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Fermne n
INZZRQZSS t a t e W a f e rSurvog, Urbana, IRL

T h i s paper discusses the chemical mechanisms b3 which substrate to the two simple products, methane and carbon
methane may be produced by bacteria in nature. The dioxide, is a unique characteristic of the process. The re-
early history and bacteriology are briefly reviewed. Jleth- action is an oxidation-reduction one involving water, rep-
ane formation has been found to occur both with and resented by the empirical equation
without the reduction of carbon dioxide. Hydrocarbons,
Cn&Ob + ( n - a/4 - b/2)H?O +
(n/2 - a/8 f b / 4 ) C O z + ( n / 2 + u / 8 - b/4)CHI
ethers, and lignin have not been found to be fermentable.
With these exceptions the fermentation appears to pro-
ceed smoothly and continuously regardless of the chemical With a little care, it is possible to get 95 to 100% yields cal-
composition of the substrate. Complete conversion of the culated from this equation.

ETHANE formation in nature has interested bacteriolo- to be environment rather than flora which determines the result
gists and chemists for more than sixty years. The studies obtained.
in this field have progressed to a point where sufficient methane for Continuous Process. This situation makes possible the coli-
fuel for power plants of several thousand horsepower is produced tinuous operation of the fermentation, a procedure which i p at,
by anaerobic fermentation. least very unusual in fermentology. It is possible t o carry on
The literature in t,his field was summarized some years ago b>- this process in apparatus arranged to allow the subst,rate to enter
McBeth and Scales ( 1 3 ) and by Stephenson (59). Briefly, it xms continuously at one point and the exhausted or inert residue t,o
known that when moist organic matter \\-as allowed to dccom- be discharged continuously at, another, while the products,
pose under restricted oxygen conditions it yielded hydrogen, methane and carbon dioxide, are given off at a steady rate.
carbon dioxide, methane, and a variety of organic acids in greater There is apparently n o limit to the size of apparatus which can
or less amounts. Little or no quantitative data o n the yield of be used. Large tanks yielding several hundred thousand cubic
the various products were available, and little had been done with feet of gas a day operate as snioothly as laboratory-size flasks.
pure compounds although Sohngen (23) had shown that lovcer Independent of Substrate. A third characterigtic of thw(1
fatty acids with an even number of carbon atoms could he de- fermentations is t'hat practically any sort or kind of organic mat-
composed by mixed cultures, giving methane and carbon dioxide. ter may be used as a substrate. Nearly 100 different pur('
Whether hydrogen and fatty acids were necessary intermediates substances ( 1 , 3 4 , S b ) and some 30 or 40 natural plant and animal
in the process of methane formation was not known. The in- products ( 4 , 5 , Q), such as cornstalks, milk whey, etc., have been
formation on the susceptibility of various natural products to used successfully as fermentation material. There is apparently
methane fermentation was conflicting. Cellulose vas known to no decomposition of hydrocarbons, ethers are not fermented, and
be fermented to some extent (22, 65) but so-called lignocellulose lignin, when isolated, is attacked not a t all or with difficulty
was said to be resistant (16). One author held that grease nould ( 6 , 18, 21).
decompose anaerobically (24j, while another held that it \?-odd Quantitative Yields. The nearly quantitative yields of the two
not ferment to any substantial extent (33). The addition of simple products carbon dioxide and methane are somewhat
lime to favor methane production was preferred hy one group of unique. It is true that in the various commercial fermentat,ions
workers and opposed by another. of grains the starch is practically quantitatively recovered in the
Of the earlier systematic studies of this fermentation, those products, but, the fats, proteins, and fiber are not attacked a t all.
of Sohngen were the most extensive (29). More recent studies are The methane fermentation converts the entire grain, with the
those of Fowler and Joshi (15),Sen, Pal, and Ghosh ( U ) ,Fischer, possible exception of a small amount of fiber, to carbon dioxide
Lieske, and Winzer (141, and Buswell et nl. (8). and methane within 24 to 7 2 hours. The reaction is of t,he oxida-
Engineering design and loading factors have been discussed tion-reduction type involving water, represented by the empirical
previously ( 7 ) . equation
Characteristics of MothaKe Fernmenitation CnH,Ob + ( n - a / 4 - b/2)H20 ---f
( n / 2 - a/8 + b/4)C02 + ( n / 2 + a/8 - h/4)CH4
Mixed Culture. The anaerobic fermcntations as carried out for
the production of methane differ in many respects from other With a little cme, it is possible to get 95 to 100% yields calculated
types of fermentations. The most important difference is perhaps from this e q u t i o n .
the fact that it is not necessary t o use a pure culture of organisms The uniformity of the end products, carbon dioxide and meth-
in order to obtain uniform results, nor is it necessary to maintain ane, was a t first puzzling. A study of the energy (34) of the re-
purified cultures for inoculation or reinoculation. The bacteria action of various compounds with water showed the maximum
which are capable of producing methane are found almost uni- free energy when the final products were carbon dioxide and
versally in nature, although in preponderating numbers in black methane. In experience in this laboratory, neither carbon mon-
mud and decaying vegetable matter. Under proper conditions oxide nor higher hydrocarbons havc bcen observed among the
these bacteria can be cultivated to a high degree of activity within products. A few earlier reports in the literature stating that
a few days. The culture can then be maintained a t this high ethane was formed have not been verified and the amounts re-
degree of activity indefinitely, providing a few simple rules ported are within the limits of analytical error in the experiments
concerning chemical and physical environment are followed. referred to.
In fact, microscopic and subculture studies of this ferment'at>ion In more recent investigations Grosse and Libby (16) found the
reveal such a mixed and variable flora that it appears a t present, gas from a sludge digestion tank to contain methane free from
-LZquZd Indus&Zal Wastes-
higher hydrocarbons within the limits detectable by a mass stage of free hydrogen. This mechanism seems rather indirect
spectrograph. Table I, furnished by Grosse but not included and involved, but parallels that found by Barker in the fermenta-
in the abstract referred to, shows a comparison of the composi- tive oxidation of alcohols.
tion of petroleum methane and sewage methane. The last mechanism appears to be the simplest and most direct.
Evidence against this mechanism is found in Thayer's work (36).
He reasoned that this reaction was a decarboxylation reaction and
that the fermentation of propionic and butyric acids should yield
Table I. Composition of Baltimore Sewage Gas after
Purification and Comparison with Petroleum Methane ethane and propane. However, his results were entirely negative,
Petroleum Methane, Sewage Methane, for no hydrocarbon other than methane was found. This has
Constituent VOl. % Vol. % been confirmed in all work where the gas was analyzed. There-
Methane 98 0 99 2 fore, if this mechanism of simple decarboxylation for acetic acid is
Ethane 0 6 <o 002
Propylene 0 1 <o 002 accepted, it must be as a special case, not applicable to the higher
Nitrogen 0 7 0 2 fatty acids.
Carbon dioxide 0 4 0 1
Air 0 2 0 5 Barker, Ruben, and Kamen (3) found evidence for the reduc-
tion of carbon dioxide in the fermentation of acetic acid through
the use of C110~,but they stated that the radioactive methane
Wide Temperature Range. A fifth characteristic is the found might have been due to the presence of methanol carried
absence of any narrow optimum temperature range. The rate over with the inoculum. These workers were using a pure culture
of fermentation increases with an increase, in temperature from of Methanosarcina methanica, and even if methane should be
0" C., or perhaps below, t o 55" C. or a little higher. Maxima formed by reduction of carbon dioxide in that case, that might
have been reported a t 26", 37", and about 50" to 55" C. (IS).
These maxima are not very pronounced and have not been noticed not be the predominant mechanism in the usual methane fer-
by some observers. mentation where a mixed culture is used.
Hydrogen Formation. Hydrogen is not formed in detectable With the availability of radioactive carbon, it was possible
amounts during the methane fermentation of the lower fatty to determine the manner in which methane originates from
acids, although it may well be an intermediate. When carbohy-
drates are used as substrates, the hydrogen may be as high as acetic acid. Buswell and Sollo (12) used C14-labeled carbon di-
30% by volume (M), although with proper control the hydrogen oxide to investigate the anaerobic fermentation of acetic acid by
can be held to about 1%. enrichment cultures. In this fermentation only a small portion
There appear t o be only two types of fermentations yielding of the isotope was recovered in the resulting methane. By ob-
hydrogen which have been subjected to quantitative investiga-
tion. One is the fermentation of sugars by the coli group (17, a6) serving the relation of the specific activity of the methane to the
of organisms and the other the butanol-acetone fermentation. time of incubation, a correlation was found which would indicate
pH Range. The methane fermentation proceeds smoothIy and a slow reduction of the carbon dioxide unassociated with the
continuously at a p H value of 6.5 to about 8.0. An accumulation main course of fermentation, such as the formation of cellular
of volatile acids and their salts precedes an unfavorable drop in
p H by several days. material and subsequent autolysis. From these observations it
was concluded that the methane produced was derived mainly
Mechanism of Methane Fermentation from the acetic acid and only to a slight extent from the carbon
References on the mechanism of the bacteriological degrada- dioxide.
tion of cellulose and cellulosic materials and especially those Stadtman and Barker (30) in subsequent experiments using
dealing with the anaerobic fermentation of these materials are C14-labeled carbon dioxide and acetic acid confirmed the results
scarce and far from enlightening. Some information may be of Buswell and Sollo. They further showed that methane is
found in the periodic literature, in texts, and in Stephenson's derived mainly from the methyl group of acetate, whereas the
book, "Bacterial Metabolism" (3.9). For a review of the litera- carboxyl group gives rise to carbon dioxide. These investiga-
ture, the reader is referred to (37)and (38) tions were carried out using a partially purified culture of a
Since acetic acid is always found during methane fermentation, Methanococcus species. Results obtained in more recent ex-
one is inclined to regard it as an important if not universal pre- periments by the same authors on the acetate fermentation by a
cursor of methane. Three possible mechanisms for the methane species of the Methanosarcina ( 3 2 ) are also in agreement with
fermentation of acetic acid are suggested by the findings and those previously reported using enrichment cultures and a species
reasoning of previous workers in this field. From the work of of the Methanococcus. On the other hand, the data obtained by
Qmelianskil (22,23) and Sohngen (68,29) a preliminary de- Stadtman and Barker (30) on the fermentation of ethyl alcohol
composition of the acetic acid to hydrogen and carbon dioxide, in the presence of C14-labeled carbon dioxide by Mb. omelianski
with subsequent reduction of carbon dioxide to methane by the clearly show that 82 to 100% of the methane produced was
hydrogen, would be expected. Barker's earlier work (2)was en- derived from carbon dioxide.
tirely in support of the theory proposed by van Niel that meth- Recently Stadtman and Barker ( S I ) investigated the methaiie
ane is formed biologically by the reduction of carbon dioxide. fermentation of the lower fatty acids using CWabeled com-
The reasoning of Buswell and Neave (11) was that methane pounds. The organisms used in t,hese experiments differed from
originates primarily by a simple decarboxylation of acetic acid. the methane-producing organisms previously described in that
The first mechanism was based on the similarity of the hydro- they are able to carry out the incomplete anaerobic oxidation of
gen and methane fermentations, but the absence of hydrogen fatty acids. Methanobacterium suboxydans, by means of beta
in the gas from the methane fermentation of acetic acid is evi- oxidation, quantitatively converts caproic and butyric acids to
dence against this mechanism. If the data of Symons and Bus- acetic acid. Valeric acid is oxidized to propionic and acetic acids.
well (34) is examined, i t is found that only 3.5 liters of methane Methanobacterium propionicum metabolizes propionic acid in
were formed over a period of 100 days with regular circulation of such a manner that the alpha and beta carbons give rise to acetic
hydrogen and carbon dioxide through a culture of 2.0 liters total acid, whereas the carboxyl carbon is converted to carbon dioxide.
volume. In the same time, such a culture fermenting acetic The methane produced in these fermentations was derived en-
acid could be expected to form 7 5 liters of methane (8,36). tirely from the biological reduction of carbon dioxide.
Stadtman and Ba&er (81)noted in more recent work that the In view of the fact that considerable variation exists as to the
production of methane from the reduction of carbon dioxide is a origin of methane, further experiments have been carried out to
very slow process. determine how methane originates in the decomposition of other
The second mechanism avoids this weakness by implying a compounds. Buswell et al. (10)investigated the action of enrich-
direct reduction of the carbon dioxide, without the intermediate ment cultures on propionates having the carbons 1, 2, and 3
-Liquid Industrial Was$es-
labeled, respectively. The distirbution of the radioactivity in Inhibiting Agents. McNary et a;.( $ 0 )reported that the anaero-
the evolved gases indicated that propionic acid is oxidiaed in bic fermentation of citrus fruit wastes was inhibited by traces of
such a manner that both gases may arise from all three carbons, peel oil or D-limonene, the principal constituent of this essential
and that carbon dioxide is, in part a t least, a precursor of the oil. The authors later observed the inhibitory effect on gas
methane formed. This latter result could occur by either of two production by the addition of D-limonene to active methane-pro-
paths ducing cultures, using acetic acid as the substrate.
4Ha0 +4CR3CIIzOH 4HCOOH + Literature Cited
2CH8CH20H +
COz --++ CH, +
2CHaCOOH (1)
Ardern, E., Ann. Rept. Revenue Dept., Manchester, England,
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Boruff, C . S.,and Buswell, A. hl., IND.ENG.CHEX, 21, 1181
as suggested by Stadtman and Barker (51). The reasoning that a
preliminary hydrolysis of propionic acid to ethyl alcohol and
Ibid., 22, 931 (1930).
formic acid (Equation 1) may occur was in part confirmed by Boruff, C. S., and Buswell, A. M., J . Am. Chem. Soc., 56. 886
simultaneous adaptation experiments. A considerable yield of (1934).
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graded to methane and carbon dioxide, the total yield of methane McNary, R. R., Walford, R. W., and Patton, V. D., Food Tech-
and carbon dioxide is theoretically the same as that previously noZ., 5, 320-3 (1951).
Norman, A. G., Science Progress, 30,442 (1936).
calculated by Buswell et al. (8). A comparison of the final specific OmelianskiI, W., Zentr. Bakt., Parasitenk., A b t . 11, 8 , 193, 225,
activities of the methane and carbon dioxide in this investigation 257, 289, 321, 353,385 (1902).
indicates that methane is derived from the substrate as well as Ibid., 11, 369 (1904).
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Reactions Shown to Occur in the Methane Fermentation. Sohngen, N. L., Rec. trav. chim., 29, 238 (1910).
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( n / 2 - a / 8 + b/4)C02 + (n/2 + a / 8 - b/4)CH4 Ibid., pp. 81-6.
Stephenson, Marjory, “Bacterial Metabolism,” 3rd ed.. New
1. REACTIONS REDUCTIONOF CARBON York, Longmans, Green and Co., 1949.
CHsCOOH +COS CIla + Symons, G. E., and Buswell, A. M., J . Am. Chem. SOC.,55,2028
4CHaOH +3CH4 COz 2Hz0 + + Tarvin, D., and Buswell, A. M., Ibid., 56, 1751 (1934).
Thayer, L. A,, BUZZ.Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geol., 15, 441 (1931).
OF CARBON DECREASE. Thaysen, A. C., and Bunker, H. J., “The Microbiology of Cellu-
4HCOOH ---+ CH4 + 3COz + 2H20 lose, Hemicelluloses, Pectin and Gums,” London, Oxford
4CH3CHzCOOH 2H20 + +7CH4 + 3201 University Press, 1927.
Thaysen, A. C., and Gallway, L. D., “The Microbiology of
DIOXIDE. Starch and Sugars,” London, Oxford University Press, 1930.
Thumm, K., ViierteZjahrssch. gerichtl. Med. u. 6ffentl. Sanitatsw..
4H2 +
COz +CH, 2H20 + 48, Suppl. 2, 73 (1914).
CO2 --+ CHa 2CH8COOH + RECEIVEDfor review September 6, 1961. ACCEPTED
January 14, 1952
2CH,(CH2)2COOH COz + +
2H20 + CH, 4CHsCOOH +
2CHa(CH2)3COOH COz + +
2H20 +
CH, +-2CH3CHzCOOH 2CH3COOH + Reprints of this symposium may be purchased for 75 cents
Nonfermentable Substances. Hydrocarbons and ethers have each from the Reprint Department, AMERICANCHEMICAL
not been fermented to methane. Lignin is attacked slowly if at all. SOCIETY, 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W., Washington 6, D. C.

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