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Area: ENGLISH ENGLISH Subject: English as a Foreign


Teacher(s): Lcda Patricia Vargas

Course: 10th Education Level: A2.1 EGB


Weekly hours Number of weeks of Learning Assessment Weeks Total Weeks of class Total of periods
5 Hours 4 weeks 36 weeks 180 Hours
40 weeks


Objectives of the Area Objectives of the Grade/Course

OG.EFL 1 O.EFL 4.1

Encounter socio-cultural aspects of their own and other countries in a Identify the main ideas, some details and inferences of written texts, in order
thoughtful and inquisitive manner, maturely, and openly experiencing to produce level-appropriate critical analysis of familiar subjects and
other cultures and languages from the secure standpoint of their own contexts.
national and cultural identity.
O.EFL 4.2
Appreciate and value English as an international language and a medium to
interact globally.
O.EFL 4.3
Draw on this established propensity for curiosity and tolerance towards
different cultures to comprehend the role of diversity in building an Independently read A2.1 level text in English as a source of entertainment
intercultural and multinational society. and interpersonal and intrapersonal interaction.

OG.EFL 3 O.EFL 4.4

Access greater flexibility of mind, creativity, enhanced linguistic Develop creative and critical thinking skills when encountering challenges in
intelligence, and critical thinking skills through an appreciation of order to promote autonomous learning and decision making.
linguistic differences. Enjoy an enriched perspective of their L1 and of
language use for communication and learning. O.EFL 4.5

Introduce the need for independent research as a daily activity by using

electronic resources (ICT) in class while practicing appropriate competences
Deploy a range of learning strategies, thereby increasing disposition and in the four skills.
ability to independently access further (language) learning and practice
opportunities. Respect themselves and others within the communication O.EFL 4.6
process, cultivating habits of honesty and integrity into responsible Write short descriptive and informative texts related to personal information
academic behavior. or familiar topics and use them as a means of communication and written
expression of thought.

Directly access the main points and important details of up-to date. O.EFL 4.7
English language texts, such as those published on the web, for Use spoken and written literary text in English such as poems, short stories,
professional or general investigation, through the efficient use of ICT and comic strips, short magazine articles and oral interviews on familiar subjects
reference tools where required.
OG.EFL 6 in order to inspire oral and written production at an A2.1 level.

Through selected media, participate in reasonably extended spoken or O.EFL 4.8

written dialogue with peers from different L1 backgrounds on work,
study, or general topics of common interest, expressing ideas and Integrate written and spoken text in order to identify cultural differences and
opinions effectively and appropriately. similarities within a range of local, national and global contexts familiar to
the learner.
O.EFL 4.9
Interact quite clearly, confidently, and appropriately in a range of formal
and informal social situations with a limited but effective command of the Create a sense of awareness in terms of accuracy when learners interact in
spoken language (CEFR B1 level). English using high-frequency and level-appropriate expressions in order to
reach an effective command of spoken language


Responsibility, Honesty, Respect, Love, Peace, Justice, etc.


N Title of the unit Unit Specific Contents/skills ** Methodological Orientations Evaluation Criteria and Weeks
º Objectives Indicators duration
(Skills and strategies)

1 De Describes free time Communication and Communication and Cultural Communication and
activities. cultural awareness Awareness Cultural Awareness
Breakthroughs in EFL 4.1.4.
Science and  Talks about the Demonstrate  Comparing answers in CE.EFL.4.5. Display an
mindfulness, empathy, appreciation of and 5
frequency of pairs or small groups.
Technology activities using tolerance and an  Working in small groups demonstrate respect for
adverbs of overall respect for the to complete a cultural individual and group
frequency. integrity of cultures in Project. differences by
daily classroom
 Talks about  Participating in short establishing and
abilities. dialogues and role plays maintaining healthy and
 Uses EFL 4.1.5. Apply self- to practice target rewarding relationships
quantifiers correcting and self- language. based on communication
with both monitoring strategies in and cooperation
countable and social and classroom
interactions. (Example: I.EFL.4.5.1. Learners
asking questions, can appreciate and show
nouns. respect for individual and
starting over,
 Talks about rephrasing, exploring group differences by
life memories. alternative establishing and main-
scribes free pronunciations or taining healthy and
time activities. wording, etc.) rewarding online and
face-to-face interactions.
 Talks about the Learners can
frequency of communicate and
activities using cooperate in a respectful,
adverbs of empathetic manner. (J.3,
frequency. S.1, S.4)
 Talks about CE.EFL.4.4.
abilities. Demonstrate the ability
 Uses to ask for and give
quantifiers information and
assistance using
with both
appropriate language and
countable and interaction styles in a
uncountable variety of social
nouns. interactions.
 Talks about I.EFL.4.4.1. Learners
can demonstrate an
life memories.
ability to give and ask for
information and
assistance using level-
appropriate language and
interaction styles in
online or face-to-face
social and classroom in-
teractions. (J.2, J.3, J.4,

Oral Communication: Oral Communication:

(Listening and Speaking) (Listening and
 Recording in-class
CE.EFL.4.8. Production
Oral Communication: conversation to help
(Listening and learnes become aware of – Accuracy and
Speaking) coomon mistakes Intelligibility:
EFL 4.2.2. Use a series regarding language usage Communicate needs and
of phrases and sentenc- and intelligibility. information clearly and
es to describe aspects  Asking learners to repeat in simple terms, using
of personal an answer or statement to grammatical structures
background, immediate clarify something when
environment and learned in class (although
matters of immediate  Asking for help in class there may be frequent
need in simple terms when necessary. errors), effectively and
using grammatical without undue effort.
structures learnt in Demonstrate an ability to
class (although there make appropriate use of
may be frequent errors
new words and expres-
with tenses, personal
pronouns, prepositions, sions in social
etc.) interactions

I.EFL.4.8.1. Learners
can communicate person-
al information and basic
immediate needs and
deal with other practical
everyday demands in
familiar contexts,
effectively and without
undue effort and using
grammatical structures
and vocabulary seen in
class (although there may
be frequent, basic errors).
(I.1, I.2, I.3, S.1)
Reading CE.EFL.4.12. Use a
 Reading a short text and range of reference
showing comprehension materials and sources,
by completing the both online and in print,
accompanying graphic in order to support ideas,
organizar. answer inquiries, find
EFL 4.3.7. Read,
 Reading a text on a relationships and relate
gather, view and listen
to information from familiar área and then ideas between different
various sources in or- matching phrases or subject áreas
der to organize and labeling pictures. I.EFL.4.12.1. Learners
discuss relationships  Reading a short simple can employ a range of
between academic cross-curricular texts and reference materials and
content areas. (Exam- using them to support sources, both online and
ple: nonfiction books arguments or hypotheses. in print, in order to
for young adults, the support ideas, answer
Internet, audio and inquiries, find
media presentations, relationships and relate
oral interviews, maps, ideas between different
diagrams, reference subject areas. (I.1, I.2,
books, magazines, etc.) J.2)

 Completing the gaps in a
CE.EFL.4.17. Show an
ability to convey and
 Reading an online review organize information
Writing and indentifying common through the use of facts
EFL 4.4.8. Convey and linguistic features such as and details and by
organize information the use of verbs in the employing various stages
using facts and details past tense. Then, using of the writing process,
in order to illustrate such text as a model to while using a range of
diverse patterns and write a review of another
structures in writing. digital tools to promote
movie. and support
(Example: cause and
effect, problem and  Sequencing sentences by collaboration, learning
solution, general-to- adding words. and productivity.
specific presentation,
etc.) I.EFL.4.17.1. Learners
can convey and organize
information through the
use of facts and details
and by employing var-
ious stages of the writing
process, while using a
range of digital tools to
promote and support
collaboration, learning
and productivity. (I.1,
I.3, S.4, J.2, J.4)

Language through the

Language through the Arts
 Creating literatura circles
CE.EFL.4.22. Show the
where learners have the ability to work
freedom to say anything collaboratively and to
Language through the they think about a text participate effectively in
Arts from class or outside it. a variety of student
 Participating in classroom groupings by employing
EFL 4.5.11. Participate a wide range of creative
in creative thinking games in which problem-
thinking skills through
through brainstorming, solving as team is the completion of
working in groups, important. activities such as playing
games and problem-  Creating a crossword games, brainstorming
solving tasks by show- puzzle in groups about an and problem solving.
ing the ability to accept Ecuadorian story , region,
a variety of ideas and I.EFL.4.22.1. Learners
celebrity, etc.
capitalize on other can collaborate and
people’s strengths.  Brainstorming ideas for a participate effectively in
writing Project in small a variety of student
groups, using a graphic groupings by employing
organizer. a wide range of creative
thinking skills through
the completion of
activities such as playing
games, brainstorming
and problem solving.
(S.2, S.4, J.1, J.2, J.3,
Communication and
Travel and Identifies the gist of a cultural awareness Communication and Cultural Communication and
Adventure recording by EFL 4.1.2. Recognize Awareness Cultural Awareness
associating it to the 5
and demonstrate an
corresponding picture. appreciation of some  Making a useful object CE.EFL.4.2. Recognize
commonalities and out of recycled materials and demonstrate an
 Identifies distinctions across in a Project appreciation of
commonalities between
specific cultures and groups  Surfing the internet for cultures as well as the
details from a (differentiated by information about
gender, ability, consequences of one’s
recording by important people from actions while exhibiting
generations, etc.)
completing including the students’ other cultures and ways socially responsible
sentences and own. of life and presenting behaviors.
following the EFL 4.1.8. Use them to the class using
audio script. suitable vocabulary, digital tools. I.EFL.4.2.1. Learners
can name similarities and
 Describes expressions, language
and interaction styles differences between
places. different aspects of
for formal and informal
 Describes social or academic cultural groups. Learners
vacation and situations in order to can demonstrate socially
leisure communicate specific responsible behaviors at
activities. intentions in online and school, online, at home
face-to-face and in the community,
 Identifies the and evaluate their actions
interactions. (Example:
meaning of by ethical, safety and
thanking, making
social standards. (J.3,
idioms. promises, apologizing, S.1, I.1)
 Uses idioms asking permission,
in daily chatting with friends, CE.EFL.4.3. Interact
answering in class, with others using self-
greeting an authority monitoring and self-
 Gives an oral figure, etc.) correcting strategies as
presentation. well as appropriate
 Evaluates nonverbal and oral
cooperative communication features.
I.EFL.4.3.1. Learners
can employ a range of
self-monitoring and self-
correcting strategies and
interpret and use
appropriate verbal and
communication features
to communicate in
familiar contexts. (I.3,
S.4, J.4)

Oral Communication: communication(listening
Oral Communication: (Listening and Speaking) and speaking)
(Listening and  Recording in-class CE.EFL.4.10.
Speaking) conversations and Interaction –
EFL 4.2.10. Sustain a dialogues in order to Interpersonal: Participate
conversational ex- make note of correct and effectively in familiar
change on a familiar, appropriate language and predictable
everyday subject when usage and intelligibility. conversational exchanges
carrying out a  Asking classmates to by asking and answering
collaborative/paired repeat an answer or follow-up questions,
learning activity in statement if needed to provided there are
which there are specific clarify something. opportunities to use
instructions for a task.  Asking the learners to repair strategies (e.g.
read a dialogue in pairs. asking for clarification)
Learners record and sustain
themselves and then conversational exchanges
listen to the recording in in pairs to complete a
order to assess clarity of task, satisfy a need or
sounds, production of handle a simple
phonemes, rhythm and transaction.
I.EFL.4.10.1. Learners
can effectively par-
ticipate in familiar and
predictable everyday
conversational exchanges
in order to complete a
task, satisfy a need or
handle a simple
transaction, using a range
of repair strategies.
(Example: asking for
clarification, etc.) (I.3,
J.3, J.4)

Reading  Highlighting relevant key CE.EFL.4.13. Apply
EFL 4.3.6. Apply information in a text and learning strategies such
learning strategies to crossing out irrelevant as using prior knowledge
examine and interpret a information. and graphic organizers to
variety of written  Keeping a vocabulary interpret new information
materials using prior notebook of synonyms in a text, and assess this
knowledge, graphic and antonyms of words information according to
organizers, context from a text. the organization, subject
clues, note taking and  Brainstorming everything area and purpose of the
finding words in a known about a topic and text, using different
dictionary. then reading a text to criteria, including ICT
check true and false tools.
I.EFL.4.13.1. Learners
can apply learning
strategies such as using
prior knowledge and
graphic organizers to
interpret new information
in a text. Learners can
assess this information
according to the organi-
zation, subject area and
purpose of the text,
through the use of
different criteria,
including ICT tools. (I.2,
I.4, J.4)

Writing Writing
EFL.4.4.4 Write to  Completing the gaps in a CE.EFL.4.15. Express
describe feelings sentence. information and ideas
/opinions in order to  Reading an online movie and describe feelings and
effectively influence an review and identifying opinions in simple
audience (example : common linguistic transactional or
persuade, negotiate, features, such as use of expository texts on
argue, etc) past verbs. Learners use familiar subjects in order
the same features to write to influence an audience,
their own review of a while recognizing that
movie they’ve seen. different texts have
different features and
showing the ability to use
these features
appropriately in one’s
own writing.

I.EFL.4.15.1. Learners
can convey information
and ideas and describe
feelings and opinions in
simple transactional or
expository texts on
familiar subjects in order
to influence an audience,
while recognizing that
different texts have
different features and
showing the ability to use
these features
appropriately in one’s
own writing. (I.3, I.4,
S.3, J.2)

Language through the Arts Language through the

Language through the  Creating literature circles
Arts where learners have the CE.EFL.4.22. Show the
freedom to say anything ability to work
EFL 4.5.9. Engage in they want about a text collaboratively and to
collaborative activities from class or outside of participate effectively in
through a variety of class. a variety of student
student groupings to  Brainstorming a list of groupings by employing
create and respond to questions and responses a wide range of creative
literature and other learners can use during thinking skills through
literary texts. small group discussions the completion of
(Example: small about literary texts. activities such as playing
groups, cooperative  Participating in classroom games, brainstorming
learning groups, games in which problem- and problem solving.
literature circles,
solving as a team is
process writing groups, I.EFL.4.22.1. Learners
etc.) important.
can collaborate and
participate effectively in
a variety of student
groupings by employing
a wide range of creative
thinking skills through
the completion of
activities such as playing
games, brainstorming
and problem solving.
(S.2, S.4, J.1, J.2, J.3,

Gives a presentation Communication and Communication and Cultural Communication and 5

about a hobby or Cultural Awareness Awareness Cultural Awareness
3 Hobbies, Leisure favorite pastime .
and EFL 4.1.1. Compare  Finding ways of CE.EFL.4.1. Compare
Entertainment and contrast oral tra- entertainment from other and contrast oral
 Asks and ditions, myths, cultures and regions and traditions and literature
answers folktales and literature then sharing them in from Ecuador and
questions from Ecuador and class. beyond in order to
about people´s international regions  Completing a Venn manifest an
hobbies and and cultures and diagram about two understanding of the
leisure identify similarities and stories from different relationship between
activities. differences and countries. cultural perspectives and
 Uses idiomatic universal cultural  Reflecting on differences practices and by sharing
expressions to themes. between people from cross cultural
talk about free other countries and experiences
time activities. regions.
 Identifies  Sharing a cross-cultural I.EFL.4.1.1. Learners
specific details experience (such as can compare and contrast
from a traveling, trying a new oral traditions, myths,
recording. food, meeting someone folktales and literature
 Mentions from another country) in from Ecuador and other
important tips pairs or as a class. cultures in order to
to take up a demonstrate an
hobby understanding of the
 . Uses the relationship between
imperative in cultural practices and
affirmative perspectives. Learners
and negative can share cross-cultural
form. experiences while
naming universal cultural
themes. (I.2, S.1, S.2,
Oral Communication:
Oral Communication:
(Listening and Speaking)
(Listening and
 Asking classmates to Speaking)
Oral Communication: repeat an answer or
(Listening and statement if needed to CE.EFL.4.10.
Speaking) clarify something. Interaction –
 Asking the learners to Interpersonal: Participate
EFL 4.2.10. Sustain a read a dialogue in pairs. effectively in familiar
conversational ex- Learners record and predictable
change on a familiar, themselves and then conversational exchanges
everyday subject when listen to the recording in by asking and answering
carrying out a order to assess clarity of follow-up questions,
collaborative/paired sounds, production of provided there are
learning activity in phonemes, rhythm and opportunities to use
which there are specific intonation. repair strategies (e.g.
instructions for a task. asking for clarification)
and sustain
conversational exchanges
in pairs to complete a
task, satisfy a need or
handle a simple

I.EFL.4.10.1. Learners
can effectively par-
ticipate in familiar and
predictable everyday
conversational exchanges
in order to complete a
task, satisfy a need or
handle a simple
transaction, using a range
of repair strategies.
(Example: asking for
clarification, etc.) (I.3,
Reading J.3, J.4)
 Reading a short text and
showing comprehension Reading
by completing the
Reading accompanying graphic CE.EFL.4.12. Use a
EFL 4.3.5. Use organizer. range of reference
everyday reference  Reading a text on a materials and sources,
material in order to familiar content area both online and in print,
select information subject and then matching in order to support ideas,
appropriate to the phrases or labeling answer inquiries, find
purpose of an inquiry pictures. relationships and relate
and relate ideas from  Reading two short simple ideas between different
one written source to cross curricular texts and subject areas.
another. using them to support
one’s own argument or I.EFL.4.12.1. Learners
hypothesis. can employ a range of
reference materials and
sources, both online and
in print, in order to
support ideas, answer
inquiries, find
relationships and relate
ideas between different
subject areas. (I.1, I.2,

 Completing the gaps in a Writing

 Reading an online movie CE.EFL.4.15. Express
Writing review and identifying information and ideas
common linguistic and describe feelings and
EFL 4.4.4. Write to features, such as use of opinions in simple
describe feelings/ past verbs. Learners use transactional or
opinions in order to the same features to write expository texts on
effectively influence an their own review of a familiar subjects in order
audience. (Example: movie they have seen. to influence an audience,
persuade, negotiate, while recognizing that
argue, etc.) different texts have
different features and
showing the ability to use
these features
appropriately in one’s
own writing.

I.EFL.4.15.1. Learners
can convey information
and ideas and describe
feelings and opinions in
simple transactional or
expository texts on
familiar subjects in order
to influence an audience,
while recognizing that
different texts have
different features and
showing the ability to use
these features
appropriately in one’s
own writing. (I.3, I.4,
S.3, J.2)

Language through the Arts Language through the

 Doing extended writing,
in which learners get to CE.EFL.4.20. Create
Language through the choose what they write short, original literary
Arts and are not evaluated or texts in different genres,
tested on it. including those that
EFL 4.5.4. Create  Sharing learners’ stories reflect Ecuadorian
personal stories by in pairs or small groups cultures, using a range of
adding imaginative and choosing to represent digital tools, writing
details to real-life some through a role-play. styles, appropriate
stories and situations,  Reading a myth from vocabulary and other
using appropriate Ecuador and writing a literary concepts.
vocabulary and song about it..
elements of the lit- I.EFL.4.20.1. Learners
erature learners have can create short, original
read or heard. literary texts in different
genres, including those
that reflect Ecuadorian
cultures, using a range of
digital tools, writing
styles, appropriate
vocabulary and other
literary concepts. (I.1,

 Categorizes Communication and Communication and Cultural Communication and 5

words about Cultural Awareness Awareness Cultural Awareness
4 The World is the
EFL 4.1.2. Recognize  Completing and CE.EFL.4.2. Recognize
and demonstrate an illustrating statements and demonstrate an
landmarks. about socially responsible appreciation of
appreciation of some
 Uses formulaic behaviors.
expressions to commonalities and  Making a useful object commonalities between
keep the flow distinctions across out of recycled materials. cultures as well as the
of a conversa cultures and groups  Creating a poster of class consequences of one’s
 Compares (differentiated by rules. actions while exhibiting
gender, ability,  Researching through the socially responsible
Internet about other
landmarks and generations, etc.) cultures and ways of life behaviors
their specific including the students’ and presenting them to
I.EFL.4.2.1. Learners
characteristics. own. the class using digital
can name similarities and
 Creates dialogs tools.
differences between
EFL 4.1.6. Seek and
giving his/her different aspects of
provide information
opinion about and assistance, orally cultural groups. Learners
landmarks or in writing and in can demonstrate socially
around the online or face-to-face responsible behaviors at
interactions, for school, online, at home
personal, social and and in the community,
academic purposes. and evaluate their actions
by ethical, safety and
social standards. (J.3,
S.1, I.1)

Oral Communication: Oral Communication:

Oral Communication: (Listening and Speaking)
(Listening and
(Listening and Speaking)
Speaking)  Having learners make a selfie
video to say what they know
about a topic before coming to CE.EFL.4.8. Production
EFL 4.2.2. Use a series Accuracy and
of phrases and sentenc-  Asking for help in class when Intelligibility:
es to describe aspects necessary. Communicate needs and
of personal information clearly and
background, immediate in simple terms, using
environment and grammatical structures
learned in class (although
matters of immediate
there may be frequent
need in simple terms errors), effectively and
using grammatical without undue effort.
structures learnt in Demonstrate an ability to
class (although there make appropriate use of
may be frequent errors new words and expres-
with tenses, personal sions in social
pronouns, prepositions,
etc.) I.EFL.4.8.1. Learners
can communicate person-
- .
al information and basic
immediate needs and
deal with other practical
everyday demands in
familiar contexts,
effectively and without
undue effort and using
grammatical structures
and vocabulary seen in
class (although there may
be frequent, basic errors).
(I.1, I.2, I.3, S.1)
Reading Reading
 Reading a short text and CE.EFL.4.12. Use a
Reading showing comprehension range of reference
EFL 4.3.5. Use by completing the materials and sources,
everyday reference accompanying graphic both online and in print,
material in order to organizer. in order to support ideas,
select information  Reading a text on a answer inquiries, find
appropriate to the familiar content area relationships and relate
purpose of an inquiry subject and then matching ideas between different
and relate ideas from phrases or labeling subject areas.
one written source to pictures.
another.  Reading two short simple I.EFL.4.12.1. Learners
cross-curricular texts and can employ a range of
using them to support reference materials and
one’s own argument or sources, both online and
hypothesis. in print, in order to
support ideas, answer
inquiries, find
relationships and relate
ideas between different
subject areas. (I.1, I.2,

CE.EFL.4.15. Express
 Completing the gaps in a
information and ideas
Writing and describe feelings and
 Reading an online movie
opinions in simple
EFL 4.4.4. Write to review and identifying
transactional or
describe feelings/ common linguistic expository texts on
opinions in order to features, such as use of familiar subjects in order
effectively influence an past verbs. Learners use to influence an audience,
audience. (Example: the same features to write while recognizing that
persuade, negotiate, their own review of a different texts have
argue, etc.) movie they have seen. different features and
 Sequencing sentences by showing the ability to use
adding words. these features
appropriately in one’s
own writing.

I.EFL.4.15.1. Learners
can convey information
and ideas and describe
feelings and opinions in
simple transactional or
expository texts on
familiar subjects in order
to influence an audience,
while recognizing that
different texts have
different features and
showing the ability to use
these features
appropriately in one’s
own writing. (I.3, I.4,
S.3, J.2)
Language through the Arts Language through the
Language through the  Doing extended writing,
Arts in which learners get to CE.EFL.4.20. Create
choose what they write short, original literary
EFL 4.5.4. Create and are not evaluated or texts in different genres,
personal stories by tested on it. including those that
adding imaginative  Sharing learners’ stories reflect Ecuadorian
details to real-life in pairs or small groups cultures, using a range of
stories and situations, and choosing to represent digital tools, writing
using appropriate some through a role play. styles, appropriate
vocabulary and  Reading a myth from vocabulary and other
elements of the lit- Ecuador and writing a literary concepts.
erature learners have song about it.
read or heard. I.EFL.4.20.1. Learners
can create short, original
literary texts in different
genres, including those
that reflect Ecuadorian
cultures, using a range of
digital tools, writing
styles, appropriate
vocabulary and other
literary concepts. (I.1,
 Identifies Communication and Communication and Cultural Communication and 5
some Cultural Awareness Awareness Cultural Awareness
EFL 4.1.5. Apply self-  Completing and CE.EFL.4.4.
5 Jobs and occupations.
correcting and self- illustrating statements Demonstrate the ability
occupations  Makes monitoring strategies in about socially responsible to ask for and give
compounds social and classroom behaviors. information and
words. interactions. (Example:  Making a useful object assistance using
 Describes asking questions, out of recycled materials. appropriate language and
specific starting over,  Creating a poster of class interaction styles in a
rephrasing, exploring rules. variety of social
to work in
alternative  searching the Internet for interactions.
pronunciations or information about other I.EFL.4.4.1. Learners
some special wording, etc.) cultures and ways of life can demonstrate an
occupations. and presenting them to ability to give and ask for
 Identifies and EFL 4.1.9. Recognize the class using digital information and
uses the future the consequences of tools. assistance using level-
tenses with one’s actions by appropriate language and
demonstrating interaction styles in
will and be online or face-to-face
responsible decision-
going to. making at school, social and classroom in-
 Expresses online, at home and in teractions. (J.2, J.3, J.4,
predictions, the community, while I.3)
plans and considering ethical
CE.EFL.4.5. Display an
decisions. standards, safety
concerns, social norms appreciation of and
and mutual respect. demonstrate respect for
individual and group
differences by
 Asks and establishing and
answers maintaining healthy and
questions rewarding relationships
about career
based on communication
choices and
occupations. and cooperation
 Uses
I.EFL.4.5.1. Learners
can appreciate and show
expressions to
respect for individual and
keep the flow
group differences by
of a
establishing and main-
taining healthy and
 Gives an oral rewarding online and
face-to-face interactions.
Learners can
communicate and
cooperate in a respectful,
empathetic manner. (J.3,
S.1, S.4)
Oral Communication: Oral Communication:
Oral Communication:
(Listening and (Listening and Speaking)
(Listening and
 Asking classmates to Speaking)
EFL 4.2.4. Deduce the repeat an answer or
meanings of unfamiliar statement if needed to CE.EFL.4.8. Production
phrases and words clarify something. Accuracy and
from a context  Showing the student a Intelligibility:
containing familiar video clip of a simple Communicate needs and
information clearly and
elements. (Example: situation and asking them in simple terms, using
colloquial greetings, to describe what is grammatical structures
exclamations, inter- happening/has happened. learned in class (although
jections, etc.)  Doing a mingle activity there may be frequent
where learners ask and errors), effectively and
answer survey questions without undue effort.
Demonstrate an ability to
about jobs and
make appropriate use of
occupations new words and expres-
sions in social

I.EFL.4.8.1. Learners can

communicate personal
information and basic
immediate needs and
deal with other practical
everyday demands in
familiar contexts,
effectively and without
undue effort and using
grammatical structures
and vocabulary seen in
class (although there
may be frequent, basic
errors). (I.1, I.2, I.3, S.1)
Reading Reading
Reading  Highlighting relevant key CE.EFL.4.13. Apply
EFL 4.3.6. Apply information in a text and learning strategies such
learning strategies to crossing out irrelevant as using prior knowledge
examine and interpret a information. and graphic organizers to
variety of written  Keeping a vocabulary interpret new information
materials using prior notebook of synonyms in a text, and assess this
knowledge, graphic and antonyms of words information according to
organizers, context from a text. the organization, subject
clues, note taking and  Completing an outline for area and purpose of the
finding words in a a cross-curricular text. text, using different
dictionary.  Brainstorming everything criteria, including ICT
known about a topic and tools.
then reading a text to
check true and false I.EFL.4.14.1. Learners
information. can interact and engage
 Completing a KWL chart with a wide range of ICT
about a text. and classroom resources
and texts by selecting
and evaluating them in
order to strengthen
literacy skills and
promote acquisition. (I.2,
I.4, S.3, J.2, J.3)
 Reading an online movie
CE.EFL.4.17. Show an
EFL 4.4.8. Convey and review and identifying
ability to convey and
organize information common linguistic
organize information
using facts and details features.
through the use of facts
in order to illustrate  Sequencing sentences by and details and by
diverse patterns and adding words. employing various stages
structures in writing.  Using question prompts of the writing process,
(Example: cause and to interview and then while using a range of
effect, problem and write sentences about a digital tools to promote
solution, general-to- classmate. and support
specific presentation,  Posting a comment to a collaboration, learning
etc.) classmate’s writing on a and productivity.
class blog.
I.EFL.4.17.1. Learners
can convey and organize
information through the
use of facts and details
and by employing var-
ious stages of the writing
process, while using a
range of digital tools to
promote and support
collaboration, learning
and productivity. (I.1,
I.3, S.4, J.2, J.4)

Language through the Arts Language through the

Language through the Arts
 Listening to or reading
stories and drawing an CE.EFL.4.18. Use main
EFL 4.5.3. Make important scene. ideas in order to
predictions, inferences  Looking at the title of a understand, predict, infer
and deductions to text and accompanying and deduce literal and
demonstrate different illustrations and writing implied meanings in
levels of meaning of three questions about the short, simple, everyday
literary works topic. literary texts (online, oral
presented orally or in  Writing a sentence to or in print).
digital form, including describe the author’s
literal and implied intention I.EFL.4.19.1. Learners
meanings. (Example: can locate and identify
summarizing, literary elements and
explaining and techniques in other
identifying, word works, including one’s
choice, symbols, points own. Learners can give
of view, etc.) personal responses to and
interpret a variety of
literary texts, including
those of a peer, referring
to details and features of
the text. (Example: text
structure, plot, ideas,

Communication and Communication and Cultural Communication and

Cultural Awareness Awareness Cultural Awareness
6 Lifetime  Identifies and
Achievements uses words to EFL 4.1.1. Compare  Finding recipes from CE.EFL.4.1. Compare
describe and contrast oral tra- other cultures and regions and contrast oral
people’s talents ditions, myths, and then sharing them in traditions and literature
folktales and literature class. from Ecuador and
and abilities.
from Ecuador and  Reading two stories from beyond in order to
 Makes international regions different regions in manifest an
descriptions of and cultures and Ecuador and completing a understanding of the
people in terms identify similarities and chart to show the relationship between
of talents, differences and differences. cultural perspectives and
abilities and universal cultural  Watching a video about a practices and by sharing
achievements. themes. legend or traditional story cross cultural
 Identifies and from Ecuador or another experiences
EFL 4.1.6. Seek and country, and taking notes
uses words to
provide information on the cultural practices I.EFL.4.1.1. Learners
describe and assistance, orally mentioned. can compare and contrast
people’s talents or in writing and in  Sharing a cross-cultural oral traditions, myths,
and abilities. online or face-to-face experience (such as folktales and literature
 Makes interactions, for traveling, trying a new from Ecuador and other
descriptions of personal, social and food, meeting someone cultures in order to
people in terms academic purposes. from another country) in demonstrate an
pairs or as a class. understanding of the
of talents,
relationship between
abilities and cultural practices and
achievements. perspectives. Learners
 Writes a short can share cross-cultural
composition experiences while
about the naming universal cultural
achievements themes. (I.2, S.1, S.2,
of a famous J.1)
person. CE.EFL.4.4.
Demonstrate the ability
to ask for and give
information and
assistance using
appropriate language and
interaction styles in a
variety of social
I.EFL.4.4.1. Learners can
demonstrate an ability to
give and ask for
information and
assistance using level-
appropriate language
and interaction styles in
online or face-to-face
social and classroom in-
teractions. (J.2, J.3, J.4,
Oral Communication:
Oral Communication: (Listening and
(Listening and Speaking) Speaking)
Oral Communication:
(Listening and  Asking classmates to CE.EFL.4.8. Production
Speaking) repeat an answer or – Accuracy and
statement if needed to
EFL 4.2.4. Deduce the clarify something.
meanings of unfamiliar  Showing the student a Communicate needs and
phrases and words video clip of a simple information clearly and
from a context situation and asking them in simple terms, using
containing familiar to describe what is grammatical structures
elements. (Example: happening/has happened. learned in class (although
colloquial greetings,
there may be frequent
exclamations, inter-
jections, etc.) errors), effectively and
without undue effort.
Demonstrate an ability to
make appropriate use of
new words and expres-
sions in social

I.EFL.4.8.1. Learners
can communicate person-
al information and basic
immediate needs and
deal with other practical
everyday demands in
familiar contexts,
effectively and without
undue effort and using
grammatical structures
and vocabulary seen in
class (although there may
be frequent, basic errors).
(I.1, I.2, I.3, S.1)
Reading Reading Reading
EFL 4.3.5. Use  Keeping a vocabulary CE.EFL.4.12. Use a
everyday reference notebook of synonyms range of reference
material in order to and antonyms of words materials and sources,
select information from a text. both online and in print,
appropriate to the  Completing an outline for in order to support ideas,
purpose of an inquiry a cross-curricular text. answer inquiries, find
and relate ideas from  Brainstorming everything relationships and relate
one written source to known about a topic and ideas between different
then reading a text to subject áreas
another. check true and false I.EFL.4.12.1. Learners
information. can employ a range of
 Completing a KWL chart reference materials and
about a text. sources, both online and
in print, in order to
support ideas, answer
inquiries, find
relationships and relate
ideas between different
subject areas. (I.1, I.2,

Writing Writing
 Reading an online movie CE.EFL.4.17. Show an
EFL 4.4.8. Convey and review and identifying ability to convey and
organize information common linguistic organize information
using facts and details features. through the use of facts
in order to illustrate  Sequencing sentences by and details and by
diverse patterns and adding words. employing various stages
structures in writing.  Posting a comment to a of the writing process,
(Example: cause and classmate’s writing on a while using a range of
effect, problem and class blog. digital tools to promote
solution, general-to- and support
specific presentation, collaboration, learning
etc.) and productivity.

I.EFL.4.17.1. Learners
can convey and organize
information through the
use of facts and details
and by employing var-
ious stages of the writing
process, while using a
range of digital tools to
promote and support
collaboration, learning
and productivity. (I.1,
I.3, S.4, J.2, J.4)
Language through the Language through the Arts Language through the
Arts Arts
 Listening to or reading
EFL 4.5.3. Make stories and drawing an CE.EFL.4.18. Use main
predictions, inferences important scene. ideas in order to
and deductions to  Looking at the title of a understand, predict, infer
demonstrate different text, accompanying and deduce literal and
levels of meaning of illustrations, and writing implied meanings in
literary works three questions about the short, simple, everyday
presented orally or in topic. Then reading to literary texts (online, oral
digital form, including find the answers to the or in print).
literal and implied questions.
meanings. (Example:  Listening to a song and IEFL.4.18.1. Learners
summarizing, inferring if it is happy, can understand, predict,
explaining and sad, etc. infer and deduce literal
identifying, word  Writing a sentence to and implied meanings in
choice, symbols, points describe the author’s short, simple, everyday
of view, etc.) intention. literary texts (online, oral
or in print), especially
when visual support is
provided. (I.2, I.3, I.4)

Done Approved Aproved

DOCENTE: LIC. Patricia Vargas DIRECTORA DE ÁREA: Lic. Gustavo VICERECTOR: Ing. Gladys Galarza


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