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Science of the Total Environment 538 (2015) 458–467

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A method to estimate spatiotemporal air quality in an urban

traffic corridor
Nongthombam Premananda Singh, Sharad Gokhale ⁎
Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Guwahati 781 039, India


• The method predicts spatiotemporal air

quality in an urban traffic corridor.
• The prediction method is based on one
monitoring station in the traffic corridor.
• The method predicts spatial probability
of exceedances of CO reasonably well.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Air quality exposure assessment using personal exposure sampling or direct measurement of spatiotemporal
Received 6 April 2015 air pollutant concentrations has difficulty and limitations. Most statistical methods used for estimating
Received in revised form 21 July 2015 spatiotemporal air quality do not account for the source characteristics (e.g. emissions). In this study, a prediction
Accepted 12 August 2015
method, based on the lognormal probability distribution of hourly-average-spatial concentrations of carbon
Available online 27 August 2015
monoxide (CO) obtained by a CALINE4 model, has been developed and validated in an urban traffic corridor.
Editor: D. Barcelo The data on CO concentrations were collected at three locations and traffic and meteorology within the urban
traffic corridor.1 The method has been developed with the data of one location and validated at other two
Keywords: locations. The method estimated the CO concentrations reasonably well (correlation coefficient, r ≥ 0.96).
Urban air quality Later, the method has been applied to estimate the probability of occurrence [P(C ≥ Cstd] of the spatial CO
Human exposure concentrations in the corridor. The results have been promising and, therefore, may be useful to quantifying
Spatiotemporal spatiotemporal air quality within an urban area.
Concentration © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Traffic emission

1. Introduction
⁎ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: sharadbg@iitg.ernet.in (S. Gokhale).
1 Road traffic is the main cause of poor air quality in urban areas (Colvile
Traffic corridor encompasses the entire passage bounded by the buildings on both
sides including roadway with sidewalks. et al., 2001; Ghose et al., 2004; Ramachandra and Shwetmala, 2009). This

0048-9697/© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
N.P. Singh, S. Gokhale / Science of the Total Environment 538 (2015) 458–467 459

fact has forced researchers around the world to focus on the associa- (de Hoogh et al., 2014). On the other hand, probability distribution
tion of traffic-related air pollution and its impact on human health, models capture the dispersion of concentration values resulting
along or in the close-proximity of traffic corridors. Several studies from the dilution of the pollutant, which remains nearly same at
have reported that negative health impacts such as heart attacks, any spatial point within the corridor and fit well to the larger con-
cancers, asthma, decreased lung function, etc. are closely associated centration distribution range. However, they are data based and do
with traffic induced air pollution (Gasana et al., 2012; Lipfert et al., not take into account the emissions and meteorology (Gokhale and
2006; Newman et al., 2014; Wilker et al., 2013). For this reason, Khare, 2005, 2007). Therefore, dispersion models are reasonably
evaluating human exposure in traffic corridors is of growing concern good in predicting average concentrations and probability models
to assess human health risks. represent extreme concentrations well as they capture stochastic
Since air quality changes spatially and temporally, exposure also variability (Gokhale and Khare, 2005, 2007; Jakeman et al., 1988;
varies in space and time (Dons et al., 2011; Steinle et al., 2013). It is, Marani et al., 1986; Ott, 1995). This attribute of the probability distri-
therefore, essential that spatiotemporal concentrations are known for bution models may eliminate large deviations between estimated
accurate assessment of human exposure in traffic corridors. Ambient and measured concentrations. Therefore, a suitable probability
air quality measurements at fixed multi locations to indirectly estimate distribution model combined with the well suited line-source-
the exposure, or direct measurement of exposure at the breathing level dispersion model can provide better estimates of concentration
of a few voluntary individuals using corridors (i.e. personal monitoring) distributions.
or using mobile monitoring vans (Durant et al., 2010; Padró-Martínez We developed a prediction method by combining CALINE4 with a
et al., 2012) is laborious and expensive (Carr et al., 2002). Several lognormal distribution model to estimate hourly average spatiotempo-
studies are carried out on modeling of spatiotemporal concentrations, ral carbon monoxide (CO) concentrations at one location and validated
but most have employed statistical methods, which do not capture at two spatial locations. The method has been applied in an urban traffic
temporal trends (i.e. changes over time) in sources and meteorology. corridor to determine spatial concentrations and to identify locations of
For example, approaches such as spatial interpolation, land-use regres- higher probability of occurrences of pollutant concentration exceeding
sion (LUR), hierarchical method and spatial proximity are widely used national standards within the corridor.
to estimate spatial concentrations (Chen et al., 2010; Crouse et al.,
2009; Dons et al., 2013; Li et al., 2013; McAdam et al., 2011; O'Leary 2. Methods
and Lemke, 2014; Wheeler et al., 2008). These methods have been the
preferred methods for estimating intra-urban and fine scale concentra- A suitable probability distribution model for the concentrations
tion gradients. While these approaches are common, other methods measured at three locations has been identified by standard goodness-
including dispersion models and hybrid modeling approaches have of-fit tests of which the location parameter has been calibrated
also been used to estimate spatial concentrations. For example, several with the output of the widely used CALINE4 model. The calibration
dispersion models are used to evaluate roadside air quality (Sharma factor was empirically estimated from the dispersion model output
and Khare, 2001; Vardoulakis et al., 2003), which incorporate emission and the location parameter of the identified probability distribution
and meteorology. CALINE4 (California line source dispersion model, model. This factor accounts for the average deviation of estimated
version4) (Benson, 1984) is one such model, which is well evaluated from the measured concentrations and, thus, considerably reduces
and validated air quality model for modeling pollutant concentrations uncertainty. The step-by-step procedure of the method has been
from vehicular sources and is commonly used (Heist et al., 2013; described below:
Levitin et al., 2005; Zhang and Batterman, 2010); A hybrid modeling i) identification of three suitable locations in the traffic corridor for
approach using CAL3QHCR dispersion model was developed to produce monitoring of pollutant concentrations, meteorological parameters
spatiotemporal concentrations based on long-term spatial, temporal and traffic volume, ii) identification of the suitable probability
means and residuals (Keller et al., 2015). A similar study was carried distribution model from a range of probability models at all the
out by Wilton et al. (2010), in which CAL3QHCR dispersion model was selected locations, iii) concentration estimation with CALINE4
combined with LUR model to improve the spatial concentrations. model, iv) development of the prediction method by combining the
Spatial interpolation technique, such as kriging, uses observed con- CALINE4 model output with the identified probability distribution
centrations of many locations to predict concentrations at unknown model output using a calibration factor at one location v) validation
locations. The number of available stations and their locations limits of the prediction method at other two locations, and vi) application
the spatial resolution (Whitworth et al., 2011). The method produces of the prediction method to estimate the probability of exceedances
unbiased estimates if expanded routine monitoring of spatial pollut- at spatial locations within the traffic corridor.
ant concentrations is available. The LUR models require observed
concentrations as response variables with surrounding land features, 2.1. Urban traffic corridor, monitoring locations and measurements
population density and traffic characteristics as predictor variables.
Similarly, the hierarchical model needs a high spatiotemporal reso- A highly trafficked 400 m long urban traffic corridor in Guwahati,
lution of observed concentrations, as demonstrated by Li et al. India was selected. It houses numerous commercial activities, offices,
(2013) on nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and Pirani et al. (2014) on particulate public utilities and attracts about 100,000 of traffic volume daily. Three
concentrations. monitoring locations (L1, L2 and L3 as shown in Fig. 1) were selected.
In traffic corridors, a direct measurement or adopting any of these The distance between L1 and L3 was 296 m, between L1 and L2 was
methods is even more complicated due to limited spatial domain and 127 m, and 176 m between L3 and L2. The road was 16 m wide with a
turbulent wind flow pattern. In this study, we combined a line-source- separator of 1 m in between two lanes each side and the width of each
dispersion model with a probability distribution model to develop a lane was 3.75 m. Another location on a building rooftop, 18 m high
method for calculating spatial concentrations in a highly trafficked and 69 m from the road, was selected within the corridor for installing
urban traffic corridor. Line-source-dispersion models are used for weather station. Videotaping for recording traffic volume was done
estimating roadside air quality that relates traffic emissions with the near L1 along with the measurement of pollutant concentrations.
pollutant concentrations under a specified meteorological condition. The CO concentrations were measured during daytime from 7 am to
However, dispersion models predict average concentrations well, i.- 7 pm at all the locations for a period of one week including weekdays
e. middle range of the concentration distribution and poorly predict and weekend days in March 2014. The measurements at L1 were carried
the extreme ranges (Gokhale and Khare, 2005, 2007). Further, these out from March 1 to March 7, at L2 from March 8 to March 15, and at L3
models predict spatial concentrations well for a single source from March 18 to March 24, 2014. The CO meter (make: Delta Ohm,
460 N.P. Singh, S. Gokhale / Science of the Total Environment 538 (2015) 458–467

Fig. 1. The urban traffic corridor with monitoring locations.

model: HD37B17D) was used, which records concentrations at a 2.2. Identification of statistical distribution
frequency of 3 s. Similarly, during the monitoring period, the meteoro-
logical parameters such as wind speed, wind direction, ambient A goodness-of-fit test was used to identify a suitable probability
temperature, relative humidity and solar radiation were recorded by distribution model, which fits best to the measured concentrations.
a weather monitor (make: Davis weather, model: Vantage pro2). The measured 1-h average CO concentrations at L1, L2 and L3 were
The traffic volume survey was conducted by videotapes during the utilized for this analysis. The probability distribution models such
monitoring for a period of one week, from March 1 to March 7, 2014. as normal, lognormal, exponential, Gamma, Weibull, logistic, and
The data were analyzed to determine 1-h average CO concentrations, loglogistic were tested for the goodness-of-fit statistics using Dataplot
meteorological parameters, and traffic volume in different types software (Heckert, 2001). The test includes the Kolmogorov–Smirnov
(two wheelers, three wheelers, cars, light duty commercial vehicles, (KS) statistics, Anderson–Darling (AD) statistics, and Pearson correla-
heavy duty diesel vehicles). The averaged CO concentrations resulting tion coefficient (PCC). The lowest statistics of KS and AD, and the higher
zero were not considered in the analysis. of PCC indicated the better fit. These statistics have been used for such

Fig. 2. Measured concentrations at monitoring locations.

N.P. Singh, S. Gokhale / Science of the Total Environment 538 (2015) 458–467 461

analysis in several studies (Gokhale and Khare, 2007; Lu, 2002; Marani
et al., 1986; P. Sharma et al., 2013; S. Sharma et al., 2013).
The KS statistic, Dn, is a non-parametric test, which compares
empirical cumulative distribution function (CDF) of measured data
with the theoretical CDF. The KS statistics is more sensitive at the middle
range of the distribution as compared to tails of the distribution. It is
defined by (Massey, 1951):

Dn ¼ maxn j F n ðxÞ−F 0 ðxÞj ð1Þ

where, Fn(x) and F0(x) represents the empirical and theoretical CDF,
respectively, Dn represents the maximum vertical distance between
empirical and theoretical CDF, and x represents the measured data.
The AD statistic is a modified version of KS, which gives more
sensitivity to the tails of distribution. It is defined by (Kottegoda and
Rosso, 1998): Fig. 3. Lognormal probability distributions of 1 h-average measured CO concentrations at
L1, L2, and L3.
Xn ð2:i−1Þ
A2 ¼ −n− ½ ln F 0 ðxi Þ þ ln f1− F 0 ðxnþ1−i Þg ð2Þ
i¼1 n
2.3. Estimation of concentration using CALINE4
where, x i represents the measured data at ith term in increasing
order, n the number of observations and F(xi) the theoretical CDF at xi. CALINE4 is a Gaussian line source dispersion model, which considers
The PCC statistics is based on the linear relationship between the the mixing zone over the roadway to account for thermal and mechan-
empirical and theoretical distributions. The values range between ical turbulences generated due to vehicles. The model has the capability
0 and 1, in which, 1 indicates perfect relationship and 0 indicates no to estimate pollutant concentrations of CO, nitrogen dioxide and partic-
relationship. It is defined by (Gokhale and Khare, 2007): ulate matter within 500 m of roadway, for a given meteorological
condition, composite emission source strength and site geometry
X i ¼ 1nxi i ¼ 1nyi (e.g. roadway type and links) (Benson, 1984). The model is simple
i ¼ 1nxi :yi − and flexible but considers only local sources and predicts poorly for
r¼ v n

u X 2 X 2 low wind conditions. For example, a study reported the poor performance
ð Þð Þ
u i ¼ 1nxi i ¼ 1nyi
t X X when applied for street canyons and low wind speeds (e.g. b0.5 m/s)
i ¼ 1nxi 2 − i ¼ 1nyi 2 −
n n (Broderick et al., 2005; Holmes and Morawska, 2006).
ð3Þ The important input parameters for the model are meteorology re-
lated such as wind speed, wind direction, temperature, stability classes,
where, (xi) represents the empirical PDF, (yi) the theoretical PDF. and mixing height; emissions related such as traffic volume per hour,
With these statistics, 2-parameter probability distribution model composite emission factor; and site related such as link geometry, recep-
was identified that had the lowest KS, AD statistics and highest PCC. tor locations with heights, and road grades. The hourly stability classes
The detailed description about the goodness-of-fit test can be found were estimated using Richardson number and Pasquill–Gifford stability
elsewhere (Gokhale and Khare, 2007; Kottegoda and Rosso, 1998). (Uehara et al., 2000). Richardson number simulates atmospheric condi-
tions well as mixing of pollutants in urban areas occurs due to convec-
Table 1 tive and wind induced turbulences (Nakamura and Oke, 1988). The
Results of goodness-of-fit test of CO dataset at (a) L1 (b) L2 (c) L3. Bold values represent hourly mixing heights were obtained from the Indian Meteorological
the best goodness-of-fit statistics. Department (Attri et al., 2008). The hourly traffic emission factors
Distribution types KS-test AD-test PCC were estimated using observed traffic characteristics and hot (exhaust)
KS-value p-Value AD-Value p-Value
emissions and COPERT III (Computer Program to calculate Emissions
from Road Traffic) methodology (Ntzaichristos and Samaras, 1999).
This methodology utilizes speed-dependent equations for estimating
Normal 0.225 0.00 6.716 0.00 0.92
Lognormal 0.059 0.96 0.255 0.97 0.99 emissions of a vehicle type depending upon the vehicle characteristics.
Exponential 0.129 0.18 1.382 0.04 0.92
Gamma 0.109 0.36 1.296 0.03 0.99
2.4. Development of prediction method and validation
Weibull 0.093 0.56 1.034 0.01 0.98
Logistic 0.223 0.00 4.609 0.01 0.96
Loglogistic 0.106 0.40 0.314 0.25 0.97 The prediction method was developed by combining a suitable
range of dispersion model output by trimming upper and lower percen-
Normal 0.236 0.00 6.57 0.00 0.94 tiles with the identified probability distribution model. The suitable
Lognormal 0.089 0.62 0.402 0.73 0.99 range of the dispersion model output was determined from the statisti-
Exponential 0.125 0.22 1.523 0.05 0.92 cal performance by estimating the index-of-agreement (d) (P. Sharma
Gamma – – 1.619 0.00 0.99
et al., 2013; S. Sharma et al., 2013) and the correlation coefficient2 (r)
Weibull 0.104 0.43 1.438 0.30 0.97
Logistic 0.208 0.00 4.206 0.00 0.98
between the measured and modeled concentrations. The percentile
Loglogistic 0.361 0.00 0.428 0.25 0.96 concentrations were compared for several ranges using d and r statis-
tics. The range that had the higher d and r values was selected and
Normal 0.191 0.01 3.893 0.01 0.97
considered as the most suitable one. The d determines the magnitude
Lognormal 0.066 0.91 0.427 0.81 0.99 of agreement between measured and modeled values taking into
Exponential 0.072 0.84 0.360 0.89 0.85 account the sensitivity of differences between the values. The value of
Gamma – – 0.542 0.20 0.99
Weibull 0.074 0.82 0.581 0.66 0.96 2
The correlation coefficient carries the usual meaning as explained by Eq. (3) but in this
Logistic 0.167 0.04 2.083 0.00 0.99
case, it represents the linear relationship between the modeled and measured
Loglogistic 0.380 0.00 0.579 0.09 0.95
462 N.P. Singh, S. Gokhale / Science of the Total Environment 538 (2015) 458–467

Fig. 4. The comparison of lognormal probability distributions of the measured and Fig. 6. Comparison of CO concentrations lognormal distribution of CALINE4 and prediction
CALINE4 modeled 1 h-average CO concentrations at L1. method output at L1.

Fig. 5. The values of (a) index of agreement, d (b) Pearson correlation coefficient, r for different percentile rangesof the measured and CALINE4 modeled CO concentrations at L1.
N.P. Singh, S. Gokhale / Science of the Total Environment 538 (2015) 458–467 463

geometric standard deviation of the modeled and measured concentra-

tions, respectively.
The prediction method was developed at L1 and validated at L2 and
L3. Its performance was evaluated using the widely used statistical
measures such as Pearson correlation coefficient (r), normalized mean
square error (NMSE), fractional bias (FB), fractional variance (FS) and
d. The numerical value of r ranges from 1 to − 1, where 1 and − 1
represents perfect correlation and 0 indicates no correlation. The
NMSE ranges from 0 to ∞, where 0 represents perfect agreement. The
FB and FS ranges from − 2 to 2, where, − 2 represents extreme
under-prediction and + 2 extreme over-prediction, and d value (Cox
and Tikvart, 1990; Marmur and Mamane, 2003).

2.5. Application of the prediction method

Fig. 7. Comparison of the CO concentrations modeled by CALINE4, earlier hybrid method,

The traffic corridor was divided into a number of grids and the pre-
and the prediction method, with the measured concentrations at L1.
diction method was applied to estimate the spatiotemporal probability
of occurrences of hourly average concentrations.
d has a range of 0 ≤ d ≤ 1, where 1 indicates prefect agreement between
measured and modeled concentrations and 0 indicates complete 3. Results
disagreement. It is defined by Eq. (4) (Marmur and Mamane, 2003).
X 3.1. Lognormal distribution model
ðM e −M o Þ2
d ¼ 1− X    ð4Þ The measured 1-h average CO concentrations from the three
Me −Mo  þ Me −Mo  2
monitoring locations, i.e. L1, L2 and L3 were used to identify the suitable
probability distribution model. The data were first put to statistical
where, Me and Mo represent measured and modeled concentration. The quality check. Fig. 2 shows the important statistics of the measured con-
bar over the notation represents the average value. centrations at three locations. The distribution of the CO concentrations
With the middle range concentrations estimated by CALINE4 was skewed from the normal and the coefficients of variations
model, the location and scale parameters of the identified probabil- were 1.22, 1.32, and 1.04 at L1, L2, and L3 respectively. It implied that
ity distribution model were estimated by using the method of concentrations were temporally dispersed but location to location, the
maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) (Mage and Ott, 1984). variation was insignificant. Table 1 shows the results of the goodness-
The MLE maximizes the log-likelihood function, ln L(θ|y). The of-fit tests. The CO concentrations at all the three locations fitted well
likelihood function is given by Eq. (5) (Myung, 2003; Kottegoda to the lognormal distribution (LND) model, with KS (p = 0.96), AD
and Rosso, 1998). (p = 0.97) at L1, similarly, KS (p = 0.91) and AD (p = 0.81) at L2,
and KS (p = 0.62), AD (p = 0.73) at L3 and PCC value was 0.99 at all
LðθjyÞ ¼ f ðyjθÞ ð5Þ the locations. Therefore, LND was selected as the most suitable probabil-
ity distribution model. The differences in location parameters
where, L(θ|y) represents the likelihood of the parameter θ, given the (−0.9592, −1.090, −1.171 at L1, L2, L3, respectively) and scale param-
measured data y, which can be represented by probability distribution eters (1.107, 0.9957, 0.9194 at L1, L2, L3, respectively) were negligible
model f(y|θ). indicating that the CO concentration distributions were same at all the
In this study, in addition to the combination of the models, a calibra- selected locations. Fig. 3 shows the LND fit to the CO concentrations at
tion factor has been applied to improve the estimates and thus, is a three locations.
modified method. The calibration factor was estimated by comparing
the respective location parameters (LP) of the probability distributions 3.2. CALINE4
of the modeled and measured concentrations. The modeled concentra-
tions were divided by this factor to re-estimate the concentrations. Fig. 4 shows the measured and modeled concentrations at L1. The
This factor is the ratio between the LP of the modeled and measured model shows considerable deviation from the measured concentrations
concentrations, as given by Eq. (6). in the lower and upper ranges. There was a deviation in the middle
range as well but was relatively less. The statistical indicators d, r,
P mo NMSE, FB, and FS were found to be 0.68, 0.44, 0.87, 0.03, and − 0.30,
¼ Cf ð6Þ respectively, which show poor performance of the model.
P me
To develop prediction method, the CALINE4 model performance was
where, Pmo and Pme are the parameters of probability distribution of tested by censoring the extreme ranges of its output of different percen-
the modeled and measured concentrations, respectively; and Cf is tiles and comparing with the measured concentrations to obtain mini-
the calibration factor. For lognormal distribution, Pmo = exp(Lmo) mum deviations. Fig. 5(a,b) show d and r for different percentile
and Pme = exp(Lme), where Lmo and Lme are the geometric mean and ranges of measured and modeled concentrations, which were improved

Table 2
Statistics of prediction model performance at L1, L2, and L3.

Locations Performance statistics

Index-of-agreement (d) Pearson correlation coefficient (r) Normalized mean square error (NMSE) Fractional bias (FB) Fractional variance (FS)

L1 0.99 0.97 0.02 0.02 −0.07

L2 0.98 0.96 0.05 0.23 0.05
L3 0.91 0.96 0.22 0.33 0.49
464 N.P. Singh, S. Gokhale / Science of the Total Environment 538 (2015) 458–467

Fig. 8. Statistic of measured, CALINE4 and prediction method estimated concentrations at L1.

Fig. 9. The validation results of the prediction method and comparison with the CALINE4 modeled and measured concentrations at (a) L2, and (b) L3.
N.P. Singh, S. Gokhale / Science of the Total Environment 538 (2015) 458–467 465

Fig. 10. Contours showing probability of exceedances greater than 3.5 ppm (NAAQS).

for the range of 5 to 90 percentiles, e.g. d N 0.9 from 0.68 and r N 0.8 from iv) The 5–90 percentile range of the modeled concentrations was
0.44. Therefore, the percentile range of 5–90 was selected as the reliable corrected by the calibration factor to get a new entire range of
range to develop prediction method and the concentrations below 5 the modeled concentrations. Thus in this method, the middle as
and above 90 percentiles were censored. well as the extreme ranges were improved.
v) This new range of the modeled concentrations was put into
3.3. The prediction method LND model. Fig. 6 shows the comparison of the measured con-
centrations, CALINE4 concentrations and the concentrations
i) As found out, the range (i.e. 5–90 percentiles) of concentrations estimated with the prediction method. Fig. 7 shows the
of dispersion model at L1 was utilized to estimate the parameters comparison of the concentrations modeled by CALINE4 model,
of the LND (i.e. location and scale parameters) using MLE. The earlier hybrid approach (Gokhale and Khare, 2005) and the
location and scale parameters were found to be − 0.7497 and prediction method with the measured concentrations. The
0.9380, respectively. results of the prediction method have been significantly
ii) The LND with these parameters (i.e. location and scale) was improved compared with the results of the earlier hybrid in
applied back to estimate extreme CO concentrations for the the middle range.
censored percentiles ranges of less than 5 and greater than 90.
Thus, the deviations at extreme ranges were reduced to minimal. The prediction method produced considerably better estimates
However, further in order to reduce deviation in the middle of the concentrations than CALINE4 alone. The statistical indicators
range, a calibration factor was used to bring the entire range between the measured and the prediction method concentrations
closer to the measured concentrations. ascertained good match for the entire range as shown in Table 2,
iii) The calibration factor was calculated by comparing the ratio of i.e. d(0.99), r(0.97), NMSE(0.02), FB(0.02), and FS(− 0.07). These
the respective distribution parameter (e.g. location parameters) statistics indicate that the prediction method minimized the error to
of the modeled entire range (including the 5–90 percentiles about 1%. Fig. 8 shows the graphical statistics of measured, CALINE4
and the revised extreme concentrations for ranges less than 5 and prediction method estimated concentrations at L1. It can be seen
and more than 90) and the entire range of measured concentra- that the statistics of measured and prediction method are quite similar
tions. The factor was found to be about 1.3. as compared to CALINE4.

Fig. 11. Contours showing probability of exceedances greater than 1 ppm.

466 N.P. Singh, S. Gokhale / Science of the Total Environment 538 (2015) 458–467

3.4. Validation From the study, it has been observed that the probability distribution
of a pollutant remains same within the traffic corridor and, therefore,
The prediction method was validated at L2 and L3 spatially located the prediction method may be applied at spatial locations using the
within the traffic corridor (Fig. 1). Fig. 9(a,b) shows the comparison of meteorology of the urban area, traffic volume of the corridor of interest
the measured and the prediction method concentrations at L2 and L3, and pollutant concentrations of at least one location in the corridor. The
respectively. The CALINE4 concentrations have also been plotted prediction method, therefore, is a modified method and can provide
for comparison. It was evident that dispersion modeling to produce spa- better estimates of the concentration distributions and proves to be
tiotemporal concentrations was not enough since it failed to estimate economical as compare to the statistical methods discussed in the
the entire concentration distributions and deviated from the measured introduction, which need concentrations data on multiple locations.
concentrations. The prediction method provided the best estimates of However, the promising results of the study have limitations
the concentrations for the entire range at L2 and L3, which validates because it was assumed that the CO concentrations were originated
that the prediction method may be applied to estimate concentration from traffic alone and other sources were not considered; and the
distributions to spatial locations. The statistics as shown in Table 2, locations were all within the same corridor. Therefore, further analysis
e.g. d, r, NMSE, FB, and FS were 0.98, 0.96, 0.05, 0.23, 0.05 at L2 and is required to investigate whether the prediction method will produce
0.91, 0.96, 0.22, 0.33, 0.49 at L3, respectively indicate that the prediction similar results when applied to the other road segments within the
method estimates the concentrations with more accuracy even at far urban area.
spatial locations within the traffic corridor.
5. Conclusion
3.5. Spatiotemporal air quality
The prediction method is simple, needs less number of ambient
The receptors of 3 m height were selected at 10 m and 20 m from the monitoring stations to produce a reliable estimate of concentration
center of the road on both sides for every 10 m along the corridor distributions at spatial locations in a traffic corridor. The important com-
(Fig. 1). The prediction method was applied to estimate hourly concen- ponent of the method is probability distribution, which incorporates
trations at those receptors. The probability of occurrences greater than spatial distribution of concentrations arising due to local wind-flow,
the national ambient air quality standard (NAAQS) of 3.5 ppm (CPCB, urban feature, changes in traffic-flow pattern. It also proved to be
2010) was estimated at each receptor. For convenience in identification better than the existing hybrid modeling approach and, therefore, is a
of locations, two sides of the road were named as north-east side (NES), modified hybrid modeling methodology. Further investigation of the
where L1 and L3 located, and south-west side (SWS), where L2 located. method to determine its applicability on other road segments of the
Fig. 10 shows the probability of occurrence of hourly concentrations urban area is needed.
exceeding the NAAQS value (e.g. 3.5 ppm). The 2% to 3% probability of
occurrence indicates that at least once a week the concentrations
exceeded the NAAQS value (i.e. 12 samples each day for a week, References
12 × 7 = 84 samples, therefore 0.02% of 84 samples = 1.68), while 3% Attri, S.D., Siddhartha, S., Mukhopadhyay, B., Bhatnagar, A.K., 2008. Atlas of Hourly Mixing
to 4% means it exceeded at least twice a week (i.e. 0.03 × 84 = 2.52). Height and Assimilative Capacity of Atmosphere in India. Indian Meteorological
Fig. 11 shows the probability of occurrence N 1 ppm. At about 10 m Department Publication on Environmental Meteorology, Government of India.
Benson, P.E., 1984. CALINE4- A Dispersion Model For Predicting Air Pollutant
from the road center, it was 12% to 15% at NES and 18% to 21% at SWS, Concentrations Near Roadways. Office of Transportation Laboratory, California
whereas, 15% to 18% at other locations. This means the likelihood of con- Department of Transportation, Sacramento, USA (Report No. FHWA/CA/TL-84/15).
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