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Left Brain Writers tend to be:

• Logical
• Sequential
• Rational
• Analytical
• Objective
• Look at parts

You enjoy information given to you in logical sequences, like lists. Left Brained
Writers enjoy typed or printed directions, and doing things with a step by step
process. Left Brained Writers love following plans and having structure in the
form of worsheets.

Left Brained Writers are analytical and logical and pay attention to detail. Your
thinking is logical, analytical, sequencial, linear, mathematical, and factual. You
think in words, enjoy language and remember song lyrics easily and like to do
computations. Left Brained Writers tend to break things down into more
manageable pieces.

When writing, keep in mind that these top 4 concepts make for engaging,
effective, and impactful writing:

1. Clarity – be clear, and also tactful

2. Brevity - most things can be cut by 50%. Short sentences easier to
understand. Play to your linear and sequential tendencies.
3. Simplicity – make your writing easy to understand. No need for big words
or jargon.
4. Humanity – show your human side. This creates connection!

Always keep your voice whatever you’re writing. You always want to sound like
you. Rather than writing differently than you speak, order is important; however,
avoid telling stories like a chronology of events. Describe details using all the
senses. Add examples to illustrate your point rather than just telling the reader
what you want them to know.

Tips to help you with your writing:

Writing uses both sides of your brain because it’s both logiacal and creative.
Knowing your tendencies helps to balance out your writing. There is no wrong or
right, better or worse when it comes to left or right brained writers. Playing up
your strengths is best! Knowing where to fill in gaps will make your writing

Right-Brain Mode: Global, Perceptual Left-Brain Mode: Linear, Sequential*

Nonverbal: Using nonverbal cognition to
Verbal: Using words to name, describe, define.
process perceptions.
Synthetic: Putting things together to form Analytic: Figuring things out step-by-step and
wholes. part- by-part.
Nontemporal: Ignoring time and Temporal: Keeping track of time, sequencing
chronology. one thing after another.
Nonrational: Not requiring a basis of
Rational: Drawing conclusions based on
reason or facts; willingness to suspend
reason and facts.
Logical: Drawing conclusions based on logic,
Intuitive: Making leaps of insight, often
one thing following another in an order: for
based on incomplete patterns, hunches,
example, a mathematical theorem or a well-
feelings, or visual images.
stated argument.
Holistic: Seeing whole things all at once,
Linear: Thinking in terms of linked ideas; one
perceiving the overall patterns and
thought directly following another, often
structures, often leading to divergent
leading to a convergent conclusion.

*The contents of this table excerpted from: Edwards, Betty. Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. New York: Penguin
Putman, 1999. Print.

Vickie Gould is a certified Law of Attraction

Business and Book Coach. She helps her clients
go from blank page to Best Seller and beyond.
As a result of working with her, Vickie’s clients
are able to help others struggling like they once
did, attract ideal clients, make the impact that
they want and leave a lasting legacy through
their Best-Selling Books.

Vickie has four Best-Selling books of her own

and she has been involved and mentioned in
numerous of her clients Best-Selling books as
well. Her greatest joy is in seeing their message
come alive in WORDS. Visit her at

She lives with her husband and three kids, along

with her addiction to superhero shows on Netflix.

Vickie believes in constant learning and improvement and she's completed

programs from and trained with Brian Tracy, Brendon Burchard, Tony Robbins,
Ted McGrath, and Callan Rush. She is Silver Protege Sales Certified through
Eric Lofholm International, Law of Attraction Certified & Law of Attraction Wealth
Certified Practitioner through Global Sciences Foundation (Dr. Steve Jones and
Dr. Joe Vitale), and Certified Transformational Life and Business Coach through
Divine Living Academy, an ICF approved coaching program. She's a Master
Herbalist, Reiki Master and Aromatherapist. She's also formerly worked many
years in that dreaded corner window corporate job.

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