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A Peculiar

People Under
Law and Grace

Pastor Rick

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"For out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the
Word of the Lord from Jerusalem"
(Isaiah 2:3).”

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"A Peculiar People Under
Law and Grace"
Pastor Rick Giesenschlag

Ephesians 1:1-23; Exodus 19:3-6; Deuteronomy 14:1-2 & 26:16-19;

Titus 2:11-14; I Peter 2:9-10; John 6:43-52; Hebrews 2:1-4

The surety of Yahweh’s Israel people rests in the promises which He

made from before the foundation of the world in the election or choosing
of a peculiar or certain people as His very own. Before proceeding we
need to have a more perfect understanding of the term “surety.” From the
Hebrew word “Yada” which means to know, more properly, by seeing
which includes observation, care and recognition and in the causative
sense, instruction, designation and punishment. From the Greek we read
the word surety as "Alethos" which means "truly" and the Greek word
"Egguos" which is "pledged", as a bondsman. Websters 1828 dictionary
says surety is security or safety, or foundation of stability. This thing we
call surety is to be seen in the Commands, Laws and Statutes which God
presented to our Israel ancestors at Mt Sinai...Exodus 20:1-26. Again the
surety of the Israel of God is shown in Hebrews7-14-22, the better
testament spoken of here is that New Covenant written of in Jeremiah
31:31-34. This covenant in Jeremiah and the one in Hebrews are the
covenant mentioned in Matthew 26:26-29. Where once the blood of bulls
and goats were offered up as a sacrifice for the sins of the family and the
nation, “How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the
eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience
from dead works to serve the living God?”. .Heb 9:14.

There is a hard and fast rule in the Social/Institutionalized church that

says, “who so ever among men and man-like creatures wish to reach out
and grasp eternal life they may do so.” Exodus 19:3-6, I read this over and
over and come to the same conclusion “these people to whom God spoke
to through Moses were Israelites who were to keep his covenant and be a
peculiar treasure unto Him above all people.” Speaking to the Israel

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people in Deuteronomy 14:1-2, they are called a holy people unto YAH-
WEH GOD and were chosen (selected-elected) to be a peculiar people
unto Him above all the nations that are upon the earth. (That word
peculiar from the Hebrew word "cegullah", a jewel, proper or special and
from the Greek word "eis", a primitive preposition meaning continual or
far more exceeding, and the Greek word "peripoiesis" which is, to obtain,
purchased, a possession or saving. So, we find the main doctrines of the
Social church in total difference with scripture. What we are reading
when we see these words peculiar and surety in scripture where applied
to a people is the purchased salvation of a certain people whom YAH-
WEH placed above all others in His own Divine Plan of all things.

This people whom GOD Elected/Chose from before the foundation of the
world/cosmos are the ones then whom we are to direct the message of the
Gospel of the Kingdom of GOD in the earth. It is to these people who are
known as Israelites that the promises are directed and not to any other.
The promises of GOD relate to “A People,” not all people. They are a
people who have been placed by YAHWEH above all other nations and
peoples. It is the people who descended in racial purity through the seed
of Adam. Down through annals of time and recorded history they have
been called by many names, Adamites, Shemites, Hebrews and finally
Israelites in scripture. What we need to concern ourselves with is what
names were, and are they now known by after their being taken captive
as a nation and making their escape from Assyria and Babylon. The
capture of the Ten-Tribe Northern Kingdom of Israel and their deporta-
tion from their homeland into Assyrian captivity was completed by
715-712 B.C. and they were settled in the cities of the Medes. At approx-
imately the same time frame, Sennacherib, King of Assyria (701 B.C.)
came against King Hezekiah and the Kingdom of Judah and took by force
all of the fortified outer cities of Judah, II Kings 18:13. Sennacherib
boasted of bringing out 200,150 captives at this time. In 590 B.C. the last
king of Judah was taken captive by Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon
and the nation of Judah was fallen and the people were removed from
their country and taken to Babylon where they remained until the Persian
Kings defeated Babylon and took control over them.

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I know what you and I were taught in the Social Church, in the days of
the Ezra the nation of Judah was released and returned to Judah and
Jerusalem...WRONG! The official number of those who returned from
captivity was listed in Ezra 2:64 as 42,360 people. This is a far cry from
the hundreds of thousands who went captive into Babylon and it is not
inclusive of any of the probable millions of those taken into Assyria,
which included a minimum of 200,150 from Judah (we need to remember
that when the number of Israel is counted it is only the males from
20-years and up.) What happened to these many Israelites who did not
return to their home land? Where did they go, or did they remain in
captivity? Do you believe as the institutionalized teaches that they are
simply lost to history, never to be seen or heard from again on the world’s
stage? This is very doubtful if you believe the words of the Holy Bible;
Deuteronomy 4:25-31, even when generations of Israelites have done evil
in His sight and they have provoked Him to anger he says that he will
remove them from the land of their possession and scatter them among
the nations where we will take up the worship of false gods, His mercy is
nigh. He tells us that if we seek Him with all our hearts and souls and turn
to Him in obedience, even in times of tribulations he will not forsake us
nor forget the covenant of our fathers. Read also Isaiah 41:10-20 and
Hebrews 13:1-6. He says that he is Yahweh, the Holy one of Israel and
their redeemer (the one who will buy them back, or pay the price for their
restitution ..which Jesus Christ did). And even though we are scattered as
by a whirlwind, he will not forsake us.

I find it simply amazing that the educational system of the western world
cannot trace the history or existence of the white-Caucasian race of
people any further back than the Greeks of 1500 B.C. What is more
amazing is that the institutionalized church goes along with this farce
hand in hand. My Bible says in Genesis 1:26, “And GOD said, let us
make man in our own image, after our likeness.” That man is purported
to be the man Adam, even by the social church, and if that is the case and
I am certain it is, then we have just succeeded in pushing the known
origin of the White man back from the Greeks of 1,500B.C. to the
creation. You see, that name Adam is in the Hebrew awdam which means
“to show blood in the face i.e. flush or turn rosy” It also means, “ruddy,
i.e. a human being or the species mankind.” From this first man Adam

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whom I am made by word definition to believe that he was WHITE came
the only race that is truly man-kind. From the loins of this man Adam
came the Race of people who are known in Biblical and Secular history
as Adamites, Shemites, Hebrews Israelites and eventually by many other
names, as Yahweh said they would be ...Isaiah 65:14-15, Isa 56:5, Isa
62:1-3, Zechariah 10:11-12.

In Isaiah 62:10-12 we read of the once captive Northern Kingdom of

Israel and the many of Judah and Benjamin with them as they begin their
journey from the land of their capture to their new home land. They made
their journey through the Caucasas pass where they took upon themselves
the name of Caucasian and surely they are a city not forsaken, which is
from the Hebrew words "Uwr" and "ayar" which means literally "awak-
ened". This is a promise that Israel will be awakened to their calling, and
they surely are. We can track them in history from the land of their
capture to their new lands under the following names; Beth-Sak(House
of Isaac) and Khumri, Cimmeri & Cymri; the Getae and Mesagetae and
Sagatae to Getae or Goths which we find later as Visagoths and Os-
trogoths; the Gauthie who took a different yet equal route into Europe
were to become the Scuths or Sythians and later on were to take the
names Cymbri, Saca, Sacki, Sacksen and Saxons; the Goths moved the
same way, ever west and north of Palestine and in their movings became
known as Normans, Pictones and Angles; the celtica or Celts were
branched off from the Sythians/Saxons and the Danai moved through the
Mediterrenan Sea and ended up as the Scandanavians. These are the
White Race of Israel settling all of Europe and the British Isles after being
displaced from Palestine.

You say that it doesn’t sound feasible that such a small number of people
could take over such a vast amount of land; Deut 4:33-40, the people
didn’t take this new land, God took the land through the people. In
another argument you say that they were in the land that God promised
so that is where they returned to. . II Samuel 7:10 the Israelites were in
the land of Canaan when this promise was made to them by YAHWEH.
These People were the nation of Scattered Israelites mentioned in Jeremi-
ah 23: 2 & 30:10-11, Jere 50:17-18; Ezekiel 11:14-17, 34:11-16 and
36:16-19. God scattered his people where he wanted them to be and gave

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them the tools of dominion and it is to this people whom have been
scattered or transplanted that the calling of God has always been made
known. It is these Caucasian Anglo-Saxons, Germanic, Scandinavian
people who have fulfilled the prophecies of scripture concerning God’s
Israel people and the work that was to be done by them as his servant
people in the earth. These are the ones to whom sonship has fallen, they
are the heirs of redemption which is made sure in the shed blood of Christ
Jesus. It is this people who are the recipients of God’s so great salvation
yet have been so neglectful of it.

In eternity YAHWEH chose the Israel people, a seed out of the race of
Adam to be placed as sons and daughters. We have been selected and
placed in this earth as God’s Racial family to live and rule under His law,
by His Grace and by no other thing. We are made Holy, righteous and
precious unto Him by the Divine counsel of His own will and not by
anything we have done or ever could do. .Deut 7:6-9. I Peter 1:1-3 this is
a letter to Israel scattered abroad, the elect of the Old covenant is the Elect
of the new Covenant, I Peter 2:9-10 is written to and about the same
chosen and peculiar people we read of in Exodus 19:5 and Deuteronomy

Paul writes to the saints at Ephesus (Eph 1:4-5) and says to them that they
have been chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world and have
been predestined unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself
to the good pleasure of his own will. This is a terrific calling and we
should all be honored and humbled by it. We should also understand that
certain things are required of us both under law and grace because
Election has two sides. Even though it is unconditional on God’s part, we
as the household of God have an end to hold up. Genesis 1:26 and 9:2,
Psalm 8:4-6 and Luke 19:12-13, we are to be in dominion status in the
earth until Christ Jesus returns. That certain nobleman of whom Jesus
spoke and Luke wrote was Christ Jesus who ascended into heaven and
those servants, ten by number, are the dispersed of Israel to whom Jesus
told the twelve disciples to go and preach to in Matthew 10:5-7.

As Christians we are to obey the statutes and commandments which are

the Royal Law of God. Acts 5:25-29, the obedience spoken of here by

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Peter and the apostles was to the law and this is what we must consider
today. Deut 6:1-16, Ex 31:13-14 Deut 7:6-9, I read nothing in these Bible
verses that says it is Ok for mans law to supersede God’s law at any time
yet I did read that we are to keep God’s laws for a thousand generations
and that means forever. Consider this, if we reckoned a new generation
every 21-years that would be 21,000-years. Thus we reckon 1,000 gener-
ations to be forever, making the dominion mandate forever.

One point that needs to be made right now is this; we can-not be obedient
to the law of God until we are made a repentant spirit by God the Holy
Spirit. Once YAHWEH initiates the call the Holy Spirit begins his work
in us and we become a teachable spirit ..John 14:26. God the Holy Spirit
is our teacher in law and doctrine, bringing us into obedience of the law
of God. Then when we have at last put off the old nature our eyes will
have been opened and we no longer see in a glass darkly. We will no
longer look into a mirror and see one who is dead in his sins peering back
at us. Rather, I believe what we will see is one who is made as new in the
image and likeness of God. We will see one who has put off the lusts of
the flesh through the authority of God’s Divine Grace. God does not
mandate that we have some type of religious experience such as is
suggested by the social church. What he does require of us is obedience
to his law which will bring about our exclusion from the worlds Babylo-
nian system and bring us into line with his Kingdom.

The scriptural reading of Eph 1:1-5 means different things to different

people, to me it is a message of God’s Love and Grace for His elect
people who are to be found in the only people in the earth who cling to
him as their hope in an other wise alien world. It is a message that says
that we were not made the elect and heirs of the promises of God because
the Jews defaulted and he, God, had no other option. If you study the
origin and history of the Amalekite Jews you will be ashamed that you
ever fell for that old lie making them the chosen peculiar people of God.
If you can read Matthew chapters 23, 24 and 25 and John chapter 8 and
9 and pray for understanding you will be sorry and humiliated before God
that you ever felt that he could have loved these filthy satanic devils. See
this truth in your Bible, God has always loved His Israel people. Not
because we were always worthy of that love but because we were made

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worthy of his love through Election the atonement of Christ and the many
works of the Holy Spirit. If you ever reach the point where you begin to
believe that it is you who initiates the love that is yours and God’s
remember the words of I John 4:19,"We love him, because he first loved

Jude 3 exhorts us to earnestly contend for the faith once delivered to the
saints; I Peter 1:9-12 says the prophets searched diligently for salvation;
Matthew 10:28 says to fear not them which kill the body, rather fear him
which is able to destroy both body and soul! God’s chosen and peculiar
people who are the church militant in the earth show no fear in the face
of the satanic world. God tells us to be brave and contend with the
enemies of our God in earnest, and be diligent in all of the attributes of
one who stands in obedience to the law of God and is assured of Yah-
weh’s so great salvation which is given to us through God’s Grace and
the divine counsel of His own will. We who are sinners saved by Grace
stand as born from above by the power of the Holy Spirit in the image and
after the likeness of our creator. We who are members of the Body of
Christ, the Church Militant, have no say in the matter of where we stand.
We must appear on the world scene as Christian soldiers in the army of

All that I have been able to find and read of Patrick Henry tells me that
he was a good man, a brave man and a Christian. We are all familiar with
his now famous words from a speech delivered before the Virginia
convention in 1775, “Give me Liberty or give me death.” A simple
definition for the word liberty is, “Freedom from restricting circumstanc-
es and domination by others.” Considering this I have to say that there is
but one who qualifies for the right to 100% Liberty and that is YAH-
WEH. No one nor No-thing restricts or dominates his actions. It thus
stands to reason that God being the sole possessor of liberty is the source
of our liberty through salvation. .Psalm 27:1, Isa 12:2 I Tim 4:10! Isaiah
states in 61:1 that YAHWEH has anointed him to preach good tidings to
the meek; to bind up the brokenhearted and to proclaim liberty unto the
captives and the opening of the prisons to them that are bound. I tell you
this, “Today we are captives of an alien Zionist government and are
imprisoned in a system of grief, despair and broken heartedness. The only

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pardon we will receive will not come from those with the keys to the cell,
our pardon and release will come from Him who holds the keys to the
Kingdom, Christ Jesus.

As Christians we must pray and have hope for the salvation of our nation
and our people. We must not accept the salvation that is offered us by the
government of man on a local or a national level or by the social world
church. The only salvation for our people is found in YAHWEH and
Kingdom Identity education plus obedience to the Law of God. By
election we are a Holy people unto YAHWEH, chosen by Him and
Redeemed by the Precious blood of Christ Jesus and nurtured, loved and
cared for by God the Holy Spirit ...Isaiah 43:1-7; We are the created of
Yahweh, redeemed by him and called in His name. Read the promises
contained in these few short verses of scripture and learn, “It just doesn’t
get any better than this.”


Copyright @ 2001

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Contact us for details of
audio tapes and articles
Dr. Wesley A. Swift

Rev. Dr. Bertrand Comparet, A. B., J. D.

Rev. William Gale

Captain K. R. McKilliam

Pastor Don Campbell

New Crusade Christian Church

Calling The People of Britain
Celtic-Anglo-Saxon-Nordic-Germanic Kindred
in Europe and overseas realms

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At last the bible makes sense!

At last we know its meaning.

Its the book of the RACE

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