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2nd Grade – Goldie Socks & Five Finger Rule

School Description and Resources

Phelps Luck Elementary School: PreK-5 enrollment – 583. Diverse school and community. Strong focus on restorative circles and
social/emotional wellbeing. Title 1 school. 62.6% students Free/Reduced Lunch. 17.7% Limited English Proficiency.

Technology: Phone/Computer, speakers (cleanup music), Elmo projector


Students will be able to discuss and explain an example of social responsibility in the media center (specifically, why the bears
joined Goldie Socks in the tent)
 HCPSS Quarter 1 Standards 2.D.2 – Recognizing learning as a social responsibility

Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the five finger rule

 AASL Standards for 21st Century Learner – Learners develop and satisfy personal curiosity

Learning Goal

This lesson will occur the third week of school for the two 2nd grade classes: Smith (9/18) and Adams (9/21).
 Smith: 24 Students
 Adams: 23 Students

The learning goal for this lesson is that students will understand a learning community and how to make informed choices when
choosing what to read. This lesson on the five finger rule is a continuation of effectively utilizing the library media center. In the
previous lessons, we have talked about procedures that align with respect based on our school’s policy: respect of self, others, and
property. This lesson moves from teaching students how to respect the library to teaching students how to choose materials.

Assessment Plan

Informal pre-assessment: prior to the book, ask students about the five finger rule and see if they have prior knowledge

Students will complete a five finger rule worksheet in which they place the rules on each finger. They should be able to demonstrate
their understanding of this concept and how to pick appropriate books.

Instructional Procedures

Students will enter the classroom and go to the carpet.

I will explain the objectives:
 We will look at the importance of working together in the library
 We will learn about the five finger rule
o Pre-assessment: Does anyone have prior knowledge about the five finger rule?

Goldie Socks and the Three Libearians

 Read the story
 Debrief about the five finger rule: What made good book choices for Goldie Socks?
o Picking books that are good for us
o It is your choice, and sometimes it’s good to pick easier books. I like to read picture books.
o Big heavy books: pick one and have them try it out
 After, ask questions about social responsibility and helping each other out (look at the end of the book)
Head to seats

The Five Finger Rule worksheet (Formative Assessment)

 Students will write out the rules on each finger
 Modeling: Talk through finger #1 with the students, referring to the way Goldie explains the five finger rule
o Throughout work, check in with students

Book Checkout: During worksheet activity time

While students work on their activity, I will call tables to check out books
Remind each table to try out their five finger rule

Cleanup Music

Universal Design for Learning and Differentiation

Multiple Means of Representation

 Guideline 2 – Perception: Implementing a strategy that is a cognitive process and a physical action so that students have a
variety of ways to remember rules of selecting appropriate books.
 Guideline 3 – Construct meaning and generate new understandings: Preparing students with transferable information for
selecting books.

Multiple Means of Action and Expression

 Guideline 4 – Physical Action: Giving students a physical cue for selecting books.
 Guideline 6 – Executive Functions: Students utilizing strategies for managing personal choices in book checkout

Multiple Means of Engagement

 Guideline 7 – Recruiting Interest: Students being able to implement individual choice
 Guideline 9 – Self-Regulation: Leaving it up to the students to determine if a book is on their level.

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