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Name: ______________________________ Class: _____ Date:_______________

Topic 2-Old Stone Age Notes

1) What is the time span of the Old Stone Age?


2) What do we call the earliest man known to have lived on earth?


3) Did this man change his environment?


4) Man probably got his first food by


5) What foods did early man get by the above method?


6) What method of gathering food did the Stone Age man eventually use along with gathering?

7) What kind of weapons did the earliest man use to hunt?


8) When man began to change his environment he entered the


9) What are two types of shelters man used in this age?


10) What kinds of tools and weapons did man make that made it easier to hunt and change his
11) Name four possible uses Stone Age man had for fire:
a. ________________________________________
b. ________________________________________
c. ________________________________________
d. ________________________________________

12) For what purpose did man band together into large clans?

13) What are the contributions of Old Stone Age man?

a. ________________________________________
b. ________________________________________
c. ________________________________________
d. ________________________________________

Directions: Using your notes above, your knowledge of social studies, and the our textbook, complete the
graphic organizer below.

Old Stone Age

New Ideas/Inventions


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