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Student Name _______________________________________ Class Period _______________

Check One:
Grader Name ________________________________________ Mentor_____Evaluator_____ Date _______________

Presentation Length (15-25 min; -1 points per minute over or under) ______________ Grade __________/100

Topic of Study _____________________________________________________________________________________

Independent Study Mentorship

Final Project Presentation- Grading Rubric
(Semester Final Exam Grade)
Category & Expectations 10 - 9 8-7 6–5 4-0
Collegiate/Profes High School Level; High School Level; Unsatisfactory
Description sional Level; Satisfactory Needs /Needs Substantial
Excellent Improvement Improvement
1. Introduction/ • The following information is
Opening addressed: Student’s Name,
Slides Mentor’s Name, Mentor’s Place of
Business, Mentor’s
Profession/Career of Study, Topic of
Study, ISM course and
Semester/year taken, and ISM
teacher’s name.
• Student provides background
information regarding their choice of
mentorship project topic,
mentor/mentorship site, shows they
are passionate about their project in
a convincing way
2. Collegiate/ • Student work reflects that which is
Professional expected at the
Quality collegiate/professional-level and is
Presentation imaginative, creative, and
• Student shows progress toward
mastery of techniques used in the
• Student is progressing on collegiate
and/or professional goals approved
by mentor during the ISM
3. Spelling/ • Presentation slides reflect correct
Grammar/ spelling, standard grammar and
Terminology usage, and appropriate punctuation.
• Student incorporates correct
terminology and pronunciation.
4. Photos/ • Photos used to highlight ISM
Graphics/ activities the student was involved *The students
with. should have
Artifacts/ • Photos and handouts/visuals used to incorporated at
least 10
Handouts provide the audience with a better
understanding of the mentorship to receive a
Effectively experience. score of 10-9.
Incorporated • There should be photos/visuals of
the student/mentor and/or
mentorship site.
• Photos of student in action and/or
parts of student product;
labels/explanations for each.
• Clip art is incorporated and
appropriate to the presentation.
• Handouts and/or product is
incorporated that is relevant and
useful; helps explain a part of the
presentation or make it more

Revised- Fall 2017

Category & Expectations 10 - 9 8-7 6–5 4-0
Collegiate/Profes High School Level; High School Level; Unsatisfactory
Description sional Level; Satisfactory Needs /Needs Substantial
Excellent Improvement Improvement
5. Organization/ • Presentation flows in a logically
Presentation organized fashion
Slides • Slides are easy to read, visually
appealing, and well balanced
• Fonts are easy to read; graphics
used effectively.
6. Research • Information taken from research
Effectively articles and/or Interviews is
Incorporated effectively incorporated into
• Thoughtful (relevant, credible
sources) selection of the most useful
information from research sources,
and student indicates source of
7. Research • There is a disclaimer at the
Properly beginning of the presentation stating
Cited that some of the information is from
outside sources. Research is cited
and citations are visible during the
• MLA citation provided for
visuals/pictures, diagrams, statistics,
etc. from secondary sources (on
each slide showing info from
secondary sources).
• Works Cited/References slide at
conclusion of presentation (last
8. Professional • Student is wearing appropriate
Attire and professional business attire and is
Grooming neatly groomed. (No visible body
piercings or tattoos, etc.)
9. Conclusion • Student takes an opportunity to ask
audience if there are any
questions/appropriately addresses
any questions.
• Student concludes by thanking
mentor, evaluators, teacher, parents,
• Conclusion summarizes how much
the student has learned from the
course/mentorship experience.
10. Presentation/ • Student is confident, can be heard
Speaking easily, is prepared, and has
Skills obviously practiced.
• Student has minimal nervous habits
(“umms”); projects voice; uses good
pacing and inflection; makes eye
contact with audience.
***Student should NOT read
presentation directly from the screen
or from handouts.

Total Points Possible = 100

Did the student make his/her Online Portfolio (Weebly) available to you during the presentation? YES NO
In your opinion, did the student have a project (presentation, product, and portfolio) of YES NO
professional/collegiate quality?
What was the student’s product? (if you unsure, please ask the student)

_________________________________________ __________________
Evaluator Signature Date

Revised- Fall 2017

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