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Daily TEST 17. My family and I (dating/tiba) ……………………. to Yogya at 7 o’clock yesterday morning.

Choose the correct Answer

1. I … to the school alone yesterday 18. Ahmad (tidak berkunjung) ……………………. his uncle in Palembang recently.
A. walk B. walks C. walked D. am walking
19. Dina (tidak menikmati) ………………………… the last Saturday party.
2. My father often … in this restaurant every month
A. eat B. eats C. is eating D. ate
20. The student (membeli) ………………………… some souvenirs on Bali at this time.
3. I … in this sofa with my mother just now.
A. am sleeping B. sleep C. have slept D. slept
Write these sentences in English Language!
4. We … each other 2 years ago
A. are loving B. love C. loved D. have loved
21. Kami belajar di SMK Nurul Hikmah sejak sebulan yang lalu.
5. They … the grass at this time with my brother.
A. cut B. are cutting C. have cut D. cuts
6. …. he read novel last night? 22. Kemarin, Ibu tidak pergi ke pasar.
A. does B. is C. has D. did
7. We … to Trenggalek Town Square two weeks ago 23. Apakah Ayahmu sedang membaca buku di ruangannya?
A. go B. went C. have gone D. are going
8. Sometimes he … music in his room.
A. listen B. listens C. has listened D. listened 24. Aku sering mengunjungi nenek dengan keluargaku.

9. Anita … me in this market recently.

A. meets B. is meeting C. has met D. met 25. Guruku baru saja menjelaskan pelajaran bahasa Inggris.
10. Fatimah … this delicious food for us, 1 hour ago
E. is cooking F. cooks G. has cooked H. cooked
26. Saya sakit. Hari ini saya tidak pergi kesekolah.
Supply with correct form of the verbs in brackets.
11. Mr. Rahmad (meminta) …………………. all student to do experiment this time.
27. Aku sedang membaca buku, tetapi biasanya aku bermain sepakbola.
12. Tono (mendaki/memanjat) ……………………. mountain Merbabu two weeks ago.
28. Apakah kamu tidak belajar kemarin?
13. Dona (lupa) ………………….. to do the homework yesterday

14. My brother (menulis) …………………….. me a letter yesterday.

29. Mereka tidak sedang menonton TV.
15. We (pergi) ……………………. back to Semarang at 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon.
30. Ibuku seorang Guru. Kemarin ibuku tidak pergi kesekolah.
16. I (mempunyai) …………………….. very funny experience on my first day at school.

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