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Name and surnames:


amusement park mountains cinema shop

amusement park mountains cinema shop

swimming pool park farm restaurant

swimming pool park farm restaurant

fruit and vegetables meat and fish

fruit and vegetables meat and fish

diary chicken cheese I want to go to the cinema

diary chicken cheese Yo quiero ir al cine

Let’s go to the park! Do you want to go to the

What is chicken? What are apples?

¡Vamos al parque! ¿Quieres ir a la granja? Chicken is meat. Apples are fruit.

1.- Name the different places in the town. Colour.

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

2.- Match the objects to the places and number. Colour.

3.- Look, read and tick. Colour.

4.- Read and tick the places you can see in the picture.
5.- Read and circle the correct word. Point to the picture and say:
“I like …” / “ I don’t like …” Colour.

fruit and vegetables - meat and fish - diary

6.- Write and colour.
Apple is .................................................................................

Chicken is ................................................................................

Melon is .................................................................................

Salmon is ................................................................................

Ice cream is .............................................................................

Yoghurt is ................................................................................

Broccoli is ................................................................................

Fish is .................................................................................

Tomato is .................................................................................

Spinach is .................................................................................

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