect and cognition are separate and partially tribute to the formulation of these definitions, and if
independent systems and that although they ordinarily we wish to understand how cognition and emotion
function conjointly, affect could be generated without interact, it is important to know what is true. As-
a prior cognitive process. It could, therefore, at times suming that cognitive appraisal is always a necessary
precede cognition in a behavioral chain, I based this precondition of emotion preempts research on the
proposition on a number of diverse findings and phe- matter. My preference is to leave the question of cog-
nomena, none of which alone could clinch the ar- nitive appraisal open for empirical research, post-
gument, but all of which taken together pointed to poning the task of precise and extensive definitions
a clear possibility of an affective independence and of both processes until we know more about them.
primacy. This idea was first advanced by Wundt Solving problems by definition is not an incentive
(1907) and later reiterated by others (e.g., Izard, 1984). for further study. It is a useful maneuver that allows
Lazarus (1982) takes a very strong issue with all of us to proceed with our work for awhile, pretending
this and almost categorically rejects the likelihood of that one aspect of our problem had already been
the independence of affect of cognition, let alone the solved. But we can pretend just so long. At some
possibility of an affective primacy. In this article I point of theoretical development, we must look to
will review Lazarus's position and contrast it with the empirical side of the problem and confront our
mine. assumptions and definitions with empirical reality

February 1984 • American Psychologist 117

Copyright 1984 by the American Psychological Association, Inc.
Vol. 39, No. 2, 117-123
and examine our theoretical consistency. I believe nition (Zajonc, 1980, p. 154) required some form of
that this point of theoretical development has now transformation of a present or past sensory input.
been reached. Of course, the question contested here "Pure" sensory input, untransformed according to a
cannot be fully resolved unless we have a full un- more or less fixed code, is not cognition. It is just
derstanding of consciousness. Such an understanding "pure" sensation. Cognition need not be deliberate,
is at the moment beyond our reach. But we have rational, or conscious, but it must involve some min-
learned just about enough about cognition and emo- imum "mental work." This "mental work" may con-
tion to move beyond definitional disputes. Conflicting sist of operations on sensory input that transform
results that I pointed out in my earlier article (Zajonc, that input into a form that may become subjectively
1980) need to be integrated. Questions about the in- available, or it may consist of the activation of items
dependence and primacy of affect can now be seri- from memory.
ously asked at the empirical level. I offered the notion The essence of the question can be stated as
of affective independence and primacy as a hypothesis follows. If there is a detectable emotional response
to be empirically verified, not as a definition to be but there is, at the same time, no detectable antecedent
disputed. Above all, however, defining affect as heavily cognitive process, did such a cognitive process take
dependent on cognition should make it rather clumsy place nevertheless, albeit at the unconscious level?
to study the interaction of cognition and emotion, Lazarus's position is that it was there but we could
and especially those forms of emotion in which the not document it. Lazarus asks, "Are there any ex-
latter influences cognition (for example, in phobia ceptions?" (p. 1201). "I think not," he answers himself.
and prejudice). Now, a host of theories, within and outside of
psychology, assume entities and processes that cannot
"Widespread Misunderstanding" be observed given current observational capabilities.
Lazarus (1982) bemoans "widespread misunder- These unobservable processes are postulated because
standings of what it means to speak of cognition as otherwise explanation of the phenomena under in-
a causal antecedent of emotion" (p. 1019). According vestigation would be impossible. Moreover, they are
to Lazarus, "Cognitive appraisal means that the way postulated only when they do not conflict with em-
one interprets one's p l i g h t . . . is crucial to the emo- pirical evidence. This is not true of emotions. Many
tional response" (p. 1019). But "cognitive appraisal" emotional phenomena can be explained and have been
need not be a deliberate, rational, or conscious process explained without invoking cognitive processes of any
(p. 1022). We "do not have to have complete infor- kind (e.g., Izard, 1977; Tomkins, 1962), and conflict
mation to react emotionally to meaning" (p. 1021). with empirical reality is in fact created if we assume
Perceptions that are "global or spherical" (p. 1020) a cognitive appraisal for every emotion. The facial
will suffice. In this respect, however, Lazarus mistak- feedback theory of emotion (Darwin, 1955; Izard,
enly assumes that I equated intention, rationality, 1971; Tomkins, 1962), which is gaining increasing
and awareness with cognition in general, or with cog- empirical support (Duncan & Laird, 1977; Laird,
nitive appraisal in particular. This is not so. I selected 1974; Laird, Wegener, Halal, & Szegda, 1982; Lan-
some examples in which deliberate, rational, or con- zetta & Orr, 1980; Rhodewalt & Comer, 1979; Zuck-
scious processes could be shown to be clearly un- erman, Klorman, Larrance, & Spiegel, 1981), requires
necessary for the generation of affect. I selected these no assumptions about prior cognitive appraisal, and
examples on purpose. If Lazarus and I could agree appraisal of the kind Lazarus postulates would play
that these forms of cognition are not necessary for havoc with the opponent process theory of affect (So-
an emotional arousal, then part of our problem would lomon, 1980).
be solved. Now we would only need to determine For Lazarus (1982), "cognitive appraisal (of
whether the forms of cognition that are hidden from meaning or significance) underlies and is an integral
the cognizer are necessary antecedents of emotion. feature of all emotional states" (p. 1021). Thus, all
Only the requirement for an unconscious cognitive three aspects of emotional reaction—bodily processes,
appraisal remains to be analyzed, because Lazarus overt behavioral expression, and subjective experi-
and I agree that cognitive processes which are un- ence—need cognitive appraisal as a necessary pre-
intentional and irrational but conscious are unnec- condition. I believe that this is not so, and I shall try
essary for emotional arousal. My definition of cog- to show why not.

This work was supported by Grant BS-8117477 from the National

Empirical Basis of Affective Primacy
Science Foundation. I wish to thank Pam Adelmann and James There are various phenomena that cannot be ignored
L. Olds for drawing my attention to the literature on retinohy- when one questions the independence of affect from
pothalamic tract.
Requests for reprints should be sent to R. B. Zajonc, Research cognition. At the moment, the best single explanation
Center for Group Dynamics, Institute for Social Research, Uni- for these phenomena is the assumption that affect
versity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106. can be aroused without the participation of cognitive

118 February 1984 • American Psychologist

processes and that it may therefore function inde- controlled by the right hemisphere, whereas semantic
pendently for those circumstances. This is true pro- and lexical aspects are controlled by the left. Ross
vided we mean by "cognition" something more than and Mesulam (1979) found a number of patients with
pure sensory input. I have reviewed some of this ev- lesions in the right hemisphere, directly across from
idence elsewhere (Zajonc, 1980; Zajonc, Pietromon- Broca's area. All these patients produced intelligible
aco, & Bargh, 1982). However, it did not impress speech, but it was speech totally devoid of emotional
Lazarus. I will now briefly summarize these and some inflections and other affect-dependent prosodic pa-
previously unmentioned findings and phenomena. rameters.
These findings need comment from theoreticians who (c) A direct pathway from the retina to the hy-
assume all of affect to be always postcognitive and pothalamus has been demonstrated in a large number
always depending on appraisal. of species (Nauta & Haymaker, 1969). On the basis
1. Affective reactions show phylogenetic and on- of an extensive review, Moore (1973) concluded that
togenetic primacy. Izard (1984) reviewed the evidence "a retinal projection to the suprachiasmatic nuclei is
on ontogenetic primacy of emotion, and the picture a regular feature of the mammalian visual system"
that emerges from his extensive examination of the (p. 408). Since the hypothalamus plays a central role
literature is quite convincing. Thus, if emotion pre- in the arousal and expression of emotion, the reti-
cedes cognition at some level of the individual's de- nohypothalamic tract allows the organism to generate
velopment, then at that level of development no cog- an emotional reaction from a purely sensory input.
nitive appraisal is necessary (or even possible) for the No mediation by higher mental processes is appar-
arousal of an affective reaction. In my 1980 article ently required. Emotions could be only one synapse
I hypothesized the independence of affect o/cognition. away. Thus, it is possible that rapidly changing light
At the formal level, therefore, affect could be simul- gradients, such as those that arise with looming ob-
taneous or secondary and still independent of cog- jects, could generate fear reactions directly. Other
nition. Proving this hypothesis requires no demon- studies show that direct aggression can be elicited by
stration that affect is primary. Nor must affect be the electrical stimulation of the hypothalamus (Flynn,
always primary. If evidence can be uncovered about Edwards, & Bandler, 1971; Wasman & Flynn, 1962),
the primacy of affect in only one situation, the in- and other efferent projections have been found issuing
dependence hypothesis would be confirmed. from the suprachiasmatic nuclei (Stephan, Berkley,
2. Separate neuroanatomical structures can be & Moss, 1981). These findings would imply that pure
identified for affect and cognition. For example, Izard sensory input requiring no transformation into cog-
(1984) wrote, nition is capable of bringing about a full emotional
response involving visceral and motor activity. There
The case for considering emotions as a separate system is no reason why subjective feeling could not follow
seems fairly well established at the neurophysiological-bio-
chemical level. At this level it is well known that some brain as well. Only a specific form of activity at the retina
structures, neural pathways, and neurotransmitters are rel- is required; this could be produced by a looming
atively more involved than others with emotion expression, object or by a rapidly changing illumination gradient.
emotion experience or feelings, and emotion-related be- For many species, efficient stimuli exist that are ca-
haviors. The limbic system is sometimes referred to as the pable of eliciting fixed action patterns by virtue of
"emotional brain," and the fact that at least one limbic an automatic process that short-circuits even "global
structure, the hippocampus, has been strongly implicated or spherical" perceptions. Extremely small changes
in information processing (Simonov, 1972) and memory in retinal excitation can produce these reactions
(O'Keefe & Nadel, 1979) suggests the existence of brain (Goodale, 1982; Ingle, 1973). Newborn infants re-
mechanisms specially adapted for mediating emotion-cog- spond in this manner to a host of stimuli, and with
nition interactions, (p. 25)
over-learning all sorts of other stimuli may acquire
(a) Emotional reactions are likely to be under the ability of eliciting emotional reactions automat-
the control of the right brain hemisphere, whereas ically, short-circuiting cognitive appraisal that initially
cognitive processes are predominantly the business may have been a necessary part of the emotional
of the left hemisphere (Cacioppo & Petty, 1981; reaction.
Schwartz, Davidson, & Maer, 1975; Suberi & d. Some olfactory and gustatory stimuli, when
McKeever, 1977). This evidence is not strong, but it of sufficient amplitude, produce clear overt emotional
is very suggestive. In a recent review of work on lat- reactions, and they produce them immediately and
eralization, Tucker (1981) concluded that the two directly (Steincr, 1974). These responses arc universal
hemispheres do participate differentially in cognitive across cultures and require no learning.
functions and in emotion, and that cognitive activity 3. Appraisal and affect are often uncorrelated
would not be possible without the independent neu- and disjoint.
rophysiological processes that give rise to emotion. (a) Affective judgments of persons are charac-
(b) Emotional features of speech are apparently terized by a primacy effect, whereas appraisal infor-

February 1984 • American Psychologist 119

mation is more likely to display recency effect (An- al., 1983b) has shown that affective discriminations
derson & Hubert, 1963; Posner & Snyder, 1975). in the absence of recognition memory can be made
(b) Weights associated with trait adjectives that by the subject even when the test follows the initial
contribute to liking judgments of hypothetical indi- exposure by as long as one week.
viduals are uncorrelated with the recall of these ad- (d) In blind tests, smokers are unable to identify
jectives (Dreben, Fiske, & Hastie, 1979). the brand of cigarettes they customarily smoke, but
(c) Multidimensional space for preferences can- when asked which cigarettes of those tasted they liked
not be decomposed to reveal descriptive dimensions. best, they unknowingly point to their own brand
The dimensions generated by similarity judgments (Littman & Manning, 1954).
of an array of objects (e.g., hues, soft drinks) are 5. Affective states can be induced by noncognitive
independent of the dimensions generated by com- and nonperceptual procedures.
parisons of preferences among these objects (Cooper, (a) Emotional excitation can be induced by
1973; Nakashima, 1909). drugs, hormones, or electrical stimulation of the brain.
(d) If cognitive appraisal is a necessary deter- Individuals who are given valium concealed in their
minant of affect, then changing appraisal should result food will change their mood, whether they know about
in a change in affect. This is most frequently not so, having ingested the drug or not. They may have all
and persuasion is one of the weakest methods of at- sorts of explanations for this change, and it is possible,
titude change (Petty & Cacioppo, 1981). as Schachter and Singer (1962) have shown, that some
4. New affective reactions can be established qualities of the valium-induced state may be altered
without an apparent participation of appraisal. by cognitive input. But in the final analysis, at least
(a) Taste aversion can be established even when some very significant aspects of the change in the
the possible association between food (CS) and the emotional state will be caused directly by the valium,
delayed nauseous UCS is obliterated by anesthesia regardless of what information the subjects are given
(Garcia & Rusiniak, 1980). The UCS is administered and what justification they themselves offer after-
and takes its effect when the animal is unconscious. wards.
Therefore, the appraisal, if it takes place at all, must (b) Ekman, Levenson, and Friesen (1983) have
make a rather remote connection between the ingested shown that the action of facial musculature unac-
food and the nausea that occurred during anesthesia companied by the subjective component of emotion
(and has probably been only vaguely registered). It produces distinctive autonomic reactions that cor-
is highly unlikely that any sort of appraisal process, respond to the facial musculature patterns.
even unconscious, could have been involved when (c) A little-known theory advanced at the turn
the animal rejected the CS food following condi- of the century by Waynbaum (1907) claimed to ex-
tioning. plain why particular emotional expressions and no
(b) Lazarus and McCleary (1951) have found others are associated with the particular emotional
that subjects are able, without awareness, to make states. Why, Waynbaum asked, do we laugh in joy
autonomic discriminations (GSR) among nonsense and cry in distress? His answer was that emotional
syllables. Lazarus insists that in their experiment some reactions, in the form of muscle action, act as ligatures
form of appraisal occurred prior to the emotional on veins and arteries regulating cerebral and facial
excitation, but there is no evidence that such was the blood flow. The altered blood flow, and especially
case in fact. The argument is simply that appraisal cerebral blood flow, was considered a sufficient con-
occurred because, by definition, it must have occurred dition for the elicitation of pleasurable and noxious
(Lazarus, 1982, p. 1021). states. Although it is probably wrong in several re-
(c) Preferences for stimuli (tones, polygons) can spects, Waynbaum's theory merits close attention.
be established by repeated exposures, degraded to There are means today of testing Waynbaum's vas-
prevent recognition (Kunst-Wilson & Zajonc, 1980; cular theory of emotions, and several of its aspects
Takenishi, 1982; Wilson, 1979). Interestingly, Mandler will no doubt prove to be correct.
(personal communication) reported that he was un-
able to obtain the above effects. Yet, Seamon and his Facts or Definition
colleagues replicated the results more than once with- These are facts, not conjectures, and they have to be
out difficulty (Seamon, Brody, & Kauff, 1983a, somehow explained. If we require affect, by definition,
1983b). In one of their first studies they demonstrated to have cognitive appraisal as a necessary precon-
that the affective discrimination, obtained in the ab- dition, then we must discover for all the above findings
sence of recognition memory, was subject to later- and phenomena where and how cognition could pos-
alization effects. Thus, affective preferences were best sibly enter. Of all of these, Lazarus mentions only
for stimuli presented in the right visual field, and autonomic discrimination without awareness (La-
recognition memory was best for stimuli shown in zarus & McCleary, 1951). The effect is explained by
the left visual field. A subsequent study (Seamon et assuming "that emotionally relevant meanings (con-

120 February 1984 • American Psychologist

notations) could be triggered by inputs whose full- chronic (e.g., depression) or phasic character (e.g.,
fledged denotations had not yet been achieved" (p. mood), tonic character (e.g., jealousy), or acute char-
1021). This argument may be quite correct, and one acter (e.g., surprise or mirth). The chronic state may
is tempted to suppose that some cognitive work took be overlayed by the tonic arousal, and tonic state may
place because we deal with lexical material. But we be altered by an acute reaction. No emotional re-
must not prejudge the case. Marcel (1980) and Fowler, actions occur in a vacuum. They manifest themselves
Wolford, Slade, and Tassinary (1981) have demon- as changes in the emotional state characterizing the
strated that semantic features of words are accessible organism at the given time.
earlier than perceptions of physical stimulus properties What are the first steps in the course of a change
of words, and they are accessible under viewing con- from one emotional state to another? Clearly, one
ditions so impoverished that even simple detection such condition is cognitive activity. One may recall
is at a chance level. a sad event or be reminded of an impending un-
Experiments that use semantic material pre- pleasant obligation. As a result, one's mood changes.
sented at levels that do not allow the subject to identify But there are other reactions that cause people sud-
the stimuli or even to detect them may be questioned denly to change the focus of attention or to become
because we are tempted to assume that in some un- generally alert. I have represented the course of such
known ways, the meaning of the stimuli becomes behavioral changes as having an early affective trigger
accessible to the subject prior to her or his affective (Zajonc, 1980, Figure 5). What makes the frog shift
reaction. But affective reactions are established with- attention from a lily pad to a snake is not the per-
out awareness to such stimuli as food (Garcia & Ru- ception of the snake itself. What shifts the frog's at-
siniak, 1980), tone sequences (Wilson, 1979), Japanese tention is a particular form of change in the envi-
nonsense words (Takenishi, 1982), or geometric fig- ronment, perhaps a change in the light pattern caused
ures (Kunst-Wilson & Zajonc, 1980; Seamon et al., by a movement of the lily pad that differs from the
1983a, 1983b). Especially intriguing are the Garcia- patterns of the previous few minutes. There may have
Rusiniak data described earlier, because in their case been perhaps a minute change in the ripple patterns
the conditioned stimulus was presented at optimal of the water, or in a reflection that was sensed pe-
level while the noxious UCS was given much later ripherally. A sensorimotor program is activated,
and under anesthesia. The fact that the animal sub- muscles tense, and there is readiness for flight. Emo-
sequently avoided the food in question (CS) is sig- tional state changes radically as a result of this min-
nificant because it suggests that all sorts of cognitive imal sensory input that needs not be transformed
appraisal processes must have been circumvented. into meaningful information. The neuroanatomical
Perhaps, if the experiment were conducted with hu- structures necessary for such a cognition-free reaction
mans, when asked why they refused the food, some are available and the relevant motor processes are
of the subjects might have said that they did not find also available (Goodale, 1982; Ingle, 1973). The reti-
it appetizing in the first place. But we could not tell nohypothalamic fibers that lead from the retina pro-
whether these appraisals came before rejecting the ject to the suprachiasmatic nucleus, and they can
food and therefore caused rejection, or whether they directly activate hypothalamic neurons (Moore,
came afterwards as a justification. 1973). In turn, there are all sorts of projections from
Nowhere in Lazarus's article is there any em- the hypothalamus and from the suprachiasmatic nu-
pirical evidence to suggest that cognitive appraisal cleus (Stephan et al., 1981) that participate in such
must precede affect. The argument is based entirely typical emotional reactions as recruitment of car-
on definition, and as such it becomes circular when bohydrate from the liver; transfer of blood from the
applied to the explanation of the kinds of results that abdomen to the heart, lungs, and limbs; piloerection;
I discussed here and previously. Given Lazarus's def- and at the behavioral level, retraction of the lips, ex-
initional stance, there is no empirical evidence that posure of canines, or immobility.
can be marshalled to show that appraisal is not nec-
essary. There is always the possibility that some ap- Conclusion
praisal took place, even if there is no evidence that The question of affective primacy must be settled on
it did. empirical grounds. If one insists that cognitive ap-
praisal is always a precondition to emotion, one is
Independence of Affect of Cognition forced to allow cognition to be reduced to such min-
If cognition is not a necessary condition for emotion, imal processes as the firing of the retinal cells. Thus,
then there must be instances in which affective re- if we accept, Lazarus's position, all distinctions be-
actions are primary in the course of behavior. What tween cognition, perception, and sensation disappear.
are they? Lazarus says that we do not need complete stim-
The individual is never without being in some ulus information to react emotionally. There can be
emotional state. Emotional reactions may have no disagreement about that. However, the question

February 1984 • American Psychologist 121

is not how much information the organism requires is no doubt, therefore, that the organism is pre-pro-
from the environment but how little work it must do grammed for particular classes of reactions (at the
on this information to produce an emotional reaction. grossest level, for approach and avoidance) to par-
Lazarus insists that perceptions that are "global or ticular classes of stimuli. Some property of afferent
spherical" will suffice. I ask what forms of cognition excitation, perhaps the extent of neural firing, selects
will not suffice? Lazarus must answer this question between approach and avoidance reactions. If other
if he wishes to hold fast to the proposition that cog- stimuli or situations can acquire this property, they
nitive appraisal is a necessary condition for all emo- too will select between approach and avoidance, and
tional states. His argument cannot generate clear an- the new process will become pre-programmed. Af-
swers. He cannot declare that cognitive participation ferent excitation that acquired affective potential by
in emotion must allow for an appropriate emotional virtue of cognitive processes, however complex, may
response, because that is simply begging the question. become autonomous, and affective reactions may rid
Nor can he assert that cognitive participation must themselves of the cognitive mediators (Zajonc &
allow for stimulus identification, because research Markus, 1982). Neutral stimuli that acquire emotional
(including Lazarus's own classic work) has shown significance through an initially extensive cognitive
that emotion can be generated without identification. process may eventually become able to select between
Lazarus argues that although there was no conscious approach and avoidance on the basis of a very ru-
identification there was some form of unconscious dimentary sensory process that involves no mental
identification. But we cannot be sure, can we? work. This sensory process short-circuits cognition
It is a critical question for cognitive theory and and links the response to sensation in a most direct
for theories of emotion to determine just what is the fashion. If it is possible to react emotionally on the
minimal information process that is required for basis of pure sensory input in one case, then it is
emotion. Can untransformed, pure sensory input di- possible to so react in other cases as well.
rectly generate emotional reactions? The answer is If cognitive appraisal must be involved in all
likely to be yes, because the pattern of various findings affect, then a completely new view must be taken of
seems to point in that direction. Already in 16-week- a variety of phenomena that I have described here.
old infants, the blink reflex is suppressed much more The emotional system becomes subordinated to com-
substantially when the child is exposed to smiling plete cognitive control. Such a system has a ques-
faces than to blank slides. Perrett, Rolls, and Caan tionable adaptive value. It is emotional reactions that
(1982) have recently found a group of cells in the categorize the environment for us into safe and dan-
superior temporal sulcus of monkeys that respond gerous classes of objects and events. In contrast, if
only to faces. These neuronal cells produce evoked we assume that there may be conditions of emotional
potentials to monkey faces and to human faces, but arousal that do not require cognitive appraisal, we
not to scrambled facial features or to other parts of shall dedicate our research to the questions of what
human and monkey bodies, such as hands. The cells these conditions are and how they differ from those
did not respond to faces shown in profile, and even that do require appraisal. Should it turn out that not
a slight rotation decreased responding. Thus, these all emotion depends on appraisal, we may wish to
face detectors may act as sufficient triggers for the enquire about the precise role that appraisal plays in
emotional arousal that is produced in response to the natural history of emotional reactions. When does
faces. When areas in the brain that are in proximity appraisal enter as a significant element of these re-
to the temporal sulcus are damaged there is a severe actions? What is its role in the three manifestations
disruption in the emotional responding to faces of emotional states: bodily process, overt expression,
(Kluever & Bucy, 1939). The disruption is especially and subjective feeling?
severe when there is damage to the amygdala, and it
is interesting in this respect that (a) heavy projections REFERENCES
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February 1984 • American Psychologist 123

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