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Assignment 1

A. Http

a. The IP address of the machine which generated the HTTP request is IP
address of the server that will handle this request is
b. The client does request a persistent connection because it has a keep-alive.
c. The browser indicates that it can accept en-us and en languages to the server.

a. Each of the UDP header fields is 2 bytes long.
b. The checksum is a small-sized datum derived from a block of digital data for the purpose of
detecting errors which may have been introduced during its transmission or storage. Since the
checksum is unverified this means that the data is unreliable. Therefore the UDP is unreliable.
c. The maximum number of bytes that can be in the payload is 2^16- the bytes already being used
by the header field which is 8 bytes. Therefore the maximum payload is 65535-8= 65527 bytes.
The UDP protocol number is 17 and the protocol number in hex is 11.
d. The source port number for the query is 60319. The destination port number for the response is
60319. The destination port number of the response and the source port number of the query
are the same.

a. IP address and TCP port number used by the client computer to retrieve the file are and 57323.
b. The sequence number of the TCP SYN segment that is used to initiate the TCP connection
between the client computer and www.ittc.ku.edu is 0 for relative sequence number and the
actual sequence number is 3710825685. The SYN flag is set to 1 and it indicates that this
segment is a SYN segment
c. The sequence number of the SYNACK segment sent by the web server to the client computer in
reply to the SYN is 0. The value of the Acknowledgment field in the SYNACK segment is 1.
d. The first three sequence numbers are 0,0,1.
e. By examining the TCP header of the very first SYN segment I notice that the Maximum Segment
Size, Window Scale and Sack permitted are in use. The Maximum Segment Size has 4 bytes,
Window Scale has 3 bytes and window scale has 2 bytes.
a. The value in hex of the upper layer protocol field is 6.
b. There are 20 bytes in the IP Datagram.
c. The IP datagram hasn’t been fragmented because the fragment offset is set to 0, therefore, the
packet has not been fragmented.

E. Ethernet

a. The 48-bit Ethernet source address of the frame is a0:ce:c8:19:84:ad. The 48-bit destination
address of the Ethernet frame is 00:0c:cf:69:c4:00. Yes, it is. The IP destination address uniquely
identifies the computer at the network layer while the Ethernet destination address uniquely
identifies the computer at the link layer.
b. The hex value of the type field as shown here as well as referenced in the text is 0x0800, which
is the ethertype for the IP protocol.

F. 802.11

a. The MAC address fields in the 802.11 frame are Receiver address and Transmitter address.
ac:ec:80:b2:80:00 corresponds to the wireless host. ac:ec:80:b2:80:00 corresponds to the access
point. f0:25:b7:21:ef:11 corresponds to the first hop router.

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